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Posts posted by Questionstobeanswered

  1. ...and I'd like to know what you think!

    Well!!!!! I heard my friends talking about his son, Tim, I guess they are friends with him. We don't really talk about TWI, but I heard them once saying that his dad did some f***** up sh**. Not 'much else other than that. I really need to ask them next time they mention it.

  2. I was wondering where I could see some pictures of HQ as well as some descriptions of what is there. I have casually walked through the campus by myself, but wasn't sure what each building is. The fountains were very interesting, as well as the homes and dorms surrounding hq. I am very unfamiliar with the way, and have only read on here, but its hard to imagine without pictures.

    Also, does the new president teach services? What is her role? Is it public? How often do members see her?

  3. O...M...G...

    It's not that I don't have concerns for you, it's just that I have no freakin idea where to start!

    Tell me about it, I'm lucky to have at least found this site, if I didn't I would have gone CRAZY!!! I always thought the way was weird, just because they have an HQ and dorms and stuff. Thanks to everyone for their help. I have no idea what to think anymore. HA

  4. I am going to chime in too and say do take it very slow .... be aware that there are three possible scenarios here

    1. She is in the relationship to bring you into the WAY organization

    2. She is in the relationship as a means or rebelling against her parents and church

    3. She likes/loves you and is in it because she finds you charming etc..

    Now then you did not say how old the two of you are but being a mom of two daughters myself, and having been a daughter once myself...

    I am going to guess she is either scenario 2 or scenario 3. Not that it couldn't be 1... but the other two are more likely.

    IF she is under the age of 21 and living at home 2 is a strong runner.

    IF she is out of their house on her own all bets are off.

    They aren't going to kidnap you and brainwash you... They will calmly and methodically show you what they believe and it will make sense and you will fall for it ... Well maybe not because you are reading all this.

    Any way

    IF you both really do love each other I suggest you listen to the radio broadcasts.. They are on the front page of the site and go into the section titled ... The Way in these forums... there is lots of stuff in there.

    But be prepared for the whole thing to go south... I don't know if they still do Mark and Avoid but if they do she will have some real hard stuff to sort through.

    P.s. I hope it is scenario 3, but then I tend to be a hopeless romantic.

    Thank you for your response, I have really been enlightened by all of your responses.

    I have been dating this girl for quite a while, but she really doesn't talk about the ministry that much to me. Is that normal for peopl in the way? Or is it just because she knows I don't live my life religiously. If I could message someone and ask about her father, that would be great, as I have read through posts on this message board about him. I'd like to know what I was in for. We are young, i'm 21 and she's 20, so does her trying to recruit me or whatever not happen until later? I have not seen any intentions or had any pressure from her thus far. She's very hush hush about the ministry, except for the time she asked me to attend a service at HQ.

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  5. I am in a very serious relationship with someone in the way, and her father is very big into it. I have never really been religious or anything like that, but I was wondering if there was anything I should look out for. I attended a service with her once to see her father preach or whatever, but I had always thought church was weird, and I just knew something wasn't right with the way. What should I look out for?? Any concerns I should have?

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