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Hope R.

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Posts posted by Hope R.

  1. Zix - wasn't he gross? I can't believe that actor had b@lls to do that! (pun intended).

    That and all the peeing - what's that all about?

    I didn't think it was necessary to the plot line to watch Charlie pee and pass gas while he was talking to Seth & Saul outside the tent.

    And I don't think there was much added to plot when Swearengen got up in the morning and peed in the corner. It could have been easily left out and I sure wouldn't have thought, "Gee, I wonder why they don't show these guys relieving themselves more often?" Again, gross.

    They didn't need to use the "F" word as much this week because they made up for it by using the "C" word a few times...

  2. Thanks Simpleton -

    I never thought that TWI would have a totally negative reaction to anything that had to do with Jesus Christ that was trying to be bible based - as was "The Passion". With all the hoopla surrounding the film, especially in the Christian community, they'd be stupid to critique it too drastically. It wouldn't win anyone over who might be taking a look at TWI.

    Instead, they make their usual comments, which don't sound that heinous. Remember, VP used to criticize Billy Graham for not giving anyone a "place to go" after one of his revivals (which, btw, was not true - but that's another thread).

    And I agree that they really don't like anyone to have a positive impact on an individual's spirituality unless it comes from them - or is promoted by them. A few years ago they promoted books by Larry Burkett on debt-free living. Of course, along with those books there were teachings to give it the TWI "spin" (Burkett doesn't think mortgages are debt).

    I'm happy for Mel Gibson. I'm glad he made money on a movie he was passionate about making. Whether his motives were spiritual or financial isn't really any of my concern. The fact is he initally made the film because of his faith, and then made money on it because he is a good film-maker and because of the incredible publicity the movie received.

  3. Okay - I googled Wild Bill Hickok just to see how good Carridine was at his portrayal - what a ringer! And the pics of the real Calamity Jane look exactly like the actress.

    I also found out a bit of history. It seems that Deadwood is where he meets his doom on August 2, 1876 at the hand of a man named Jack McCall - who shot him in the back. The story is that Hickok had killed his brother. According to the HBO site - the first episode takes place in July of the same year.

    The show is historically accurate - though I still can't find anything that says they used the eff word so much. Gawd, tonight they made Tony Soprano sound like a choir boy. And the frontal nudity? I was surprised, really.

    I think that Milch spent so many years on NYPD Blue and Hill Street (among others) that now he has a chance to be on cable and is doing everything he couldn't do on network TV.

    I can't say whether I enjoyed tonight's episode or not. I'm going to stick with it until it makes me feel too yucky to watch.

    Swearengen is the devil - and actually reminds me of Al Pacino in "The Devil's Advocate" at times.

  4. This is one that I wish someone in NJ could confirm because my recollection is a bit fuzzy.

    A couple had a baby die of SIDS. What a heartbreaking thing to happen. I didn't know them that well, and was young and didn't know what to say. I only know that I was very sad for them.

    Not too long after that, another Twig Leader told me that the reason this baby died was because the wife hadn't "cleaned her house out from devil spirits."

    Apparently, the woman had inherited an antique glass decanter with matching liquor glasses and a tray. According to this TL -this decanter was supposed to have devil spirits housed in it - and she shouldn't have had it in her house. That's what killed her baby.

    I don't know who gave this TL that information. But I know I couldn't believe it when I heard it. How awful for some damnable leader to blame this poor mother for losing her child BECAUSE OF AN OBJECT IN HER HOME!

    Sick - sick - sick...

    Please - someone that was in NJ from around 1978 - 1980 - fill in the blanks if you know them.

  5. Something Catcup wrote on another thread got me thinking about the fact that TWI still calls itself a "research, teaching and fellowship" ministry. I can buy the teaching - even though I believe it's wrong. I can buy the fellowship, even if it is just for those in TWI's household.

    But research? When was the last time any research was done at HQ's? When was the last time anything new and exciting came from any "research department" there?

    The last time I recall the term "research department" being used was in April or May of 2000 when it was announced that LCM was going to step down as president to become head of the "rd". We all know that never happened.

    Does anyone know if there's still any research being done at HQ's? Are they sticking with the label because of the previous "research" that was supposedly done by VP? Or is because of the magnificent use of "literal translations according to usage... in the promised land of the prevailing word in the true sanctified household"?

    But really - when was the last time there was more than one person on the RD? All I can think of is about 7 or 8 years ago, before Wayne C**** left - and I think he was the only one in that dept.

    Catcup? Geek? Radar? Staffers?

