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Dying Peaceful without Fear of that day


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God first

Beloved friends

God loves you my dear friends

I have been busy editing my book "Truth (the Book) and you can check out a more edit work on my Web Page

but first I been written another book for fun so here is the first five chapters

God first

Dying Peaceful without Fear of that day

wrote 02-07-12-2008

About this Book

I am written this book to help the many people of this world who will die to do it with class and not be afraid of it. Now I know not all fine comfort in believing in God but comfort can be found in other places ad ways too.

Another reason I am written this book is to help love one’s deal with the coming lost of the person that they have little power over. Because it just as hard to watch someone dies knowing there nothing, you can do to stop as it you will die yourself.

But both can be done in an orderly matter if the dyer helps the watcher’s and the watcher’s help the dyer to die well with grace and peace. Now there are many groups that are willing to help with this time of life that comes to all of us.

We all will become a watchers’ and we all will die one day but most people do not want to talk about but facing it can help us be more prepared for it when it comes. I have been a watcher when my aunt die, a few uncle’s, and my dear mother but I have not died myself yet.

Now there been more parts of my family that has die, but unless you are close it does not mean as must to you so you’re not a close watcher in some people death but a distance witness of that day. But being a witness there to help others is a great comfort to the watcher’s.

I call these people Watcher’s because they come and visit even if all they can do is watch their love one sleep and talk to the care takers. We most have great patience with the caretakers of our love ones because they are just trying to help.

These caretakers have people that help them deal with the lost if your love one is in a Nursing Home, Hospital, or any other kind of help care center but if they are in a family member home there is no help most of the time. Places to get help are the Red Cross, Churches, Hospice, doctors, nurses and many others group out there.

No one should have to die along nor should anyone have to watch their love one’s die without the comfort of friends and family. We all seem to want to see new born babies but when a person death is close few people are willing to visit until you are dead?

Can this book change that no but what it can, is to help people to understand their place in the ball of things? How can we be a good watcher or how can we die well without one helping the other working together to comfort each other in these gloomy days.

I am not saying it will be easy with my help but all I am trying to do is help to prepare you in the ways I can. Now no one can prepare you for every possible thing that can happen or that will happen but they can help which is all I am trying to do.

About the Writer

I was born May the third in 1960 at Fort Knox Hospital in Kentucky and my mother’s name was Bessie Duff Perry and my father name is Roy William Perry Jr and my name is Roy William Perry III. I was raised in a very loving family of five three sisters Terry, Cindy, and Mary.

When I went to school I, did not talk plain because of a speech defeat something out of my control but it could get better with help. But because children will be children it did not get better as fast as it could have.

I battle with the other children laughing at me most of my life and you cannot fight the whole class. But I made a few friends and over time I had some good times when I was young.

After school I join a cult “The Way Ministry of New Knoxville Ohio” which taught me some good things but mostly played me for a fool like all cults do. After about ten years I changed their teaching and was cast out like an old shoe.

For a few years I did nothing but move from place to place and job to job, until I found a computer board called Grease Spot Café of EX-Way members like myself. This web site helped me get back to focusing on God and helping others which help me overcomes most my past before the cult and after.

My mother was told she had cancer and that she only had a short time to live so she and my dad told me and my sisters because we are a close family. I went to see her a lot more than normal and call a lot and normal was once a week for me.

After a long battle I went to help her by moving some things my sister and dad said she was still asleep but after an hour or two I went into her room anyway only to find her dead. My dad sleeps in another bed because his Parkinson and other health reason’s.

So I had to tell my sister who told my dad who took it very hard as did my whole family even that we have been knowing this day was coming for a long time. My dad is still alive but his health is not good.

My uncle was all so told he had cancer so I had to be a watcher for him and we were very close. His son and daughter live miles away so they called me a lot for advice as what to do. I did what I could and they came to see him before he dies.

So yes I have been a watcher and I still am a watcher because in my life there are many who I care more deeply. But one day I will die myself and be on the other side of the coin of death which I hope will be many years away.

Thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy


Born only to die ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1

Becoming a witness to death ---------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2

Becoming a Watcher --------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 3

We all will die ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 4

Getting things ready for our death ---------------------------------------------------Chapter 5

The Shock of death ----------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 6

What to do and say to others ---------------------------------------------------------Chapter 7

Who should come to visit in the hospital ------------------------------------------Chapter 8

Planing ahead for your Burial --------------------------------------------------------Chapter 9

How you want to be put to Rest -----------------------------------------------------Chapter 10

Life Insurance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 11

Kind of Services for your Burial -----------------------------------------------------Chapter 12

Helping a person die well -------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 13

Comforting the person and the family ---------------------------------------------Chapter 14

Helping the dead person travel to the next life if they believe in one -----Chapter 15

Visiting the grave site -----------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 16

Talking at the dead person after death ------------------------------------------Chapter 17

Believing in seeing the person again --------------------------------------------Chapter 18

The Bible and Death for those who read it -------------------------------------Chapter 19

The Bible and Life after Death for those who read it ------------------------Chapter 20

Science Understand of Death -----------------------------------------------------Chapter 21

What Science believes Dies ------------------------------------------------------Chapter 22

The Value of life to the World -----------------------------------------------------Chapter 23

Taking another Person’s Life -----------------------------------------------------Chapter 24

Ways to Die Faster ------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 25

Ways to Live Longer holding off that Day as Long as Possible --------Chapter 26

Death in the Line of Duty -----------------------------------------------------------Chapter 27

Death by your own hands Suicide -----------------------------------------------Chapter 28

Killing to save Lives ------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 29

Given up your Life for the greater good -----------------------------------------Chapter 30

more chapters to come goal is about 40

Born only to die

Chapter 1

Your birth!

It is your birthday today you are being born and you will be called a new born baby soon alive birth as you take your first breath of air. But before the day of your birth, you were created as an egg like form that was fertile by an act of creating a life to grow as growth life in your mother’s womb.

As you grow, your body begins to form into a shape with all the parts it needed to be made in the image of your parents. Then you were made a new life outside your mother today you have took your first breath of air.

You were born into this fleshly world to live as a part of mankind that seems to rule all flesh but you soon learn that death comes to all. So you are warned to be careful so you will not die before your time.

It’s a battle to eat the right things and not drink the wrong things but you find yourself not all ways doing what is best to live the longest. You life style puts your life on the mill stone more than you would like to say.

But all and all you seem to have birthday after birthday as if you will live forever but old age or sickness comes and you begin to face death is coming. At this point you can either give out and fear death or welcome it as a changed with possible endless outcomes.

Which kinds of outcomes are there To death?

Do you want to believe in life after fleshly death or do you believe once it is over there is nothing more? It is up to you what you desire to believe in your heart while I found comfort in believing in life after death you may not.

How do you want your friends and family to remember you in pain that they will never see you again or with hope of seeing you again some day? Do you want them to cry when they think about the times you spend together or look to spend time with you again?

What will you want them to do if you spend time sick in bad or a hospital bed waits on your hand and foot or visit while you comfort them? Will you help them find comfort in your memories of times you had together?

It is all up to you as to what you will do and how you will deal with your love ones whether you will understand that they are in pain too or you will only dwell on what happening to you. Now I cannot tell you what to do but I would hope you give it some deep through.

So what kinds of outcome do you want your family to believe in life after death or that there is nothing more and you’re gone for good. Make up your mind while there is still time to leave them with comfort of seeing you again or sadness because you’re gone forever.

Your Death!

It’s the day of your death and you will die today but are you ready for this day and how have you prepared your love ones for this day. Whether you know it or not today is the day of your death will you enjoy the time you have left with the people around you or will act like a jerk today.

It’s all up to you how this day goes which will come like a thief in the night so you can either live every day like it’s your last or live as if you are the only thing important ed. Are you a “me first” person or do your love ones come first in your life?

How do you want their day to go because no matter what you do its going to be hard on someone whom you love and that loves you? Do you want to prepare them in the best way you can or do you want your death to be hard on them more than it has to be?

Some people will be hard on the hospital staff if they find themselves dying in a hospital bed where they must be waited on hand and foot. Whether you know it or not you death will be hard for them to watch knowing that they can do little to comfort you.

Facing these facts and making up your mind as to the way you want to act while you are dying and specially on these days the last few. Some of us know death is not many days off but others it comes fast without warning.

How will they Remember you?

There are many things people do so they will be remembered after they have left this world but the most common one is having children. Some people write like I do and other will be remembered by their art, music, video, building in their honor, and the list is endless.

But will you be remembered for doing good or will you be remembered for the bad things you did in your life. Now if it’s not to late you can plan on how your love ones will remember you and the part you played in their life.

