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Posts posted by Composer

  1. Apparently you haven't done your homework. According to Way theology, the one who speaks in tongues does the interpretation of it as well.

    1. DrWearWord, on 28 April 2010 - 04:21 AM, said: . . . . " That i had no knowledge of what i was saying or speaking. "

    So much for your claim he can interpret himself. LOL!

    2. If any man speak in an [unknown] tongue, [let it be] by two, or at the most [by] three, and [that] by course; and let one interpret . {two...: by two or three sentences separately} 28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God. (1 Cor. 14:27-28) KJV story book

    You and Way theology haven't done your homework and don't believe your story book. LOL!

    Better luck next time! LOL!

  2. I have been contemplating speaking in tongues... (among other things) and, I look back to the time when Dr Wierwille led me though the manifestation.

    He convinced me that speaking in an unknown tongue was the realization of the holy spirit.

    That i had no knowledge of what i was saying or speaking.

    and that while I was speaking I still had my intellectual facilities intact.

    I still sit back in awe of that experience for whatever it is ultimately worth. . . . .

    Did you have an interpreter with you?

    What did that Interpreter say (interpreted) to you after what you allegedly said?

  3. the quality of your questions may have a lot to do with your expectations not being met

    demanding answers is a quintessential form of violent communication

    hospitality is a wellspring of sound reason

    The facts are that the quality of my questions are so correct and decimating to false ideologies, that those questions can not be legitimately answered and so pitiful excuses or silence are the inept alternative provided in lieu of a shred of credibility for the ideologies that oppose mine.

    My questions and facts are hard hitting certainly, for they are NOT what false religions and self acclaimed but failed story book Jesus believers want to hear.

  4. God first

    thanks Composer

    You do not understand My heart

    According to your story book I shouldn't and you shouldn't believe what your ' heart ' tells you -

    The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: . . . . (Jer. 17: 9) KJV story book

    my goal is to see all sides to everything

    That's a great ambition, how's it going for you?

    the goal of love and goal of hate and everything between it

    Your evidence that this God ' loves it's creation ' remains a constant zero so far.

    while you see the world one sided but do you really

    You have no idea that I seee the world from a one sided point of view. As a carer for example I see the world from the sick persons point of view and help them deal better with it.

    you think you see love but blame God for doing anything

    You and others keep harping on about this Gods alleged ' love ' but fail to provide your legitimate evidence?

    are put simple not in your eyes

    the earth, dogs, cats, mankind are equate when comes to dust

    I already agreed we are all organic.

    but you say man greater than Dogs, apes, earth, and cats

    I believe that to be truth

    Good, so do I.

    I believe the story Genesis but I also man was found under a Apple tree

    Your evidence is?

    an rock has no more knowledge than a man

    I would dispute that. I don't know any rocks that have an education and can say read & write etc.

    A man is rock kind but also mankind

    am I a cat not but made like a cat, rock, earth, dog, ape, cat, and more

    but you say your greater than a Ape No you are more than a Ape and no less than

    creation is a story but also a fact and everything between


    you say you can not help the people of Haitian than do you cry about it

    I can't be helping the sick, frail and elderly in two places at once. I am needed here.

    Haitian may never ask God for help

    1. Your evidence none asked for help is?

    2. IF your God truly ' loved us ' it would have prevented the earthquake in the first place or made it safe for humans it is supposed to ' love '.

    Your God is a fraud and a vicious monster to boot!

    but the help they need is pain my understanding pain they are prepare for the next world

    with love and a holy kiss Roy

    Yes, the pain of being raped, or losing limbs, or being sold as a sex slave to paedophiles or having your body mutilated for body parts is ok by you as long as it doesn't happen to you and yours you hypocrite!

