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Posts posted by leafytwiglet

  1. another case of taking a metafor and trying to say it was an actual event.... Didn't VP teach that in at least one of those PFAL classes that many times people were taking easternisms and or metafors and teaching them as an incident.... so he breaks his won rule?

    :doh: OF course he is breaking his own rule.. he is der man o gawd and is so holy his doodooo don't stink and he can do what ever he wants cause he is so on der word!

    Okay my Rant is over.. this kind of stuff when I read it just makes me angry at him for what he did but more importantly at me for being so Naive that I fell for it!

  2. So I am curious now because I left before the POOP Paper... and I just read it all (Okay it took me a couple of tries to get through it all but I did... My memory of Geer is ROA 79 and him running around The grounds carrying a gun. and generally being a self important Donkey!

    So that has to be the most self absorbed piece of baloney I ever read. and has anyone considered that Geer maybe helped things along for VP...

    Of course he was sick with his cancer but he went down pretty fast while at Gartmoore... didn't anyone find that suspicious.

    and why did the board of Trustees let him take over like that... After hearing that piece of dung of a letter.

    I find it facinating that he felt he was the person to take VP's place and his presence was one of the reasons so many people walked away from TWI... Thank Goodness!

  3. I was looking at facebook and out of silliness looked up the Way. They are alive and well in facebook world and have a lot more members than I realized just on facebook. :(

    But I couldn't just search them out with The Way I just tried I got some other church guy.

    And remember on Face book you friend all your friends and their friends etcetera so what appears to be a lot of people may not be so many as you think

  4. I was listening to the Pet Doctor the other day about shedding. . . . I go to his site and listen to old shows while doing something around the house. . . . http://warreneckstein.com/n-stations.html He said to run a damp washcloth over your cats once or twice a day to help them with fur balls. You probably know this already, but thought I would mention it.

    My cats assume my huge plant shelf in the kitchen is a kitty salad bar. . . . we have had to buy kitty grasses and place them strategically around the plants. . . sure enough they go for them!!

    Last fall I potted all my window box geraniums. They are beautiful. . . . I caught a sale and got them for 10 cents a piece. . . . I wanted to reuse them this year, but they are so leggy. They are blossoming like crazy. . . . any suggestions?

    When they are done blooming cut them to a few inches high they will send up new growth!

  5. THere were lots of people smoking I would venture to guess 75 % of the general population smoked cigaretts in the 70's and 80's.. and I bet a good 50% of people my age smoked pot. as to it happening at TWI.. I still remember the entire wow family from Hawaii the year I went WOW spent their whole WOW year half or wholly baked and a good part of ROA in happy herbal bliss.

    It ....ed me off because I felt it was wrong but the ministry at least at that time had not come out really against pot yet, at least to the general Way population.

    When hubby and I got married at the LIMB of Idaho we had a couple of believers from our twig there and they were very into pot and offered me a Joint, which I turned down and walked away from them, they didn't make a scene just tried to slip it into my hand and I handed it back... later I got dressed down for not confronting them right then and there by my Limb leader D*n* Armst**ng.. IT was My wedding for God sakes They were new to the word believers, a sweet couple and very loving and kind. They were at our wedding becasue they loved us and wanted to celebrate with us. and honestly at that point I wasn't sure what the Minisries stand was on pot, people were smoking at ROA... hell a whole WOW family spent their whole WOW year high as a kite and I am suppposed to tell someone to not. I was informed that I should have yelled at them because they were making a mockery of the leaders ceremony..IT was the stupidest thing ever. THey had no idea it was wrong and were just doing what they did at probably every party or wedding they attended... and graciously offering the bride a generous gift of an entire joint.( a nice sized one too I might add. big as an index finger!

    I still shake my head about it now.. the whole time I was In that was the only leader I heard say you should not be smoking pot. In fact more often I heard the whole if you are right with God and walking on the word you could even commite crimes and God would be okay with it.

  6. About the possibility of an 82-83 exodus..

    That was when we left but we left for personal reasons, but there were some folks leaving then...Not anything like what happened later but still.

