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Posts posted by FullCircle

  1. *tongue in cheek*

    Remember in PFAL VP sitting at his desk talking about the Pastor who worked a little on his sermon all week then put it in his desk drawer then took it out and worked on it and put it back and took it out? Then came Sunday and it seemed the people in his church were all set against what he was teaching?

    Was it VP that explained to him that the devil came and read the man's sermon and then went and visited the congregation to turn them against it?

    The moral of VP's story was that you had to keep the devil guessing and not let him know what you were going to teach?

    (how many actually did that or referred back to that during their TWI tenure)

    I guess the moral of the story should have been don't let the devil sit in your class either or read your books, because he would steal that as well.

  2. *LOL*

    Last night I figured out how to send pics on my cell phone to my computer, so sometime during this week while I am on vacation, I am going to try to sneak out back and take a picture of your squirrel's cousins here. Only my squirrels are a different coloring than yours.

    I do have to say although they destroy my sunflowers, they have brought me wonderful tulips. I had just the classic red tulip in my yard, but last spring I also had white and pink tulips come up and in odd places thanks to these little guys stealing bulbs from other yards and planting them in mine. hehe.

  3. I didn't see that particular show you are speaking of, but I saw one years ago when a son of Jim Jones either biological or adopted son had lived through the ordeal because he was somewhere else. I had also watched the one on the Branch Davidians and even the FBI guys who were trained not to fall for this stuff got a little confused debating scripture with David Koresh and said the more he talked, the more sense it made. But then that is true for all cults, listen to their spin long enough and it starts making sense. I have also read up on the Moonies, and as weird as they were, they had many of the same claims and techniques, and believed that people were healed and thought they were fighting devils and were on the front lines of spiritual warfare, that because of them, society would be saved because of the stand they were taking for God. Urgency of the times, that is a great tactic to use on people.

  4. That's him, that's the culprit!!

    He also climbed the stalks to my sunflowers, bent the stalks to the ground so he and all his buds could eat the seeds out of the flowers!

    Did that guy turn himself orange from eating the pumpkin? He probably glows in the dark now!

  5. OMG Mr. Hammeroni, you are too funny!

    I must admit that the squirrels in my yard though are pretty militant, last spring one held me hostage on my porch for a good fifteen minutes, he wouldn't let me off the stairs.

    Now half of the stuffing in my front porch furniture is now dangling from a nest high up in the tree in my back yard. I shudder to think of the damage they could do if they ever took up sundials to arm themselves!

  6. "VPW never once claimed that he came up with all of this on his own. I heard a teaching from Emporia once where he spent the first 30 minutes or so just rattling off names of different people who shared and taught him different things."

    IN the PFAL Class, VP claimed that God told VP that God would teach VP the word like it hadn't been known since the first century church--implication it has not been known, no one knows it the way God was going to teach VP as long as VP taught it to others --implication VP had a ministry ordained by God, VP has God's authority to teach this as God taught it--implication VP is not receiving what he learned from MEN but rather from GOD

    VP said in the PFAL class that God spoke to him audibly just as he was speaking to us on the film.

    Insert mini snow squall here

    Then VP talked about some doctor calling VP late at night at VP's office and they would ask him, "SO WHAT DID GOD TEACH YOU TODAY?" Notice, they did not ask what he learned, what he read, what he researched but the question was to substaniate the claim that VP made that what he was learning he learned from God as God taught him.

    It was an Apostle Paul assertion, I never received the gospel from man nor was I taught it, but by the revelation of...

    VP made that same claim in Power for Abundant Living, he got it by revelation.

    Anything else he may have said afterwards to inner circles, or to corps or whatever was damage control. DAMAGE CONTROL.

    Notice, while the PFAL class was in use, those claims made by VP were never removed NOR clarified. VP wanted it to remain, it gave creedence to his ministry to set it apart from any other ministry; it had God's stamp of approval on what VP was teaching.

