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Posts posted by karmicdebt

  1. Everyday I smoked I was harassed and shamed by my children. Now I make them say something positive for everyday I don't smoke! They are sick of hearing it...nine weeks and six days, ten weeks, ten weeks one day....

  2. My non-profit job is a breath of fresh air after 15 years in corporate hell. I guess it really does matter what field and organization.

    I'm lucky- excellent benefits, flex schedule, paid personal leave and the salary isn't too bad because I kept my corporate negotiating skills sharp.

  3. Look into non-profits. The have lots of positions with coordinator in the title. Your experience as a "volunteer" gives you a boost and usually the work itself is quite rewarding. They also often have very flexible schedules and generous paid time off plans. The pay is generally not great.

    Your emphasis in marketing might also help you get into grant writing and development.

  4. uh...I have questions about OJ's guilt. I have it on good authority OJ's adult son had a major drug problem and Nicole kept him supplied until just before her murder...he had motive and opportunity...

    then again I love a good conspiracy theory.


  5. And if you care... I found Commit lozenges very helpful. I have also tried the patch and Zyban and the patch with Zyban and the gum, which made me sick.

    My sister - cold turkey - and everything else she could shove in her mouth...

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