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Everything posted by Janie

  1. Thank You so much Dear Ones for your prayers and hopes. As of yet, I haven't gotten a response from the card I sent them at Christmas time, but alas I will not give up hope! Just thought you may be wondering! please continue to pray for our reunion! Thank you all so much, you are all such beautiful and yes "sweet people!" Love, Janie
  2. Thanks again Dear "Bliss" I sent off a holiday card to the address I got and did as you instructed above, I pray that she will be open to responding, you are right, they are "sweet people" so with the Almighty's help... Again, thanks and God Bless You! Janie
  3. Dear Bliss, Thanks so much for your help! No response to the e-mail but believe I have located them in the area. Do you have any advice on how to approach things with them, once I call? Thank you, I want to be sensitive. Janie
  4. Hello again, I'm the "newbie" asking for the whereabouts of Mary Fowler Evans. She had a young son at the time she joined TWI and his name is Ricky Cremer. I think that's the spelling, but not sure, could be Cramer or ? Anyway, after reading about child abuse I got a chill. Please can someone tell me what has happened to my friend and her son or even where they were last seen? Thank you! Worried in Colorado, Janie
  5. Please help, if anyone knows Mary Evans (husband, Dan) or her son Ricky Creamer (sp?) will you please let me know what happened to them or if you can, help me to get in touch with them. They went into TWI 20+ years ago and we haven't seen them since. Last I knew they were living in Florida. Thank you so much, we miss Mary! Janie & LaVerne from Colorado (Ft. Collins & Denver)
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