How do you think people will remember you when you are dead and gone? By the things you have given to others, by the works you have done during your life or by the love you have shared with your family and friends.

Just because you mark your grave it does not mean anyone will remember you after you been gone one hundred years. Even if you become a famous person in your time it does not mean in a hundred years anyone will care.

I believe it not how long a person is remember but the reasons they are remember and by whom they are remembered by. God words read he will all ways remember you if you live love as Jesus Christ set an example but not all believe in God.

Why even being Born if your only going to Die?

I would say the reason to be born even that we will all die some day is because the good times we will have with each other. The very things we will do together and the love we will have for each other.

God said he created us so he would have someone to love which the same reason some people make children to love. Now yes not everybody cares about God or wants children in their life but most people want to be love by someone.

One man might say we are born for a reason and the reason is to fill the earth with our kind, another reason that is the order of things, and we could come up with endless reasons. But the fact we must deal we are born only to die one day with hopes there is life after death by some of us.

A woman might say we die for a reason and the reason is to make room for the next generation of people, death is just part of life, and we could come up with endless reasons. But if we face facts death is a big part of being human but so is the hope for life after death by some of us.

If you get down to it, we are born only to die one day unless there is more to the plan that can be understood naturally. I am not telling you to believe in God but a believer in God gives us a possible outcome that gives us hope of a new beginning.

Becoming a witness to death

Chapter 2

A Witness from the Beginning

A witness from the beginning would a family member or friend that was there the day you were born or shortly after. These groups of people were there to watch you grow from your birth to the day you die.

Your death will be the hardest on this group of family and friends and if one of these witnesses is a parent, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, or gram-parent this will not be easy for them. But some times all they cannot Sat back and watch while they comfort you.

This groups seem to become what we will call later “a watcher” the person that due to things out of their control and they can only sit back and watch you die. While the amount of people that were there when you were created is small, they may take you death the hardest.

But because of age most parents do not out live their children but because of sickness, drugs, accidents, crimes, and other things like these this is not all ways the case. Life is full of turns with ups and downs that can change a good out come from happening.

So what can, I add to this part not a lot but I must tell you to give extra understanding and love for the close witnessers to death. I have been there myself and I will be there again as anybody that has close love ones.

Witness at the very end

Who will be there during your last hours of your life depends on how you die and were you die. Some people die in their sleep without any warning that death will come that night while others are in a hospital bed and the doctors warm the family death will come some.

If you die in your bed there might be no one there or just the people who live with you but it is all ways better to dying in your sleep is the most peaceful death a person can have. But we will not all go in a peaceful matter in our sleep.

If in a hospital bed the staff of the place will be witnesses of your death and the family members that can get there in time. Now the reasons for the family coming this last day but not others days, can be from their Guilt of not visiting you enough to greed for the things, you may have.

Other family and friends may come because they were close to you and they want you to know they will miss you. There is all so some people who will come to support the people who are still to say good bye to you.

Some churches will send their Pastor or Priest to help with your death and some religions may do a service like last rights. If you die by an accident there may be strangers there, who will witness your death too.

Whether someone sates their watching witnessing, you die or being the one who finds you dead this will change their life forever. We all become witnessers of someone’s death some time in our life some thing not easy to handle.

Murder or Accident Witness

Someone dies by the act of murder and you are there to witness the violent act of another person who group of people for no-good reason. This makes you a witness to the people’s death and the right thing to do report the act to the right people.

Just viewing a person dying in this matter will change you for the rest of your life and you will need to talk to someone about how you feel. A book cannot give you their answers but it can tell you that you will need outside help dealing with what you saw.

Someone dies in a natural accident or just an unnatural accident like a car crash, fire, bomb, and the list is endless of ways a person can die. But the fact is you are there to witness someone dying without love ones most of the time.

Some times the police or fire departments are still to witness deaths of whole families or a complete building of people dying or finding them dead. Death is not an easy thing for anyone to deal with even if they did not know the dead person.

Some whether death comes by an evil act or natural occurs, it still comes and the people who witness it most deal with what they witnessed. The family and friends will then become a witness to the person’s death.

Dealing with being a Witness to death

This will be hard but in time you can learn ways to deal with being a witness to the death of another person whether a person close to you or someone you do not even know. Talking about it is how you will deal with any death.

We see stories of the good times we had with a person we knew personally that we witness dying and leaving us to live on without them. The person we were not a willing witness to their death but we were there anyway and it might take telling others what we saw?

