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Posts posted by Tom

  1. Of course the main dilemma in this line of reasoning, is that the Bible says that believing is necessarry - and this line of reasoning slams the door entirely on shut on any further thought. I do know that if you simply do not believe it, you have made yourself correct, in that you have made all the manifestation of spirit impossible for you.

    And whoever told me that God will work with you on this stuff if you try it was right.

    Hi Gen, that was me who said God will work with you if you try it. He is, after all, the Teacher. As much as we might want to learn, or not want to learn, he wants to teach us more than we want to learn.

    One can teach another how to walk in what is being referred to here as "The Other 6 Manifestations." We have a fundamental problem here in this discussion because of the terms we're using - not our fault, it was the way we were taught. That is to say, there are no other 6 manifestations; there is only THE manifestation of the Spirit, & it is given to every man according to his believing. There are 9 ways this manifestation of the Spirit is energized - all at God's option - but, as we have discussed, God is more willing to energize than we are ready to receive the energizing. Wierwille pointed this out, but continued to use the 9 manifestations terminology, a practice (using unbiblical terminology) that was patently against his own professed principles of working the Word, yet he did so - with the usually suspected horrible results. To discuss the usual suspects is vital, but off topic - shucks. Maybe later.

    Anyway, it IS possible to teach another how to walk via the Spirit without there being any manipulation involved. I did this with a young woman/girl, what the freak, we were kids, back in NY. It was supposedly a NoNo to do so, but I thought that was a crock because that was basically how all of us learned back in NY.

    Anyway, this young woman was - well, let's put it this way - when she walked into a place, all the guys noticed her entrance, all the gals noiticed her entrance, & any spirits in the place noticed her entrance. She was beautiful, bold, & a believer, so all kinds of action started - & she really didn't know what the hell was going on. So, I taught her. We would do stuff like go to Greenwich Village (didn't I already share this?), hang out for a while getting comfortable with the place, tell God to drop the veil, & watch and engage in the spiritual "life of the place." Spirits are pompous and prideful and generally can't resist strutting their stuff. It was all rather fun and fascinating, & we learned a lot. Besides the particulars (it's just amazing walking this way), we learned the basic ground rules - then we didn't feel like idiots with power who didn't know how to use it. When we got tired of dealing, we'd ask God to put the veil back down, He would, & we'd talk about what happened.

    Like I said, God is more willing to teach us than we want to learn. It's different for sure, but it is not like rocket science figuring it out. I mean you either engage because you want to & God says you can, or you argue about whether it is possible to do so.

    VP came to NY in 1972 to do an Advanced Class. It wasn't scheduled. He did so because we were all generally already experiencing all the various (9) ways God can energize the Spirit.

    Did he want to teach us more perfectly how to walk with the Teacher (God) teaching us? Or did he want to control what was happening & strenthen his role as the teacher? Some combination of both? I don't know. Really, I don't care. Point is God can teach us, & we can work with him & each other in learning how to walk behind the veil - where we already are spiritially.


  2. I would normally avoid a statement like I am about to make. . . . at least here, but, when I affirm faith in the canon. . . . . I am also affirming the providence of an able God . . . . affirming the Spirit of God. . . . and also His love for His word.. . . the importance of His having communicated to us in this fashion and also my faith in Him.

    Hi geisha,

    I also think that our able God has so lovingly guarded his Word that we are able to ascertain the the import of his communication to us. I just don't think that any canon arrived at by man is equivalent to God's testimony that we should put our faith in it as we would to God's Word.

  3. I’d like to start a discussion on the “inspiration” and “inerrancy” of the Christian and Hebrew Scriptures (I do not use the terms New Testament and Old Testament knowing that both are misnomers, but please use them if you are comfortable with them.). This might take into account the canon itself, how the prophets (inclusive of Jesus) looked at holy writ, why Scripture is “holy writ”, etc. Certainly anyone can post here, but I’d ask that those who no longer actually claim a belief in the term Scripture refrain from slander, wise cracks and abuse. Hopefully those posting here can help each other learn what we mean if we use the term inerrancy or inspiration.

