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railroader II

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Posts posted by railroader II

  1. Actually this is a different type of war if you want to describe it that way. A war of people trying to keep us silent vs us getting our thoughts, feelings and information out to those who need it the most. Obviously, GSC has done a LOT of people a LOT of good. They have been able to evaluate the good and bad of their lives in TWI, while at the same time, rebuilding their lives with the help of a lot of great people here. Always remember, there are some still in who depend onGSC for correct guidance, which the BOD would prefer we don't give them.

    So: Let's keep God FIRST and pour it on as long as someone needs our help understanding the truth.[/color]

  2. To everyone at GSC, have a happy and healthy, prosperous new year. As we speak our minds and air our views, no matter good or bad, always remember, we are the lights and guidance to the newbies on the block and, more importantly, to those still on the inside trying to decide what to do.

    We are the people who help them understand what is really going on and what has gone before.

    To Belle, coolchef, wordwof, potato and the others, you are the example of what this is all about. Keep up the good work, eloquent or not. Your love and caring is what it's all about..... :dance:

  3. :asdf: Okay people, two things to look at here. Yes, God did make sure no harm came to anyone but the house. However, how did they get such a big write-up in the paper? Did TWI talk someone into covering it the way they did, or do they have an innie on that paper? That is a college town and normally fires do not get that big a splash there unless it was a slow news day. Also, think about this. If TWI is so big on trusting God 110% why do they have, maintain and train their own in house fire brigade. This all goes back to something vpw taught years ago. You believe for the best but prepare for the worst. Once you've done your best that you are able, then God can do the rest. Obviously He did here, as there was no harm done except to the house.....
  4. :spy: I heard something about R*** M*n*ll* raving on a recent tape about staff benefits. Supposedly trying to get people on staff. Mentioned about medical, dental, optical & 401-K plans. How are they paying for this one???? Did someone suddenly leave them money! Ha! Ha! :dance:

  5. I don't know about the 3x5 cards but I can trutyhfully say that they either kept very good notes on us or someone was detailed to report back to WC every word that was said or every action we took. I had too many instances where something was discussed at home & then it would come out in fellowship conversations in a sideways manner or by someone in town. Being followed al over was another tactic. If I did not know better, I would swear the house & car were bugged. This has continued, even after splitting. The good part is we have our lives back inspite of this. Fortunately, we have friends who work for one of the federal investigative services who are helping to build up our evidence base for a fight. We are making sure the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed so this one does not get quashed in court. :nono5::nono5:

  6. It is amazing how often the TWIt's misjudge their own power plays. RR & company They either think we are all so loyal or stupid that we will just roll over when they snap their fingers. Funny, because that was not what vpw taught us. He showed us how to stand up straight and not bow down or back up for anyone or anything. I realized that and have started pushing back legally. They BOD is bleeding red ink & people and they still don't understand that people are striking back in the one place that does make a difference. The wallet. It feels so good to be back out of that corner. :rolleyes:

  7. I got involved through a couple people that witnessed to me in '83. Up until the past 4-5 years I enjoyed being with other believers. The friendships developed duringthese years, I believe, helped me to better hone my people skills. It showed me how to better deal with a variety of situations & I really learned a lot about trusting my first instincts, even if they disagreed with what we were being taught. Thanks to this I was able to see the red flags when the control freaks started to go to work on us. It enabled me to stay alert & avoid some of the trash that others got caught in. :asdf:

  8. :sleep1: Don't know which was worse sometimes. Having to sit through meetings for hours or having to put up with BC b***s*** doing the setup & tear down on them. Our BCs would use a yard stick & the dreaded string to check every bit of the room when you set up. They even inspected restrooms to see how you did. God help you if you missed a speck of dirt. Oh, if you didn't hurry up & volunteer for evry meeting, you were not blessing the household and God couldn't bless you. Had one meeting after a night shift. Even though I got off work at 8:00 AM, it was suggested that I make the 40 mile drive & be ready to do set up for a meeting at 10:00 AM. Oi Vey!!!!! What a crock! :sleep1:
  9. Correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding from WC in Va. was that lcm leaving was a suggestion made to RR by the attorneys. 1. To squash the negative publicity that the mess was generating in the press; 2. The fact that TWI was hemorrhaging cash like a flood due to the legal mess that he had landed them in. Maybe, someone thought that if the cause was eliminated then the problem would heal it self. :wave:

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