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Posts posted by simonzelotes

  1. Okay,...NEWS FLASH!!!!..NIKA is in the hospital with cellulitus in one of her legs....It would be difficult for me to relay to you all the details but she right now is on lots of antibiotics...Her first priority is to have a complete and full recovery,and a full use of her leg...She also may be in the hospital for several days or weeks,depending on the response to treatment and the test results...

    She would love to have your prayers,positive thoughts,incantations,meditations,rosary beads,chants,drum beatings,frankencense,myrrh,crystals or any other holy intercession of your choosing to the Almighty for her full and speedy recovery....Thank you....

  2. Well,I was flipping through the channels earlier today,and I thought I had tuned in to a rerun of one of the Little League regional games but it turned out to be the 11th inning of the Cubs-Pirates contest...Nothing more thrilling in baseball than watching two teams battle for last place in late August....A high chopper glances off the leaping Cubs' third basemen's glove,then he has to turn and run like hell to retrieve it because the shortstop mistakenly thought he had purchased a ticket to watch the game rather than back up the play...Of course,the Pirate player that hit it mistook 1st base for home plate and stayed transfixed on the bag,also watching the play,rather than easily waltzing to second base....

    A couple of batters later,this same shortstop,on what should have been a routine game ending double play,scoops up the ground ball,double pumps (to get a better grip on the ball,I guess),throws low to the second baseman,who misses it,and the tying run scores and the winning run moves to third with one out...Intentional walk to load the bases...Then the most exciting ending one could hope for:one of those dramatic,walk-off five pitch walks...Seeing all four of those players,simultaniously trot to the next base as well as home plate,then high-fiving eachother,'though not quite sure who the actual hero was,in front of those 200 or so remaining fans,---well,like the commercial says:"I live for this"....

  3. Bill,Cathy...let me elaborate a little...I wasn't trying to be judgmental or anything,'though it may have come across that way...Nor do I see anything negatory(cb lingo) about the direction this thread has gone....

    I think this is a very telling topic about greasespotters because it's a much more difficult 'gray area' to discuss than your run-of-the-mill 'about the way' topics...It also seems a little less emotionally charged than many of the other topics at greasespot...People have come forward and put their logic and reasoning forward on a subject that isn't as cut and dry as,say,a thread titled "What do you think of child molesters?"....

    Mrs. Wierwille doesn't fit the more acceptable profile of those we like to villainize....She was a woman...She was hauled off to a nursing home afflicted with Alzheimer's disease...A poor Ohio farm woman with a special-needs brother and a specialty in a field known for it's TLC: nursing...She wasn't part of the 'good ole' boy network; a power hungry man-of-God wannabe...Controversy and scandal did not follow her life around,except---she happened to be married to VPW all those years...

    And that is what makes her life both unique and controversial...There are so many moral questions to consider,and if and why there is a double standard...She knew the scriptures...She had to have known what the Bible says about adultery...She was paraded on mainstages as the approving,loving wife...She sort of 'authenticated' or 'endorsed' the way ministry with her support....She also knew some dirty,dark secrets...

    What is said on this thread will not send her higher in the heavenlies or deeper into hell...But it is a good indicater of where we are coming from and how some of our moral values are shaped...

  4. Good question,Tom...Actually,I just like that name 'Choon Chung Do'....Some day,I'd like to visit there,maybe ride the train,if for no other reason than to get a t-shirt that says "Do the choo-choo in Choon Chung Do"....

    Back to your question,I think it imperative that a field boss surround himself with good people...Especially guys like hitting and pitching coaches...I never even heard of Cub pitching coach,Larry Rothschild until he became the Cubs' pitching coach,so I really don't know that much about him...But I believe there's a lot more to managing pitchers than monitoring pitch counts and working on mechanics...Kerry Wood,for instance,would have a pitch count up to about 500 pitches by the 4th or fth inning in a good number of his starts....And here,you're trying to get 6-7 innings out of the guy...It's no secret that Wood has control problems,but why is he throwing all these nasty hooks to the #8 batter who has one homer and six ribbies?...Especially,when it's clear that he can't find home plate with any one of them...It always seemed to me that the Cub starters(especially Wood) never really had much of a game plan--just get in there and try to strike everybody out with your best 'stuff'....And when you're a starter,and you approach every inning as if you're protecting a one-run lead in the 9th,you can more easily get into a lot of trouble early in ball games,and probably increase your odds of going on the DL...

    You look at some of the more successful pitching coaches in the league--Dave Duncan on StLo.,that nervous guy that used to be on Atlanta and Mel Stottlemeyer with the Yanks,they seem to year after year get a lot of quality starts out of there pitchers with less time spent on the DL....I think it has a lot to do with these guys impressing on their pitchers to not try and do too much and to pitch within their abilities...You pitch for the Yankees,just give 'em six innings and four runs or less and they'll make you a 20 game winner...

    Anywho,I needs to head out to work,but that's my general view---as good an uneducated guess as any,I s'pose...