    There are tons of books and scholarly articles (both on the Internet…go to Google Books, BTW, and download some of the older ones) that might help in this discussion. There are thoughts and examples of inspiration in life other than Scripture as well. These may speak to the process as the following verses from Paul’s epistle shows:

    Romans 1:20-22 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-- his eternal power and divine nature-- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools."

    There is a God and this is actually the God of the Bible, IMHO (and in Paul’s). It is, for me, the crux of the matter as we start this. But let’s also begin with an age old Scripture from Paul to kick things off:

    2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is inspired by God and useful for refuting error, for guiding people's lives and teaching them to be upright."

    This, of course, referred to his Scriptures at his time in the first Century (which were the Hebrew Scriptures), but it sets the attitude; first that there are Scriptures and what they might be intended for. Let’s have some fun!


    I am not sure that when Paul says "All scripture" in 2 Tim. 3:16, he is referring only to the Hebrew Scriptures. After all, he says "All scripture," not "the Hebrew scriptures as we know them today." I tend to think that Paul's thinking was bigger than that, especially when he was speaking about writings inspired by God. After all, there he was - writing writings inspired by God about writings inspired by God. I would not want to entertain any notion that would limit Paul's understanding about that which he was writing about when he said "All scripture."

    I would not be surprised to find out that even in Paul's day, there were scriptures referred to in the scriptures that were being read that were not in the accepted “canon” of the day – lost books.

    I also am not convinced that Paul thought of the then present “canon” of scripture as a closed set. From that, I would have to infer then that Paul did not know what he was doing when he was participating in the writing of Timothy. He did not realize that he was participating in writing writings inspired of God even though that’s what he was speaking about. I find that hard to believe.

    Personally, I think Paul was very aware, not only of what he was saying, but of what he was doing. I think his understanding of scripture inspired by God was intimate. God inspired it. It was outside the box and above the authority of those who would presume to hand us a canon to go by, both then and now. Please note that I'm not saying you are doing this.


  4. RE: In, on, the Spirit, the New Man, the One Body:

    It seems to me that Jesus Christ sent the Comforter, the One Spirit into which all believers drink, rivers of living water flowing into and out of our bellies, fostering our growth into the One Body, Jesus Christ being the head, all growth coming from the head, we being members in particular in the One Body, growing into the realization of the One New Man - Christ. That seems to me to be a significantly higher calling than the OT.

  5. It is not a formula. It is a matter of building faith in the healer, Jesus Christ. Respect him. Make him your friend. Love him and believe in his ministry at the right hand of God. Jesus is the head of the body of Christ and makes intercession and mediates for the saints (believers) of God.

    Wow, Mark, that seems like a real thread ender. I sort of feel like I shouldn't say anything after that - but, of course, I already did. Well said - you have cut to the heart of things - thank you. Reading your post is a most excellent way to start the day. Thanks again.

  6. Personally, I ultimately equate everything good to LIGHT...

    I went to an art festival last weekend called the Artigras. There was one exhibit that had the artist's statement in front. I forget the exact words and the extent of the statement, but it started something like this:

    "I have come to a slow, quiet revelation that God is in everything good. It is my ultimate aim as an artist to show people God in a physical image."

    Yeah, people say there is an injunction somewhere in the OT against making an image of God, but I don't see that - feel free to show me, but all I see in that context is make no image to bow down & worship - nothing against making an image in celebration of the light of God that is around us in everything good. I thought, "What a cool thing to involve one's life in!"

    Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

  7. Tom, I believe the "Jesus Movement" for our generation of the '60s and 70s was a true "revival" of God so to speak. Yes, we did see miracles. I believe, like Geisha pointed out, they were by God's grace and "signs" for us - God revealed himself to us as God. Why was this important? Why did he need to do this? Because our country was in a real doldrums spiritually, churches were losing members and the occult, devil worhip (Son of Sam, Manson, hippie, Leary, drugs, free sex, tune in, turn on, drop out, influx of eastern religions - general psychedelia), and just, not very good things spiritually were on the ascendency (only it was called, the Age of Aquarius) and it was everywhere and kids were following the pied pipers the devil was sending them. God needed at that time to show to us kids that he was greater than he who runs the world. And, it seems these miracles only lasted a very short time. Most of the time, as time went on, we wondered where they were, we had heard tales of things happening, but they kind of only happened to a few. As we grew in the Word, they seemed to subside. That's why VP would have healing services and not many "big" miracles happened, excuses for him were made, and people were disappointed.

