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Posts posted by washingtonweather

  1. Belle,

    Many times in the wc, we were told people decide to die. to which I have thoughts that agree and disagree.

    It just isnt all that black and white though, and twi always wanted to make life black and white, rtight or wrong, yes and no.....no grays, no conditions, no maybes...and that extended to death from what I can remember.

    But again this is also qualified to some extent by the twi I, twi II, and twi III interpretations.

  2. I said it before and I will say it again,

    The Way International wil continue to hold the individuals who committed suicide in disgrace.

    It is our job to bring Honor and Respect to these people who had their very heart's breath stolen from them. It is not our job to judge or crititique.

    It is our job to show the world the greatness of those peoples lives becasue TWI shadows these people with criticism and ridicule.

    It is our job to stand up for the Tom Mitchell's and Rochelle Wayneburg's and others........FURTHERMORE it is our obligation to regain the honor of those who died innocently for reasons of good intention fueled by erroneous "doctorine" as discussed earlier on this thread (like Shell's husband.) As much as it is our obligation to speak out when a wrong is committed.

    There is absolutely no reason I could ever go back, no reason I could ever accept TWI's pitiful narcisistic sociopathic mindset. Those who consider it with out knowing all the facts are simply like fish ignorant of the hook in the bait.

  3. First let me say thank God...that is always so scarey. I had that happen with the Lab when she was six months, and the Chow Husky mix went after to her to actually drive her back, she slowed her down enough we could catch up, but I HATE that feeling.

    I will think about it and look at my stuff, but just off the cuff I think you might need a few minutes a day or maybe 3x a week doing some "reminder" training. with him at the heel position while walking, working with him to remind him his pack position. Lots of praise, but after he does what is expected. Do you have a 20' lead...this is good to use for reinforceing the double clap if that is your chosen signal. Put him in the stay...walk out the 20 feet, after a while you can even drop the lead, and keep doing the double clap. Indoors, outdoors -- should practice these "dog skills" in both environments every so often. I still test my 13 year old heeler who can even walk backwards on command "BACK," but I still want her actions to be on my and my husbands terms..and my kids since they have to learn the right commands and how not to confuse the dogs.

  4. wwj,

    these are coded as premium messages...meaning they ar actually advertisers...horoscopes and other quicky crap people will (somewhere in the world) be willing to stop and read their phone.

    To my way of thinking, it wont be long before the feds regulate this too, it is just a matter of time before it bothers the right congressman as usual.

    In Europe...Italy in particular (that I Know about) just about every kid has a cell-phone....its like wearing the right clothes is here in the US. On top of the fact cell-phones are far more reliable in Europe than the land-lines are.

    I bought my son one on 6th grade and promised my daughter one when she gets to 6th also. That is middle school here and I felt safer and he felt safer with it in his pocket...what with the odd news story about kids shooting up their schools etc. We have always had insurance on all our belongings...and phones are no exception. Once he dropped it and it was runover, another one was stolen at a public pool, but the boy left it in a locker room...his watch was stolen that day too. He was told to lweave his stuff out in the open....but forgot.

    We do not buy and probably won't ever buy the extra fancy stuff, unless upon changing plans in the future we are "cornered" into buying them.

  5. Rick,

    Thats why we dont even subscribe...point is they are starting to spam numbers randomly

    I sometimes hate them, but really like being able to have a line to my kids when they are another place. My son has one friend up the street whose mother is not proficient in english and she won't always answer there phone. If the boys are in the backyard or out riding in the fields, I can still call direct...that I like.

    Other than that a phone to us is supposed to only be a phone. and my spouse works for Qwest...poor guy has to much "phone"

  6. Digi

    I read all your posts, but did not notice if you said he had been formally trained.

    I love dogs, have 3 currently 2 pure and 1 mix, but I am an Avid believer in training dogs. Not any trianing will work. It haas to be one you can do with said pet the rest of said pets life.

    On the National Geographic Channel if you get it is a show called The Dog Whisperer...marketing for sure, buyt he shows the value of setting at least minimal standards with all dogs.

    His basic philosophy is Excersice, Discipline and Affection.

    You might be able to do a search about him...I only mention it becasue I don't know what you have available. I think you can baby the heck out o' yer dog and still be the one on whose terms life goes on.

    You have a Doberman....a breed trained to guard and dominate. It will be imperative to gain the dominate position as I do not believe Dogs grow out of bad habit contrary to Rottie, (no offense please) but instead get stronger in their habits and as they get old, they just do those habits less becasue they are sleeping more.