    There was a real push against gays in 82 so i would suspect a leaving of many of them once that started

    Also at ROA 82 Mark and Avoid though it wasn't called that seemed to have been started.( I say this becasue it was when I started to see it happening to people... you were told they were devilish and to avoid them)

    For a bit of clarity for anyone who wasn't around then or maybe it was where I was out west.. Prior to 82 there was a lot of homosexuality is not right teaching... but with it was an attitude that homosexuality could be healed...but and I do not remember what promopted it maybe because Martindale was gaining more power but all of a sudden if you were Gay you were evil and there was no way you could be healed.

    Another thing that was going on was that starting in 81 maybe sooner back east but where I was out west in 81 the whole Devil Spirits are everywhere teaching was starting to come out... you know the teaching they are in paintings and artwork (It came out in one of the teaching tapes).... I found it offensive to my own intelligence but I imagine after we left that got touted even more. I can not believe Hubby and I were the only ones who questioned that teaching.

    I think personally there was a trickling away going on by then... maybe not the departure of the other three exoduses, but then I am looking back on it.. with no personal knowledge of what happened after we left.

  7. WEirdly I remeber this from The Way International... and more specifically from Weirwille too.

    I have heard it other places but I associate it with Vic and TWI... and I am not sure when I heard it or where.

    maybe at a ROA?

    or who knows on a teaching tape or some one reading it from one of the books..

  8. It was one of the big selling points of TWI

    and I too remember him going on about it.

    HE used it as a means of giving some kind of credibility to his work.

    Was it true or just another lie.

    Edited to say I meant it was one of the ways he used to give himself more credibility not really a selling point.


  9. well a happy plant means more tomaotes usually lOL

    We are offically in Spring the cats are shedding and the weeds are taking over the flower garden... I weeded today and got good and sweaty so next weekend it is time to plant my first veggie bed! Lettuce Carrots spinach cabbage and kale and radishes That ought to take care of things for a start! Oh and Peas!

  10. Some friends introduced me to the program when Chris Eeclestron was Dr Who... I totally loved him as Who... he was funny and odd and smart and charming all at the same time... One of my friends was very into Tenant... but I have to say it wasn't as fun for me with him.. he did bring a darkness to the character that is for sure... but then I haven't been following it for years so I am sure I do not realize what Dr Who is supposed to be like. Also his relationship with Rose was awesome... Yes i am a romantic at heart!

    @ Ham your reincarnated lifes made me LOL!

  11. Well I was involved with The Way International when Weirwille was alive. Martindale had not taken over yet... but he was being manuevered into place and was begining to dictate ministry doctrine. He was a very different personality from Weirwille.

    And was taking over a completely different age group of people.

    First of all you have to realize that Weirwille was an Alcoholic, The kind of Alcoholic that is very charismatic. (I find that many alcoholics are, I do not understand why but people love them and will follow them, I have seen it at work and in other situations in my life)

    HE cultivated a Fatherly vibe,and aimed his ministry directly at the 19 to 23 year old set. Kept rules and regualtions to a minimum recognizing perhaps that young adults were not going to get on board if there was a ton of you can and can not do rules. And I think as he gained more followers and the snow ball effect took hold, yes he did throw stuff out there to see how much people would follow him.

    Also from the very begining he did not tach anything as a suggeestion.

    They weren't taught as anything other than how you ought to be living your life if you wanted to walk with God.

    Then there was Martindale who really was not charasmatic at all .. was a control freak and demanded complete loyalty.

    As he began to take over the ministry he began to throw out more and more rules and he also began to attack people. whole sale. The Gays in particular. Under Weirwille there was a kind of tolerance.. an acceptance but not a condoning.. Hard to describe you had to be there.

    I am sure weirwill attacked people too, but not to the vicious degree of Martindale.

    You had to be there at the cusp of the change over to see it I think.

    Also Remember Martindale was taking over a group of people who the majority of were now moving into true adulthood. They were now in their late 20's and things that seemed reasonable before when they were younger were not so reasonable now.

    Also many of the Corps from the minute they heard it was going to be Martindale were not happy.

    Many of them did not like him. They had gone through Corps training with him or had been through the program under him.. They did understand who he wasand what he was like. The night Weirwill announced him as the succesor officially to the Corps, you should have heard the complaining.Many people were very unhappy about it.

    I also think that Martindale really began to push peoples limits gradually building up steam as he went along. and the more he pushed, the more unhappy people became and wanted to leave.. and the more they left the more insecure Martindale felt and pushed harder.