    Yet, we chalked it up to, there's something wrong with us and our believing if we aren't seeing the same results as those in Acts. There must be something wrong with our walk, we are not spiritual enough. So we tried even harder. No one told us, hey, its not your fault - you're trying to live in a time that is in abayance - the wrong administration. I think that would have taken alot of weight off of our shoulders instead of trying to manifest that which was for Israel. We appropriated the wrong administration to ourselves.

    I know we wanted to walk as Acts believers and VP encouraged it, but I think the reason we did not see the amazing amount of everday signs the Jews saw which were confirming the Kingdom, was because this is a different time - we are in the age of Grace, the times of the Gentiles, with a different calling and a different Hope - a Heavenly home(we are the "new man" the "new creation" to spend eternity in the heavens) - not on earth.

    I beg to differ Sunesis, at least to the extent that the reason - always - that God energizes is to heal because we need it, & we need it no less today than we did back in the day.

    The reason we stopped seeing the extent of the spiritual action was because the Adversary had made his way into the inside of the movement sufficiently to bide his time waiting for the little bit of leaven to leaven the whole lump. In retrospect, the great volume of the confrontation ceased in a moment - in the moment coinciding with the initiation of the takeover of the revival in CA, NY, &, I suppose, KS. The witness to the Way, the Lord Jesus Christ was, at that time, being supplanted by the witnessing to the Wat International Inc.

    Yet, miracles still continued, & still do to this day. Wherever God is, healing happens.

  8. Wow, much dialogue here.

    I'd just like to add that God is not stingy with the energizing of his spirit within. No, they're not just tricks for our amusement - that characterization fits energizings from evil spiritual sources with their own agenda, but God is more willing to energize than we are willing to recieve those energizings. He is "looking" for those who will believe in his willingness to be active in our lives to help us and to help others.

    Yes, it is a different realm. There is much learning involved, and silliness brings consequences (you don't strike me as someone into silliness in this realm &, like you said, like the Word says, you ask God for a piece of bread, he is not going to give you a stone), but there is much grace in this realm - especially for the learner. God is into showing the learner the how of these things, just so the learner can learn if for no other immediate reason - much like Samuel with Eli when he was learning to recognize the voice of the Lord.

    Back in the day, when we were first learning this stuff, many of us had some witchcrafty backgrounds, &, many of us weren't completely spiritually clean in the beginning. I remember this one fellow was sick (fellow who was very deeply into Eastern spirituality before getting into the Word). He asked this other fellow to minister healing to him, & he did, & the guy got healed. You may remember back then we were taught somewhere along the line not to lay hands on someone unless God told you to. Well, the man ministering layed hands on the man he was ministering to & was immediately blinded. The man who was ministered to turned around and ministered to the man who ministered to him, & he was healed of his blindness. Crazy stuff - didn't know what we were doing, but it all worked out. In the process, we learned how to deal in the spiritual realm & we were healed in the process.

    Also, in the beginning, four of us were witnessing on the boardwalk in Long Beach, Long Island. This guy came up to us - as he did, God told me the guy was loaded, & I should be very careful what I did. I thought I was more than a conqueror, & engaged the guy in conversation - sort of forgetting what God had said in the process. Turns out the guy had been into Voodoo all his life, & was more than willing to engage us in all sorts of crazy dangerous magic to show us that his God was more powerful than our God. I'm not stupid intellectually, but pretty soon I realized that he was always a step or two ahead of me in our "conversation." He was minipulating us just exactly where he wanted us. I realized that I wasn't talking to a human, but to a spirit. I was hopelessly outmatched. As soon as you accept the invitation to engage in a proof of power, you have lost. The Adversary knows you've won already - there is no reason to prove it. It is like the Devil telliong Jesus to jump off the mountain. I avoided his manipulations into dangerous magic demonstrations, but, still I was outclassed. At one point, he pulled a hair out of the head of one of the girls who was with us & told her she would be dead in a week. I told God that this was all over my head & he should take over & do something. The guy immediately gave the hair back to the girl, said he was just funning with us, & left.