  5. God first

    thanks Composer

    Sometimes loving them is always not about telling about Jesus no matter who man was

    IF you read the article you would have seen that they already know about this monster of a Jesus who sits back watching the carnage unfold - One Haitian woman wrote -

    "Only Jesus Christ is watching over us," said Mariana Merise, 40, a neighbour. (Composer adds, notice how this woman remarks how this story book Jesus sits back and watches it all unfold and did nothing to prevent it in the first place?)

    it about helping them

    But you christians ' claim ' that your God is a God of love and wants the best for every one and whatever happens is your God's Will that it happens (e.g. earthquakes, floods etc.) so WHY do you want to go and disrupt your God's best intentions by interfering by going to Haiti of helping any one because according to you they are getting what your God knows is best for them.

    You don't believe that at all and instead want to go and change what your God has caused and set in place.

    You are disbelievers and have NO confidence that your God has caused these things to happen for the best reasons.

    there time to tell later

    That Haitian woman already knew about this monster Jesus. read the article!

    I sure christian are just helping

    They are interfering in what your God has caused to happen for their best reasons you christians claim. You are interfering and trying to undoe your God's ' loving works ' like an earthquake that destroyed 250,000 sinners, caused amputees, child sex slaves, criminals escaped raping survivors and trafficking in body parts of survivors etc. LOL!

    I bet one time believers there are saying " God, Stop loving us please! you're love is a disaster!

  6. but you never answer me

    The facts as usual refute your typical pretend christian nasty and dishonest accusations. (See Answer #1 previous Post Part 1 of 2)

    God gives love but people have to want it

    Could you specify how this God ' gives people love? '

    Serpent gives hate but people have to want it

    Actually the Serpent told the Truth and they didn't die immediately and Adam lived 930 years.

    This story book God was the liar that claimed death came because of man's sins when they were already created subject to death from Day 1, because the Tree of Life was there to make them Immortal. Therefore from Day 1 they were created ' mortal '. The story book God is a liar and a deceiver.

    love is love whether you believe in God or the Serpent

    IF your God loved us then it wouldn't tell lies and send earthquakes or inflict us with diseases etc., but it did and still does.

    and id does what name you use

    love is love

    whether you see love is God or love is love

    You have still failed miserably to show ' how your God loves us all? ' and your legitimate evidence remains a constant zero so far.

    hate is hate whether you it as God or the Serpent or some other like pesil

    with love and a holy kiss Roy

    The Topic is your God's alleged love for its creation.

    You have failed to demonstrate that it is true.

    I have proved it isn't true!

    2 of 2

  7. God first

    thanks Composer

    you just want to cut down Christian

    Well christian is just a self acclaimed title some ' arrogate ' for themselves when in fact they are frauds that fail to pass the test of their faith required by their story book and thus likewise fail to manifest the story book promises to genuine believers.

    ' arrogate '

    1. Demand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to

    2. Make undue claims to having

    3. Take control of (without authority and possibly with force); take as one's right or possession

    The trinitarian forefathers were particularly guilty of forcing their corrupt ideology on others whilst proclaiming their trinitarian ' God of Love ' LOL!

    the Atheists scripture said evolved from Apes like creatures

    Which ' atheists? ' all of them?

    I am a christian and I believe man evolved from a Ape like creature

    So you believe Adam is a descendent of an ape?

    Man and Ape and dog all evolved from dust

    So you don't believe the story book after all that this God created Adam from the dust, you said " I believe man evoloved from an Ape like creature? "

    That's interesting. So accordingly you believe the story book was incorrect when it said " The Lord God formed20 the man from the soil of the ground21 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,22 and the man became a living being " (Gen. 2: 7) NET story book

    You however contradict that and said " I believe man evolved from an Ape like creature? "

    I am glad we both agree the story book is just a story book and you dispute its content.

    So we are no more than Dog, Cats, and every creature that goes back dust


    We are all organic I agree, but I can't agree a Dog or Cat is equal to humans in all ways?

    While I ask What have done personally over in Haiti?

    #1: I haven't been over there, I am a Carer for the sick and elderly here in Australia. IF I left my duties here caring for the sick, frail and elderly then it is a bit pointless, as I am needed here doing similar as I would be doing in Haiti.

