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Posts posted by teachmevp

  1. How about all those spirit teachings; from a researchers point of view, wow. I found through the years, all of it is a lie, I feel it would be crossing a line to spin a book on the matter; I took all that spirit stuff out of the work I in put here in the basement, half of it is here, one chapter and verse 85,000 words or so long, to prove my point. It seems to me, to spin a book on the matter, would be taking away the heart of teachings of our teachers and preachers of the body. It seems the body just went through that with that use to be thing in Ohio, buy a book, take a class; how dare you put that bumper sticker on your car, you did not take the advance class. The dudes upstairs are going to hook the body up, it is going to cool. I think from a researchers point view, should Yahweh send Yeshua to gather up spirit teaching people alive on the earth, when it just has been exposed as a lie? Buy a book, buy a book; why, the body just went through that, live it and teach us, lines are being crossed with books and class. Before those unawares creep in and put the heart of the Dr's uncle in their pocket, their use to be a camp in CO., I saw a lines in my way just to go to that camp, because of all these classes. I been in the Way for 23 years, their is a crossed line their, do you want a brownie botton and chess to pin on, what does one say to that. Why buy, it was freely given to us: teach it, with out saying a word! Get rid of that spirit teaching, I see a lot lines going a way.

  2. The way, the way, the way, what can I say; I wrote you in the middle 80's. Where is that guy you put on probation, he knows what I wrote him; why did you not change it, leader of the way at that time? Who cares now if you change, you have to rewrite your books, and what you need, is copy righted to the grease spot cafe. Since you at that time did not listen to that message, Yahweh took it upon himself to bring the change. Now I do not know who Yahweh has choose to bring this body together; their up stairs, I like basements. My calling is almost complete, you see way; go look at that garden over their, Yahweh has been working with thousand of man and woman through the years, since you did not change, Yahweh has taught his word to his children without you, no really Yahweh did, what appears to be a sloppy work to you, it is not sloppy. It just needs what is in those boxes under beds, back packs in attics, these people who done this work know who they are, heart. You see way, it is coming; Christine Hayes put you under, not me! I do not know way; if those up stairs will think you really what to be a part of this; let's ask the people. Make no mistake about Way, I declare you from this time forth, 6/12/10, a man made belief, your used to be leader thought it was funny too! I do not know who Yahweh choose to lead this, I will not be here, I will be playing for Toby Keith; make no mistake about way, I will raise the money, all I need to do is record 20 cd's and 61 songs; that is worth 6 or 7 million, no, I got a sound, Toby is going to love the hell out me. Those following the way from now on, you are following something that was told to change by Yahweh, it did not change! Robert O. Stone

  3. Text's the body needs to use - their is a nightmare for a researcher! I felt after a while I was promoting a class, "PFAL" more then the bibe; does that not seem like Text's. I had this brother type writer, it had one of those little windows where you see the words go by; I always want to harmonize the four gospels, but to do that one that type writer would suck, so I hand wrote it, so I could type it. From my point of view as a researcher I started seeing the craziest things starting to taking place; try this, this stuff is a trip, take four texts, anyone, just hand write to John the Baptizer. As your hand writing, things slow down, their are a lot of things to take in to account. I wrote those gospels like that four times; I found their really are not that many differences in these Text's from a researchers point of view, I started to notice how they copy righted their beliefs, that was helpful for me, I began to learn to recognize a Text and see what ride I was fixin to go on. It is kinda funny though, how much these text's use each others words. Use this Text, use that Text; I do not think the body wants a researcher to teach them a Text. Text's can cause division, I from a researchers point of view feel, Text's are a get rich quick scheme; just how many spirit teaching can man come up with to sell us, it is a trip what they do with those words in them Text's, but I found through the years, although they change the meaning of words, for other words, it seemed they always forgot one. With the gathering together coming soon, the body knows where they need to go for a text, their coffee table.

