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Posts posted by Weout1200

  1. NO!!! Please, I beg of you. I can tolerate Capt. Archer for only one hour at a time, for free. I can't see myself paying hard-earned cash to suffer through a full length 'Enterprise' flick. Give me "Attack of The Killer Tomatos".


    Being the model builder that I am, I will take a kit of Enterprise NX-01. That will round out my fleet.

    P.S. Is the opening theme (Faith Of The Heart) an original done for that show or a re-make? I was in my local grocery store & I heard Rod Stuart singing a version of it.

    ...on the 8th Day, GOD made the Harley, & it was Good.

  2. ...Paramount Pictures & their almighty pursuit of the Dollar. I'm patiently waiting for the release of "Star Trek Nemesis" next week. So, I go to the local Borders bookstore for something to pass the time, and what's on the entry racks?....

    A novelization of the script of Star Trek Nemesis . Just a trillion copies . Why release it a week BEFORE the flick comes out?

    To me it's a dumb move on their part. Some folk will buy the book & keep the admission $ in their pocket.

    Then there's people like me who try their best to walk away, but end up reading the first chapter , which is acknowledgements from the author...who then proceeds to explain the reasons why what was done in the movie...then confirming a rumor that had been circulating .

    Dumb. But that's my thought. What say y'all?

    ...on the 8th Day, GOD made the Harley, & it was Good.

  3. Well, here I am. Mother-in-law doing the hams & dressing, sweet potato pies completed (orginally there were 5, but one went for quality control ), & I'm smoking the host, a 20 pounder. I've got about 4 more hours to go, but it's a dark golden brown with a mesquite flavor. There's an extra chair for & a warm welcome for anyone who wants to come...we'll start about 2:00pm. If not, just drop a line here.

    Happy Thanksgiving to All G'spoters!!!!!

    ...on the 8th Day, GOD made the Harley, & it was Good.

  4. I don't do any present music. Why? Because the creativity is gone. It's all **** this, **** that, **** you, poppa cap in this one, take off your clothes. And it's either sampled, synthesized, or played at the decibel level of an F-16 at take-off. And I love telling some young snot that the top 40 hit he's crowing about is a re-make of a 20 or 30 year old song (I really love whipping out the CD & watching their jars hit the ground!).

    Jazz is my refuge. And no, not that teppid, nauseating Kenny G type noise...I mean some Coltrane, Bird, Dizzy, Miles Davis, a LOT of Louie Armstrong ( I saw him live at Preservation Hall as a boy...YES!!!), some of the big band sounds.

    But my favorite, my numero uno...is Prince. Yeah, I know, but the man has talent, has his own unique sound...though some of his lyrics are WAY out there. Always did listen to him, even while I was "in". Had FCs, WCs, etcs tell me he was a fag, posessed, full of debbil spurts, yadda, yadda, yadda. Still bought his CDs.

    I think that parents should monitor what thier kids listen to, but not to the point of being anal like the way is. Find that middle balance: don't be anal, but don't let 'em run loose.

    ...on the 8th Day, GOD made the Harley, & it was Good.

  5. I can't stand the VS girls. It's not a sexist thing; I see nothing wrong with a woman tastefully modeling skimpy undies. My thing is...they're too skinny!!!! I want a woman I can hold, a woman of substance, not wrap my arms around twice. Those anorexic, Dow Chemical-chested bags of bones ain't my cup of tea.

    ...on the 8th Day, GOD made the Harley, & it was Good.

  6. We (wife & I) got out of twiTLand Dec of 2000...don't post our names 'cause we don't want the wayGB hassling the innies we contact from time to time.

    The icon is similar to the unit patch of a Army unit I belonged to. (1/141FA-256InfBDE-5MECINDIV-Served With Distinction...decode that, wayGB)

    Ridin' The 3rd Rock From the Sun...& Lovin'It!!!

    [This message was edited by Weout1200 on October 31, 2002 at 7:23.]

  7. Going to the to gym to "catch"...IMO not a good idea (before everyone piles on me, this is just MY opinion!). Most folk who go to get their "lift on" are concentrating on that, MAYBE some small talk, & don't want to be bothered with the distraction of some one, he or she, on the lookout. Unless it's one of those "meat markets" like 24 Hour Fitness (The Club Formerly Known as The Q) where the women look prettier working out in their color co-ordinated, dress code complying workout designer outfits that match their make-up.

    The Golds' I go to is a pure-D sweatshop; no dress code, no designer water, no potpourri, no juice bar. Only tons of free weights, & the girls feel no pressure to work out with the guys(& can do so without gettin' hit on every minute).

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