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Posts posted by Doggiepapa

  1. I've been there too, even to the point of a couple suicide attempts. I was desperate, foolish. As one wonderful poster here said " suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem". So true.

    Keep showing up for life everyday, giving God a chance to come through (your answer may already be "in the mail"-- mine was).

    You are so right to get help. The spirit is willing but this old man flesh is weak, and it does affect our minds. Keep getting help.

    Keep showing up here. You need support, and this is a wonderful support group.

    We are with you Seth.

    Praying, Ron

  2. try a web search for your father's division. I did for my dad (WW2), found it, ordered him n I 45th Infantry Divsion hats n t shirts. They often feature guest books, reunion news, and other links.

    Good luck.

    [This message was edited by Doggiepapa on July 12, 2002 at 5:29.]

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