    In my family, we have bred Boxer's, New Foundland's, Large Standard Black Poodles, and Shelties and currently own a Blue Heeler (a very stubborn breed), a Yellow Lab and a Chow Husky Mix. The Chow Husky is Delta Society Certified....the Pet Therapy dog program. He lets people fall all over him.

    But anyhow, I was just trying to address you initial concern about your Duke, he's a beautiful dog too.

    I reread the thread again after I posted and I really think its a dominance issue and would be glad to email you more if you are interested in more than just letting her grow out of it.

  7. exactly...we do not subscribe to it and do not pay the extra 5, 8, or 15 dollars per bundle. It happened after my son just bought a ring tone....fine print said something about these vendors being allowed to text meassage.

    I was getting messages about horoscopes and all kinds of crap...and so far it is not illegal and text does not fall under the "do not call" laws.

    and...my son had to pay for everyone given he did not read the fine print. hard lesson.

    from here on out he will not have to unless he initiates another deluge. Sprint cannot stop these , neither can verizon etc....its the new junk mail...new spam...

    technology the doubled edged sword

  8. Recently --in October, my son ordered a ringtone...the annoying thing...(little frog dude) well, anyhow he started getting text message ads like crazy after that. he typed in STOP or NO or whatever you are supposed to do...bill came---945 text messages at 10 cents a message. we thought he wasn't telling us the truth, then they started to spill over to my phone, called sprint they said ..go online - block the number---well there are hundreds of these things.

    To make a long story short, it happened a second time in the December bill, and I called and they cannot block solicitors...just ask you to pay for blocks of Text message. No thanks--dont want to pay to keep it away...when I never asked for it in the first place. SOOOO we had to change 2 of our 3 numbers! within 3 days, one of the numbers got 2 text messages. I called back-changed the number again...they credited it this time becasue (well its only .20 not 94.00) but currently this remains the only way to keep these things away.

    IN our case - 2 situations,

    1. son bought tone...did not read fine print....consequence.....lots of text message ads...pnone spam if you will

    2. new number....spammer already had number...we cut it short by changing number a second time

    cost: 94.00 & 76.00

    170.00 total for spam text message all started by an innocent purchase.

    major BUYER BEWARE issues here

  9. johniam,

    at this point, some of those I know that did have this same mental posture have since died, changed and/or no longer proclaim to be a leader....so what's the point of dividing between mistress and wife. I could list names, but why, so they can be judged -- I think I will let God handle that. Have you got a difference in your heart towards women that were decieved over a woman that was married and deceived in a different way. Bottom line is that it was not right...

  10. Belle, I can't have a real tree in the house---or anything pine for that matter---as I am too allergic....after years and years of sinus problems, my mom gave us a fake tree the year my daughter was born...being broke with two kids, we used all our money for their presents....well, it was the first year I did not get deathly sick with sinus problems...

    This year my daughter and her friend actually decorated while I watched, and son hung up 8 stockings...not sure why 8, but he said it looks better that way...:)

    One of my close post-way friends owns a gift shop, needless to say, she has a showcase house, but its fun, she has a tree in every rom with a theme, and by her front door(in a rather large foyer) she has a tree she decorates 4x a year. At xmas--its xmas stuff, then starting in January she puts eggs and stuff for Easter on it, then it becomes a serious 4th og July Patriotic tree, and just before xams again, she does Halloween stuff on that same tree...EVERY YEAR she does this, but she is also on the tour for one of the nuns fundraiser's here (xmas house tours. Last year voth my kids were tour guides for her. It helped raise money for something called Casa Angelica...soething the nuns around here are real involved in.

  11. Dealing with manipulation leads to several things...none of which would qualify as charadter to my way of thinking.

    1. mental illness

    2. victim menatality (close to #1) and difficult to recover from

    3. it teaches you how to out manipulate someone who is trying to manipulate you

    I certainly don't see any character in any of those scenarios.

  12. Yepper HCW, I remember all o' that..and the singing....those girls have beautiful voices. And yepper...remember Pat Yaconis...he and I were Hich School Minutemen..went to Delaware OH---(Watered Garden's turf) to be with Yaconos's older brother and wife becasue Fellow Laborers were hosting the HS minuteman training...where I fist met the Jesse kids.

    Lordy those were some innocent naive days.

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