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Posts posted by Goey

  1. I think it is safe to assume that the Admin or anyone with admin priviliges can see any topic thread, including a private one.

    Paw ?

    The only way a regular user can view a private topic is if the person who started the topic invited them or checked the field that allows everyone to read it.

    A person is not automatically notified when they have been invited into a private topic. To find out is you have been invited into a private topic, periodically open "MySpot" and check the "Private Topic" tab. Or just click on the Private Topics icon at the bottom of a page like this one.

    [This message was edited by GOEY on June 24, 2002 at 17:06.]

  2. Bowtwi,

    This kind of stuff makes me so angry, even now. I am so sorry that you had to go through this. You and so many others.

    One of the reasons I left TWI because I saw this kind of stuff comming. Even in the 70's an 80's I saw folks getting reamed for stuff that they did not do. It is a good thing I left, because I would most likely have kicked some serious butt and gotten my self kicked out pretty quick anyway.

    But, sometimes I wish I would have stayed longer and could have helped others to see what I saw happpening early on.

    These chicken $hit leaders count on folks being intimidated while they hide behind their ordinations or leadership postions.

    It's too bad that it was mostly the heartless, spineless jerks, cowards, and LCM wannabes that got promoted the "more important" leadership positions in TWI, suck-ups who wouldn't know God if he appeared in person. They make me sick.

    TWI and it's cowardly leaders are an absolute disgrace to God and to Christianity. How anyone can continue to support them is beyond me.



  3. Hey, I don't really care too much one way or another. I can adjust to whatever decision Paw makes on this. To me it is not too important, although I do realize that it is quite important to a some to have it either one way or another. If I had to vote on this and my vote really made a difference, I would probably abstain.

    Personaly, here at GS I don't think I have ever gone after someone who has edited or deleted a post, although I was annoyed one time when someone changed the title of a thread, which also changed the meaning of it. My input to the thread then looked totally rediculous since it addressed the original title and meaning. This is the kind of stuff that an edit limit might possibly help. But these kind of things are infrequent.

    I frequent several other boards as well as GS. A couple of these these allow no editing at all so I suppose I have learned to live with it. For what it's worth, it does not seem to make much of a difference either way.

    Either way works fine for me.


  4. Ginger,

    The irritation is pretty much a small thing... At least to me.

    What it may be more about is accountability.

    Everyone here already knows the risk involved in posting personal information. So that is for the most part a non-issue. If they post personal info and a wacko starts bothering them, then what good would editing the post after that do?

    If an ex-spouse find out someones true feelings, deleting or editing the post seems kinda like destroying the evidence.

    Now, if someone twists anothers words, or misrepresents anothers position... in the real world the normal response is to challenge or address that response by way of a reply. That is what discussion and debate is all about. To me, to back up and delete or edit what we said a week later with little or no explanation is kind of like saying, "I never said that".

    I understand that there are delicate souls here. And that is why they should be all the more careful as to what they post. A 24 hour time frame should ample for someone to remove or edit a post that they regret.


  5. It is sometimes rather irritating when a post is edited to change the content or meaning... especially if it is weeks, or in a recent occurence, months later.

    I think that a 24 hour time frame is good idea, because it would give folks time to cool off if angry, and sober up if drunk and... reconsider having the whole world see something that they regret having said.

    On the other hand, if editing were not allowed after an hour, some posters might think a little more deeply about what they really want to say, knowing that the whole world will be able to see it as long as the board is in business. However, Paw may be flooded with requests to delete or edit posts after folks have a change of heart.

    When there is no time limit, some may feel more free to post their inane, rude or less than thoughtful comments, knowing that they can change or delete it at anytime. However, this may allow us to see the real person a little better... warts and all.

    Maybe we could try the 60 minute time limit for a while and if it proved too cumbersome, move to the 24 hour limit. If that did not work out, just take off the limits altogether.


    [Edited within 60 minutes to correct spelling]

    [This message was edited by GOE on June 14, 2002 at 2:54.]

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