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Posts posted by def59

  1. Hey GC

    The corruption was set in the 50s when vpw started taking others' works and presenting them as his own.

    When he rejectd the good seed for the doctrine of devils he was already corrupt. His penchant for lies (snow on the gas pumps, storm in Tulsa and inventing the hook shot) proves who his real father was.

    I join the growing throng which rejects all that you stand for and the god (lower case g intentional) you serve.

    To presume the incoherent ramblings of a defrocked (he did get kicked out of his denomination) minister has equal footing as Scripture is blasphemous.

    You son of vipers get thee behind me Satan!v

  2. personally I hold to my original post that Mike is a gutless coward. Hiding behind the sham of the hidden meanings of pfal to make hime appear stronger and more powerful than us.

    When he is asked a tough question he responds with threats, accusations and name calling. He besmirches the Holy Word of God by delegating it below the works of a reprobate.

    Calling somone untrustworthy because they asked a tough question is so childish.

    You are a child mike in every way. Knowledge puffeth up, but the love of God ediies.


  3. I don't often say much on this site. But Mike, you are a piece of work. Most of us have abandoned what you revere and we have moved on.

    I have seen a Christ far different from the one you have and I feel I am on the road to heaven.

    Vpw was never a doctor in any sense of the word. He did not minister, he manipulated. He did not study, he stole.

    When you quote PFAL you are quoting the works of dozens of others because the man had no original thoughts.

    Why did he say in the video of PFAL that Jesus was coming back as Kings of King and Lord of Lords ? as God Almighty! If was God's man, and Jesus isn't God, how could God bless his ministry?

    How could we trust someone who said one thing, let it go on tape, but deny it in a book?

    Vpw picked Craig to succeed him, how much wisdom did that take?

    Vpw never finished a course at all the colleges he said he did.

    Vpw never went before a board to defend his thesis. That's how you become a doctor.

    You can't defend it either.

    But I know I am wasting cyberspace on you.

    You are enlightened. You are one of the chosen

    But to anyone else who really wants to know the scripture and who Jesus really is, I encourage them to find a good Bible teacher from an established church Evangelical is good, but so are pentacostals and mainline in some cases.

    You say you sampled other Christian thought. Well you need more than a sample. Get a full seven-course meal.

    And explain John 8:58 to me?

  4. reagan was great, reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was great reagan was greata

  5. I have read your post, your pointless, endless drivel-filled posts. Posts that never go anywhere and if they do, point back to VPW as a god.

    I too have no first-hand knowlege of sexual indescretions by vpw. I have seen the plagiarism. Heard the bold claims, checked his teachings of the bible and its history and found them wanting.

    Your glorification and oversimplification of twi is astounding and poor scholarship.

    You refer only to vpw in all your posts and use him as the only source. I got news for you, he used other people.

    A good news story has many sided to get the whole picture. You just say regurgitated (at best) crap and out and out lies at worst.

    How are we supposed to trust you and what you says vpw meant to say? What are your credentials.

    You posted about people not understanding the fine KJV. People of 21st century aren't supposed to understand it. People of the 17th century didn't either, that's why there were at least seven revisions. And the men who translated it weren't so sure of its veracity either.

    You said "i forgive me." Well that's very white of you! What did you do wrong to other people?

    VPW stepped away from true Christianity with his own patchwork theology and came out with a piece of spiritual claptrap.

    I called you gutless and a coward once. I do not apologize. You have no integrity. You have no honor.

    Get some intestinal fortitude and get your head out of your backside and see the light!


  6. I think one key is understanding scripture is getting away from the KJV and trying the newer ones. The New International Version is a great Bible and there a plethora of types out there that appeal to almost any demographic.

    The New Living Translation is a great version as well and brings the scriptures alive.

    KJV0-only types are almost cultic in their admiration of the book. There were several versions of KJV from 1611-1753. One book said to covet your neighbor's wife, another said the unrighteous will inherit the earth.

    And the KJV is based on faulty newer manuscripts, unlike NIV which is based on older, more reliable manuscripts.


  7. Do you ever wonder why Martindale was so focused on seed boys? I am told treasury department agents focus all their attention on real money so they can spot the countefeit right off.

    Why we were we inundated with knowing the adversary?

    Could it be that loy boy and his ilk had more friends in the attic that just brain cells?y

  8. Coming to America - Neil Dimaond


    Gimme all your lovin ? ZZ Top

    Diving In -Steven Curtis Chapman

    'You didn't stand by me' Clash

    Can't get enough of your love -Barry White

    Staying Alive - Bee Gees

    You got another thing coming - Judas Priest

    Back in Black - AC/DC

    I am glad to hear anything. I was hospitalized for five days fighting pneumonia and high blood sugar.


