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Everything posted by MagnumsTwin

  1. Jeaniam...thanksfor your refreshing posts. I found that when I posted the positives about TWI and the earlier years, before they opened themselves up to the trickery of the devil spirit kingdom, that suddenly GSC predictably became vulturistic and onesided. Name calling ensued...and I stood up to them. Consequently, I was marked and avoided as a result. They are no better than issues they whine ab

  2. TWI and other groups who have beliefs and/or teachings that are contrary to GSCs theological/psychological/philosophical positions are considered to be "cults". Given the true meaning of what the term "cult" is, this term can easily be applied to GSC as well.

  3. Folks...I've been suspended by the CSG lords....which proves my case even more about this site. Many have referred to groups that have a contrary belief than what is represented in this site as a cult. Well folks, let's use this term "cult" where it applies in BOTH directions and not be hypocritical.

  4. I was became involved with The Way Ministry back in 1974 and voluntarily left it in August 1978 after completing the Advanced Class at Emporia Kansas. How I got involved, and when I left was God inspired. I believed this fact back then, and to this day, I still believe it. I knew early on that my involvement in The Way Ministry would only last to the extent where I could learn all I could, and that one day I would know without any doubt the exact day I would leave. It all happened exactly as I knew within my heart that it would. I knew that The Way Ministry did not teach 100% accuracy. However, I knew without a doubt that what I would learn from The Way Ministry would be by far more than what I would learn at any "religious" so-called Christian, denominational church or group. I saw the frailties of The Way. VPW also saw those frailities. People worshipped VPW more than they worshipped God. This was wrong. I was witness to those teachings by VPW where he pounded the podium and reminded people that it is not VPW, or LCM, or silly hypothetical names he mentioned. He emphatically reminded people that "It's the Word and nothing but the Word!! Now if he plagerized, then so what?! What matters is that during the time that I was involved with The Way, VPW and many of the other teachers at that time, including LCM, made that Word living and real for me. My experience with The Way gave me foundation in my life. I learned many positive things from the man, VPW and others, such as Cummins, Bo Rheard (spelling?), Del Duncan, Donny Fuget, Dubofsky, Lynn, Townsend and the list goes on. I heard the Words and I did eat them as the passage states. To this day, all I see are people that blame men and 5 senses issues. Blame the friggin' devil and his host for tricking these men to the point where it brought that ministry to its knees. Yea....shame on them for listening to the fiery darts and acting on them. Shame on all who ignored the very essence of God's Word, and were tricked into anger and hostility of what men did or didn't do. God through His son and our Lord, Saviour and King Jesus Christ did not let us down; nor did God's Word let us down. Those out there that have run off wounded from their horrible experiences that they had while in The Way, need to stop wearing sack cloth and ashes and come back to God and His Word. VPW and all the leadership of The Way were people...and you know what God's Word has to say about flesh!! Remember the good that was taught and hold onto the good. Remember the statement, "Behind every effect in the world there is a cause and the cause is always spiritual"? Take it to heart! Look at the behavior of Peter---denying Jesus Christ 3 times....and he was an apostle! Look who Jesus Christ chose to communicate the great Mystery?!!--Paul, who killed and imprisoned believers before he was given the revelation on the road to Damascus!! I can go on and on concerning my heart on this matter. We are living in very profound times! The problem with most was that they considered themselves as "members" of an organization more than considering themselves as part of the Body of Christ. The real mission for all of us was the same mission that Jesus Christ gave to his disciples, and that was to go out into the world and shine as lights in the world and feed the Word to those that God brings into your lives that are hungering and thirsting after righteousness. You don't need to be a member of an organization for that, for you are an important part of the Body of Christ. Read Ephesians chapters 1-3 to remind yourself of what God has done in your life!
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