    If VP was soooooooooo concerned about everyone lauding him too highly, as many here would like to believe that it was the believers who elevated VP too highly and it corrupted VP....VP could have removed that segment of God told me He would teach me like it had not been known if I would teach others in the PFAL class, but he didn't, he just did some minor damage control afterwards as certain facts came to light but he left what he said in PFAL because it accomplished his purpose of being the MOG.

  7. In all sincerity, please help me to understand why this is such an issue?

    If the guy was worried about being exposed as a plagiarist, why would he speak of B.G. Leonard and his class? Wouldn't he try to hide that so no one could compare the two? I realize there was some missing notes in the bibliography on some of his works. Some people who should have had a note mentioning them didn't get it, and I'm not sure why. There were plenty of people that he did mention.

    Same goes with Bullinger. How to Enjoy the Bible was required reading for the Way Corp. Don't you think people were going to read that and say, "Hey, that's exactly what VPW wrote!". VPW was always quoting Bullinger and spoke on many occasions about where he learned all of his information from. It's obvious he wasn't trying to hide anything otherwise having people read from the same books you "stole" your class from would be foolish indeed.

    VPW never once claimed that he came up with all of this on his own. I heard a teaching from Emporia once where he spent the first 30 minutes or so just rattling off names of different people who shared and taught him different things.

    Do you know how many times I have used other peoples lines when communicating the Word? So does the Lord not honor the Word I'm speaking to someone because I stole their lines and didn't give them credit for it?? Certainly not. God cares a lot less about where you learned your doctrine from and a lot more with saving people's lives.

    Sheesh, even Jesus said "My doctrine is not mine" (John 7:16).

    In the end, everyone "steals" from everybody else. Bullinger did not learn everything he did on his own. He went to school and learned what his teachers taught him and so on. In the end, it all comes from God. He is the Source. Anything anyone has to say regarding spiritual truth is just a rehashing of what God has already said generations ago.

    Lone Wolf McQuade

    There's a big difference between borrowing and using information learned from other sources and sitting behind a desk in the PFAL class claiming revelation from God saying that God would teach him the word like it hadn't been known since the first century and then to add the snowstorm as a sign of God talking to him to certify to us that this was the real deal that had been lost since the first century, but here he was handing it to us on a silver platter.

    That is the problem. Well one of them anyway.

    It had been know, it had been taught. It was a lie VP told in PFAL so basically VP's ministry was founded on lies and deceit in the name of God.

    Sheesh, I remember going to a Corps open meeting in my area to check out entering the Corps and Loy was up there sharing experiences how he was in the men's bathroom and about to use someone else's toothpaste or deodorant and how an elder corps reproved him for STEALING. If you take without asking, the elder corps told him, IT'S STEALING.

    To take someone else's work and rewrite it and put your name on it is stealing.

    It's amazing how TWI had such a high standard for non issues like toothpaste and dedorant, but when it comes to the bread of life, it's a freaking free for all, finders keepers losers weepers.

    It matters to me and it matters to many others about being lied to in the name of God. We don't think the end justifies the means but then that is an earmark of a cult to believe that way.

  8. Family abuse

    If you were the victim of incest, a family member abused you, and there is repetitive long term or frequest abuse it is because the family was dysfunctional and unhealthy, long before you were born into it. It did not start with you (persay) or end with you..it was a system you were born into and it was made long before you came along. Under the surface of your family, no matter how well it may have appeared to outsiders, something was seriously wrong in the make up of the family. You can compare it to a virus being on the loose, that no one was willing to recongnize or deal with it and confront it. This type of abuse needs people to look the other way for it to continue. It needs the help and aide of family members to aid and abet it by doing NOTHING.

    Families are like organisms, just as amoebas, human beings, churches and nations. It wants to feel balance and organized, to keep their version of equilibrium. Sick and dysfunctional families systems are more than willing (churches and organizations too) to sacrifice one or more members of that family and allow an adult male to continue to rape a child if that is what it takes to keep their perceived sense of peace in the system.

    Read that again and again, it is not only true for families but gives us the reason why TWI and other groups turn a blind eye and continue on the way they have been going without change.