  9. Raf

    As I have said before I support what you are doing here. I speak from fuzzy memories. But some of TWI's basic doctrines are in error. But you may say that is error of interpretation.

    Well what if it isn't? VPW has zero, nada, zip credibility. His works are worthless and he conclusions suspect.

    What was the apparent premise of all his ideas.

    To me, it was to be as different from the orthodox church as possible. To claim divine authority to preach and to be the star of all shows.

    His logic would force him to change words, meanings and use figures of speech where appropriate to convince us he was the only who has seen this stuff.

    His conclusions were flawed because they were built on his lust for power and to be "unique."

    So we must, if we are honest, dive back into PFAL and see the reason he wanted to be different.

    We must also have the covering of the Holy Spirit and take advantage of non-Way scholars to show the error of his ways.

    But keep up the good work.

    Would his admimistrationalism count as an error.

    It would appear all of the New Testament was written to the church in one form or another.


  10. What I am saying is that vic was a charlatan and that his character must be included in any criticism of his "scholarly" work.

    What was going on in his life when he was growing spiritually? And which spirit was he growing?

    Since his works ulitmately took people away from Christ and toward him, his conclusions and logic are suspect.

    I can't do the exhaustive work Rafael has done, befcause I chucked all my way books a long time ago.

    Now I look at scripture when I remember what I had learned in the way.

    I may not gain brownie points here, but that's not my motive. I offer different views on some subjects.


  11. I love this thread, and if my points are a matter of interpretation to you so be it.

    I believe Wierwille was more off that anyone here care's to admit.

    Since I left the Way, I found PFAL to not stand up to the Word. So I see more "errors" than you. But that's not the point.

    The point is that Wierwille needs to be discredited as the scam artist he was and I will never hold any position as Gospel. Call me the antiMike.

    But even Satan uses the word to prove his points, so Wierwille might have gotten lucky once in awhile.

    I have worked the word on the issue of Jesus' deity and it works for me. If you choose not to believe, that is your choice. It's free thread, right?

    But I still find your posts fascinating. You say you are a journalist, if so what publication. I too am a journalist.

  12. Two errors that haven't got much play here and I know they are contentious are Jesus' last words and his identity.

    On the cross, Jesus quoted the first part of Psalm 22:1, he was in pain, separated from God (from his perspective) because he was carrying all of the sins of the world. With that much sin, you too would feel separated.

    No one seems to acknowledge that.

    As for Jesus' identity,

    John 1 was completely misread by vic.

    It's obvious from the context of the book that John is speaking of Jesus. So to begin he tells us that Jesus was there before the beginning. He was with God and he was God.

    John 17:5 and 24 talk of the relationship Jesus had with the Father.

    John 8:58 tells of his existence before creation and his link to God by claiming the family name.

    Colossians and Hebrew speak to his work in creation (hint: He did it)

    Vic never had an origianl thought and when he did try something new, it fell flat.

    Is it any wonder that only cults deny his deity?

    The first step to recovery is admission of a problem. For those of you who still put stock in vic's words, this is your challenge.

    We have seen how he plagiarized, invented theories and made outrageous claims that cannot be supported. and that doesn't include his personal life. Why would anyone give him the time of day?


  13. Remember that part of pffle when wierwille told about spend 14 hours a day with some woman who taught him stuff in the bible.

    Given his alleged mysogony, do you find it strange that he would accept instruction from a woman on any topic, let alone the bible?

    One has to wonder what he and her were doing for 14 hours by themselves in a room locked up?

  14. You are absolutely right. And when people in Acts are called followers the Way it is not Jesus. All groups outside of the Jewish orthodoxy felt they were the ones in the know.

    The best way to look at PFAL is watching it being carted away by the garbage truck or burning.

    The teacher lied to us and made up great stories, why do we believe his other works?


  15. The verse that has Aramaic and is translated My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me? is a quote from a verse in pslams. That Jesus, always quoting Scripture. Well it HIS book after all.

    VPW's whole point was to tear down the accepted Bible and pump up his revelation. Is it any wonder he was making it sound like God had sex with Mary to produce Jesus?

    As for tongues. unbelievers can speak in tongues. Evew Wierwille says he faked it for Oral Roberts in Tulsa.

    How many of us really copied sounds and words from other people. And it my area, all interpreation and prophecy sounded the same and sounded like King Jimmy V.

    Thanks Rafael for a greath thread.

  16. Someone said twi is going back to the vpw days. What does that mean? Is lechery coming back. Will RR prance around in her underwear and invite girls back to the motorcoach?

    Who's books will be plagiarized now? What obscure Indian minister will expound on arcane cultural aspects of scripture.

    And who will be the next lcm to take over?

    Just asking.

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