We can all so take the time to learn about the person from people who knew him personally one on one. There are doctors that can help us find help when dealing with being a witness of a person’s death.

There are churches out there that would love to have someone to talk to us about it and help us find a way to deal with it. Now one time I do know first hand is that people dealing with witnessing a death will need patience and time.

So I am telling to give each other room to cry out in pain or time to talk about their love one who as die. If they are a witness to death because it happens in an odd place they may need to face what they saw by talking about it.

Comforting the Witnessers

Listing to people is one of the best ways to comfort a person that has witness the death of a love one first hand. Other wise let them talk about the person telling story after story of the good times and the bad times they had with the person they witness die.

The people who saw someone die by an act of natural or an unnatural act like a fire, murder, car wreck, and the list is endless might not want to talk. But talking might be the best thing for them when they are ready to talk.

People handle pain in many different ways so some times it just being there if they need someone to listen to them talk. Some people just need someone to be with them so they do not feel all a lone while they are mourning.

We all mourn in our own ways whether it is in peace, or with a lot of people around. Some people have a party for the dead while others just sat and cried for days, we all mourn in our own way.

Some people take comfort in God telling us there is life after death while others just seem to take no comfort in the hope of life after death. However you get comforted, but you must find a way to deal with the lost of another person.

Becoming a Watcher

Chapter 3

Thin Line Between a Watcher and a Witnesser

Every watcher to death is a witness to death but not all witnessers are watchers because a watcher is the person who comes to visit their love one when they can only watch. Other wise the watchers are the groups who visit you even it you’re asleep or in a near death physiological state of sleep.

These people that I am calling watchers are the ones who are closest too, you in your everyday life now or were in the past. They can range from parents, gram-parents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, teachers, friends, and the list is endless.

They are there because they care deeply about you because they love you more than words can write or be spoken. They are the group of people who will miss you the most in their own ways most of the times by stories of you.

You will live on in their memories as their heart thinks about the good times you gave them in life. You will all so live on in pictures that may be past down from generation to generation which is more personal that other ways.

The courts and government will keep records of your life on file for a hundred of years and the hospital will keep heath records for your family. But as long as a watcher lives you are remembered in the closest way possible personally.

Why some people become Watchers

The reason people become watches is like asking how come some people become close to you while others do not. Now a parent becomes a watcher because they were there when you were created and every day from them on you brought joy to their life.

Now not all parents become watchers but it’s a well-known fact that most do but the ones who do not are replace by another pair of watchers’ or a staff of watchers. Many people’s play the role of parents willing with joy because you bring joy to their life.

It’s the joy that you have brought to other people’s life that gives them the just reason to become a watcher of your life and death if they out live you. The times you have spend with them was very special to them your watcher.

Some people because a watcher for what you have done to help them but others because of the way they have helped you in life ups and downs. It is all about how we fellowship with each other that makes some people your watchers and not others.

God is the best-known watcher because he watches everybody with great care knowing that he must let you live your own life. Some people are put on the spot to be a watcher’s, because of the way you die without warning because they are there and they want to comfort you.

Just like a mother must watch her child even if they do not do as she would be proved to her the children do. God has set life in motion so that he must let good and bad things just flow in motion and all God can do, is Watch if he wants true love.

God became the first watcher because he wanted a family to fellowship with and help when they are in need of help. Without free will for his children to make miss takes and a change for things not all ways to work out there be no true fellowship.

Watcher’s of death by crimes and wars!

These people are put on the spot to become watchers’ of first hand death by a painful death that can happen fast or slow. But this kind of death can be really painful in the memories of the person or persons who are watchers to the event.

While a war can be for a good cause to save a greater amount of lives, so that righteous can be win over evil or good over bad. The pain of our arm forces dealing with watching their friend’s die or having to kill the enemy cannot be measure.

The mental effects from becoming a watcher to a crime or a battle field can be something a person will have to get help for from doctors and friends. Understanding by not pushing the person to talk to fast or not at all until they are ready.

Helping a person deal with pain of being a watcher can take train help a Doctor, a Pastor, Priest, or another person able to help. Even the watching a person being put to death’ because of a crime can be hard on the people watching the event.

Even the people who have to clean up the crime field or the war battle site-become watcher who wills need help dealing the event. So I most say give these people patience and time with love and understanding to the lever you can and above.

Giving up a child by Abortion!

