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Posts posted by def59

  1. Good post Mark. I liked your line of reasoning, or at least your source's.

    We can also read from this section that Israel at this time was not walking with God. The verse of chapter 21 talks about every man doing what was right as they saw fit.

    Talk about relatavism.

    We can see that Benjamin had fallen into apostasy with their acceptance of various sexual diversions and the willingness to go to war to defend the perpetrators of such acts.

    We see Israel as fallen since they went to God out of formality and not with any real sense of faith.

    All these Israelites were killed for the sins of their respective tribes and in the end, the nation fell into darker spirituality.

    As a reward, God gave them Saul as king.

  2. But it was the way it which it was acted that left me wanting more. I was hoping for something more dramatic that really involved Padme.

    This scene was as if Lucas was saying he wanted to get the story going so let's make it quick.

    And what did the opening credits mean when it said there were heroes on both sides. Aren't we supposed to be rooting for the good guys?

    After this movie, the Sith come out looking not too bad. At least they have firm beliefs, not like the Jedi which seem to blow about from every wind of doctrine.

  3. quote:

    It is my opinion, that using a more “omnipotent style of fellowship,” Jesus and his subsequent followers simply taught us how to save our own selves in this regard... to save ourselves from that old world and old old world “biblical” racism, not to mention save ourselves from a ton of other basic things. And as we learn more and more to imitate him and his way, he is literally being manifest to the world from that deepest within ourselves.

    And so what book did he actually use and prefer?

    You are kidding right? The Old Testament, duh?

    What set of holy laws and wisdom traditions?

    The laws he wrote and the traditions of his culture.

    What unbreakable standard above all standards would be so open and embracing?

    The standards he set.


    Life and Light itself

    In all the fullness of the Spirit

  4. quote:
    Originally posted by George Aar:

    Well, on a positive note,

    the project must be keeping him off the streets and ties up his money where it can't do too much harm. But whatta f$%^ing loon.

    A mind is a terrible thing...

    Who Mr. Aar, you or him? Your post can leave one wondering.

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