    In some dysfunctional families, there is a role called the scapegoat, just like in the Bible. All the sins, all the problems, all the sickness and pain is laid on one child and that child is blamed for all the problems in the family, and is blamed for the whole family's pathology. This scapegoat child is treated like dirt, the abuse is justified in the family's eyes and the sick family would rather keep the sickness and their own immoral, illegal and totally reprehensible way of living and sacrifice the child rather than facing the truth and making the necessary changes. The victim is blamed repeatedly as the source of trouble rather than the family (or organization) that has allowed the abuse to happen time after time after time.

    If you feel any of you are the scapegoat, don't despair, so am I am you are in good company ;)

    The book goes on about the emotionally unavailable or the emotional cold mom/grandma (whatever female is in charge) and the adult male who is lacking and seeking out his own inadequacies in the child or children he is abusing. None of it is written to excuse the problem, but rather to shed light on the individual pathologies of each person present who had the power to do something but did nothing. It is shown it is not the child or teenager, it is and was not their fault, but the illness of the family itself cause it to happen.

    It is a bunch of very very sick folk who allow these things to happen. Each has to bee ill in their own way.

    We have seen this with TWI in that any woman who came forward then or now is often labeled as possessed, bitter, crazy or over emotional, just focusing on the negative, give it to God and let it go because God forbid anyone gets their boat rocked in having to face the evil and darkness in that dysfunctional system and admit it was wrong from the very basis of the start of it. Women sacrifced daily on the altar of TWI just so it can go on like nothing ever happened and sick twisted families do the same damn thing.

    As I said before, this book was written and co authored by women who lived in religious homes and there is something I would like to share that the book shares about religious abusers. It is worth mentioning.

    Quote "No person who knows the least bit about God, His great love for us, His deep desire for us to be whole would believe for a moment that sexual abuse is in any way related to God's will."

    Quote "No matter how "religious" (insert spiritual there) a perpetrator may wish to appear, he is a fraud if he has not

    a. confessed his sins to God, his victims and any others he has wronged

    b asked for forgiveness form God, his victim(s) and any others he has wronged

    c stopped the abuse

    d done all in his power to make amends to his victim and any others affected by his sins

    Pay no attention to his claims of religion (spirituality); they are meaningless

  9. Okay. If you go to Amazon you will find this book. It is a good book and it was mentioned once before on one of these forums years and years ago. It is, The Healing Path, A Guide for Women Rebuilding Their Lives After Sexual Abuse. It is written in harmony with those who grew up and lived in religious homes, as the abusers used God's name to justify the abuse but it is also written with the psychology of the sexual predator in it. I worked this book in group therapy and in private counseling, it is a very good book, it is a very potent book and while I worked it, I have several back up support systems going as it helped me to face what I had repressed at the time and to deal with all the emotions that churned for a long time inside of me like some big fire breathing dragon trying to escape. I am sharing this because if any decide to buy it and read it, it is just advice to have a back up support system in place if needed.

    Personality Profile of an abuser:

    Some personality traits common among abusers: Many theorists do not think that sex is the primary reason for sexual abuse, there are other needs that the sex is a substitute for like power, intimacy, dominance, has emotional immaturity as he/she is erotically stimulated by children, he/she has not grown up but is stuck emotionally or stunted, filled with inadequacies he/she is less comfortable with adult sexuality and may have been physically or sexually abused himself/herself. All abusers are deviant, psychologically immature and inadequate even if they seem committed to spirituality and a church.

    Two types of abusers..Passive and Aggressive

    Aggressive abusers always use intimidation, threats and or physical strength or violence to get what they want, they cannot stand to be resisted, he uses fear as a weapon and may not harm the child psychically unless he has to and will up the ante if he has to as he wants mastery and this type of abuse is not a random event.

    Another aggressive abuser is the sadist, he will use physcial harm and has picked the child out in advanced, stalked the child an has the exact plan of what he is going to do to the child and when and where all planned out. He despises the child's weakness and vunerablity which increases his violence and what he does to the child is acting out his hate against himself for being weak and vunerable at one point in his life.

