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Everything posted by ckmkeon

  1. I said I don't care how many women said Chris Geer drugged them it is still not true and your post was "I don't care". That is not what I said, that is taking a quote right out of the middle of what I first said. "Just like the catholic do" ckmckeon
  2. I know one time I said Mr.Wierwille in a fellowship and everybody was giving me the evil eye. ckmckeon
  3. I think LCM would have been a good leader if the devil would have not gotten in the way. But unlike alot of people here I don't think LCM's failures were due to VPW or the TWI ckmckeon
  4. I guess they are planning on you killing yourself during that time (17 months). Then you would already have your suit, all they would have to do is stuff you and send you out ckmckeon
  5. I would think that Wierwillites get the angriest when people start talking about Dr.Wierwille in a bad way. Saying he did all of those things, I believe that would make them very angry :) god bless ckmckeon
  6. I just put this poll in please reply and tell me which leader is the worst thanks ckmckeon
  7. No sometimes I like to use old style english I will try to make it a little easier sorry about that. ckmckeon
  8. ckmkeon

    TWI's God

    Good for you Alan I am glad both of you are so strong in the word God Bless ckmckeon
  9. :) Sounds good to me :) Godbless ckmckeon
  10. Ok the "non-sequiter club" but the topic I started with is "what happended to the word" so when I introduced the word into the subject by verses. That was logically correct, but yes the non-sequiter club has been heard from. Thank you for responding from now on I will just call you unlogical for short ckmckeon
  11. I know what you mean look at what you just said it was unlogical it did not connect to any of my or your previous thoughts. ckmckeon
  12. You guys just don't listen this topic is what happened to the word (which I created) so I will from now on reply with more verses :) Godbless ckmckeon
  13. III John 2 Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper in health even as thy soul prospereth I Cor 13:1Though I speak with the tounges of mean and of angels and have no charity I become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal Without charity you are nothing (ICor 13:2) without charity it profiiteth you (ICor 13:3) Charity never faileth but prophecies fail (ICor 13:8) I Thess 1:10 And to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even jesus which saved us from the coming wrath I Thess 4:16,17 16:For the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first 17:Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord Matt 4:4 But he answered and said it is written Man shall no live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. These are some of my favorite verses. Godbless ckmckeon :) :)
  14. III John 2 Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper in health even as thy soul prospereth I Cor 13:1Though I speak with the tounges of mean and of angels and have no charity I become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal Without charity you are nothing (ICor 13:2) without charity it profiiteth you (ICor 13:3) Charity never faileth but prophecies fail (ICor 13:8) I Thess 1:10 And to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even jesus which saved us from the coming wrath I Thess 4:16,17 16:For the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first 17:Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord Matt 4:4 But he answered and said it is written Man shall no live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. These are some of my favorite verses. Godbless ckmckeon :) :)
  15. Mark I know this is offtopic but I have a movie to recommend Pink Floyd The Wall ckmckeon
  16. Lets take a look at the epistles goto thessalonians first. It does not matter if there was VPW or not. Thessalonians was written first. I believe that when Paul wrote aforetime he meant all scripture from Genesis to the time that he wrote aforetime. Godbless ckmckeon
  17. I am sure you are right all of you the TWI is a very corrupt place now but I believe that someday in the past they taught the truth to the best of there ability. VPW and TWI is even today is not as bad as a local catholic church godbless ckmckeon
  18. Does the bible not say it is written(Revelations) to the seven churches?? or is that just me godbless ckmckeon
  19. So I suppose that if the verse is good enough for God it wouldn't be good enough for us?? godbless ckmckeon
  20. I feel sorry for anyone who believes that everbody should know that VPW was just a man he had error and mistakes. That would be the same as worshipping an idol. godbless ckmckeon
  21. Since most of your responce was around my quotes let me give this a shot. I never said the gospels were bad. Romans where the verse was that said "aforetime" was written later most of the epistles were written including the gospel and old testament. Revelations is not something I read. You and everybody else can read it I think it is written to seven churches and not unto us. I believe all of the biible is good godbless ckmckeon
  22. Exactly I want to do the same as VPW in the beginning thank you for pointing that out That is what I have said on all of my threads. allright no rules use every book of the bible and tell me where trinity takes place godbless, ckmckeon
  23. While I thought (Part A from wordwolf) was a good reading I think by now everybody who was hurt by the way in 1980 should have forgiven the people who sinned against them( I King 8:50). I do care but please enough is enough it was 30 years ago it is time to forgive and forget. I do try to read the bible I believe it holds the truth. godbless, ckmckeon
  24. Well this teacher I have read 4 chapters of romans a day read the whole book in a week read the book 4 times in a month and he did it for 6 months. It is really hard not to get attached he is my father. I have variety also some of the old teaching of VPW. for example University of Life Thessalonians, PFAL Class and 12 books written by VPW. I have teaching tapes from The way(VPW). I have 3 local teacher here who teach in different fields. godbless ckmckeon
  25. I am so sorry my english teacher went on a lunch break. Do you have something to discuss or did you write me for what?? You called me childish, immature, maybe I should grow up, and for some reason you talk about sentence structure. (Thats right I put a period in front of an I) I didn't hear anything about The Way except that you are a Lutheran ex-way poster. Nothing about God, Jesus, TWI, VPW, and LCM. Then if Christianity doesn't worship books then so what, I never said they did, I said the book of the bible is truth. well I hope that this is puunctual and spelled correctly enough for you God Bless, ckmckeon If I did say something that was hurtful please accept my apologies I am truly sorry. God Bless :) ckmckeon
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