    P.S. I don't even mean genuine research -IMO, that hasn't been done there in many years. I'm just talking about stuff they've come up with, like The Way of Redundance and Power stuff. Was that the product of any "department" or just LCM's own "research"?

  6. If you read part 2 of my TWI 3 & 4 thread - it ends with LCM welcoming everyone to TWI II. HE called it that.

    Household morphed into meaning only the TWI faithful by LCM's teachings on the remnant, zion, and living sanctified (set apart) as well as his desire for this remnant to "cross the bridge to the promised land of the prevailing word".

  7. I'm going to give "Deadwood" one more try. I grew to like "Carnivale" - but I'm not sure I can sink my teeth into this one.

    Was that really "Larry"? The one with the brother Darryl and the other brother Darryl? I'll have to look more closely next time.

    I think Christopher will either get killed with Adriana or rat out everyone and they'll both go into the Witness protection program.

    Didn't David Milch produce or write for "Hill Street Blues"? Or was it "NYPD Blue"? Or was it just for a bunch of Steven Bochco shows...

  8. While I've been at loggerheads with LLP in the past, I respect his (or her) right to post his (or her)opinions.

    As far as an opinion of "The Passion" goes, here's mine... (and no, I haven't seen it - the blood stuff would make be barf).

    I agree that Mel originally made the film out of his Catholic conviction, but I think in the end, when the money was spent and he saw that there was a load of controversy around the movie, he let loose the media hounds and made sure that everyone knew about it. He even previewed it for free to a lot of churches and fundie groups. I'm not putting him down for that in any way. Had I layed out that much money for a film I believed in, I'd want to 1.) Get the word out about it and 2.) At least make back my original investment.

    Money may not have been the prime motivator for him making the movie, but what film maker sets out to lose $30 million dollars? (hmmm - can you say "Gigli"?).

    I don't think it's wrong for him to make money on the film. But I think to say he was so altruistic that he didn't care about making money is naive.

    Remember what happened when Martin Scorsece(sp?) made "The Last Temptation of Christ"? I think all the controversy and publicity made that movie more money than they expected it to make as well.

    That's why they call it "the business" in Hollywood... it IS business.

    (ready for fire and brimstone...)

  9. Yes - this is the letter all the Corps received. See the first sentence of the 2nd paragraph. I wondered why he was sending that letter to me since I wasn't a staffer or clergy. Because it went to all the Corps (which it did), it should have been addressed to all the Corps. (Sorry, that wasn't clear now that I'm reading it again).

    Someone else mentioned there was another letter after this one to all the Corps as well. I don't remember it. That doesn't mean it didn't happen - I just don't remember it. Tt-t-t-that's all folks....

  10. Oh - and I have a prediction....

    #1 - They're going to find out about Adrianna - Rosalie Aprile is going to figure it out. Adrianna is history by the end of the season.


    #2 - She'll continue to rat them out and the FBI will have enough on Tony and others to put them away forever at the end of season 6 - and that's how the show will end.

    I'm betting on #1 though.

    I don't get who this lady mobster is - Lorraine (?) - why has she never been around before? How does she fit in with Carmine and Johnny Sack?

    I should go read the HBO site I guess...

  11. You all may think I'm nuts for saying so - but that letter (the one in Pirate's post - addressed to the staffers, etc.) is the only one I ever received. Maybe because I was in Florida and everything seemed to be hunky-dory-dory here is the reason I never received anything else after that.

    I don't know why LCM felt it was necessary to send a letter addressed to specific people out to everyone. It is my opinion that he really was asking everyone in the Corps to make a choice - not just those he addressed. IMO, he should have sent that letter out TO ALL THE WAY CORPS - it would have been the honest thing to do at the time. Instead, he baited everyone who wasn't staff or clergy to give him an answer. I think it was pretty sneaky.

  12. I know quite a few good men and women who were in TWI serving as leaders who wanted nothing more than to love God and the people they served.

    Over time, many of them became hardened and bitter (B*b M******n). Others who left TWI stayed wonderful and loving (Joe Guarini). But I can't think of too many in that catagory because I lost touch with most of them.

    No one who I know of that was a loving and caring leader in TWI 1 or 2 and stayed in through TWI 3 & 4 remained that way. No one. And I watched them change over the years, too. It wasn't a pretty sight.

  13. LCM called his class "Biblical Principles of a Believer's Family". It came out in 1995. He and Donna taught it. I can't go into it right now because looking at the syllabus makes me think of the hypocracy this man and his wife had in presenting this class and themselves as an example of a godly marriage.