    The next day I told my spiritual elder what had happened. I was sort of ....ed. I told him that I was well aquanted with dealing with all kinds of street confrontations, but felt totally ignorant of this spiritual realm, & that I needed to learn if I was going to engage in this realm. His response was that I had learned & everything had worked out fine. Well, I HAD learned a very valuable and basic lesson about engaging in power plays with the Adversary, & relying on God. Also the girl was never afraid in the least. God is a lot more ballsy than I am. Not all confrontations in those days (& there were lots of them, because we wouldn't keep out mouths shut & the Adversary was trying to scare us out of the benefits of learning to walk spiritually) were quite so dicey. Many were in the beginning, but, pretty soon we learned more about what we were doing. Bottom line, it was kick foot, & people got delivered.

    God is your very personal teacher.

    Go for it brother. God will open doors. Walk through & learn.


  9. If you know any of these people by name, let me know.

    About 4 months after I got involved in the Word, I remember wondering where the power was. I was standing out in a thunder storm at HQ in Ohio. If you've ever been in a bad thunderstorm in Ohio, you know it is like there are bombs going off all around you. I stood there getting soaking wet yelling at God. Then I went to someone I knew who had been around for longer than I and asked him why we didn't know anyone who had all 9 operating. He said he was & so were quite a few others. We were from NY & it was 1972. Not too many places in the Way had things happening like we did in NY in those days - CA, KS.

    Shortly after that I knew what it was to have God energizing all 9. There are many others.

    We exchanged experiences. We practiced. It worked.

    Miracles? Many. You see them? Many of them - not all. No one saw the man possessed with a legion healed - except the man. But others, yes, you see them.

    It's really much easier when you're around people who are doing it. Then it is not perceived as all this or that. Then it happens. Still mighty impressive sometimes. Just not a total surprise - I mean, you're expecting it, right?

  10. Respectfully,

    My opinion is that for most people - certainly for me. the Way and splinter groups fall on their sword on this issue.

    I've never seen anyone able to teach anyone else "How To" operate the Revelation or Power Manifestations - to the point where they could do those with the same confidence or apparent result that they seemed to have with Speaking in Tongues. Interpretation and Prophecy.

    This was the point to the Way's Advanced Class - more or less, or so I have imagined, yet there was never a big crowd out following a man doing copious signs miracles & wonders, that I can recall hearing about, running loose in public, in our day and time. And no, I don't mean supposed healings that happen in back rooms - (compare with accounts in Acts or Jesus in the Gospels).

    I never took "classes",... so I don't know what you all here know, were taught. Is there something I should go sign up for somewhere? Or is that just a rather pointless proposition. Are we to do the same works & greater than, or was that idea and the verse it sprang from simply a delusion?

    Where did they go, the other six manifestations? Did the classes concerning them only talk a good game about them, supplying info on them? or did they actually teach anyone "how-to-do- them" ?

    This is a question I've had for a long time. I thought about it somet5imes when I was a Marine in Afghanistan & Iraq, when people were shooting at me. I have a Bunch of dead friends that could have used a miracle. Sure I'm a bit Jaded at God and the people that got me started on believing in Him and a ministry that started my Parents off to believe in that and teach it to me.


    Opinions,... answers,... laughter?

    I'll listen

    God energizes these operations in people who believe he will. The other 6? The first 3? Whether one group is harder than the other is a human consideration that just serves to allow God to energize one group and not the other. Is one thing harder for God than another? Some people find it easier to discern spirits than to speak in tongues - others the other way. "Groups," denominational teachings, classes, just serve to confuse people sometimes - those times when what's presented is removed from the Word & its practice. People are still being healed. To give a damn whether it happens in the back room or the public street corner is to miss the point - &, so, the reality.

