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Mark Clarke

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Posts posted by Mark Clarke

  1. The most annoying form of this "personality cult" thing was how it affected the music. Since VPW loved Country/Western Music, it was assumed throughout the ministry that it was somehow more "godly" and "spiritual" than rock'n'roll or other types of music. The result was that Joyful Noise and Pressed Down went "country" in their sound. I always got the feeling that at least some of the members weren't really happy with that and would rather have been playing from their hearts. Even Bob Stanley did a few country-tinged songs, which to me sounded extremely forced. Anybody who was involved in Way Productions at the time have any insight or comments on this?

  2. Anybody else remember the old mint and clove tradition for teachers? Every lectern had to have a little dish with cloves and mints. And the mints were to be Life Savers, broken into four pieces. When I once asked why they didn't just used Tic Tacs, it was explained that this was the way Dr. W liked it, so all teachers were to have it.

  3. ...and with that thought in mind, I thought this might good for a little afternoon tea chuckle...relax :dance:


    I love this video! Although he uses some coarse language, he's very funny yet makes some valid points, and sadly he's right about how too many Christians are (as well as Moslems and Jews). This should make us more aware of how we present our message.

    The page also has comments that were made in response to the video. Some felt that religion itself, or belief in God, was the problem, while others rightly concluded that that was not the point of the video. It's not religion itself but how some people practice it that is bad. Unfortunately, not enough "real Christians" speak up about it. One of the comments even made a point of saying that "no real Christians have anything to say." Another comment responded by saying:

    ...the reason there are no "real" Christians having anything to say, is that the number of real Christians, who engage in discourse on such subjects, is smaller than the number of hairs on a turtle......A true Christian?? A true Muslim?? A true Jew??? These are constructs, of individual perception, and do not actually, physically, exist in time and space for longer than brief, unquantifiable moments.....

    Only one "real Christian" posted anything worth while:

    I'll say though that extreme radicals in each religion are given the most press...hands down...by a landslide...without a doubt... which makes just about every religion look completely bums-up loonytoons. I'll say straight up that those people who hold those "GOD HATES [WHOEVER]" signs speak for no one but themselves and plainly haven't read or remotely understood their Bible. ALL the rest of us agree on that, and yet THEY get all the press and people cite them constantly as the "example" of the Christian, which is nonsense, plain as day. Meanwhile, those that honestly follow the Bible (for real) and contain a good bit of faith, but a good bit of reason as well are generally ignored by the media (and such) and wind up looking at the whole debate and getting horribly frustrated and depressed at the unfairness of it all. Personally I'm a career scientist and a Christian... and generally people--when they hear it--go "What? You must be a lousy Christian/scientist!" (you can pick which) Ridiculous! Not all of us have given the matter no thought. See C.S.Lewis, etc.

    In rhyme with what has been commented here already, my "beef" is not with those who disapprove of my religious beliefs. My beef is with those who deliberately (or ignorantly) LIE about it in order to discredit it in a [conscious or unconscious] attempt to justify their philosophy. I'm not talking about revealing charlatans; that's fine. I'm not talking about revealing cults; that's fine. I'm talking about accusing a religion of being false or wrong based on only those charlatans and cults.

    One more comment that I feel like mentioning:

    An atheist will cite one religion after another for inciting war after war... and I will not argue with that. I will argue that the religious/spiritual belief system that a person chooses to believe is the single most important decision of his/her life. This is a decision that defines the character of a person and the purpose of his/her entire life. Naturally dissent here causes problems. Attempting to erase this dissent by erasing religion is identical to attempting to erase racial discrimination problems by eliminating all but one race... I don't think I need to say more about that...

    This man's comments were well thought out and well articulated. He is a great example of how we should respond to "religion bashing" that is so common these days. And (getting back to the thread's topic) both the video and his response are excellent examples of "attacking" ideas and attitudes, rather than just attacking the people and being insulting but not contibuting anything constructive.

  4. After wandering around the Forest all morning, Piglet and Christopher Robin came to a spot they were sure they'd been in before. They were experiencing Deja Pooh.

  5. This doesn't need to be in the news. Let it die. Somehow I think he is going to make money off this.

    I don't know if he killed those people but I do know that his name is a good way for me to change the chanel.

    I'm with you! Why are people so interested in him or Paris Hilton or Brittney Spears or whoever the messed-up-celebrity-of-the-week is? Has our culture become that shallow?

  6. What I didn't like about it was that when the girl looks to him after she has played with the gun and as she tries to get back to him, "Jesus" stands helplessly messing about on the sidelines waving. It isn't till quite late on that he actually kicks into the fray and beats off all the baddies. He's not with her in her initial struggles to get away despite her keeping reaching back out to him.

    That's what I thought at first, too. But when I watched it again, I noticed that he is waving and trying to get her attention BEFORE that, while she is being enticed by the worldly stuff, but when she drops the gun and reaches out toward him, he is in a "tug of war" stance and PULLING her toward him; and then he jumps in and fully blocks them at the climax. He's in there "pulling" for us more than we know!

  7. I wasn't thinking of Rosalie personally when I saw the movie... but the legalism and rules and regulations that made no sense reminded me very much of TWI mentality. The Ministry says this is what to do... if you question it you are looked on with suspicion, and if you keep it up, you're sacked. The firing of that teacher (I forget her name) when she had no place else to go reminded me so much of when they fired all those Limb coordinators in the "fog years."

  8. Like Mrs. Presky, "I'll take the bag".

    "hey, this is a bag of ****!!"

    "but it's really GREAT ****, Mrs. Presky.."


    Love it!

    You're the first person I've heard in years to reference Firesign Theatre!

  9. Love it!

    (But it was a little strange seeing Robbie Coltrain (Hagrid) come on stage as the same size as the other characters - he's supposed to be HUGE)... :redface: (that didn't sound right, did it?)

    Actually that wasn't Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid. It was Horatio Sanz (one of the SNL cast).

  10. Here are some more:

    I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

    Police were called to a daycare where a three-year old was resisting a rest.

    Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.

    The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference.

    The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work.

    To write with a boken pencil is pointless.

    When fish are in schools, they sometimes take debate.

    A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months.

    The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

    A thief tripped and fell in wet cement. He became a hardened criminal.

    Thieves who steal corn from a garden could be charged with stalking.

    We'll never run out of math teachers because they always multiply.

    When the smog lifts in Los Angeles, U C L A.

    The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes was on shaky ground.

    The dead batteries were given out, free of charge.

    If you could take a laptop computer for a run, you could jog your memory.

    A dentist dated a manicurist. They fought tooth and nail.

    A backward poet writes inverse.

    In a democracy, your vote counts; in feudalism, your Count votes.

    If you don't pay your exorcist you get repossessed.

    Acupuncture: a jab well done.

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