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Posts posted by notinKansasanymore

  1. Karmic, you're cosmic. You can hang with us any day.

    'Cause if not, I think that I read something somewhere about us all hanging separately that has me a bit concerned.

    Oh, yes. The children were watching "Liberty's Kids," and that's a Franklin saying.

    Speaking of going incognito to a twig, how many times over the years since you've been out of TWI have you been witnessed to by folks who don't know you, and are in? It's happened to me a couple of times.

    I must have a gullible face.

    Does anybody want a cat? He's nice. He hates dogs like nobody's beezwax. He needs to be the first cat in a household, because otherwise he'll grapple for dominance.

    I gotta get rid of this cat, man. Too many!

    The Chinese say that if a black cat chooses to make its home with you, you will be lucky.

    Anybody out there wanna be lucky?

    "Be just, and fear not."

  2. Notfernuthinbut,

    this ain't exactly Pike's Peak Mail-Order College. It's going to be really hard. But I once knew a guy who did get a degree from one of those here-today, gone-this-afternoon places; he insisted on being called "Dr." by everyone, when I don't think that he really was. He's the one biggest reason I don't allow students to call me "Dr." in class, or even "Professor."

    I'm "Mrs."

    "Be just, and fear not."

  3. Nononoooooo. Not "Dr."

    This is the part where the work starts.

    Then, maybe, a few years down the road, "Dr."

    For now, just call me anything but late for dinner!

    "Be just, and fear not."

  4. Yes, I have a fourteen-year-old stepdaughter, and a seventeen-year-old stepson. Action and excitement we've got.

    He wants the car; she wants my toe-ring (the bellybutton ring is her own). He's a charming poet; she's a charming social butterfly; she likes ska; he likes whatever his best friend's band is currently playing, and he just started sitting in as the didgerydoo (sp?) player. They're both the intellectual sort. College tuition is looming in our near future.

    "Be just, and fear not."

  5. Speaking of angels, today my six-year-old asked me how we know that angels exist. I told him the account of his grandpa getting saved in battle by an angel, and that he would never have been born if angels didn't exist.

    It was just one of those talking-while-driving-to-Walmart-in-the-van moments, but I don't think he'll ever forget the conversation.

    Which reminds me; I was in somebody's office this morning, and she had a picture of what looked like her parents as part of a collage on her wall. The young couple in the picture was obviously just pausing for a Brownie Instamatic moment before heading out the door to the prom. The girl was looking steadily at the camera, but the guy had his eyes off to the side, kind of shy. As they left for their big date, in that next moment, I wonder if they had any idea that one day their daughter would use that picture to think about them while she worked.

    I wonder what kinds of things, small and insignificant to us today, will loom large to our children as they live their lives and remember us.

    By the way, I'm registering for my first real Ph.D course today. Talk about a have-a-toast moment. I've been teaching as an adjunct at the university for six years, and waiting for the children to both be in school. This is the year. Of course, it'll just be one course at a time, and there's no guarantee that there'll be enough hours in the day to actually finish. But it's nice to make a start.

    Maybe they'll even teach me how to spell "ellipsis." icon_smile.gif:)-->

    "Be just, and fear not."

  6. Does anybody know what ever became of Cynda Lee Cranor? I remember coming home from L.E.A.D., dirty as heck, and we walked into the back of the auditorium. There she was, in a floor-length gown, singing opera beautifully! I'd had no idea she could do that. It was like listening to an angel.

    Well, an angel with a huge, powerful voice.

    "Be just, and fear not."

  7. TGN, Welcom bak.

    Wev'e al beeeeen a beet dotty withot u!

    Simun, ur' kuul w/ r w/o yr dotts.

    "Be just, and fear not."

  8. Simonzegrammarbreath,

    The proper way to use an elipsis is to use only three dots (dot space dot space dot space), and never more than three. We should allow our words, themselves, to be the emphasis, rather than relying on cheap mechanical tricks to make up for the emphasis which we have not infused into our language.

    In the rare case when one ends a sentence with an elipsis, one should use the normal three dots, and then place the period immediately after the elipsis, without a space preceeding the end punctuation, for example: ". . .." or ". . .!" or ". . .?"

    I only point this out because I so admire your obvious love for detail.

    You're the best, man.

    "Be just, and fear not."

  9. Don't worry about the Fellowknipper; his kids will be back in school soon, and he will have to settle back down! I get the feeling they've been partying like it's 1999.

    Hey, everybody: my children go back to school a week from today; how about yours?

    "Be just, and fear not."

  10. The vigil was last night, and the service was this morning.

    Tonight, all four of Grandma's daughters, and every one of her many grandchildren, and most of her great-grand-children are gathered. There is a Polish wake going on. Lots of baked goods, because everybody in the whole family bakes, because Grandma taught them. Stories, hugs, tears, laughter, memories.

    Godspeed, Grandma Rose. I will miss you.

    "Be just, and fear not."

  11. Thanks, everyone.

    They say that within a few generations, medical advances will enable humans to live routinely to 150 or 200. That will be interesting. It still won't change the fact that at the end, we look back to see whether we like what we've done. Grandma was very cool. She was also as strong as a horse, and could easily have hung around longer, if she'd been of a mind to do so. She'e battled back from the brink several times over the past few years, and finally went on her own terms, and by her own timetable.

    Thanks, again.

    Love, niKa

    "Be just, and fear not."

  12. Oh, I'm sorry. I was so sleepy, that I forgot to post this. I just put it on the "Lift List" thread, and here it is for you all:

    Thank you all very, very much for your prayers for Grandma, and for us.

    Our sweet Grandma Rose, aged 97, departed this life on Saturday evening,in her own home and in her own bed, surrounded by her daughters and grandchildren. She was fully aware of everyone there, and was able to squeeze their hands until almost the very last. She was very peaceful about passing, and had asked to be "let go."

    She was our treasure.

    "Be just, and fear not."

  13. Thank you all very, very much for your prayers for Grandma, and for us.

    Our sweet Grandma Rose, aged 97, departed this life on Saturday evening,in her own home and in her own bed, surrounded by her daughters and grandchildren. She was fully aware of everyone there, and was able to squeeze their hands until almost the very last. She was very peaceful about passing, and had asked to be "let go."

    She was our treasure.

    "Be just, and fear not."

  14. TTFN, TGN!

    We'll miss you. Come and say "hi," when you can. Have a nice time on vacation, and enjoy your new job.

    God bless, and God speed.

    Love, niKa

    "Be just, and fear not."

  15. Theoretical physicists generally have little time for chats on threads, no matter how interesting the threads turn out to be.

    Well, their loss!

    "Be just, and fear not."

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