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Everything posted by flanker

  1. Dear friends, I have a questions: what is the destination of the money that the TWI leaders receive from the people involved in TWI? I didn't give a cent to him but I saw with my own eyes that much people give much money to the local leader and I suppose he will send the money to the country leader ( in Italy the boss of TWI is in Sicily), but I haven't any evidences of this. Thanks!
  2. Dear all, I don't think is necessary a web site like GSC now. Here, in Italy, the presence of Catholic Roman Vatican Church is very strong and is very hard for new sects to find new adpet persons. We have a huge presece of Geova's Witness but the people involved in The Way are only on/about 25/ 30 people ( only 10 Italian, the others came from Africa). I don't think that TWI can find more people here: I was envolved because of my wife but now she also understand that the message of the TWI is uncorrect and she left this sect. I grew up in Rome ( in the centre of Italy) and now I live near Milan. Maybe, in next few months, me and my famili will move in Romania for work ( maybe for two/ three years) I want to say thank you again to all the people wrote me in the past and for who write me right now. Good luck for every things and God bless you! Alex
  3. george, parli italiano? Do you speack italian?
  4. Dear friends ( yes, I think you are my friends), thank you very much for your attention, prayers and all. Thanks to you,now, my wife left the Way. We have a children now and our life is better that in the past. I want say thank you again. Now we, me and my wife, want to help all the people involved in The Way here, in Italy. I let you know in future. Arivederci e a presto. Il Signore vi benedica Alex
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