    Of course you are helping the needy out in Haiti so could you specify what you do for them?

    1 of 2

  8. God first

    thanks Composer

    God teaching us good by the bad that happens to us

    Bad things and good things happen it a world with good and evil in it

    but what have you done personal

    have given all that you can

    or do use your for what you want

    you wanted me help but have you

    with love and a holy kiss Roy

    What alleged ' good ' do you suggest the female survivors learned from being raped and then murdered by marauding criminals?

    What alleged ' good ' do you suggest the orphaned children will learn from being sold as sex slaves in to paedophile rings by these escaped 7000 criminals?

    What alleged ' good ' do you suggest the orther orphaned children that were sold off for body parts would learn from their experiences?

    What alleged ' good ' do you suggest the resulting amputees crushed in the earthquake would learn and their starving families that did survive with not only no home or food, but also a cripple to fend for that is unable to work and provide its share to the remaining group?

    What alleged ' good ' did the 250,000 killed in Haiti learn?

    Considering self proclaimed christians claim their God is so ' loving ' the evidence provided to sustain that is almost non existent?

    • Upvote 1
  9. After persevering I have actually managed to figure how to get Three windows open as I want however the sticking point only now is that the G:\scriptural_data directory opens in the middle third of the screen over the top of the F:\Scriptural_data directory?

    In other words IF I can get the G:\scriptural_data directory to go over to the far right 1/3rd of the screen my problem is solved?

  10. Hello,

    I am NOT an expert and got a little help to compile a Macro that would open up a number of windows from my Hard drives C: & G: with C: on 50% of the screen on the Left and G: 50% on the Right.

    I have 8 instances of them 4 on each side opening up in specific Directories of my choice from my Drives and called C:\scriptural_data & G:scriptural_data

    This way I can simply drag or copy over backup copies of files I work on mainly in C:\scriptural_data and then backup on to G:\scriptural_data.

    That all works pretty well but for safety I would like to also save on to my third drive F:\scriptural_cata?

    How do I modify the Macro to give me 3 screens or Directories each on 1/3rd of the screen i.e. C:\ 1/3rd, F:\ 1/3rd & G:\ 1/3rd across the screen?

    The place I got initial help wouldn't help me further and said to work it out myself?

    Pretty stupid of them as I said I was an absolute novice?

    Can any one help with this please?


  11. All these discussions over a story book is an exercise in literal futility and story book fantasy.

    When any of you has some legitimate evidence the story book is the words of a God given to men please step forward and let's have an squizzy? LOL!

    BTW: heaven going for all story book believers is another falsehood and the story book itself confirms that.

  12. God first

    thanks Composer

    Sometimes loving them is always not about telling about Jesus no matter who man was

    it about helping them

    there time to tell later

    I sure christian are just helping

    No ask is where is money

    whether a person loves God is not the need

    getting them help is

    but was wrote to help it was wrote why?

    what have giving to help?

    there been enough talk

    with love and a holy kiss Roy

    IF this god was a truly unconditionally loving god and father to its creation that so called christians claim it to be it wouldn't have allowed the circumstances to prevail in Haiti or any where else in the first place.

    The facts are that this god is not the unconditionally loving story book god that so called christians claim it to be.

    • Upvote 1
  13. I read the thread you started. It is just a list of complaints, and you make no real coherant point about Haiti.

    I certainly do make most pertinent points. This god you condone, is a cruel and sadistic monster that sits back and does nothing to prevent the mass slaughter and atrocities caused by its own lack of ' loving ' action on its part (i.e. e.g. prisons crumble in Haiti and 7000 worst criminals escape to rape, murder, pillage, traffic in body parts and orphans etc.)

    Anyways ~ you don't believe in God. You've said as much already.

    You certainly are also lacking in comprehension and reading skills. I have made it quite clear that I DO believe in an Intelligent Designer / god for want of a better word, however it is unworthy of my worship (especially not the trinitarian story book one)

    So the only real point to your questions would be to use them as a springboard to argue about something you don't believe in.