    Passive Abusers use warmth, charm, personal need and manipulation and relationships to obtain sexual favors. They use trust and genluiness to hurt and manipulate. Usually the passive abuser is a friend or relative of the family, someone who has gained trust. He/she relies on the victim's desire to please him/her as they are a trusted person to exploit the victim. The passive abuser as well often stalks the victim for some time, watching and fantasizing and plotting before making his move.

    Lies told by the predators and lies told by those around the victim when she/he speaks up, these are intermingled from abuser to people around the victim:

    This is our secret, no one must ever know.

    If you love me, you will not say anything

    If you ever say anything, I will say that you are lying, who are people going to believe?

    You were responsible for this, you made me do it to you.

    If you tell anyone, I will kill myself, kill you, kill your cat/dog/kitten/sister/mother/father

    You were always trouble (and here you are again making trouble by speaking up about the abuse)

    Slut, whore (what did you expect that is what you are)

    You're imagination is getting carried away (you made it up so don't trust your memory)

    You're so lazy (a good reason for me to abuse you or not believe you about being abused)

    You don't love me/God (if you did, you'd let me do what I want)

    Dressing as you do is a sin/come on (all your fault I did it to you, not my fault)

    You're too maladjusted to hold down any job (I am lowering yourself esteem so you will stay to be abused more)

    You're big for your age (let me help you grow up)

    You're too emotional (you're feelings don't count)

    I don't have anyone else (therefore you will do)

    Our family was normal because we ate dinner at 6 every night and went to church regularly (that is supposed to wash out the horror of what happened in between those times)

    Tell me everything you can trust me (I gain info about you on your abuse so I can abuse you as well)

    You should have known better you should have stopped them

    If you tell anyone, the whole family/church/community will fall apart (victims are responsible for maintaining the diseased community)

    It's all in the past, why bring it up again (ignoring reality is better than facing it cause it makes others uncomfortable and the otheor implication is, what is wrong with you that you have to bring it up?)

    You imagined it (don't trust your own self or memories doubt yourself)

    I have to teach you something about sex to help you be your best/grow up

    If you tell, you will be in trouble (no one will love you if you tell)

    You wanted it, you deservd it

    I did not do that to you and you know it/you're possessed (agressive denial is very hard to overcome adn the more pressure put on the victim, can make her/him distrust her own memory or understanding because she was given warmth and trust and got abused instead, makes a victim confused about what the real intentions of the perpetrator was)

    You consented to it

    Boy, what a figure (and one to be enjoyed by me, woohoo)

    This is not all that is told, but it is a snippet of the lies and deceit a person/child who is abused has to sort through in speaking up and when she/he speaks up.

    This is just a tidbit of the mind and workings of a sexual predator. When it is a non family member it is called molestation. When inside the family it is called incest.

    I thought I would share it as it is a much deeper subject than a man's urges going out of control and it is much more than a simple mistake or error in judgment made on the part of the predator but rather he has a whole pathology going.

    Oh yes, Happy Easter

  10. As rape isn't about sex but about violence and rage and humiliation, so it is the same with those who abuse children, no matter what age the child is. It is about power and control and an adult human being that is so twisted within himself or herself that they can only relate in their own sick way to someone much less powerful in every aspect, which would be someone much much younger than themselves.

    Harm is done when an adult assaults a child or teenager, whether that child or teenager speaks out about it. She/he can carry it in her/his soul for years alone and still feel the wound because it was not right. It goes deeper than societal norms. Most nine year olds or six year olds or toddlers have not been taught the facts of life and do not have that stigma of being or knowledge of being seen as 'damaged goods' and yet they bear the marks of the behavior of the sexually perverse adult.

    This is why ancient tribal customs or maybe not so ancient tribal customs do not apply as that was a totally different issue in people marrying younger than they do today. Although I believe that giving a young girl to a fat rich man who already has five wives isn't all that much different, but at least the girl had to contend with other wives and concubines before he got to her, if he was interested at all since it was usually a political move than an old man wanting a young girl.

