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Posts posted by wingnut

  1. The Mormon church I was part of never did these things, most Mormons are oblivious to what groups like the Canyon City group are doing. So, of course they don’t exist and it never happened.

    Just like the TWI I was part of was a good “Christian” group of bible believing folks with great hearts towards G-D. Are there similarities here that we can see, draw from and perhaps learn from?

    The Canyon City group raises it females to be subject to men and the men which get them are selected by the leaders. Top leaders in TWI, male and female groomed women to fulfill the duty of satisfying the special group of men. God made them beautiful for a purpose and that purpose was servicing G-D’s elite few.

    These few chosen women were then kept separate as much as possible, assigned to jobs where they were handy for the service desired. Other women were used for one night stands and tossed aside.

    Now many of these chosen ones were instructed who they should marry. Many were denied the blessing of the inner circle if they chose to marry an unapproved husband.

    When women lost the favor of the elite, many were driven away and scandalous lies told about them. Some were driven from the only life they had and had known for years.

    The canyon City group would equal TWI’s headquarters inner circle. The Mormon church equals the vast majority of wayfers, never seeing or hearing of the evil.

  2. Bit of history, this is how the Mormons built Utah and some surrounding areas. Plural wives, boatloads of children and communal living. A few groups refused the federal compromise and stuck to the old ways. This isn’t the only one and for some reason it gets all the attention. They are scattered in remote areas of Utah, Arizona, Idaho and Wyoming.

    Also the first wife always had to agree to any more wives, as well as the church leaders. Then she always was the dominate “hen” in the roost.

  3. Crossroads? Maybe this is an intersection where the right decision is the one of least regrets before you. As a Father the answer for what I would want my children to do is quite easy, and if they were fathers they would find it also easy. Many of us fathers want things, yet not wanting to burden our children we won’t say what we want. Relates to that male ego thing.

    Forgive my forwardness here, but to be blunt, an 80 yr old man with Parkinson has a limited amount of time he will be able to live unassisted. I watched a healthy elderly man go from being fine with his wife, moved to where 2 daughters were close, one right across the street, to a home in less than a year because of Parkinson.

    He had it several years and then degeneration hit hard and fast. His wife could not control his medication, his daughters tried, yet during periods of adjusting the medications it became impossible to monitor with out being there every waking moment.

    Years from now, which will be the easiest choice for you to live with?

  4. There are always groups formed and they usually shun each other or at least rival groups. Wasn't any different when we were in school, way back in the day.

    I never allowed labels to separate me from friends, yet as time went on many friends separated from me because I didn't fit their label. Mexican friends that I'd known since first grade slowly slipped away and associated strictly with other Mexicans. Other friends became hard core jocks, some became hard core freaks.

    Each group claimed other groups shunned them, but yet they shunned the other groups as well. If you were to fit into a group you had to cut off associations with the other group. It always boiled down to if you really wanted to fit in, you had to be one of "them". Never at first, but always there would come a time a decision had to be made.

    Are the new friends, or more appropriately new group as some of these friends may have been around for years and wondered over, are they worth your other friends? The advice I always gave my sons was to be themselves and allow the others to choose if they wanted some sort of label to dictate friendship.

  5. Some explanation, but will try to be brief. I lived across from parents with an autistic 12 yr old boy. They both worked and he was expected to allow himself in after school. Parents were to get home within 1/2 hour of him, but rarely did. He would get violent and attacked my 8 yr old. Once breaking into my place to get him.

    Police were called and wouldn't do anything. Other parents and I tried everything we could to get this resolved with this boys parents. Money turned out to not be an issue as a few years previous when this boy attacked a small girl and police responded, they had to pull the boy off the girl and he was bruised while being restrained. It was settled out of court and the amount never disclosed.

    Being this late in the year, I am sure this was not a one time incident. I am quite sure the school had tried to deal with the parent. I am sure the police had to follow procedure and all this was done with all I's dotted and T's crossed. Perhaps this was an extreme move to get this girl help with a faculty that had reached its last straw and didn't want more of the same next year or even worse.

    Reasons are not always medical. I dealt with another kid that was examined a few times, like the time he tried to bury my middle and his friends alive. But the first boy I mentioned and this one were threats to other kids and all we ever heard was the parents screaming about their rights. Oh, the second one here is serving life without parole. To bad he wasn't stopped before he raped that little girl, we all saw it coming.

  6. Sure is a lot we don't know about this.This is a 5 year old and seems so many want to give her a free pass without knowing any history. Staged video? Yes, its called CYA; required in this day and time with bleeding heart liberals stepping in between parents and their kids that happen to need nothing but a good old fasion spanking. Oh and also worthless parents that would see this as a meal ticket as would a long line of parasite lawyers.