  5. Anybody know anything about this Cub pitcher they recalled back up from the minors?...His name is Jae Kuk Ryu and he hails from Choon Chung Do,South Korea...I wonder if Choon Chung Do will become the next breeding grounds for future major leaguers...Anyway,in just two innings of scoreless relief in a non-save situation(Cubs ahead,11-2),Mr. Ryu lowered his ERA from 27.00 to 14.54......

  6. Why do we have to read our sermons?....Can you imagine the Apostle Paul reading "Dearly beloved brethren in the Lord...Today I would like to talk to you about the Creative Univeralism"....Isn't that just touching?...No-no-no-no-no...Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit...It doesn't say pushed around by the Holy Spirit...They weren't hanging from the chandeliers...They were decent and order...You tell me what you think of "Billy Goat" Sianis,and I'll tell you how far you'll get inside Wrigley Stadium....

  7. I'm not out to condemn or exponge anyone here,since I really cannot know what was in the heart of an individual...Since both Mr. and Mrs. W. are both gone now,we'll never know what pacts they may have worked out with eachother...It does seem to me that she did have the power to bring down the house...VPW often flaunted his loving wife and family on main stages at the Rock and such....A divorced man of God?....That would have burst my bubble....

  8. Thanks,gentlemen...Like it says,"'tis better to dwell on a corner of the rooftop than with a brawling excathedra in a long thread,...or something like that...

  9. what is the name if not wrigleys ? did i spell that right ? is it like the gum ?

    Oh,Jesus...Tom,Rhino...Help me out here...You guys take the rap....

  10. One good thing about getting a little older,I guess,is that you appreciate more that there is life outside of baseball...I'm not ready to stick a fork in the Bosox just yet,but this series w/ the Yanks reminded me a little bit of the '69 Cubs...

    Of,course,I was only 13 then,and there really wasn't much in life outside of baseball...Oh,I may have had a girlfriend then,but we weren't having sex,so it didn't really count....I remember how good the Cubs were for the first 100 or so games...Four great starting pitchers,a million dollar infield,and some great hitters....In fact,on paper I think they may have been the best team in '69 AND '70....I remember as their ten game lead started dwindling in August and they went to NY for a two-game set with those (goddamn) miracle mets of '69,(whom,I wish would rot like pigs in hell) with only a 2 1/2 game lead...And of course the (sonofabitchin') mets swept the Cubs,and at the end of the last game,the (rat bastard)mets fans were singing something like "Goodby Leo" to Leo Durocher and the Cubs,knowing full well the mother of all swoons was nearly completed for the (shi t tin') Cubs and the (devilish) mets were taking over...

    And then there was famed Cubs' announcer,Jack Brickhouse,after the game,...somehow trying to fill in 20 minutes of airtime,all red-faced and nearly teary-eyed...A disappointed on-air persona that at that time I only saw surpassed by Walter Cronkite's "President Kennedy has been shot" announcement....

    And,of course,history tells us that those (fo kking) mets went on to win the World series and the Cubs went on to become,well,the '69 Cubs...But I never let any of that bother me--then or now...I mean there's really nothing to get over,just because those (as s hole) mets ripped my living heart out and stomped it death with their sharpened baseball cleats...It's only a game...

  11. Hey,Rhino,when I lived in Decatur I had to remind those fair-weather farmers that St. Louis was in Mizzera...

    My daughter's moving to NYC in September...She's following Yogi Berra's advice: "When you come to a fork in the road,take it"....I hope when she get's there she asks somebody how to get to Yankee Field....

  12. Yeah,you're right,Garth...she was Fred's wife...I guess I misspelt 'Ethel' the second time...My bad...Shoot,it's probably too late to edit it now...I hope nobody thinks impure thoughts because of that :rolleyes: ....

    Medic: How about Ali Baba?....

  13. Yes,I am now back,and nobody's gonna call me a Jesus Christ so-and-so or a God.........damned so-and-so....

    While visiting the folks, my brother and I took a road trip through Wisconsin,and since we were going past Sheboygan we dropped by the Lakeland(Mission House) College where VPW studied theology and developed his famous 'hook shot'...It's actually a very beautiful place---kinda reminded me of the way c. of e. ....

    My boys went to see the Cubs play the Brewers in Milwaukee in the $1.00 "Eucker Seats",but since the Cubbies were on the road all week,I didn't get to take my blonde daughter to see a game in 'Wrigley Stadium',as she calls it....

    Didn't do much witnessing to the folks...They just don't believe in my Jesus,I guess....Like the Good Book says "a prophet is not without honour,save in his own country,and among his own kin"....So,I just shake the dust off my feet,and raid the refrigerator....As Fellershipper would say,"I really got blessed,I really learned a lot,I really saw the family"....

  14. Well since nobody wants to post on this damn thing any more I might as well take #100...Shoot,I'll just stand here butt nekked,holding a banana in front of my mouth and sing karaoke....


    Blue blue blue blu-uue moon



    Baw-ba-ba-baw-ba-baw-ba-baw-bawp....bluuuuue moooooon

  15. Peeee Aaaa efff ellll has something just for you...

    It teeches you keys to unlock the doors(Jim Morrison)

    And how to walk right thru-u-u-u

    So if you want to have a powerful life that's more than abundant too

    Then P-A-L-F is the class for you-u-u

    Peeeee effffff elllllll aaaaaaa

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