The young girl might want an abortion for many reasons while some might seem good reasons and other bad. Most girls wish they had gave birth to the child later in life because they feel guilty for not given the child a change to their life.

This makes the girl a watcher to what, she and the doctors did while the girl was young with her whole life ahead. Some women have abortions because of their health or the health of the unborn baby.

The government has become a watcher of children’s kill by abortion because they have made it legal in the land they rule. If the government is free, the people find them self guilty for letting this become a legal right.

The doctors that preform the act of abortion become a watcher whether for a so called just reason or not while some see nothing wrong with their actions others do. The staff that helps the doctor all so become a watcher and share in the action.

Whether you are like me and see abortion against that which is right and just an ungodly act to take another person’s life. But if you see no wrong in the act of abortion you may change your view later in life or you may not.

Giving birth to a child but still giving the Child up!

Some young women will not have an abortion but rather give birth to the baby only adoption the new born child out to someone who can give the child a better life. Others have children just to help a couple out that cannot have a baby for personal rewards.

While the mother whom adoption her child out them too, has become a watcher because most will all ways think on what happen to their child them adoption out. Some children do a search for their birth parents later in life no to find them.

Some birth parents are found while some birth parents keep in touch with the couple which adopts their child only to let the child reach out when they are ready. But the children all ways seem to put their adopted parents first while still wanting to know their birth parents.

The reasons for adopting out a child range from age of the mother, to life style of a mother, to the mother going to jail, to the mother’s health, to the mother mental state, and the list are endless. I personally believe adoption is better than abortion.

But because it is legal what I believe has little weight on the matter but I have freedom of speech, the right to give my views in written words. I have all ways believe has soon as the child begins to grow into a child it’s alive and to me that the hour of the egg being fertile.

God a Watcher!

I know not all people who will read this book believes there is a God, but I do and many other people do. As soon as God created the mankind and other life with free will to make up their mind on what to do, God became a watcher.

Before Adam sin there was only cause which was the way God created all things but once Adam sin we got causes and effects. The effect sin would have on the heaven and earth would put all things into a cycle of dying.

God had to choices either to make things changed but that would take-away man free will turning man into a robot but God wanted man to have free will. God other choice was to work toward bringing about an effect that would cause things to change back to were they were before Adam sin.

Now I am not telling you that you have to agree with me but what I am doing is telling why God has become a watcher without power to help at times. Just because God’s hands are tired by sin put in motion does not mean he does not care.

Just because a mother loses her child in birth or the child is born with birth defeats does not mean the women sin but she could have sin in her blood line. Our DNA controls the health of the next generation if the wrong parts, are passes to the child just another example of cause and effect.

We all will die!

Chapter 4

Everything Dies!

This chapter is about facing the true that we are going to die and we can do nothing to changed this fact. Face it you will die one day and it might not be when you’re old and finish enjoying your youth but death can come from many ways.

When should you prepare for it the moment you are able to face this truth and who should you ask for help? Your family is the best place to go because they had to face the same truth and people like doctors, Red Cross, and others might help.

It not just a matter of planing for the cost to be paid so it does not put a hardship on your love ones. Then they’re telling family the way you want to be laid to rest on that very sad day. Then there the spiritual factors do you want to believe in getting back up or not.

What other things will die that can cause your death, If all plants were to die after many years the oxygen lever would drop so low you would die too. If the sun was to die like other stars have in the past you would die because lack of sun light over time.

You see all things die and the death of things around you could bring about your death. There are things living within you that without them you would die like white blood cells. The list is endless that will die in due time.

When we breathe in, we kill oxygen by using it but we give off, a by product that plants use to make oxygen. Which makes life and death depending on one another or the death of one is the life of another.

Now that we have face the truth that we all will die as will all things around like that pet we love so must will die too. No matter whom we all we will not escape that fact that our fleshly body will die but one can reach for life after death.

All Things Known to us will Die!

Its does not matter where flesh things are on the earth or in outer space they will die when it’s their time to die. Science have said that they have witness stars like our sun that gives us day light it will die, while we have searched our sky for facts about life.

Science has talk about the birth of stars too, which one can understand there are patters to stars like mankind which are a birth to a death cycle. It seems everywhere we look we see things moving in the cycle of birth to death.

Some call the things we can see, hear, smell, tasted, and touch fleshly natural things of matter and anti-matter the basic building blocks of elements that are things come from. Like this earth is made of dust forms, water forms, and air forms or solid, liquid, and gas and so is mankind.