  4. Fellow man, that is a good one. A lot of lines can get crossed there; a researchers point of view can go astray real quick diving here, trying to defined fellow man. Fellow man, do this, do that, fellow man teachings; your not of my belief fellow man attitudes we as researchers could get caught in; I see a boot coming my way, to try to research and share another fellow man subject. With the gathering together coming, we should help our fellow man the best way one knows how. Being concern with fellow man needs "How to books" seems to develop something strange? How to, researching into that kind of subject; I think the body is tried of How to, it is our own struggle in life, that made us who we are, I look back at my life, sure I would like to change a lot things, but it is those struggles that made us who we are; I guess one could say, other then helping and loving your fellow man, we should not get caught up in a fellow man, who is concerned about your fellow manness. Fellow man, wow.

  5. I see what your saying, I kinda learned the book of revelation that way, a book here and there; their sure is a lot books on believing though, that would be a long haul to learn believing. But what I saw with believing where the lines are being crossed, a group concerned about one's believing; I read about a lady who got bit by a spider, wow, in pain because of one's believing or a groups believing standard; limiting people because of their so called lack of believing to one's standard; have you had this happen, your an unbelieving believing because you missed twig; have you had someone borrow something from you and declare you an unbelieving believer; wow that could become a trap to one's research, someone standard?

  6. Believing to research, their would be a line crossed their; I can of think of Abraham, the dude just crossed that desert, I wonder if the word believing was in his mind, guts and trust kept one foot moving in front of the other. Believing to research, this seems to be one of those one liners; what do you think wisdom said about?

  7. As researchers, to toot one's horn, I learning that is wrong. The Gathering Together is coming dude, to compare weeds, it is a was of time; would the body what us researchers to teach them this kind of stuff, that is for our teachers and preachers to bless the body with. I am learning that a researcher should not be a teacher, a researcher should be a learner. No, the body will know them by their fruits.

  8. From a researchers point of view, between me and you, I am sad. I ripped the heart out of your teachings in my garden that I planted here, why are you not over there demanding that I put back your superiority teaching in Hebrews! No, the body will know people by their fruits.

  9. No, from what I just learned, the body does not need to be introduced to fair game, we should not be tossed to and fro. I just had a woman flip me to the ground and put a boot to my neck; no, I see that boot and I see a set of blue eye's being closed, to pursue fair game. I would invite you to listen to Dale B. Martin, a free download from Yale. One thing I got out of that course, Peter the Great and his influence on history; that is my marker, everything he influenced as far as the bible in concerned, I would not toot a horn on. I would disappoint the people that taught me so much here, to pursue fair game.

  10. I come to this understanding so far with my guess; the only thing useful for us as a body to know about this subject, is that what ever happened, it happened in that DNA whatever thing. It would be a mistake for one to carry the matter further, from a researchers point of view. You will know them by their fruits; for a researcher to take this further and write books, would only cause confusion, and confusion is not a fruit of our new nature. We as a body will not be fooled by all these silly story any more, about the matter. I could start a post called The North, The North of the North; that is where Yahweh's throne is, and it could be cool, and could be interesting, but to dig into DNA and start a post on form of it, would be wrong. Thank you for all the great learnings.

  11. I think we can say that, if someone is selling something on this matter, we can say; but Yahweh dwelt with that matter. It is kinda cool to know, we do not have to spend any money on that kinda junk. I think Michail T. O'buck's discovery still has legs to stand on?

  12. It is interesting, the cherubim's would carry Yahweh to the stone's of fire, then Yahweh would inter into Lucifer, thats why lucifer wore that suite made of every precious stones; but one day Yahweh goes to enter into Lucifer, but Lucifer got a plan. Could it be that Lucifer was eyeballing that machine, putting the DNA code together?

  13. This first irruption happen before Enoch, but Gen 3:15 shows it could not have happened right out of the gate. Yahweh told Satan how it was going to be, I find it interesting, could Satan have attacked that DNA code on the earth, back in Gen 1:1 before Satan flooded it?

  14. Over 22 years ago, Michail T. O'buck and I was drinking coffee one day; he used to read these medical digest magazines, he looked and started talking about this giant thing. No, i have not seeing anything, O'buck might still be on to something here. Something happened within the womb of daughters man?

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