    Culminating in that first big exodus.

  12. Also if you still have teh documents from when you purchased the house there may be information as to a well location, in the Preliminary Title Roport Check on the second or third page in... You would be surprised what information is on your preliminary title report.

    Also if you go to the planning office you can get copies of all the poermits filed for your property.

    and as was noted they should have a record if there was a previous well.

    Also you may be able to find a water witcher in your area. My husband didn't believe me about it but I can do it I know of five different spots on our property with under ground water accumulation. none of them big enouogh to be well worthy and one directly under our house.. but all of them are there

    and I am pretty sure the local creek used to run right thru our yard before they diverted it to build the developement.

  13. Hi Brainy Sending hugs your way.

    I married my hubby when we were both involved in The Way International.. Our paths kept crossing, over the course of my involvement in TWI.. which is pretty amazing when you realize it kept happening while we were both doing vastly different things.. HE with Corps and me just as a lowely leaf in twig and as a WOW.

    There are some things I have learned through out our marriage about me and about him... because we left early on and had not had children yet.. we managed to leave behind a lot of the way internationals teachings and belief systems.

    But what I was attracted to in my spouse was his kind, genlte loving soul. It was a part of his intrinsic makeup.

    and I can say with certainty that peoples general personalities do not change from being in a cult. IF some one is a sadistic evil bastard... That is who they are and they will be that if they are in a cult or just your boss at work.

    You have some issues related to childhood abuse, exaserbated by the cult issue.. I have the childhood abuse issue but my abuse had nothing to do with The Way International... and you need to understand that whether your parents were involved with The Way International or not they would have abused you.

    When you have been on here longer you will find that some people did not abuse their kids even though they were in the Way International.. and some did. IT is the part of your life that will always haunt you... My therapist told me I needed to accept the reality of who my parents were to be able to move on in my life.. and when I finally came to the place where I could see who my parents really were and accept them with all their flaws(This doesnot mean I had to be in contact with them... just understand what they did)

    AS to choosing some one who doesn't abuse you.. all I can say is you will have to continue to try to have relationships with people. you can not wall yourself off from everyone.. IT just doesn't help you get better, but you will find that as time goes on the more you get to know new people the faster you will get at spotting red flags. and in spotting those you will find your self less and less likely to get involved with some one who is not right for you.

    Also I find that it is best to avoid situations that will upset me... I do not watch movies about childhood abuse or alcoholism... They always will trigger me and I avoid stories where it is a theme.. and I avoid people that exhibit the same type of behavior as my step dad.

    Whether that person was involved in The Way international or not will not be as important as that they love, respect, understand, and enjoy you. And that you feel and treat them the same.

    Most of the people I met in The Way International were very nice but there was a small number of them that were really awfull and a few more that were not very nice... but the bulk of them were kind... certainly misled but kind..

    Only you can determine if some one is right as a companion or friend for yourself.. and guidlines are really just that guidlines, there to help you find your way toward more healthy relationships.

    Hugs and know that you are a wise and wonderful and amazing person. You always post the most thought provocative questions... They help me understand more about my involvment with The Way International

  14. Hmmmm well that is interesting now the questions remain was it really her involved or was it him... NEwspapers do get things wrong sometimes... and it happens enough that you have to question it. I doubt hse was out there trumpeting her involvement with the way. and since the rest of them are just repeating what the first one said you do have to wonder what the truth is!

  15. LOL you guys are funny

    Some helpful notes for Gen... get a good deep pot. Is it an Ivy???(long trailing tendrils.

    Maybe take a picture of the plant and post it then we can lob suggestions to you as to watering and where it should go in your house.

    Some plants like tons of light other not so much..

    and ditto with watering.

    as to unkillable house plants

    there are a couple that are pretty much the best plants to get... they are all types of Ivy.

    After you feel confident with them there are some others that are good starter plants.. you know very forgiving of missing out on watering and such.

  16. WEll, I might freeze like that but I noticed today the dogwoods have little tiny buds as do the plum trees.

    The little Camillias have each produced 3 precious flowers.

    Kimberly I do hope you come on and tell us when the Dogwoods Burst into bloom I believ it is the sign of spring in the south or so I have heard.

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