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Posts posted by Lizzy

  1. Whether some were literal or figurative.......my point was that TWI highlights some aspects and gives the silent treatment to other aspects.

    Yes, this is true as do Catholic, Baptists, and all Protestants. I wonder why that is?

  2. Me too! Like I said, I wouldn't choose to have that kind of wedding today but it is an experience that we shared with many other Way Corps grads. Some have marriages that lasted, some didn't. Last time I checked, TWI was and still is a cult.

    But a lot of people put a lot of loving care into making it a nice day for us and I am very appreciative.

    And hey, it was cheap! I think we spent $200.00 on the wedding. When I hear what some people pay to get married I'm glad we didn't go that route. My Dad paid for the reception, I think he was relieved that he didn't have to spend a fortune for the wedding too.

    Thank you for sharing your memories. Happy Anniversary. :)

  3. There is very little way to reason with them.

    1 Cor 2:14 But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.

    It takes the Holy Spirit to open the eyes. Not your wisdom. Not your skills in debate.

    So the best thing you can do is to pray for them.

    (From the gsc token Catholic)



    love them

  4. Outcome A - The Human.

    Based on the descriptions you chose, you are practical, reliable, friendly, and fit in with people quite nicely. You probably have a regular family and do well in acedemia.

  5. The point is, does any organization have a right to dictate who their members may date or marry?

    I don't think they should. It is just another way to control.

    Years of life wasted trying to make it work with the wrong person and then trying to force oneself not to look back at it with negative thought.

    Trying to look back and see what good was there so you don't get so depressed over wasted time with the wrong person.

  6. Your Result: The Inland North

    You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

  7. Star cant pull out scriptural reasonings to back her position, because basically there are none.

    Just a couple single scriptures from Acts cut out of context.

    Someone suggested that, once seriously challenged, she is robotic with her responses and has no power of reasoning and counterarguement, Well, be not TOO harsh upon her, she can only do that she has been trained to do.

    I think the refutations, and scriptural counterpoints posted in this thread have clearly defeated the view that God bans blood transfussions.

    I agree with every word you wrote.

    Blood transfusions save lives in emergency situations and this is good even if you should die later because of one. I think though that is hardly ever the case.

    Every day of life is a precious gift.

  8. i think that perhaps it helps to consider whether future and past exists at all

    if not, then God's all knowing then becomes a matter of knowing all what is..now

    past and future both exist in the present....and thats it

    and our addictions to the illusion of past and future is a major part of our brokenness

    ...just sayin...

    Maybe this could be? Do you believe suffering is an illusion?

    Maybe life just is suffering? Maybe it is just part of being alive?

    It is only human to try to find the cause though. It is only human to try to find a responsible party for what what we don't like.

    We need to place blame?

    We need to find answers to all our questions which is so good. It is not good though to blindly follow what others think the answers are.

    Not good to just accept what they say.

    We should question everything. It is healthy. That is what this life is teaching me.

    Does God cause suffering is a good question and how each person answers this reveals a lot. I think so anyway.

  9. Although there is no evidence that Morrison's belief had any direct relation to his death, there is definite evidence that these beliefs drove him to act the way he did socially.

    Morrison ate to much. He drank to much. There were drugs also. He did see dead bodies at a young age. His father told him it was just a dream. Morrison did not know how to deal with reality. I will never believe that Native American beliefs drove him to act the way he did socially. I don't believe a Shaman spirit entered his body. I believe this was a fantasy of his. His life and his issues had nothing to do with Native American beliefs. Native American beliefs are not what drove your brother to act as he did either.

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