If this heaven and earth begin as a baby heaven and earth it too will die one day as will the building blocks of elements that are things come from. Whether they came by a God of love or things just happen is up to you.

I am not here to tell you what to believe for your sound mind to comfort you in your coming death or the death of a love one. But I must say you and me will have to deal with this fact whether with hope or no hope it’s up to us.

Hope without Something to hope for!

If a person does not have some kind of hope for life after death there is nothing to comfort them when they lose a love one close to them. It’s sad but a lot of people in this world believe that when a person dies it’s the end of that person.

I believe this kind of thinking is very unhealthily to people and can really hurt children who would not understand this thinking. It is better to believe in a fairly tale that gives us hope of seeing our love ones again than having no hope.

I believe in God and Jesus the Christ because this gives me hope and have found hope helps me live a more joyful life after love ones have gone. Because without hope I would spend my days crying over my love ones, who have past away.

So will say loud and clear that they need no hope but I tell you to watch those same people fight not to die with great fear of death. But the person who has hope has no fear of death because they believe in life after death.

Now I cannot give you my hope but I can tell you why I got hope and what my hope is based on which takes away fear in my life. But you must build your own hope in your life the things that comfort you are your’s.

With Hope!

People with hope have gone to their deaths in very painful ways without fear confessing their faith in the thing that gave them hope. It is God who send Jesus the Christ that begins my hope while the stories I read sealed it for me.

All this has built a strong belief in my life that nothing seems to be able to pull me away from my faith is strong and rooted on my hope. It is hope that gets me hope each day as I live day by day telling others of my hope.

In war it is the hope to go home that keeps the young men going as they see death day after day in their march to victory. But the victory most want is not the end of the war which would be nice but the victory they are looking for is the ticket home.

Like I have said before hope is something you must build yourself in your own heart it not something I can give you. Hope comes when you find something. You want to hope for whether it is a safe return from war or life after death.

Now there are people who can help you build hope in your life by telling you stories of where they got their hope. But all and all hope is a personal thing we all can have if we just find something to hope for.

Spirit is not under the rules of Flesh and Bone!

Because spirit is not of this world or even this outer space above us it is not subject to the same rules where it must die. Spirit of God’s image is the only thing that was here before the creation of all things known to mankind.

Now some people do not believe in spirit other than it’s a word in the dictionary that they believe was made up to push God’s teaching. But many of us know that spirit is more than a mere word its power of God’s love.

Spirit is something that cannot be seem with our natural eyes but the effect it has on people can be witnesses by the way they face lite’s up and the way they talk about the ones who believe in it. Love is the way when a person shows love their face lite’s up too.

The effect love or believing in spiritual things has on people can be measure by changes within the person body. Love and believing in spiritual things is a cause that brings an effect on the outlook of a person.

I am not pushing you have you believe as I do but what I am doing is showing the cause of changes in people life because of the effect spiritual things can have on any person. Does this mean we have prove there are spiritual things? I would say we prove things like love and spiritual things in our heart.

Getting things ready for our death !

Chapter 5

Preparing your family!

This can be the hardest thing a parent has to do in their life getting their children ready to face their own death. But before you can help them face the fact you are dying you must face that fact yourself personally.

There is no where you can run to escape the fact you will one day die as will all the people you know and will know in your life. The only thing harder on the parent than getting their children ready for their death is their children’s death coming first.

There is not a lot I know one can do to get a child ready for an early death other than building a hope in the children’s life of life after death. But the parent must deal with this subject if their child is dying because they want to comfort their child,

It’s all about changing death from a big unknown to a known beautiful life after death if that the way you choice to comfort the child that is dying. It’s a sad thing to have to face but its part of life as we human’s understand it.

But do not forget about yourself because one person who must be prepare for death of love ones and your death is you. People can help you get ready but you must face this cross road yourself and the way you do it is up to you.

Giving things to people to comfort them after you are dead!

You do not have to wait to give away personal things to your love one’s that willing make them think of you. This can be anything from a picture in your home to a fishing pole you used the list is endless.

Only you and the person you love know of the things that make them think of you with joy of loving memories of you two together. And yes there are more valuable things you might give away after your death but I am talking about more personal things.

Most people have things they can give away that they do not need to keep living but these things will mean the world to their love ones. Some times we as people just give things away to comfort and bless our love ones and this is what I am getting at.

