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Posts posted by jardinero

  1. Mars makes history in the night sky 8/26/03

    Look for planet during closest approach in 59,619 years

    Mars sparkles as a reddish-orange point of light over Poodle Rock at Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada. Observers in mid-northern latitudes should see the planet as the brightest object in the night sky, rising in the southeast at about sunset.


    Mars rises in the southeast around sunset, your local time, shimmering like an orange star so bright it could momentarily be mistaken for an airliner on final approach. It outshines all other stars in the sky. Around 1 a.m. Mars is due south and high in the sky. It sets in the southwest at about sunrise.

    No equipment is necessary to observe Mars closer than has any human in the past 59,619 years. But the best views are afforded through telescopes, which can reveal surface markings, the south polar ice cap and clouds. For this purpose, astronomers recommend at least a 70mm lens for so-called refractor telescopes, or 4.25 inches for the reflector type.

    Happy viewing stargazers!


    [This message was edited by jardinero on August 27, 2003 at 11:25.]

  2. We have one here outside of Indy. I went last year with a friend and 2 kids. Lots of young families out eating picnics and Kentucky Fried Chicken on blankets and the backs of pick ups. Kids running all over the place playing tag and soccer.

    We brought our blankies and pillows and hopped in the back of the ol' El Camino. Pretty fun watching the movie while looking up at the stars!

    Brought back memories of being a kid in the 50s and 60s!


  3. Thanks, John.

    Done! I didn't have the NVidia driver.

    BTW, would you ask Hope to check her private messages (actually can't remember if I put it under you or her; maybe she can check both).

    Thanks again for the help!

    Jardinero icon_smile.gif:)-->

  4. Hi guys.

    Not too long ago, I read how to get rid of messenger pop-ups, but I lost my note. I recently upgraded to XP and I'm getting them again and need to get them off! They're driving me crazy.

    Could one of you take me through the steps again?

    Thank you.


  5. Can't remember the name of the college; may have been Laney, but it was Frank Yule (sp?) Field where they played.

    Wow! You worked at AGE? My mom worked there for years in the credit department until she died in 1981. When were you there? I think she started there in about 1965 or so.

    And, yes! Good things have come out of Oakland - - how about us??? There were a ton of us from Oakland who got in the Word in the late 60s early 70s. I think Socks (or Mrs. Socks) is from Oakland and probably some other posters here.

    I have fond memories of Lake Merritt, Knowland Zoo, Fairyland, Jack London Square restaurants, little Mexican hole in the walls that we grew up going to when I was a kid. My dad worked at 27th & Telegraph and we hung out in that area a lot!

    I was just back there over the holidays visiting one of my aunts. It was great to be there. I love Oakland!


  6. Another Oakland native here! (Hi Kit!)

    ...and still a die hard Raider fan! Been watching them play since before the Coliseum was built when they used to play at the junior college field (forget the name).


  7. Aye Mates:

    Took my 12 year old sidekick to see Pirates of the Caribbean today. Fun movie - - definitely one that kids will like especially boys. Good swashbuckler flick with lots of action, cool special effects.

    And for the women out there, there's Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. Oh, and did I mention Johnny Depp (sigh!).

    If you want a good old pirate movie - - this is it!


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