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Everything posted by jellybean

  1. Thanks for the Welcomes! I don't claim that I know that I know, that I know anything, anymore... except how I want to be treated. So this could all be true, as far as I'm concerned, just had to stop and try to remember if I'd ever heard this stuff about "Our Lady" while I was in residence there. Linda, I hear you on the chairs...I think, I was just too busy vacuuming that red wool carpet in the chapel and a hundred other tasks to have time for such. I did find time to sneak in the place when no one was around and dance on that rug...had to get my aerobic points, you know....oh wait, forgot I'm not suppose to say "you know". As far as holy grounds, I really don't know, but I always thought they were beautiful and soggy in spots. This life can be really hard to get though....more so for some folks than others. If going there does more good than harm for some, it's their life. If someone is just taking advantage of others' good intentions....well, that's different.
  2. Am I the only ex Family Corps person who had never heard the story about "Our Lady of America" appearing in the chapel at Rome City? I came across this site: http://www.oltiv.org/... when I did a "Rome City" search. Pretty wild seeing the ol' place being used this way.
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