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Master Jedi Jack Sparrow

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  1. Thank you. The lightsaber forms are regarded high for it is the way to protect and keep balance in the galaxy. Maserting all seven as well the bonus ones. A tribble, taught me the hidden 8th lightsaber form. It is known as Form 8 "Savvy". Delicate with intrigue of arcs and blocks but the final thrust ends swifty with the opponet breaking in a song and dance to save their hide.
  2. I've bought a few books from E.W. Kenyon recently. As far I can pick up when your born again Satan can't touch you at all. He talks about the New Creation at the birth and talks in detail about the adversary is powerless over us. We have words(the Word of God a.k.a faith)to stop the Devil in his tracks. I'm like reading 3 books at once. The 4th one has to wait. So far a lot is in the blue book which was taken from E.W. Kenyon. Law of beliving, righteousness and so on. E.W. is more precise. The books I have are Jesus the Healer, The Two Kinds of Faith, Two Kinds of Righteosness and Advanced Bible Course. Granted B.G.Leonard taught his classes about the Devil. Havenn't taken his classes but before vp people were teaching about it.
  3. I did see the Annv STS. I would say around 35-40. Mostly staying in Ohio and next door. My mag has expired so I don't get the exact deatils. To bad I can't remember the teaching! Oh well;-)
  4. Lol, thank you. Gotta be clear on the matter:-)
  5. It taught me later on to not force your beliefs on people, lol. Ah, so arrogant back in the day:-) I've grown plenty off the field. Almost ran a class but one student did not show up. So it was scratched. We only needed two students to run a class. Most of our needs were met. Had fun times. I'll share more with greater details later, savvy?
  6. It was intense. Weekend of traning and "adhering" to out leadership. The 6 months seemed to slowly go by. It did build discipline. The location was a bit negative. But we had those "open doors" we had those "open doors" speak
  7. Thanks, gotta dig deeper in the forums. Narrow my keyword search. Only if the net was connected to my brain for faster result, hehe.
  8. I'm curious if anyone or who knows someone personal has takes b.g. leonard "Gifts of the Spirit Course" as well the full bible course? Looks like they have a new DVD with 17 topics and everything else is on tape. It would be nice if were in digital format. Here is a link to there site. http://www.ctcoftexas.com/index.html Wondering if it would be worth looking into the orginal source.
  9. Thank you. The fear that the way incases is dark:-p At least with my old fellowship people were very relaxed. Maybe they can be snapped out of too.
  10. Hello All, God bless you with real truth and not doctrines of men! I left TWI in the last few weeks. Even went to a new church that a co-worker goes too. Tried to bring him to my fellowship but I thought nah, I'm leaving this joint. I've been functioning with twi about 17 years. Also a WD alumni. Found this site some years ago but never looked into it. It seemed that I was not being truly filled. So doing more "research" and seeing VP was a shell of a man, I left. Looking at the people VP stole from I went and purchesed some of those books. Future reviews later:-)
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