  14. Goey - oh dear Lord, no... Oldies, you didn't get it....

    What I was saying is that I think that CG was working on his "thesis" during that one year time period - getting ready to sock it to 'em, formulating a way to get the worst reaction from the BOT and the Corps (or is the best reaction? guess it depends on who's end the reaction is on!).

    Had it been so effing important for them to know all the stuff in PoP - and if it was really from God and of God and godly - I don't think God would have had CG wait a year. Hence the "yuck" at the end of the paragraph.

    It's like knowing the Titanic has structural problems and could sink, but waiting until after it hits the iceberg to say you knew about it and what the engineers did wrong, how the captain effed up, and how it could have been stopped.

    CG had a lot of ammo to work with and nothing but the words of a dead man to back it up. Nothing he had written could be proved.

    Basically - IMO IMO IMO IMO IMO IMO!!!!!!!!!!

    I think CG took a few unrealated facts, mistakes made by the BoT and the mumblings from a dying old man and put them together and MADE UP PoP. The trustees were so effed up that they weren't spiritual enough to see it.


    Am I crystal clear?

  15. On a personal note: In October 1995 I had to take LCM’s “new” Advanced PFAL Class or I would no longer be considered an Advanced Class Grad. It was there that I finally decided that TWI was never going to get better and I wanted out!

    During that class, Howard Allen came to visit and tell the story of his miracle healing that took place in the early 70’s. After he told the story, he continued to say how thrilled he was with Reverand Martindale’s leadership, how LCM was “cleaning house” and “getting rid of the weakness in the household”. In concluding, he said, “…and I’m proud to say that today The Way is no longer an open door ministry!” The whole audience stood up and cheered. I was dumbstruck – couldn’t believe what I’d just heard. If I had my own transportation, I would have headed home that day.

    53rd Anniversary - October 1995 : it is announced that Donald E. Wierwille will step down and become the Vice President Emeritus in one year. Rosalie F. Rivenbark was chosen to serve as the new VP – the change will take place on the 54th Annversary in 1996.

    At that time LCM announces that “the Father” had told him the Word was over the World!

    I remember some kind of explanation about how there had been an opportunity to hear the accurate Word of God everywhere in the world and that now we had to "prevail". Would others please elaborate if you can.

    1996: A big year with many new themes emphasized.

    LCM begins his teachings on “the Remnant” and “Zion” – comparing the TWI “household” to the people of Israel in the OT.

    “The Prevailing Word” becomes even more of a catch phrase. Terms like “prevailing household” and “prevail with the power of God” start cropping up in Way Magazine articles and teachings.

    “The Prevailing Word in the Promised Land of the Household, or Promised Land of the Prevailing Word in the Household--I guess either way would work. That's been the way it's jelled in my soul in defining our overall vision, our goal. Like for years we worked with the Word Over the World concept in our thoughts and hearts, and it helped us make our decisions and prioritize our lives, and as we move into Generation II of The Way International Ministry of Research, Teaching, and Fellowship, there has to be ways to focus our thoughts and define it, both culturally and in language that communicates, as well as Biblically and spiritually.”

    L. Craig Martindale, from “Staff Meeting at TWI HQ on 04/14/1996”

    from the Waydale Documents

    LCM also introduces the “standing in the gap” teachings – leaders are to stand in the gap between the adversary and the believers in the household. That pretty much eliminated Jesus Christ from the picture.

    Discipleship is stressed. The theme announced at the 1996/1997 anniversary in October is “God’s Call To Discipleship”. Young people are urged to “go out Way Disciple” much like many of us were urged to "go out WOW".

    "The Present Truth" becomes a big deal. PFAL and VPW's teachings are "old wine skins". Main article in the November/December 1995 issue of The Way Magazine is titled: "God's Call to Discipleship: ESTABLISHED IN THE PRESENT TRUTH via the Way of Abundance and Power".

    In other words - LCM's class is "the present truth".

    (Note: also in this issue is an ad for the "Athletes of the Spirit" video. Hmmm - that was over 10 years old by then, could it still be the "present truth"?)

    The cover of the Jan/Feb 1997 Way Magazine has a photo of the Word Over the World Auditorium - with that title still in place over the entrance way. Beneath the photo it says: The prevailing Word moves out to the world via The Way of Abundance and Power".

    All the believers are encouraged to be "disciples", or achieve "discipleship" status.

    From the March/April 1997 Way Magazine: "God's Call to Discipleship: The Way of Abundance and Power" by LCM

    "Disciples don't walk in the way of people who live on borrowed money and worship three gods and pay homage to homosexuality and speak of the dead as if they were alive. We travel the highway of the prevailing word."