    Now if you get a child who is sexually advanced as Satori mentioned in his post, you will find a child who has already been sexually abused or has been exposed to adult sexual themes and has in turn started to act it out. There are certain brain impairments or disabilities that may cause a child to mature quicker and faster (like Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and other factors) but with proper instruction and definite adult supervision, no damage to others will be caused.

    It is known in the area of dealing with and counseling those who suffered abuse that the reaction of the adults around them when it become public knowledge will either serve to help the child or make the damage even worse. If you have other adults who blame the child, who treat the child like crap because of what happened to them, or turn a blind eye and not see what is happening to the child, it makes it worse. It doesn't create the problem, it makes it worse. The problem is the abuse.

    When I first read Anothen's post, I missed a whole lot. I saw him talking about a man's natural sexual desires and totally missed the nine year old girl part. A man and a girl does not equate, no matter how or where it happens in time or place. Many many abusers do blame the girl/boy saying that because they were so sexually aggressive, the man could not help themselves. That is disgusting and a cop out out of accepting his own behavior.

    One thing that bothered me was that when people leave TWI, some believe that they will self destruct. I don't know if that is what happened with Anothen when he first got involved in drugs and all when he left and I don't know how much the drugs could have dulled his wit and self control and allowed him to do what he feared he would do.

    The last time I read deeply about the subject, not all men who abuse go onto abuse again and again and again. But more than enough do although some don't. That could be Anothen who may never again. But I do know that it was just recently in my corner of the world that the police and schools were able to notify us if a child molester moved into our neighborhood. I don't think if it is a level one, but if they are a level 2 or 3. I do know that there has been a movement to stop that, saying that it interfered with the rights of the men (usually) involved although comitting crimes does negate certain rights as a citizen.

    It is my personal belief that listing should remain intact forever. We had one guy move into a town, the town was notified, the villagers picked up their pitchforks and protested. Eventually they got tired of it and went away but the police kept a good eye on the man and interceded as the man lured a boy into his car one day. Good.

    The best thing a "reformed, repentant" abuser can do if they wanted to help is to tell us how they operate, not how the National Child Abuser Listing should be changed. They can tell us what it was that made them pick their victim, what they search for in parental/child relationships that makes one child easier than another. They can tell us how these predators wait and lurk. What does the predator learn about the child and how do they learn it? What jobs do they get in order to gain access to children. Do they come in contact with the children's parents? Do they try to gain the trust of the child and parents and hey, maybe even school officials? How do they cover their tracks? What lies do they tell the children to be able to touch them and have the child remain quiet about it afterwards? Do they use threats of killing the child, or do they threaten to kill the child's family or do they (oh and many of them do do this) themselves tell the child that if Mom and Dad and their Pastor find out what happened, no one would love them anymore because now they are dirty? There you have the abuser himself putting that stigma of being damaged goods and not society.

    Sexual abuse is generally not a hit and run crime. It takes much planning to do it and get away with it.

    How did Anothen gain access to his victim?

    Being a victim of abuse, I have studied long and hard in group therapy and in private counseling to see what happened to me, and to learn it was NOT me but rather the perpetrator.

    It was not my fault I was abused but rather I had the unfortunate circumstance to be born younger into a family that had a predator in it. NO child asks to be sexually abused. No child deserves it no matter what they do.

  11. Wow, interesting. As I was progressing reading your post, I had thought about Ruth and then you mentioned her. I got into a debate on another forum where someone said that God allowed a Moabitess into the lineage of Christ. I asked how many Moabites had Hebrew names as far as I know, Ruth is a Hebrew name.

    It is interesting to note then that no Moab was allowed or had any inheritance in Israel, and yet Jesus came from the line of a Moabite.

  12. I mean I thought only Jesus and God were one, as in I and the Father are one. Jesus was without sin, he could say that. For David to be a man after God's heart in the way we understand it, it makes him and God as one. That would issue in a whole bunch of other conflicting biblical doctrines like flesh, conditional spirit, sin how can someone be one with God without having been redeemed?? I mean Moses was only called the friend of God and he didn't do have the things or even one of the things David did. And still for striking a rock, he was refused entry to the promised land.