    Guilt sucks. God meets us in the place of his provision of mercy. He forgives all our iniquities, & he heals all our deseases - not the other way around.

    We're supposed to be able to walk like Jesus Christ, but in the spiritual realm, we all, at times, don't know how to use our weapons, hesitate to shoot, or don't shoot at all. People hurt as a result, some die, or die sooner. Sucks. Resultant guilt sucks on.

    My dad is a Marine. He taught me that I haven't lost until I stop shooting back.

    Classes can be one or two or more steps removed from the reality, but people still know & do, & they can teach you. Ask. God will hook you up. Fxxk the politics.


  11. Ok, I also think of it this way.

    God tabernacled (dwelt) in the Ark with Israel. His Glory shone and rested on the Mercy Seat between the Cheribum.

    The Mercy Seat is where God meets us and talks to us and reveals his will for us in the situations we are in. In relation and acceptance of his mercy, he is wide open to us.


  12. I can not fathom looking at my fellow man as fallen or unworthy. That is why religion makes me puke. Most Christian religious denominations never go anywhere to help anybody without the mindset that those they intend to help are just that. The only reason they want to help them is to convert them. Do you think they would just go and help without that intent? Oh, let's feed them, clothe them, teach them to read so they can convert to Christianity.

    It's taken me a long time to come to face my own fallen & unworthy nature. It's a humbling experience. Life is more than food and shelter. I respect those who give that, but we need more. I need more. And it is not in me to give. I need redemption to enter into the realm of the giver of life for that. He intended more. From that we've fallen. To that he raises us up.

  13. Gee, folks! I sure spent a lot of time on this post...somebody must have "pushed the right button"! :biglaugh:

    As with most of my writings, I would appreciate honest feedback, and gentle correction (with facts, and logic, if you please)where I may have strayed.

    I would especially like to hear what you all (especially my "friends") think of my take on the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil".

    I had spent quite some time years ago working to see that and have not heard it put that way before, so I believe it's a rather new idea.

    If it makes some sense to any of you, do let me know - maybe it would make a good TOPIC!



    Honestly, Spec, I don't think people are meant to learn from the tree of good and evil either all at once or over the long haul. Even today, we are to be wise concerning good and simple concerning evil - avoid it. We are to be adult and wise enough spiritually to have our spiritual senses exercised to descern both good and evil, yet still wise concerning good and simple concerning evil.

    If one follows evil, they will see evil - big deal. That was called genuine spiritual perception in TWI. All it did was increase unto more ungodliness. The offense multiplied. Evil led the way.

    If one follows good, they will see the evil as out of course, and also see the way back to the good.

    God knows.

    Respect God - enjoy good - be protected from evil (the evil one).

    Act like God & mess with evil - evil leads the way. Who's the fool? The one who says God is stupid and I'm smart. Same sin visited on all mankind.

    Justice? Hardly, the grossest injustice. Justice comes with the one who obeyed in the face of the grossest injustice to an innocent life. Even as he is put down by man's judgement, he picks us up to where we belong & forgives us our stupidity. Gotta love the guy!


  14. Mark,

    Have you ever considered the concept of "let the punishment fit the crime" in this subject? (A concept which is listed in the Bible, by the way) See, this was one of the things that I never considered re: the Adam and Eve in the garden with the snake situation until recently.

    God tells Adam and Eve not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge (<-- interestingly named by the way ;)) ...the equivalent of walking on the grass, or even of minor theft (picking the fruit). ... Okay, well tell me something, is minor theft like that really worthy of the death penalty in your judgment?

    It was actually the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not just knowledge, & the result of eating of it was that they would be as gods. I'm not sure what that means, but it is obviously something more serious than walking on the grass. Taking God's position? Treason? As you said, Garth, letting the punishment fit the crime is after all a biblical concept.

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  15. How do you prove a negative?