    From another article titled "The Sweet Taste of Discipleship", by Brad Bailey -The Way Magazine, July/August 1997

    Abiding in the present truth is the main ingredient and the ever-present action of a disciple who wants to get to, and stay in , the spiritual land of milk and honey."

    And in the “Our Times: Insight” article which is titled “Welcome to the Way Ministry, Second Generation” by LCM in the same issue he writes:

    ” As I stand here I feel very much the same way I did two years ago when I had the privilege of telling our people what the father had revealed to me regarding the Word being over the world – that it was accomplished.. I compare this moment also to the occasion in March of 1994 when I had the green light to announce to the household that I would be taping the Foundation and Intermediate Classes for our ministry, which eventually became known as The Way of Abundance and Power.

    “I feel that what the Father has indicated to me this morning regarding where we are in our ministry, our position spiritually – the plateau we have reached is that this is where Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille wanted our ministry to be in October of 1982, when I was installed in his place as President. With all of his heart and soul he did all he could to have our ministry at a spot where we could cross over into the ‘promised land’ of the prevailing Word. Yet for many reasons, that did not happen in October of ’82….

    “It’s fifteen years later than what our father in the Word wonted, but with all my understanding of the revelation God has given me, we are finally there. I believe we are right now at the brink , on the very verge of the actual experiential reality of the prevailing Word. And we are at the point of bring into functional reality the seventh section of the book of Acts.”

    “…. So put it this way, it’s time to cross the Jordan. All aboard the Mystery train! IT’s time to walk over the bridge experientially to the prevailing Word. (he then reads a poem that Dr. Wierwille liked about the bridge builder).

    “So, welcome to The Way Ministry, second generation. Welcome to The Way Ministry II..

    ---------more to come--------------

  16. The Soprano's seems more like it has more gratuitous violence in it so far. The shooting of the waiter in the first episode was really horrible. And that Feech La Manna character is about as nasty as they get.

    I felt so awful when Uncle Ju got lost. It really got me upset.

    "Deadwood" was very dark - and a bit hard for me to follow - that bit about the $14k or the $20k - I didn't get it. I really, really liked Wild Bill Hickock - good actor. And they're portraying Calamity Jane quite accurately from what I've read.

    But what about all the "effing"? Did they really talk like that back then? They sound like they should be in da Hood, not in an 1870's Goldrush town.

  17. Honestly, when I first heard PoP, I was amazed how un-exciting it was. I thought I was going to hear all kinds of "dirt" about the trustees. Instead, I heard at least an hour about CG's travails in Gartmore (boooorrringgg), another hour about him taking care of VP (booooorrrring), and another hour of him talking about people I didn't know (the dog training guy, one of his drivers, etc.) who did stuff that seemed pretty mild compared to what I thought I was going to hear.

    PoP was more about Geer setting himself up as the MoG than about VP's "last will and testament". If PoP was indeed VP's final wishes - why did it take a year for CG to read it? Oh, yeah, because VP told him to wait a year... wait... did anyone else hear him say that? Any of it?

    If the BoT were so effed up and running TWI into the ground - you would think old Scotty would have beamed himself to HQ's without waiting a whole year. I think he was planning and writing and scheming the whole time. Yuck.

  18. quote:
    Originally posted by Rafael 1969:

    Thank you.

    There's also a little folder with a quotation mark in the bottom right hand corner of the page - if you go to the post you want to quote and click on it, it will automatically put the post in the quote form for you, and put that "originally posted by_____ in there, too.

  19. Exie - do you remember sitting together at the Corps week reading of PoP - smoking cigarettes and making comments about poor CG having to clean the steps in Gartmore? Gawd - if you hadn't been there, I might have taken it seriously!

  20. I heard about the medication, too, ex10 - from a very reliable source who was close to that psychiatrist.

    And I also agree with Alfakat - down to that 6-9 months of the anesthesia wearing off. It was that time that he got his Galatians teachings together and put all that hate towards Geer and anyone who believed that Geer was the MoG. Any of you who heard those tapes will know what he said about the debbil spurts that CG must have had.

    But the first 2 1/2 years after PoP, he was a turnip.

    I'm sure that CG had a lot of people pushing buttons at HQ's. Quite a few people were fired and/or maligned by the BOT under Chris' guidance. I'm not saying Craig isn't to blame, I'm saying that CG was definitely giving orders.

    I remember being told that before the BOT made any decisions for TWI, they had to run it by Chris first because they were so effin' unspiritual that any decision made by them was probably influenced by devil spirits.

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