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Posts posted by leafytwiglet

  1. Where is it you live, Leafy? Must be warm; those are summer things, not very early spring things.

    What do you plant in the summer?


    and if I plant those in the summer they go to seed right away.

    although the lima beans may be a bit on the early side.

    Those are all plants I usually plant in early spring

    summer is tomatoes, peppers, squash, egg plant (Japanese), corn,pumpkins, bush beans(we get too much fog to plant pole beans they get diseased if I plant them but the bush beans are champs in my area)

    I still need to get in beets, and lettuce too.

    I will probably not put in corn this year as we never ever get it eaten and picked in time

    well actually I am good with it but hubby is too picky about it and no matter how fresh it is complains so he can have crappy store corn as far as I am concerned.

    I am on line looking over the vegetables right now trying to see if I want to try any new stuff.

    I just put in some left over seeds from last year

    so if I order today I will have the new seeds for the next planting.

  2. Hubby's new brew for today is a german double bach??? bock???

    I am not sure I spelled it correctly.

    I am assuming a dark full bodied home brew as it has molasses added to it.

  3. Ok, Gspotters, its Mr. Dude, ok...?

    As far as spam, I do not feel I get enough of it, I need a "thicker" you know what, I want every Nigerian Attorney to help me collect the national lottery or undisclosed recipient of an inheritance, I have been looking for a bride from Russia, Vigara is my drug of choice (I am waiting for the Vigara nasal inhaler to come on the market), so please help me get more email (I am a lonely man) and work is harder to find these days...so spammers I have no problem helping you make a few cents putting me on a mailing list.....

    LOL Mchud you say that now but when you open your email every day to 100 or more you will not be so happy ...


  4. No, Leafy, I meant the big stripey one that looks suspiciously like a ... tiger !!!

    Anyway, back to gardens...

    Just to show you what a great gardener I am, how timely, how absolutely ready...

    ... I've only just planted my daffodils and a few tulips. They should have been in the ground in October, latest November. But the weather was wet, cold and generally abysmal. That's my excuse, anyway. Right now, everyone else's daffs are showing 2-4" of leaf.

    On going to my shed to find the bulbs, what do you know but they have given up on waiting for me and started without me! There are nice little shoots appearing. So I've shoved them in - and some may produce flowers, a little late. They'll do better in the ground than they would in the shed, anyways. And they've certainly had their cold/chill period - well, actually, they're still having it but outdoors now; my fish pond has frozen over again this afternoon and the forecast is for very cold be very cold all this week.

    LOL Oh you mean the tigers at the San Francisco ZOO... They are beautiful aren't they.

    One of my daffodils has a actual flower on it.

    The rest are still days away from bursting into bloom.

    Okay and not to make you all jealous or anything

    But I planted my first vegetable bed yesterday afternoon.

    of course with all cool weather crops but still. I am excited

    I put in radishes, carrots, spinach, cabbage, lima beans, and a few onions.

    I am going to try to do another box today(I have raised beds each 4 x 8 feet) 6 of them.

    I want to get in some beets and turnips possibly the brussel sprouts. And some peas which are going in a bit late...They should have been in a couple of weeks ago but then timing has not always been my strong suit

    I am going to mark time to harvest on the calendar this year and see if it helps keep me on track for picking... and I am also going to try to do more spaced out plantings to see if I can get a more consistent harvest instead of everything all at once.

    I am also going to try to grow my own tomatoes this year instead of buying the plants so some time end of next week I will be starting both my pepper and tomato plants.

    This way if they fail I can still buy the kind at the store if need be.

  5. Hi geisha,

    I understand your concern. If it's any consolation to you I have ALL ALONG sought out and employed perspectives from other churches and organizations. It's only in the last ten years that I have focused on one thing. I guess I look at PFAL from a perspective so different than what I saw in the Corps leaders that I feel God has helped me see past the errors that bogged down so much of that leadership. If my present fellowship were anything like I saw in the Corps I'd be out in a flash.

    I've looked at Jesus from many angles. My Catholic background helped there a lot. What I now look at is how we can become like him. This is the message I see in written PFAL. I feel that what you remember if the ministry is a mix of a small portion of the written message and a large portion of the verbal traditions that grew and grew and deformed as they went. All I can say is that the pure part can still be found in the written record, while the corrupted part has withered away as it should have.



    The Written PFAL.... the spoken PFAL.....

    IT is all still full of errors and lies

    and VPW was an ego maniac.

    Jesus Christ is the example we should be following.. The bible is the book to study...

    Not some plagiarist, raping alcoholic... who ripped off other peoples work with out actually lining it up with the word and then took liberties to make it fit his own twisted desires.

  6. Why as I am driving in the country...some horses have on coats and others don't?

    and..then why do I feel sorry for the coatless horses?

    Just to relieve your bad feelings for the horses

    The blankets are not to keep the horses warm

    but to keep their coats clean.

    I learned this not too long ago from a friend who shows her horses.

    okay and for anyone wondering

    the definition of geotropic

    ge·ot·ro·pism (j-tr-pzm) n.

    The growth of a living organism in response to gravity, as the downward growth of plant roots.

    geo·tropic (j-trpk, -trpk) adj.

    geo·tropi·cal·ly adv.

    Rats and I was so liking the other definition:

    Geotropism - is that when George goes to the warmer climates for the winter? quoted by MArk above HEhehe

  7. I want a high capacity battery, and I can buy one reasonably, but it has to be soldered. The local shop wil charge me $65!!! I'd rather learnhow to do it myself.Plus steam punk jewelry is all the rage-- I could make some for ebay. Any sugestions?

    Actually soldering is not too difficult

    but it requires a bit of patience to make a good electronic solder.

    For an electronic solder you will need one of those pen type solderers and also you need to be sure to heat the copper wires sufficiently before heating the solder to get a full and correct connection

    I will go see if I can find some online instructions.

    be back shortly

    (I used to have to make electrical connectors for one of my jobs)

  8. And -- when you (or I) are under water, how is it that we instinctively know which way is up, eh?? <_<

    Can you say -- some things are subject to *natural law*???

    Nice try but All you have to do is relax and you float to the top of water.

    I suppose we could expect that they are float ing to the top of the dirt :blink: :)

  9. I always wonder how plants know which way to grow when they sprout.

    Even if bulbs get put in the ground upside down they will grow down and then turn right around and head up to the surface.

    How do they know which way to grow?

    They are buried in dirt.

  10. This is a very interesting thread. There is so much to consider.

    For me this whole thread has been very enlightening (sorry for the pun)

    Life is of course full of paradoxes.

    A perfect example of this is a magnet.

    it has a positive and a negative side It's energy can both repel and attract.

    Life itself has a beginning and an end

    electrons have a positive and negative charge.

    I often wonder if the so called paradoxes of the word are not so much paradoxes but confusion caused by our understanding of what is being communicated.

  11. I wish there were a Readers Digest version of this thread! :blink: :yawn1:

    LOL I think that on all the long threads when I am trying to read them.... And to add to the fun there are bible verses quoted on most of them too.


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