    Getting your facts correct is a difficult task for you that is obvious.

    I hope you're more productive in real life. Perhaps if you were not so bitter (and yes, it really shows in your writing) people would talk to you.

    I detest deceivers and pretenders and my 50 year tally so far demonstrates -

    Pretend & Fraudulent christians = 100%

    Genuine story book christians = 0

    Better luck next time!

  14. God first

    thanks Composer

    but God can be beyond the image

    working in people hearts to bring about good

    this is love

    love is just a word

    until you give it meaning

    God gives it is meaning by loving us first

    I started a Thread about this alleged ' love ' your God you claim has for its creation -

    It's been there a while now and considering all the alleged ' love ' you claim your God has for its creation not a single claimant of that alleged ' love ' has offered a shred of anything at all to legitimately substantiate that. In fact they are all completely silent about it?

    Why am I not surprised!

  15. click on the number on the top right corner of the post (it is on the same line that the poster's name is located). a box pops up and has the link to that post which you can copy

    Many thanks for that however at my first try it didn't work too well for me?

    I'll try a few times and I am familiar with this Format.

    I may need to get back to you?

    Perhaps I should also have explained I want to access them Offline. I save the Page Offline and then use .html coding to go directly to each Post I want.

    I am getting results using - #rep_post_* (*=Post number)

    Thanks again.

  16. Ok, so you are an alleged christian pastor in Haiti explaining the trinitarian God of Love?

    Scenario: You are trying to counsel a young man whose parents and most brothers & sisters save one sister have been entirely wiped out by the Haitian earthquake. The surviving brothers he is informed were sold by criminals into sex paedophile slavery or for body parts to wealthy europeans. The young man himself had been buried for 10 days and his fractures and wounds have become septic and his legs and one arm now amputated and he is now blinded by head trauma. You then advise him that one of his sisters did survive for a few days after being rescued, but machetti wielding criminal survivors having escaped from the prisons that collapsed with the earthquake, found her with a bottle of water given to her by a passing soldier, so they raped her, cut her to pieces and stole her bottle of water.

    But ' hey ' Jesus loves you buddy!

    Facts -

    f1. Criminals raping Haiti earthquake survivors, says police chief Ruth Morris and Clarens Renois From: AFP January 29, 2010 3:30PM

    A man wearing a T-shirt with an image of US President Barack Obama gestures as he walks at a damaged area in Port-au-Prince. Picture: Reuters Source: Reuters

    BANDITS are preying on Haiti earthquake survivors, even raping women, in camps set up after the disaster.

    "With the blackout that's befallen the Haitian capital, bandits are taking advantage to harass and rape women and young girls under the tents," Haiti police chief Mario Andresol told reporters.

    "We have more than 7000 detainees in the streets who escaped from the National Penitentiary the evening of the earthquake... It took us five years to apprehend them. Today they are running wild."

    Rachelle Dolce, who is living at large makeshift camp on the Petionville Club Golf Course, said she thought a rape had occurred outside her tent the previous night. She said she heard men making noise and a woman struggling.

    "I heard a fight outside, and I saw panties on the ground," she said. "I started to shout a lot, and they left."

    Figures for the number of crimes were not available but women's organisations have already detailed a number of cases and alerted the United Nations mission in Haiti, Mr Andresol said.

    His warning came a day after UN human rights chief Navi Pillay said that gangsters and child traffickers could try to exploit the chaos triggered by Haiti's devastating earthquake to step up their criminal activities.

    The January 12 earthquake killed around 170,000 people and left more than a million others homeless, many of whom are living in makeshift camps in the ruined capital.

    Security was tenuous in Haiti before the 7.0-magnitude quake, but Andresol said the police force itself had been crippled by the disaster.

    Mr Andresol said the Haitian police force had only 8,000 members before the quake and that many of them were now dead or missing, adding that a large number of the remaining officers were demoralised or traumatised.

