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Posts posted by tonyzamboni

  1. Wow! I never said I didn't like GSC! Just because I used a phrase that obviously everybody here HATES doesn't mean I don't like the GSC! I have been learning some interesting things here about TWI after I left it and I was beginning to like the GSC. And somebody asked me What is the baby and what is the bath water.

    To me the bath water when it gets thrown out is dirty bath water. The bad stuff in TWI is the dirty bath water.

    The Baby to me is Christianity in general. We were trying to be Christians but found out by experience or observation that TWI wasn't what we thought it was. But we were in it because we wanted to be CHRISTIANS and tried to follow Jesus and were attracted by much Bible examination instead of church bingo or guys with boofont hairdos that ended every word with ah. You know, Jesus-ah!

    So when some people left TWI because we found ourselfs in such dirty bath water some decided to quit being Christians which is SAD because Jesus is still The Way The Truth and the Life. I am amazed that such a complicated and LONG conversation happened over my use of an extremely simple comment like the Baby and the Bathwater. Sheesh! Were a bunch of you one time members of the TWI research department?

    Now one guy here said that he plays guitars with non Christians and he works with non Christians and doesn't require them to recite Ro 10:9. I understand that and I am the same way. I go out salsa dancing all the time and I don't ask the girls if they are Christians first. I just want to shake a leg or cut a rug. Is it okay for me to use those cliches here? Anyway, I understand the "not worrying about if other people in this World who we spend time with are Christians or not" thing.

    What is sad to see is that some people here have pretty much denounced their Christian beliefs. I am not talking about "people that we work or play with", but people who were at one time very comitted and interested in being Christians and who wanted to spread the Word. It is this Group that all of us here were once in that gives me surprise when I find some who don't Believe anymore. People who have tripped ou...oops! I mean who have apparently decided that ALL Christianity is bad because of that Dirty Water that they once took a bath in. I don't know how I can be clearer. And SORRY if you don't like my choice of words Wolf!

  2. I don't care about the VP stuff either. Well as long as you are still Christians it seems like you haven't thrown the Baby out then. But it seems like there are those here who have! Wow! That is so very SAD.

  3. This place with all of you ex TWI people doen't seem very Christian. I do understand having a dislike for being treated bad in TWI bybad leaders but it seems like many have thrown out the baby and the bath water! This is very sad. It doesnt seem like a Christian sight to me because so many have tripped out on God. But God is still God and so is Jesus Christ!

  4. Wow! Do you think its really Craig? I havent heard from him or about him forever! I wonder whet he is doing these days? I read here about how he got sued and decided to quit being president of TWI but I wonder what he is doing now? Did he get a job orsomething?

  5. Wow! That Stevie Wonder song was great! I saw him and the Rolling Stones in 72 and Stevie stoled the show! That's the year Stevie had his hit with Superstition! And that Jeff Beck guy, what a guitarist! I remember him playing the song "I'm Going Down". Saew him with the Jeff Beck Group once. Love that song! So you all don't just talk abot the Way here I see. Good!

  6. Thanks Sudo and Wasider! Whew! Glad you guys are nice guys after all. I respect your right to choose what you belive. I don't agree with you, but that's okay too right? I have had experiences with posessed people though, and I'll never doubt again that there are spirit beings who will to do and do evil things to all of Gods Human Beings. I have thrown spirits out of people and I'll never doubt what I saw and heard and FELT. But thats just me and others and also Jesus. Only certain things from TWI do I believe any more. Only the stuff that I think is Actually from the Bible. But I am still learning. Remember how VP called himself The Teacher? Well, I am The Learner.

  7. I wasn't talking about Wierwille. I know he was way off base and the contridictions in his life are obvious. Why do you say that to me like that as if I am stupid and still by all that crap? I was just wondering if Sudo thinks that what the Bible says about evil spirits isn't true thats all. Gosh!

  8. Sudo, you seem to be sort of sarcastic about devil spirits. Are you saying that there are no devil spirits who harrass God's human beings? I mean Jesus himself said there were and he even kicked them out of people. And I have heard them speak through possessed people too. I don't think it is somthing to take lightly, IMPO.