    Just a quick note here - sorry if it is outside the context of the discussion, but you prove a negative by disproving its positive. That is the principle VP was using when he said that if Jesus is not God anywhere in the Word, he is not God everywhere in the Word.

    My understanding of who Jesus Christ is has grown, and is growing, into something that is amazing, extraordinary, and exquisite in every regard. Jesus asked whom do you think I am, and Peter answered the son of God. Jesus said the Father had shown him that. If the Father had to show Peter that when he had the man right in front of him, how is it that years later a bunch of guys get together, discuss it, and decide who Jesus - not only that, but who God is & come up with the Trinity? I think that whole process is patently fallacious. People can't DEFINE GOD.

    Perhaps that is a point aside for a different discussion, but there are too many points where Jesus doesn't equal God for me to seriously consider that he is God, Trinitarian rationals notwithstanding. Then I would no longer be studying the Word, I'd be studying Trinitarian philosophy - or "theology" if you insist. But I'd be studying what men tell me God is.

    Without that limitation, I'm free to let the Word and the comforter teach me without getting sidetracked. And, as I said, the teaching has been extraordinary. I think VP's treatment of who Jesus Christ is - well, it broke the mold which is good, but ultimately the character of Jesus winds up being relatively (in juxtaposition to the truth) very flat and VP's teaching antichrist - the nature of which blinds the eyes.

    So we have a flat Jesus on one hand and the Trinity on the other, and the bread of life lies on table in plain view, yet unseen and uneaten. I'm by no means discounting the real relationships that people - on either side of the discussion - have with the Lord. I know my words may be taken as egotistical, but I believe its the truth.

    Comforter, teach us.


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  16. More on the "spiritual connection" from page 31

    "There was no sickness or disease before sin was manifested; therefore,sin came with the Devil and man's acceptance of the Devil's lie brought sickness and death into evidence."

    Okay, but so? Maybe I'm missing the connection here, but that speaks to the origin of sin and sickness and death on a grand scale. It doesn't follow that everytime someone is sick, it is because of sin in their life. As a matter of fact, VP taught the opposite, negating the idea that sickness in the life of an individual (and any death in part involved) can be interpreted as having a direct spiritual connection.


  17. "Sickness is death in part or in whole."

    In the context of the AC, VPW was clearly suggesting that this "sickness/death" relationship was a spiritual, not simply a physical one.

    Clearly? Honestly, waysider, I never considered any time that I took the AC that VP was suggesting anything other than that when you are sick, your body is dying in part. When enough of your body is sick, you die.

    I don't know why anyone would consider any other suggestion. The "sickness/death" relationship is spiritual? What the heck does that even mean? If it is not even clear what that means, how can it be clear that was his suggestion?

  18. Didn't you already know that from 9th grade biology? Why did you need to quit your job, spend hundreds of dollars, drive "God only knows how many" miles and sweat through a miserable HQ summer to hear VPW present it like it was just handed down on a stone tablet?

    Small observation: You've just changed from the majority of the posts on this thread that were objecting to the substance of the subject to objecting to the man and his presentation of the substance. You accept the substance, but object to the man who presented it. If the substance was so obvious - "9th grade biology," it makes those who objected to it look awfully stupid.

    Personally, I think it was a 1/2 way intelligent discussion. If so many objected to it, maybe it was a valid & necessary point for VP to bring it up as a point of truth - his supposed pretense to the authority of truth dispite your belittling of it as "9th grade biology" notwithstanding.


  19. One thing that I am struck with is that the process of getting possessed doesn't seem to be clearly spelled out. We are just presented with these examples of people who are possessed (or "demonized" if you will) or who "have spirits". Again, we are left to our own logical thought processes to figure out how it happens. Within TWI it was supposed to happen due to uncontrolled thoughts and ungodly habit patterns. What does "mainstream" Christianity teach about it?

    Some things come to mind that I remember from TWI.

    "Within TWI it was supposed to happen due to uncontrolled thoughts and ungodly habit patterns."

    True, but, as I remember, they were more specific as to the process. Devils cannot enter a healthy mind (most possession takes place in the mind). An individual might come to believe doctrines of devils before possession (there are other ways).

