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Posts posted by GT

  1. A couple quick FYI's:

    1) The link for Live Chat is on the top menu, just below the banner.

    2) Live Chat opens in the same window in a fixed size. If you want to resize the window, click the Float button (3rd button from the right) to pop out the chat into it's own window. It then can be resized.

  2. The "Who's Chatting" at the bottom of the board index has been changed to show who is in "Live Chat".

    We'll keep it this way for a week or so, see how it goes. Then we'll tally up the totals, submit the results to Paw, who will pick which one he likes irregardles of the voting. :biglaugh:

    Just kidding.....

  3. Okay, I've spent a lot of time trying to find Radar's "Night That Will Live in Infamy" Thread and can't find it to save my life. Could someone more nimble with the search functions help?

    I have, however, had fun looking through a lot of old threads. :biglaugh:

    This thread was a casualty of the move off EZBoard to the site preceding this one.

    Maybe when I have a large block of time, I'll attempt importing them into here. Been toying with the idea, but not an easy thing to do.

  4. I wasn't there either, but I have a set of the meeting notes (given to me by a friend who was there). It was November 1986. Coupla years ago, I sent them to Pat R., and you can read the notes HERE AT EXCULTWORLD.

    You still have the original? If so, send them to me and I'll type them up and post them here.

    Pat's only got about 16 of the 35 pages. I'd love put it together in something besides PDF, something search able, with an index...

  5. As for her listing her "training" in the corps, I have two problems with it. She lists it in her Training section as:

    1983–1987 The Way Corps, Corporate Leadership Training Program
    1. It is a false statement, a lie. It is not a "Corporate Leadership Training Program." It has nothing to do with corporate training and TWI never bills it as such.
    2. It has nothing to do with what her resume is targeted at, writing services.

    Unless the person reading this resume knows anything about TWI, and the odds of that are pretty slim, it adds nothing to it. If she managed to get to the interview point, it only serves for the interviewer to ask what it is -- at which point, I suppose, she could witness to the person.

    I don't know about you, but an interview is not quite the right place to be looking for a witnessing opportunity.

  6. She is advertising herself as a "A seasoned professional—proficient as a proofreader, writer and editor," yet she has a typo on her resume. Even worse, it's in reference to her work for TWI:



    The Way International

    New Knoxville, Ohio

    International nonprofit organization

    . Part of the publication team, responsible for bimonthly magazine,

    Bookwork and a wide variety of written communications, including calendars, letters, forms, reference material and advertisements for national and international distribution.

    . Oversaw a special historical project. Collected and organized extensive data for an ongoing historical project. Compiled a 600-page manuscript, developed an instruction guide or the project, and successfully transferred the project to the next facilitator.

    Seems to be inconsistant use of a period as a bullet point and sentence end also.

    Not that I'm picky, but typos on resumes, especially for a writer, are unforgivable. I've gone through quite a few resumes in interviewing people for Information Technology jobs, where good writing skills is not a requirement, yet a blatant typo on the resume is a killer. If you haven't taken the time to make sure your resume is correct, how can I know the work you're going to be doing isn't going to get the same kind of treatment?

    Always check and recheck your resume. Then have someone else proof read it before sending it out.

  7. Live Chat has been upgraded to the latest and greatest. Now you decide which GreaseSpot should use, Live Chat or FlashChat.

    Unfortunately, the "Who's Chatting" section can only show for one of the chat rooms at a time. For now, it will be showing FlashChat. Latter on, we'll switch it over to Live Chat, then tally the results.

  8. ....Chris Gremlick and Angie were here in the Detroit area but I don't know where they are now or if they are in or out.....

    This may be a bit on the old news side, but they are Region Coordinators in Massachusetts. Doing a bang up job (sarcasim intended).

  9. John, are you getting yourself Marked and Avoided again?

    Things change, but never really change now do they? They can't handle a little discussion that indicates some error in their doctrine so what do they do? Kick out the person.

    So what's changed?

  10. Very interesting thread about a guy going by the handle Matt, who was searching for a church, stumbled on TWI's web site, GreaseSpot, and the Boston MySpace TWIt forum. They say things have changed, but reading their responses to him looked identical to when I was in. Same old burying your head in the sand, ignoring history and facts, all for "the word" and the nice feeling you get from being a TWIt -- until history repeats itself and you end up here. :rolleyes:

    Boston MySpace - Way Internaional Question

  11. The 250 mile radius required you to be in the auditorium one Sunday a month. Used to live 150 miles from there. 2 1/2 hours there, 1 1/2 hours sitting on my but in the auditorium hearing what I would here in a few days on a tape, 1 hour eating burgers and waiting for the wife to stop talking to everyone and get in the car, 1 1/2 hours back home.

    Then we were 260 miles away. I think the limb guy was 253 miles away. He never went and never expected us. If he had, I would have pointed out the extra 10 miles. :)

    For the corpse who were dropped living in the 250 mile "buffer zone" (what a stupid concept), they were expected to move out of it -- as we were. Why? Because Craig, as he stated, did not like seeing these people in the auditorium on Sundays. Said it made him sick to see such cop-outs. So he forced them to move out, making it harder for them to show up there, and relieving his indigestion.

    Way of Abundance of Ego pretty much sums it up.

    I remember those 8 weeks of branch meetings also. For two months, your entire Sunday was wasted on these stupid meetings. Spend 2 hours setting it up, 2 hours for the meeting (depending on how long winded the bc was), an hour waiting for people to leave, and hour to tear it down. They also were all done in dumpy rooms that the bc could find for free. Usually required a longer prep time just to clean it up.

  12. Okay, I know I've seen this somewhere before; but it's not in this thread where it should be.

    How do I change the writing under my avatar (what used to be the "karma settings")?


    Click on "My Controls" (top menu), then "Edit Profile Information" (on the side menu).

    "Custom Member Title" is the first field.

    Note: You need 500 posts for the field to show up so you can change it.

    I may be going blind but-

    I can't seem to find the Music thread. I've got a new discovery to discuss. I see the Entertainment thread in the Archives. Where do I go? I wanna share!

    This it?


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