Now no one has to give things away to comfort their love ones and I am not telling you that it would be best if you do. I am just covering the fact the most people do, and the reason they do this is out of love.

After your die someone will get everything you have and I am sure you do not want your things just put in the trash or I would think. But whatever you want it is you who can plan it to flow as you wish or must be the duty on another.

Written a Will or Not!

Everybody seems to think about written a Will, but everyone does not take the time to write before they die. Some people write Will’s but never tells anyone where they keep it or which lawyer it is filled with making it a legal document.

Now you do not have to write a Will and everything can still get to you’re next of kin but its extra work for your family at the last second. When you write a Will, you are making a statement to how you want your estate gave away.

Now a Will does not have to be written by a law office but it can be done others wise make sure you have the right amount of witnesses signs your Will in front of a notable seal. When you write your Will to are telling others how you want your things divided up.

This is something you should think about for many days before you begin and make sure someone is not pushing you to do it their way. When you give things away in a Will, you are saying you love the person whom you give them too.

After you have written your Will, it may be good to take the time and talk to the people you are given your things to. This way you can handle any hard feeling that may arise later before anybody gets hurt.

Getting rip of anything you do not want others to find!

Everybody seems to have things that they would not want others to know about like old love notes, vices they use, and the list is endless. We are have a private side that we want to keep private in our life.

This is why you find old people looking at everything they have and they will not let you help them. But do not get mad at them it is normal to have a few secrets in people lives after they have lived for many years.

Now this is not a law just an idea you might want to think about before someone finds something you would be not wanted known. I wanted to cover this so that after your death things go the way you were of wanted.

Some people before they die want to get things right with family and friends they may have not talk to because of a foolish fight over small things. I hope you take the time to calling or visiting these kinds of people before it is too late.

You might want to get right with God before you die and your local church would be willing to help but you will need to call them. Not everybody wants to get right with God but a lot of people do.

Your ready so what do you do next?

Once you believe you are ready for your deaths do not give up and just wait for your death. But enjoy the time you have left because now everything is done it is time for you to enjoy the time you have left.

Some people think they must save all their money for the needs of their love ones but your love ones might want you to have the things you desire. I would say talk to your family about but it is ok to get yourself special things to ease your last days.

If you all ways wanted to take a trip and you have the money by all means travel and enjoy yourself doing it. If you always wanted to take an art class do it, otherwise do whatever makes your last day’s special.

For most people the things that makes their last days special is for the loves ones to visit and just talk about the old days. It is all about making our love ones feel the love we have for them before it is to late.

The Shock of death

Chapter 6

hope you enjoy it

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves you my dear friends

I have updated the context of this book and wrote some more chapters

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy


Born only to die ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1

Becoming a witness to death -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2

Becoming a Watcher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 3

We all will die -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------Chapter 4

Getting things ready for our death -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 5

The Shock of death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 6

What to do and say to others -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 7

Who should come to visit in the hospital -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 8

How you want to be put to Rest -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 9

Planing ahead for your Burial --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 10

Life Insurance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 11

Kind of Services for your Burial ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12

Helping a person die well -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 13

Comforting the person and the family -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 14

Helping the dead person travel to the next life if they believe in one -------------------------------------------------------Chapter 15

Visiting the grave site ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 16

Talking at the dead person after death -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 17

Believing in seeing the person again --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 18

The Bible and Death for those who read it --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 19

The Bible and Life after Death for those who read it ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 20

Science Understand of Death ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21

What Science believes Dies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 22

The Value of life to the World -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 23

Taking another Person’s Life ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 24

Ways to Die Faster --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 25

Ways to Live Longer holding off that Day as Long as Possible ------------------------------------------------------------ ---Chapter 26

Death in the Line of Duty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Chapter 27

Death by your own hands Suicide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Chapter 28

Killing to save Lives ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -----Chapter 29

Given up your Life for the greater good -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Chapter 30

Taking a change you might die to help another -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 31

Given body parts to others after death ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 32

ESP and Spiritual fields ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 33

Death Sentence -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 34

Pro-Death Penalty and against the death penalty----------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 35

Natural death -v- unnatural death ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 36

Helping the dead person after their death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 37

Helping the dead person see the light ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 38

Never dying but always alive --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 39

Putting death in simple words -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 40

Closing the book ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A Finale statement and call for us to love each other --------------------------------------------------------------------

and here is a few more chapter I have got done

The Shock of death

Chapter 6

It has come!