    Example: I read Sci-fi & Fantasy. A recurring theme in some of this reading (found in other genres also) is telepathy. As I read more of this, I came to believe in telepathy and the various philosophies (doctrines of devils) that made it sound "reasonable."

    One day, I went into the local bar with a friend of mine for a beer, & we got into a conversation about telepathy. We both said that we believed in it. On a whim (inspiration), I thought of a 3 digit number, & told my friend to give me a 3 digit number. He did, & it was the number I was thinking of. I was fairly impressed. He seemed incredulous. Then, as quickly as I had asked, he told me to give him a 3 digit number. I did, & it was the right number. We did this and similar things back & forth 3 or 4 times. It worked perfectly - then, at once, it stopped working at all.

    RE: Process: Had I not already believed in this doctrine of devils, I would not have engaged in the “experiment” in the bar. Had I not already believed in this doctrine, & the telepathy happened anyway (which I don't think is possible without some rather shocking event to my neural net), I would have found the experience extremely unsettling – but, as I gather, I think the mental thought patterns must be grooved beforehand for the possession to take place.

    RE: Possession: In the experience above, this “"possession"” if I am using the word correctly is not the sort of thing where I couldn't control my thinking in any regard. It was a simple matter of a spirit with a particular function, or set of functions, energizing a thought pathway (a synapse or a few) for a brief period. An easy matter for this spirit as I was already set up for it.

    RE: Trap door. I think this doctrine of devils consideration figures into the healing required after a spirit is cast out. Unless the doctrine is corrected, the spirit will have an easy time getting back in.

    The rest of the story: It wasn’t too long before 5 or 6 of my friends were doing this sort of networked.

    Enter a friend from HS who was into magic – real magic. I “learned” a few things from him (I put learned in quotes because I really had no idea how these things were happening – just a few philosophies to back them up). I remember being at an Acid party (talk about oiling the pathways! I did some card tricks for some of the girls at the party. At one point – the last trick – I simply had 5 people pull a card from the deck & put it face down. Then I simply told them all what their card was. But, really, it was the same spirit, & the same exact “trick” that the spirit had pulled in the bar.

    I spent hours on a trip with one of my friends without speaking. We just road each other’s thoughts or travelled one thought wave together (guess whose that was & whose thoughts they were even when we thought they were our own).

    Enter a new girlfriend of one of my friends. Answered the door naked, thought she was the reincarnation of Queen Nefertiti of Egypt (why is no one ever reincarnated from some common person?), & was into her own group of telepathically linked friends with the addition of some crazy lust spirits – now, there’s a network with some powerful attraction. Some of the things happening as a result might be more readily recognized generally as possession, but why is it any more possession than the simple 3 digit number transference?

    Later, that spirit didn’t leave because God indwelled. Why would it? God doesn’t possess like devils do. God doesn’t control my thinking or change my habits. Every doctrine of devils that I had believed wasn’t automatically revealed as such. Those neural pathways were still an easy ride for that spirit. I didn’t know even then the nature of that “telepathic” experience, & God was not about to FORCE me to disengage. Life doesn’t happen that way.

    I still had more to unlearn & learn in that area. And deliverance was yet to come in THAT area.

  20. I read the "rock of ages" and "The book of changes". Even Richard Wilhem quoted the Bible to make it more clear the meaning of the Hexagrams when he translated the Ancient Chinese text into German,then later into english by carey f. baynes. I fell it makes be a better christian. I used this in my life a few years ago and I still use it now when I need too. Hexagram 33 Tun / Retreat page 129 to130 The power of the dark is ascending. The light retreats to security, so that dark cannot encrouch upon it. This retreat is not of man's will but of natural law. Therefore in this case withdrawal is proper; it is the correct to behave in order not to exhaust one's forces. (1) conditions are such that the hostel forces favored by the time are advancing. In this case retreat is the right course; and it is through retreat that success is achieved. But success consisits in being able to carry out the retreat correctly. Retreat is is not to be confused with flight. Flight means saving oneself under ant circumstances, whereas retreat is a sign of strenght. We must be careful not to miss the right moment while we are in full possession of power and position. Then we shall be able to interpret the signs of the times before it is too late and to prepare for the provisional retreat instead of being drawn into a desperate life and death struggle. Thus we do not simply abandom the field to the opponent; we make it difficult for him to advance bt showing perserverance in single ascts of resistance. In this way we prepare, while retreating , fot the countermovment. Understanding the laws of a constructive retreat od this sort is not easy. The meaning that lies hidden in such a time is important.