    VP the real thing? hehe, I think he was smarter than I realized, he sure knew how to elevate scripture about David that is still being used to excuse his sins some 22 years after his death, that legacy of 'insurance scripture' that was taught in PFAL sure lingers on and on and on like the ever ready rabbit beating his drum. Biblical idolatry with a twist.


  13. When Saul was being kicked out of office as King Samuel told Saul in I Sameul 13:14 But now thy kingdom shall not continue, the Lord hath sought someone after his own heart, and the Lord hath commanded him......

    So when Saul refused to repent for his sins and disobedience, at the time when Samuel annointed David in the presence of Jesse his father, after his father brought out one son after another thinking surely this is the one to be king and Samuel kept rejecting one son after another and asked if there were anymore, at the time when David was considered to be the kid brother and not as important as his bigger older brothers and when David just kept the flocks and ran supplies to his brothers who were on the front line of battle with the Philistines...that is when Samuel said that God sought him a man after his own heart. This is also when David was without any sin, as in adultery and murder, long before he sat in the throne and before he had to flee for his life for years wandering in caves and the wilderness. That is when this statement was made.

    This is also stated in ACTS 13:22 Then he removed him and raised up david as their king; of him he testified, I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after myown heart; he will carry out my every wish.

    That is Paul preaching in the synagogue using David as an analogy about how Jesus came from the lineage of David and how God picks whom he will. And no, that is not a justifcation saying God picked VP but rather how Paul was using the lineage of the royal household to show how Jesus could be the Messiah, even if it went against public opinion of who they thought the Messiah should be, much like how Jesse thought his bigger and older sons should be king.

    Also note that Paul is teaching something that 'was written' that so far none of us could find. I wonder how much of what he was saying was oral tradition as well.

    So the context is that this comment was made when Saul was removed from being king and long before David came into any real power.

    Also, I had a thought about the statement of being after my own heart. Instead of God meaning that David was just like him, an impossibility, could it not mean that at that particular time in David's life when Samuel said it, it meant that David was a seeker of the things of God. Therefore, at that time in David's life, David sought after God's heart as opposed to being like minded with God which elevates him greatly, much more than any human should be.

    So it was before ALL of David's sins, not after this was said. AS already pointed out, David suffered the consequences of his sins even though he repented, his son dying, the kingdom being split, his son sleeping with David's concubines and the very fact that God would NOT allow David to build the Temple since David was a man of blood.

  14. Anothen

    I was able to read some of the info about you as well as others here and one thing occured to me. Besides being in therapy and learning to understand your own twisted logic that allowed you to do what you did and which also would keep you doing what you did, unless you could undo that way of thinking..ie children are sexually aggressive, I see that you think that just because you only molested one child and not another that it is unfair for you to be labeled as a sexual predator for life. I have also gleaned from the information that you have presented that you think that having a National Sexual Offender list on people is a bad thing and that you actually claim it will make more children vunerable to being molested.

    I don't know how you come up with your rationales but I do believe I know what is prompting them. I believe you are part of a movement, one that has been successful before, that has stopped local police from being able to notify communities when a known child abuse offender has moved into their town.

    I pray that any group, ACLU and those who would fight for taking away the ability to notify communities of people like you moving into town falls flat on their face.

    The one thing worse than having a known child abuse offender move into your town is NOT knowing about the child abuse offender moving into your town.

  15. Happy Easter to all.

    We're doing two celebrations. Tomorrow night at my house is the pork the other white meat dinner with all the trimmings and a few more trimmings just because and then Sunday it's at the relatives!

  16. 99.9 perecent of the people I know, have no idea of what happened to me as a child or that I was even invovled in TWI, nevertheless what happened to me in TWI. Come to my house for dinner and I can and will discuss a wide range of topics with you from pirates of old to the piracy problem growing today, to autism, politics (I will probably just smile and nod a lot even if I don't agree) gardening and growing herbs and if you're into cards or board games of some sort, I will be right there playing hard and laughing and talking the loudest.