  9. Whoa!!! That reminded me of one time when I was on a acid trip! And just now when I did it, I kept doin it over and over gain and it was like I couldnt stop!! I had to tear myself away so I wouldn't get stuck in THAT trip!

    So I wonder if that and the way one hallucinates on acid are directly related?

  10. I always thought that was funny, "the wrong misnomer". A misnomer is something that is wrong, right? So VP must have been saying that whatever the subject was was a "wrong" or differnt misnomer but not the misnomer at hand. I dont know it just didnt seem to make sense.

  11. I was real fortunate for sure Kit Sober. He told me of all the Troubles, and that the worst thing was that the Love Of God was GONE, at least at the top and that the dang would continue to roll down hill and destroy everything. Sure looks like it DID from what I am reading here. I guess alot of the great people that were in it probably are all scattered around now. I sure loved a lot of them.

  12. But I do remember being taught that the "thanking God first for something He had already promised" was a better way to pray, as opposed to asking for something that He had already said yes to. You know it was like an answer to the Begging Prayer. You know: Oh PLEASE God can I have this happen in my life? I need good Health and if only I am found worthy would you PLEASE help me? I think that some of that thnking existed out in Christian land and with a humble attitude which I tried to have I thnk the Thank You prayer could be okay to do wouldn't it? But then I remember people yelling God I just thank you for making that red light turn green! And if it turned green then it was considerd a miracle which I never thought was. What I hated was all the formulas. The 4 Ds of doulos doins and all. Just follow this formula and viola! Seemed Canned to me.

  13. "I was trying to make the point that you don't go before God's throne demanding".

    You are right Socrates. There is a verse, Hebrews 4:16 that says:

    "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need".

    It does say to come boldly to God's throne, but it sure doesnt say anything about demanding. It says that we can obtain MERCY which to me means that even though we are allowed to even approach His Throne, we should do it humbly!

  14. But really, I never heard anybody pray like that in TWI. It was more like Thank you Father, not wait: "We JUST thank you Father forgetting a good job for Fred since you already promised it in your Word to meet our needs and he needs a job", etc. I understood the concept of thanking God for soemthing that God had always promised but of course it got out of hand and just became mechanical and kind of like a Formula. But I don't remember anybody being so demanding like you said Socrates. Maybe you were over emphasizing to make a point.

    And ya on that "Ya want me to be honest?" No, that's okay, you can just lie to me. Hah! I have always laughed when I have thought of that one!

  15. Once, and I am embarrassed to admit how much of a Wayspeak clone I guess I was, I said to a WOW vet sister that "Your just more than abundant". The real problem was was that she was really large breasted, and she turned all red and I didnt understand why because I wasn't thinking of her breasts when I said it! Then when I finally understood how stupid I was I turned all red and started to say stupid things like oh no, not that you, well I didnt mean, I wasn't talking about, oh I better shut up! Finally she laughed when she realized that I had said it with innocence. Then finally we both ended up laughing. :redface:

  16. I had a limb leader who said that Billy Joel was Seed. He had us listen to An Innocent Man which proved that BJ is a Seed Boy. And this was funny T-Bone! "so was Johnny Appleseed....at least as far as i could tell cuz he was rotten to the Corps".

  17. "Way Speak". That's funny and we sure had a lot of it. But I don't think undershepherding would be way speak because if you google it you will find a whole ton of other Christians using it. My Mom's Presbyterian church use to use the term when I was a kid. At least my Mom would say, "I am her under shepherd" about someone in the churchs flock. And I guess that supporting someone could have something to do with Under.

  18. By the way (no pun intended!), I just googled the word under shepherding and found a ton of info on it. In fact I just mispelled it here and the spell check corrected me and had a correct spelling for it. I know we had our own language in TWI (I started a topic on that in open) but I dont think TWI invented that one. But I have no problem with Jesus being my shepherd and if he wants to call us sheep that's okay. But it is weird to have the word under before shepherd. Why under, and not just shepherd?

  19. I remember burning huge piles of books and records and the devils were supposedly screaming as they flew out of there. And it was on some farmers riverside property and no one asked if we could use there farm for that huge toxic burn pile.

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