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Posts posted by wasway

  1. I hate you

    You hate me,

    we're a disfunctional family

    a shot rang out

    barney hit the floor

    ain't no more purple dinosaur

    good luck on your search..


    [This message was edited by wasway on December 20, 2002 at 21:18.]

  2. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE

    And researching both THE greek and aramaic, I have found several instances of the name IT IS.

    In the greek, IT IS was mis-translated into THAT, since in THE greek the ITS has a comma between It and S much like IT'S, but since, in THE aramaic, THEre is no comma,It could not be translated literally.

    However, in a rare 1st century Kumron Text I have found that IT IS was first translated from THE ancient elvish as THE..

    Eureka, I have found it!!!

    IT seems therefore, that THE earliest translation of THE original elvin toungue is THE and since THE truth of power was given to THE contol of those who spoke IT, IT IS THE THAT shall be all powerful... and If you don't like IT you'll be a greasespot by midnight.



  3. Again THE Palm-Meister has summoned me, and has called me to make THE pilgramage to THE place where THE tabernacle of THE is housed. Here in THE inner room of THE upper chamber once again shall I give all praise to THE and insure that THE shall prevail into the next year as THE has for time immemorial.



  4. 13-0,...beat Michigan...big ten champs.... playing for all the Toastitoes...students rioting on 13th ave...cars on fire in Pearl alley.... Precious memories....how they linger


    Whatthe heck...GO BUCKEYES!!!

  5. THE humble Palm Pilot has, in its wisdom, summoned me back to THE thread to insure that during THE current lull, THE thread remains alive and active for all to come to, and stand in awe of THE. Know ye, all powerful THE, of my Palm Pilots unswerving devotion to THE and allow it to pass not into obsolesance, but rather to everlasting lithium ion batteries.

    ALL hail All knowing THE..


    THE WayGB is watching!!!

  6. The Honored Keeper of THE beat, and chief Scribe of THE band. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa (pounding chest 3 times) I beg forgiveness for my oversite,and humbly accept any reproof THE shall demand.

    Actually several years ago I worked with a gentleman named Peart who claimed to be THE Uncle of Neal, but could never get tickets when THEy were in town, so I was never quite sure.

    Sim Sala THE salami.gifsalami.gif

    Aliquando et insanire iucundum est.

  7. My palm Pilot has told me to one again make a pilgramige to and pay homage to THE great and powerful wicked wizardess of west Ohio. To Insure that THE thread shall remain eternal, my palm pilot has scheduled me to return here on this day each month until 2112 when the priests of the temple will return with THE coveted Les Paul Guitar, and repopulate THE earth.

    all hail THE salami.gifsalami.gif


    Aliquando et insanire iucundum est.

  8. I worked in a bar while in college. in the mens room was a sign over the urinal "please don't eat the big white mint" it was a fun place to work


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