    Procedure, procedure; procedure! Automatically judge the administrators and the teachers as bumbling idiots without a clue, not knowing what brought this to pass. Ridiculous to imply a 5 year old should be allowed to do this because they can't hurt an adult. Shows you never had a child in a class room with a monster that because of all the rights and laws all the children and faculty had to suffer the wrath of one.

    Oh, I know; we all see the age and think of the sweet lil misguided booger and forget that in many inner-city schools sweet 1st graders are carrying and dealing! I have talked to former teachers that got tired of 7 and 8 year olds pulling knives on them!

    You know that the monsters that shoot up schools more than likely start at very early ages becoming deranged monsters.

    But, had the police came and took her and she was injured and not cuffed, smell the money Momma! Had the faculty laid hands on her and she bruised, smell the money! There are many victims in our schools and its the decent actual innocent kids that suffer the most!

  7. Unless you have been down the road, you have absolutely no idea how long that road is and how long it took to get down it. Only after being down that road and waking up and turning around does one realize how far astray one has been lead.

    Association with TWI under the Vicster allowed the illusion of freedom, come and go as you please. But, some where through the homo purges and the carrot in front of our noses known as crossing that bridge, that illusion was killed.

    Everything became life and death. Forsake your heretic spouse or be cut off from the only true Household and be cut off from God! You give 15% good, but best is to challenge yourself to grow into 20% and show us your plan to do so. Or be cast out of Zion where there is crying and gnashing of teeth.

    Brain-washed? Oh hell no, but a very long drawn out process of mental manipulation making the only choices TWI-2 or death, at least spiritual death and cut off from the blessings of God. Oh, sure many that are single and don’t have kids or a spouse don’t have a clue what it means to be tied in knots over doing what you desire and the spiritual death of your loved ones.

    Ridiculous? Only to those that never traveled that road and suffered the deceptions that gradually got us to that point. When death became an attractive alternative to life in TWI, that’s when many finally woke-up and walked away expecting the worse. Remember oh Vicster himself wrote in the most fundamental doctrine of TWI (Bluebook) that the worse prisons are the mental ones.

    Is every lawsuit worthy? Don’t know, judge for yourself, I have seen some stupid selfish lawsuits. But then there have been the successful settled out of court sexual abuse cases that reveled for all to see the perverted underbelly of TWI. Perhaps the good Dr’s suit over forced giving has merit and will expose even more. One can only hope!

  8. ChasU:

    What made her MORE qualified than those who'd been at HQ since the earth cooled and could actually lead, teach and manage?

    Easy, you run off all the competition and you soon become the top *dog*, ok fox, well dog is closer. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

    Is she really the best they have anymore?

    Well yes, quite possibly the last of the faithful VP girls, if you know what I mean. banghead.gif

    (And I'm also wondering what qualified her to be ordained! - I mean she isn't exactly a walking example of 2 Timothy, is she?)

    Perhaps she served the MOG like no other woman had, the ministry of the rattling slats, squeakier springs. After all “faithfulness” does have its rewards! confused.gif

    What? You haven't heard of climbing the corporate ladder on your back?


  9. Look at it this way Lindy, if you weren’t out of the Household you would be now because you showed weakness and screwed up!

    Personally if I were still in I would cut classes for an adult child stubbing their toe! Those classes really sucked the first and second time through, I am sure they have only gotten worse. Think about it, possibly one or two actual new people and some poor innocent innie children that just happened to turn 12 on their last birthday and parents that have had to sat through the stupid thing several times!

    I don’t think you could cut off enough to make the faithful miss that! confused.gif

  10. Yet another generation that you have to worry about every d...........oh never mind banghead.gif

    My youngest was declared “kick-standless” before birth. She came out a he and has done his best to prove since birth he has a “kick-stand dang-it! From the first official squirt Dad in the face diaper change, to wearing nothing but Dad’s hat and thigh high cowboy boots in the snow and peeing on the wall because the bathroom was occupied. Well, you get the drift.

    Dang, I never got my lil girl to spoil, icon_frown.gif:(-->

    Congrats!!!! The world is a better place because now there is Kialyn Joy, I mean kaliyn joe, I mean Kailyn Jade in the world icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


    If it’s a real stud then a tap on the shoulder works. who_me.gif

    Now serious, depends on things like how old the joint is. Older places often had 2' stud centers .But the trick is finding what was the lead wall, where the lay-out started from. From the lead all studs are equal spaced, but the last one can be anywhere.