    "We lost 70 police officers, nearly 500 are still missing and 400 were wounded," he said at a temporary office standing in for the capital's police headquarters, which collapsed in the quake.

    The deputy head of the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti, Anthony Banbury, said that desperate survivors waiting in line for the trickle of foreign aid reaching Haiti were sometimes turning violent.

    "It attracts big crowds and there can be disorder around the food distribution so it's absolutely necessary that we get enough food, enough water, enough shelter for the people, and enough security," he said.

    At the Champ de Mars tent camp that skirts the crumpled National Palace, displaced earthquake survivors said government security was virtually absent.

    "At night, people take things," said Omen Cola, as she washed a blouse in basin made from a cut-off plastic container. "But I don't have a problem. I don't have anything to steal."

    Residents said they largely fended for themselves, gathering their meagre belongings into a pile at night and sleeping beside them to guard against theft.

    In corners of the sprawling camp, youths said they were banding together to protect their possessions -- bags of clothes, chickens, car batteries -- and to collect garbage into piles to be burned.

    But this raised fears, too, that the bands might fight among themselves.

    Tina Irisia, 45, said youths from outside the camp had come by shouting that a tsunami was on the way. When people fled, she said, they stole whatever they could get their hands on.

    "I don't feel safe. But I don't have anywhere else to go," Ms Irisia said as she sliced green peppers in a pan.

    "Only Jesus Christ is watching over us," said Mariana Merise, 40, a neighbour. (Composer adds, notice how this woman remarks how this story book Jesus sits back and watches it all unfold and did nothing to prevent it in the first place?)

    The chaos left by the quake has also raised fears that vulnerable children could fall prey to human traffickers. The UN said last week that a number have gone missing from hospitals in Haiti.

    The US State Department said on Thursday it was working with Haiti's government on efforts to crack down on trafficking.

    It was "actively involved in addressing the potential for trafficking in persons, particularly children, in post-earthquake Haiti," State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said in a statement.

    So let's all hear more about this ' God of Love ' shall we?

    Facts are that Satan believers should be turning to their Satan to lead the world because at least it doesn't cause the death and misery their God does.

    • Upvote 2
  17. God first

    thanks cman and Steve and Composer

    one could say that all knowledge science, math, fairy tails, and ...

    there nothing that does have contracting in it

    everything is hearsay

    what evidence is there? none because everything is evidence

    what is foolishly? everything

    what can be embrace? everything

    what is literal? everything and nothing

    with love and a holy kiss Roy

    Indeed that could be said because these things are written by men.

    The bible is supposed to be the Words of a God given to men?

    IF you want to equate the flawed writings of men and that your story book God also writes in the same flawed way then so be it.

    IF that is the case then your story book God is as flawed as men!

  18. Hello,

    How do I determine a specific Post?

    I like to keep records of interesting Posts and so I save the relevant page and create a link to a particular Post, but how do I locate the actual Post address I want?

    Many Forums use things like #reply1 etc.



    I am referring mainly to posts made in the Doctrinal Section but I imagine the same principle applies throughout this Forum?


  19. You poor dear, and I mean that quite sincerely.....you are having such a difficult time and....you sound quite frustrated? No worries, you can always just write me off as "people like you". Oh wait, you did that, and all without ever having met me....or knowing anything of my educational background, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender, or the stability of relationships in my life.

    Well, see, that should help make you feel better!!:)

    Very poor empty speech you give but as usual not a shred of legitimate evidence for your cause.

    My Post#16 remains unanswered.

    Better luck next time!

  20. God first

    thanks Todd and Composer and Gen-2

    yes Todd my friend "enigma?" "mystery?" "riddle?" "koan?"

    Composer than don't read it and read and read something other because I find God in everything and nothing

    i love folklore, myth, urban legend myself Gen-2 and add the bible list and more

    with love and a holy kiss Roy

    The bible is a story book most entertaining if you want to believe at best 2nd hand self contradicting hearsay evidence and foolishly embrace it as literal.

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