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Posts posted by WyoMan

  1. David has been approved for Medicaid! We worked with U.S. senator Enzi and one of our local state house reps and now he at least will be able to seek treatement instead of just diagnoses!

    Thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts.

    Al Hendrickson

    [This message was edited by WyoMan on December 28, 2002 at 10:24.]

  2. That's great news Kay!

    The Walkers were going to be facing a housing situation real soon but my uncle in Washington has come up real big and will be paying for their housing this whole next year!!

    He is such a kind and giving man

    Al Hendrickson

  3. Here is an update on David for everyone.

    David and Tannis got home late Wednesday night from Houston. It has been a very busy week and a half for all of us (family & friends) as we took turns caring for the kids, setting up a medical expense fund, getting bills paid, getting a christmas put together for their kids and lots of praying.

    It is great that they all will be together this Christmas and hopefully some more!

    The walkers have decided to seek treatment/surgery through the Anderson Research Hospital in Houston and we all are working hard to get any and all assistance available to them in this time of dire need. If anyone would like to make a donation to his medical expense fund they may send it to:

    David Walker Medical Fund

    First Interstate Bank

    c/o Delphine Toner

    PO Box 2007

    Sheridan, WY 82801

    Every little bit helps and much thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts!!

    Al Hendrickson

  4. Jim, sorry to paint with such a broad brush but every corporate lawyer I have ever met had one thing in common....admit nothing (or if you do make sure it is in your best interest).

    Now that doesn't mean all corporations operate that way but I would be willing to guess most attornies would advise their corporate clients to follow similar advice.

    Al Hendrickson

    P.S. my point being that TWI is more corporate than Christian so they use a cold hard business calculation when dealing with people.

  5. quote:

    One must always remember you are dealing with a corporation and as such they will always end up playing it just the way their attornies tell them to.

    i.e. never admit past mistakes because of the liability can of worms it opens.

    The Christian way to do it....not!!!

    Al Hendrickson

  6. Sadly, it seems many claimed "natural" treatments are ones of last resort and regrettably many of them are totally unsubstantiated (except anectdotal evidence).

    Some of those people are down right quacks who get rich off of these sorts of treatments!

    It is rather disgusting to see some prey on individuals desperate for any type of hope.

    Many of these people, however, are good intentioned but I beleive it would be negligent not to require some sort of verifiable and repeatable evidence before anyone tried any of these sorts of treatments.

    Having said that there is a good deal of evidence supporting a holostic approach to treatment of cancer patients. The Cancer Treatment Centers apply this and very healthy diets seem to increase survival rates. There is also indications that personal (rather than cold clinical) approaches help.

    Prayer and postive attitudes are all ways to encourage the body to fight the disease but I also believe God gave us a brain for good reason and medicine is an outgrowth of our combined brain power!

    Al Hendrickson

  7. Shellon,

    I am pretty sure that he is not related to them but will ask.

    Things are going okay so far. All the kids are home for Thanksgiving and everyone is doing their best to be positive. It does seem that the tumor may be larger then we were first led to believe so keep up those prayers and we will know some more this coming Wednesday.

    Al Hendrickson

  8. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers. David is doing well on the medication that they have him on right now. No more seizures and that is a very hopeful sign in that it may be shrinking already!

    It still is very early and they will hear more from the doctors on Monday but it seems that it has been found fairly early...between a grade 1 and 2.

    Here is a little info found on the web:

    Astrocytomas may be graded between 1 and 4 depending on their malignancy and rate of growth. Grade 1 is the least malignant and grade 4, also known as glioblastoma multiforme, the most malignant. Grade 1 and 2 astrocytomas may be referred to as low grade tumours, grade 3 as mid grade and 4 as high grade.

    Types of tumour

    Different types of astrocytoma include:

    low grade astrocytomas - which may occur in either the cerebrum in both adults and children, or in the cerebellum of children.

    Anaplastic astrocytoma - a mid grade tumour which commonly spreads to surrounding brain tissue.

    Glioblastoma multiforme - or grade 4 astrocytoma is the most malignant type of astrocytoma and usually spreads quite quickly to other parts of the brain. For this reason it is a difficult tumour to treat. It is not uncommon for it to come back after initial treatment and further treatment will probably be necessary.

    Who gets an astrocytoma?

    People of all ages can develop astrocytoma but it is more common in adults, particularly middle-aged men. Astrocytomas in the cerebellum are more common in children or young people. Glioblastoma multiforme is the commonest type of primary brain tumour in adults.

    What causes an astrocytoma?

    Like most brain tumours the cause of astrocytoma is unknown. Research is being carried out into possible causes.

    Al Hendrickson

  9. Well we have some postive news. The doctors have him on some medication to try and reduce it's size. He feels it has already had some effect and they will closely monitor this while a group of neurologist's confer on what would be the best treatment.

    It is inoperable but the slow growing type so the tools will be chemical or radiation.

    Thanks for the prayers.

    Al Hendrickson

  10. Yes Bob, it was Debra who passed away while they were still active in TWI...he was treated very badly about that and even his believing had been blamed. They (Debra & him) had 3 children together and he adopted my sisters daughter and then had two sons with her.

    Thanks for the prayers.

    Al Hendrickson

  11. I am here asking for people to make intercession for my brother-in-law David Walker. He was a 7th corp graduate and has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor.

    If you knew him before you may know that his first wife died of brain cancer. He married my sister around 1990 and they have 6 kids and did not currently have insurance because he has been re-establishing his contracting business here in town.

    We need all the prayers we can get and if you would like to contact them here is their address:

    David & Tannis Walker

    952 S. Thurmond

    Sheridan, WY 82801

    I don't think I will give out their phone number but it is listed if you want to call information.

    Al Hendrickson

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