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Gillian Rules

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Posts posted by Gillian Rules

  1. I also wanted to mention so some of you so you can understand that I don't think her note came out of the blue. For the first time in many years I sent her a CHRISTMAS card. Oh it feels so good to say that.

    Anyway rather than send me a card she dropped me a note. As to "See you at the Bema" that was meant as it was said. We don't live that far away from each other. I could start with "Oh how great the M & A think is over" so let's get together and have lunch.

    In a face to face, she would not be able to squirm out if I share the Word on the issues that she is so off on.

    Food for thought. :dance: It may not be until next month, this months going as fast as the last 12. Before you know it we'll be wrapping CHRISTMAS presents again. :thinking: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no!

    Have a wonderful nite everyone, I'm beat and going to bed.

  2. Dear ____,

    I am so glad that you remember the things I taught you, and that they helped you in your search for the things of God.

    Allow me to share one more thing with you. "God's ministry" is not The Way International. It is the ministry of reconciliation (II Corinthians 5: 18), and it is something I am still actively engaged in. I love helping people reconcile to God through Christ, and will continue to do so for as long as I have breath.

    The things that God commands me to do through Jesus Christ, I do. They do not include participation in any particular earthly organization. The Body of Christ does not respect such affiliations, so I see no reason why my decision to avoid a particular organization should translate into an inability to see you.

    I was sorry to hear of Mrs. Wierwille's death. I will be sure to send my condolences to her family. You might want to reach out to them as well. I hear many of them can be reached in care of Christian Family Fellowship. You can look them up on the Internet.

    You can look up lots of things on the Internet.

    Feel free to call me or come over any time.



    I double dog dare you. :)

    Thanks Raf, this can be a starting point. Actually I was going to tell her that I was invited to the funeral and got a personal note from one of Dr. Wierwille's children. Apparently she believes because I am out that I do not know what's going on inside. hahahahaha, but that's ok. She is oblivious and I have to remember that.

    You don't have to double dog dare me, I think the letter is great, maybe a little more tenderness when I can get my mind on track.

  3. All your suggestions are great. From her implication "See you at the Bema", I don't believe she is leaving the door open for any contact. The thing that disturbs me the most is her fear. They have really made a mess of people's lives.

    Their "imaginations" are so unscriptural. They are so far off the Word, I can thank my God every day that I am not a part of this twisted cult anymore.

    Catcup, I can see from your post that you felt the barbs as well as I did when I first read this thing. I also know that this person is very much in the dark as to anything that has gone on with TWI II. Even in the fact that she said one thing, M & A is gone, then does another "I'll see you at the Bema". Boy is she brainwashed. So I still have to ponder how I am going to handle this, and sometimes I don't feel as "gentle" as some of the posters here have suggested I be. It's like you want to shake the dust out of their brain to get them to wake up.

    Still thinking.

  4. Many thanks. I was thinking of keeping the door open and just not responding. Of courses she is now planning to wait until the Bema, LOL, so we never know. I just find it so hard to believe (even tho this person does not have a computer) that otheres who lurk here haven't explained the facts of life to her.

    I took care of Mary Poppings haha, didn't know there was one here. No offense, all the names etc. are fictional.

    I may still, when I can think straight, drop a note and try to be nice. It just gets you nuts when you were the one that undershepherded this person that after 26 years and a very close relationship, they can remain so lame. At least call and talk on the phone. I cannot believe how much fear is motivating them :blink: .

  5. I would like to post a letter that I received in December from someone "who loves me". It's almost laughable if it were not so sad. This just reinforces for me the false doctrine of TWI II and their fear, intimidation and parinoia for control. I hope the leaders read this and see what they have done to people that are still in. I will not use believer's correct names that are being referenced in my note so as not to embarrass anyone who is out. As to the leadership, I could care less and hope they eat their .... doctrines of devils if they are teaching this crap. Imagine this person who sent this note has had every Advanced Class that came down the pike and more than once. If any words are mispelled, it's because it's the way it's written.

    Glad to be out of there.

    Dear Gillian (not my real name),

    D M and I think about you & (John Doe) often. We got new leadership in our branch. R, went to (another State), all the rest from ( ) County go to ( ) Branch fellowship. The ministry is a "free will" ministry. I'm still with it. 26 yrs. I never had a problem with anyone.

    (Gillian Note: This was not true, how quickly she forgot).

    K got married to a latino girl. Our state went on a busride to H.Q. I had a chance to see (MJ) . She's filled out a bit, still very glowing. I got in touch with (PJ), she's alone now. A grandson from (her son), still in (state). The ministry is always changing for better times. Rev. ( ) is still here, ( ) years now. (Snow White) called me from (state), & I called back & left messages. (Snow White) never responded. Her too I think about so often.

    One day when (my husband) retires, we will live in another state. Our area is very expensive to live in. I'm on Disability.

    (Gillian note: HERE IT COMES)

    Even thou you left God's ministry, I still think about you. You taught me alot at that time. I truly appreicate your willing heart. Remember when (JD) moved from (state) & you continued to undershepherd me? We cleaned homes together, I hung out with you, I learned alot about "believing" from you. I'll never forget you.

    (Gillian note: HERE IT COMES) (ROFLMAO spilling my coffee on my computer)

    No One is "mark & avoided". They got rid of that. Remember how Dr. Wierwille ran his ministry? That's how it is now.

    Mrs. Wierwille fell asleep Sept 1. Things and classes have changed. I know (Jane Doe) moved to B. too. (Hansel & Gretel) & you still a member in particular in the "family" of God & I'll see you at the Bema.

    Love (MP)


    Well just maybe they didn't have the rightly divided Word.


    Makes you want to barf. So now that I got that off my chest and I can move on. Where in the world do they get the scriptures that we are member's in particular in the "family" of God. Twisted scriptures. My bible says we are members in particular in the "Body of Christ". Just another example of the blind leading the blind and they are headed for the ditch.

    So any suggestions as to whether or not I should bother to respond to this and tell her that she still needs undershephering after ? 26 years in lala land. I'm really having trouble deciding whether or not to do this, Jude says pull them out of the fire. She has a heart, her head is screwed up.

    Left God's ministry, I think not and it's time for those innies to wake up, do a little research so they don't end up on disability of the brain.

  6. This is so funny, who is Bob and who is Dooty? I think I'll go buy some drapes. hahaha

    On another note, I can't even get my husband to talk about decorating or if I want to buy drapes. He doesn't care and the money is always there. I think if the wife wants drapes and it's her job, then God can provide what she wants.


    They are so friggin legalistic and they squeek when they walk. Can't stand how gooey good the leadership thinks they are.

    If anyone thinks that the ministry has changed, I received a letter that I will post on a new thread as soon as I can. Bizarre, unscriptual and screwed up as usual. It will show how in the dark people that are in still are. They have no clue as to what has been going on.

    Sorry for the edit but I had to add: Does anyone know how to start a new thread? I'm new and can't figure it out.

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