    (1) The idea expressed by this hexagram is similar to that in the saying of Jesus" But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil." Matt. 5; 39.

    "Bible and I-Ching"

    I was looking forward to seeing something of a connect here with the thread being called "Bible and I-Ching." All I see is a similarity of the expression of an idea. That's okay, I guess - you didn't promise more.

    I think that the foundations of I-Ching (read about it & used it once - obviously not an expert) is sound - that the state of the energies acting in the Universe at a given moment affects our lives. I don't think we are restricted to the effects of those realities. Any of us. Especially those of us who, in the field of play, can access the power of the already glorified (operating from a place above & beyond those limitations).


  21. Bottom line - one was afforded no "protection" or relief from "evil spirits" in TWI, which was nothing short of ironic since TWI was supposed to set one free from that sort of stuff. Having an independent thought that one was stupid enough to utter out loud was enough to be pronounced "possessed," particularly if one's place in the structure was close to the bottom.

    The only people who struck me as being "possessed" were the people who blindly followed orders to their own detriment for fear of being labeled as possessed.

    It has never been anything more than a control tactic, or an excuse for lack of control.

    Tzaia, you would have to have been involved every time and every place "It" was present to be in a position to say, "It has never been anything more than a control tactic, or an excuse for lack of control." with credibility. I don't think anyone involved here would deny that "It" wasn't used for nothing "more than a control tactic, or an excuse for lack of control" in TWI during certain periods in certain areas - sometimes more than others. But that doesn't mean it was always used that way.

    Besides, the original question didn't limit the discussion to TWI.

  22. I would think you need to know what 'possesed' means as well as 'christian'.

    By experienceing these things and not some scripture or definition.

    IMO, this is a valid statement. The truths of the bible are meant to be known experientially as well as understood with the apprehension of an individual. There is little foundation to build upon in this field in the mind of someone who has never experienced these realities in his/her own life or in the lives of others - whether the other is born again or not. It's like someone considering whether certain sophisticated electrical systems models might work in particular applications when the individual never made the intro class on basic theory their own.

  23. I do not believe that once a Christian is born again (Romans 10:9-10) that they can be possessed by an evil spirit. I believe they can be tempted and influenced to commit sin, but I do not believe they can be possessed.

    Do you know of any scripture that would indicate that I am wrong. Many scriptures come to mind that I believe support my thinking that a born again Christian cannot be possessed, for instance....we were bought with a price (Jesus Christ dies for us) and other scripture like 1 John 4:4 "...and have overcome THEM because greater is he that is IN YOU than he that is in the world."

    I am interested in knowing of any scripture on either side of this topic.

    Acts 5:16  There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.

    I'm thinking that these folks were probably believers.

    Acts 8:7  For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were

    lame, were healed.

    I'm thinking that these folks were probably believers also.

    Acts 19:12  So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

    And these. But maybe not.

    1 Corinthians 12:10  To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

    I think these operations are energized by God most efficaciously withing the body of those who already believe. Again, I suppose, theoretically, I could be wrong.

    1 Timothy 4:1  ¶Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

    In order to depart from the faith, these "some" must first be of the faith, no? "giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils..." Again, I guess you would have to define "possession" in order to answer the question. No one is totally possessed. Whenever most people, in my experience, speak of possession - if they are speaking in practical terms , they are speaking of particular functions of the body or mind of an individual that are being controlled.

    If one doesn't believe in possession at all, then there is no reason to ask the question, but if we accept that spirits can control particular functions of a person's body or mind, I see no reason biblically to assume that activity automatically ceases whenever one is born again.

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