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Posts posted by wwjesuslaughat

  1. About 10-15 years ago, Mark Gluckin ran a sort of mail bookstore for music (teachings, too perhaps) of former Wayfers. He had a mailing list and would send out flyers for tapes and CD's to everyone on his mailing list without asking for compensation. He sold several copies of a tape that I produced in the mid-90's.

    He was a very gracious, loving person. Even though I never met him in person, I am forever thankful for his generous and giving spirit. He will be greatly missed.

  2. Great, great stuff! Some of these things I've done or heard about, some of it's new.

    Lest anyone accuse me of starting a thread and then abandoning it, here's a couple of things I've learned over the years.

    When you clip coupons, wait 2-3 weeks from the time they come out in the Sunday paper. Many people rush right out and use them, and then the items go on sale. Manufacturers do that to develope customer loyalty, so if you watch prices, you can catch items on sale and use coupons.

    I buy a six pack of 20-oz bottled sodas and save the bottles, then I get a 2 liter of soda (often store brand or on sale) and refill the smaller bottles. You can get at least 3 20 oz. bottles out of a 2 liter for less than the price of a single 20 oz soda. Of course, you can always drink water, too.

    Although I try not to eat out too much, I find that often getting a kids meal at fast food places fills me up fine. Plus the toys I get from them endear me to children I might meet along the way. (Right, Rascal? icon_smile.gif:)-->)

  3. I'm working on a little project here. I'd like to collect some tips on budgeting, little things you do to save money. I'm especially interested in tips from those who have families.

    Things like saving on food, entertainment, kids' expenses, school, any area of life where you've found a way to have or do something cheaper.

    Thanks, y'all!

  4. Oak,

    You're a great divorced guy! I'm sure Reikilady will say the same thing. Sometimes people are divorced because of their own faults or shortcomings, sometimes because of poor choices in a mate, sometimes, not even through any fault of their own.

    If you ever date someone who tells you what their ex complained about, ("he doesn't listen, she spent all my money, he worked too much," etc.)pay very close attention. In a lot of cases, the ex knows more than you do.

  5. Belle,

    I've started a thread or two about dating. Maybe you could look it up under my name. I've done the online dating thing and have stepped away from it for awhile. It can open up doors that you normally wouldn't have to meet people, but I've also learned that when you are dating divorced men, you eventually see the reason they're divorced. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

    Seriously, I wish you well in your endeavors, and if you'd like to chat about the subject, please feel free to PT me.

  6. Update:

    My brother and sister-in-law got jobs last week through a temp agency. I got a job that starts Monday in a call center in town. The pay is decent, the hours are not great, but we are all extremely thankful for what we have. Aidan just gets prettier every day, and his daddy is still looking for work.

    Thanks so much for your prayers!

  7. I'm primarily an analytical. I am a great follower, but can step into a "driver" mode if no one else is leading. I also have enough of a sense of humor to be slightly amiable, so I'm not completely anal retentive. I've learned to appreciate expressives, since true expressives are almost totally opposite of me, but I've learned not to expect them to follow rules or show up anywhere on time.(in general, not all the time! Don't hate me, y'all!)

  8. For anyone who wants to see the baby, go to mcbg.org and look under new arrivals. Aidan's picture is online. He's got long fingers so I figure he'll be a guitar player like his daddy.

    Aunt Sis got to hold him today until her arm fell asleep. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    More promising leads on jobs! You guys do good work!

  9. Well, one brother and a sister-in-law start work tomorrow at a temp to hire position. The other brother is in the hospital with his wife having a baby, so that job-hunting is postponed for a short while. I have some leads to check on tomorrow. Thanks, everyone! I'm going to meet my new nephew now!

  10. Both my brothers and I are out of jobs. More truthfully, we are underemployed and need either more hours or a better job. There seems to be a lot of that going around here. I don't know what it is about securing a job since I moved back home, but it has been a struggle from the time I moved back. I'm so thankful to be near them again and have that strength and support with each other, but we need some things to break through here soon.


  11. I just watched the videos.

    Oh my God.

    The feeling I got after listening to the songs, and I could only stomach a verse and a chorus at most, was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. The absolute deadness of the lyrics, motions, facial expressions, etc. was stunning. Was that Br**n Bl*ss in the second song? I really hope not, he wrote one of my favorite songs from the Way, "Eagle Inside". To have an entire song pompously and self-righteously debase anyone who isn't in The Way is horrific (not to mention very poor songwriting skills).

    I haven't been to a Way function since 1988, and even though I have not doubted anything anyone has said here about TWI, it just didn't sink in until I saw their own example on those videos.

    I will never stop thanking God for getting me out of that awful organization.

  12. Daryl,

    I am the stunning brunette in the burgundy sweatshirt and on the left side of the camper. I'll let everybody else describe themselves as they wish.

    I had a wonderful time. Let me say publically, THANK YOU, fellow Weenies, for welcoming me so warmly into your group. I wasn't sure how things would go, I mean, it can get a little intense here on the forums, and I'm pretty mild here, but I thoroughly enjoyed my conversations with each and every one of you.

    Oak, it was a treat to hear your mellifluous (sp?) voice talking about our common interests in music. I'll know what kind of voice to attach to the posts from now on.

    Sudo, the better than sex stew lived up to its name. Not that I had the opportunity to make a side-by-side comparison, but well, maybe next year. Thank you for educating me in the avenues of political terminology.

    AHAT, what a treat to talk about (and to) people we know. Someone is just going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the Weenie roast next year.

    Herbie, I'm so impressed with your desire to help people and your desire to leave this world a better place than you found it. Your gentle spirit was very soothing. I'm so glad miniherbal was able to make it as well. I know you enjoyed the company.

    Ah, Rascal. Our own lovable "Agent of Darkness". I wasn't quite sure what to expect after reading some of your posts and seeing the passion and intensity of your convictions. What I saw after meeting you and talking to you, is a woman who absolutely believes in what she is saying and is moved in the depth of her heart to reach out and help those who are hurting, while continuing to fight for her own healing and peace of mind. You are truly an amazing woman. Your tribe is lovely. They captured my heart. I don't quite know what all the sacrificing goats was about, but I went along with it. I really question the necessity of dancing naked around a big, roaring bonfire, too. I'd rather stick to burning popcorn over an open flame.

    Anyway, I was reminded of how one-dimensional the internet is, despite what a great communication tool it is. I mean, it just can't convey the full range of communication, since it misses vocal inflections, body language, facial expressions, even gestures. It's hard many times to fully understand what someone is trying to say, or their intentions behind the words. And too often we forget that while some of us may have the luxury of posting anytime we want in complete silence and total freedom, others of us are posting while trying to herd kids to bed, pay bills, do the laundry, and so many time consuming mundane chores of life.

    This is a respectful, open forum where people of many opinions can post without recrimination. I saw that so much more at the Weenie roast. We're all at different points in our journey, but we can stop and see where other people are in theirs. I hope we continue in our curiousity and hope to better ourselves and the people we come in contact with.

    Oh, and next year, there will be music! Even if I have to take up an instrument, which really is a last resort. Believe me, you want someone around who already knows how to play something. So all you pickers and grinners, tune up and save up!

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