    Try tapping 16" in from a wall, then 2'. Not sure, start at the opposite wall and measure in. A 6' hole saw also works great

  11. Maybe it would help clarify if examples were given as to what kind of decisions.

    My days are filled with decisions, many are what I would call just going with the flow. Often with these there are no right answers. Like groceries, which store to shop at etc.

    Then there are big decisions, career, relationships and so forth. Some have good solid scriptural guidance and some, well hate to say it; but we are on our own as God doesn’t really care which route we take.

    Oh, behind the walls of Zion everything was micro managed, more of slight of hand to keep our noses buried so we wouldn’t see what was really going on around us. So, some decisions matter and some don’t, despite Way world lack of logic.

  12. Father forgive me because I know I am about to sin redface.gif:o-->

    Perhaps in the garden before the days of President Clinton, oral sex was, well considered sex!And perhaps the teacher would not perform the act that his wife wanted. She went to a trusted friend and well, got her needs meet. So the one that would became Pres and the one that wouldn’t got booted out of the garden of corn.

    Now when the devil did the nasty with Eve and was in drag, perhaps in the original it wasn’t the act but the actor that made it a sin. And when the sinner teacher would not do the nasty, to quote WC Fields, oh forget the quote, but his wife became a possible girl friend. And as a last ditch effort to keep the kingdom and all the women going without the act in the kingdom the king declared the act sin. Of course going from a ministry of clean fridge tops to it being sin would cause a major revolt among the wimmin folk! mad.gif

    Now for Adam to perform it for Eve wouldn’t be sin, but when he said “man I am glad that thing in Blue showed ya how, that would be sin by consent. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Coming in a class soon. confused.gif

    Now I am going to confession banghead.gif

  13. When I left the proverbial walls of the prevailing word across the bridge in zion, I became deathly ill. After 3 days without eating or drinking, laying in bed coming barely back to reality from a high fever. The though hit me: “ even this freedom feels so much better than the bondage I had left"

  14. I would think that a little common sense could be exercised in our criminal justice system.You kill you die, you rape you die, you kidnap and guess what? You die! Oh and add a swift system that would expedite and guarantee the constitutional right of a speedy trial. Even a five year maximum from arrest to death chamber would be a huge improvement. The courts should consider that if a person has the mental ability to find a victim, carry out the kidnaping, rape, murder and hiding the evidence they are of course insane, to insane to be allowed to live!

    And as far as the system tolerating violence, well let’s thank those that are convinced a little education will stop such things from happening again. Anger management classes, that’s the answer!

    One father I know found a bottle of vodka under his 16 yr old daughters bed. When she started screaming at him and trying to forcibly get the bottle back, he broke it against the wall. She called the police, he got a years probation and ordered to take anger management courses. It cost him a few thousand dollars and gave his daughter a license to do as she pleased. Now he is raising her 3 children, each having a different father, and she is 21 and finally coming to the understanding her father loved her and was trying to stop years of heart ache.

    Another man had married a woman with a 17 yr old son. One night this man walked in to see his wife holding a small bag of pot and the step son in his mothers face screaming for her to give it back. The man got between them and told the boy he was to never talk to his mother that way again and to never bring drugs into their home. As the boy turned and walked away the man reached out and placed his hand on the boys shoulder and said I am not done with you. The boy called the police, the man got a years probation and had to take anger management. Once again it cost this man thousands. Oh and the drugs were taken and no charges filed! Hope the kid likes Haggard songs now, because he did turn 21 in prison serving life without parole. ( OK, 3-5 years)

    I personally had a 15 yr old that would scream in arguments at me. Twice the police came to my door and arrest me! Both times the kid admitted, after cooling off; he was the one screaming and I never laid a hand on him and charges were dropped. Fortunately I got decent cops that would listen, but the kid never was told to take anger management. Oh and now the kid says, I wish I would have listened!

    We have anger schools, yet violence crimes escalate; we have drunk schools and no shortage of drunks; we have theft schools and no shortages of thieves. Why? Because good old punishment goes farther and I would bet someone tried to already teach the perps these things are wrong!

    When will this society wake-up and realize that anyone that gets their jollies from stealing the innocence of a little child is not fit to live? Not just not fit to live in society, but to live period! MJ, if convicted should be put to death, because his crimes were against societies most vulnerable and we shouldn’t tolerate him taking another breath.

  15. I still think the whole system is now called into question and does deserve judgement.

    Of course denial of such caused us all to walk through TWI blindly until we took an honest look. And rumors were what the facts were called.

    This would be different if a man’s life didn’t affect thousands. It needs to be brought into the lime light as much as VPW’s or LCM’s sins were. I am just not posting all I know. But, will say this much, he never came clean.

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