    I know a few people here on the forum, none of them know my full story of what happened to me in TWI. Only I know and my husband. So I know even with what I have posted, I have severely held back and I have held back when in the company of ex TWI people. Why? I don't know. I figured I didn't want to share the exact details. It's humilating, it stirs up the anger, the rage. When my life was treated like it didn't matter, when I was pushed to a point I was pushed to, when I was allowed to be "FONDLED" (I am learning to hate that word) and I was told to put up with it, that if a better looking brother in Christ did it that I probably wouldn't mind, so quite being a respector of persons, when I was told I would DIE, that God would forsake me and the devil would kill me if I had the gall to leave a commitment because my WOW VET (a program for WOW VETS in Tennessee 1981-1983) brother wouldn't keep his freaking hands off my breasts, I was still too ashamed to speak up even though I knew I was not in the wrong.

    Why bring it up? It is the very essence of TWI. It was the very core attitude most men held against women. And this forum allows such sharings. To speak of TWI and it's short comings is to speak of the horrors that it held for many of us. If this was a gardening forum or a gourmet cooking forum, such sharings would be hmmm odd. But not here.

    Do I think about these things everyday? Hell no. I had totally put TWI out of my mind until I came back and started reading again and started thinking about what happened and I am now dealing with it.

    BTW, I don't consider myself a victim. If you ever met me in person, you would see that. I am pretty bold when I have to be and sometimes when I don't need to be (ooops). I am reasonably sane, I own a home, I have one child in college studying to be a doctor and another doing extremely well. I am not meek and mild and I am great at my employment. I survived and will continue to survive.

    Sometimes sharing allows us to explore things, feelings and memories we hadn't before. It is a pruning.

    This stuff never goes away. We don't get over it, we learn to live with it. We don't get over people dying, we learn to live with the person's death and change the way we live. Sexual abuse is like that. It is that deep, it is that traumatic that dealing with it will shape our lives. It is not a simple disappointment or set back. It is a life altering experience that strikes at the very soul of the invidual.

    TWI was rife with it. It needs to be shared. For all those who are out there reading, for those who think they are alone with what happened to them, for those spouses of women dealing with what happened to them, they can see they are not alone and can hopefully now start learning how to pick up their own pieces and go on. The worse any one can think is that they were alone. Or that they caused it or they did something wrong. Now they know it's not them because of the stories that get shared here.

    That is just my opinion.

  17. Hi I am a jerk.


    I didn't realize there was an ignore function that worked with the forums. Anyway, I was too upset to think clearly and was worried about causing strife and crap like that in aruging with people. I certainly didn't want to get off on the wrong foot but it seems I did anyway, hey the thing I feared?? LOL just kidding.

    Seriously, a lot of stuff has surfaced, some of which I have gone into detail somewhat with a poster in private and I have been talking to my husband about. It is mostly clergy abuse and misbehavior. I have been dealing with that am and on over load. As someone told me, my brain space is being used up in dealing with that and I don't have much room for anything else and they were right. I have been doing a lot of absentminded things like putting dinner in the oven and not turning it on and turning on the wrong burners and not sleeping well.

    I am okay. Just on overload. I have to deal with issues first and then I can move on.

    Another thing that bothered me is that I misread anothen's post. I totally missed that he abused a nine year old girl. I thought it was something different and I feel like a jerk for what I posted, although what I said to him was true, maybe not so much applicable to his situation. I have no compassion for predators, very little most of the time anyway. I guess some one asked how we can be upset with VP and not this guy. VP betrayed me in more ways than one; that is true for most people whether they were introduced to his more seedy side or not and that invokes more wrath from me since it is on a personal level.

    One great point that was made is how predators often justify their actions by telling themselves the child is being sexually agressive or giving the come on. They really believe that, like the man who rapes thinking that the woman really wanted it and was asking for it. It serves to show how twisted the mind of the predator is in their thinking and their understanding of people and their perspective of people. It a mind is that twisted, how can it be twisted one moment and filled with God's Word the next and full of faith and love and compassion? It can't. It doesn't work that way. It's pretty much either/or.

    Thank you to all those that posted, and for your care and concern.

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