You have die today while you tried hard to breathe your last breath came like a sound of a mighty trumpet. While you cried out loud with all the power you could muster no one could help you.

You knew this hour would come but you were wishing and hoping you could put it off until you were ready. But you knew in truth no one is ever ready to die and give up the ghost of soul life.

It has ended and there is nothing you or anyone can do to change what has happen to you at

this place in time. Your only hope now is that Jesus Christ was not a fairy tale but the son of the most high God.

You will find out soon if God created all things or science theories of guesses were right. Will you stand and be judged by God or will you never stand again to walk again?

Whatever you think me for one believes that Jesus Christ did live and was rose from the dead after three days plus three nights. I also believe with all my heart that God created the heaven and earth where you lived.

Now again I am not telling you what to believe or how to think while you walk this earth looking up at the blue sky. We all believe in something and what that thing we believe in is up to each person. So your life now because death comes to soon.

Some of your family were not ready to say bye!

You families are being call today because you have die today just a few hours ago tears are in the eyes of the ones making the calls. Some of your family takes it hard that you are gone never to visit them again.

Not every family member you have can be reach because they may be at work, out of town, or an endless number of reasons. Other family members will have to wait until they see it in the newspaper because they are distance family.

Everybody wants to come and see you but the hours you are showed may not let everyone take time away from work. Others may be out of town and not able to get back in time to see you before you’re in the grave.

Some might be in the hospital, or another kind of health care service but they will be thinking of you. A very few might be in jail and if your in jail you must be close kin and not a distance family member.

There are many reasons some of your family may not be able to come and see you before you’re in the grave. But do not worry because they will all think about this day and you will never know because you’re dead.

Some of your friends were not ready to say bye


Your friends will come from people you may have gone to school and they might not have seen you for years but they still think about so there not way they can be ready. Others friends who might drop by to see you may have work with you, when and if you had a job.

Some may come from the church you go too, or clubs you were a member to and they too will have to see it in the newspaper. Then there are your neighbors past and present who may come to see you one last time.

The list of the people who may stop to see you may only come to comfort a family member or a close friend. But no matter what they will come to say good bye or to comfort someone you know.

No matter who comes, you will not be able to talk with anyone who comes and the most they can do, is to take a look at you while they talk at you. But they will be telling each stories of the good old days they had with you.

Was anyone ever ready!

Adam was not ready for death to come to him, nor have I read of anyone in the bible who was ever ready. While many holy men did not run from death and were able to die well no one was ready for that day to come.

We work to prolong our days on this earth but no one wants their days shorten here on this earth. No one can ever get enough time because times moves to fast for us in our busy life here on this world of flesh and bone.

Have you read about the king of Israel Hezekiah who pray to God that he received more time to live while on his death bed? The shadow of the sun return backward ten degrees and he live fifteen years more.

2 Kings 20:1-3 “In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live. Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the LORD, saying,

I beseech thee, O LORD, remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore.”

2 Kings 20:8-9 “And Hezekiah said unto Isaiah, What shall be the sign that the LORD will heal me, and that I shall go up into the house of the LORD the third day? And Isaiah said, This sign shalt thou have of the LORD, that the LORD will do the thing that he hath spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees?”

2 Kings 20:10-12 “And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees. And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the LORD: and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz. At that time Berodachbaladan, the son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a present unto Hezekiah: for he had heard that Hezekiah had been sick.”

Isaiah 38:5 “Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years.”

By the words we have read this man King Hezekiah was not ready for his death so he prays to the God who added fifteen years to his life. Now there may be other books with other records of men getting time added to their life.

Now think about the person who dies and someone has brought them back by CPU or another medial way. Everyone was happy that they received more time and they tried to change to prolong their days here with us.

Jesus Christ was not ready either!

Some say Jesus Christ was ready for if death but even Jesus prays to God “that this cup is token from me.” To put things in a nut shell Jesus was willing to obey God but he still was not ready to die.

Matthew 26:39 “And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”

You can read the context more but even Jesus the Christ was not ready for his death but he went willing because it was God’s will for him to die soon. Now could Jesus had of fought back and not been kill by the enemy.

Matthew 26:53 “Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?”

Think about it what is twelve legions of angels and will you looked to see what size of an army this would be today. A legion of soldiers is an army consisting of six thousand six hundred and sixty-six men but if you have twelve legions you have seventy-nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine men.

Even in today times that is a lot of man but these were not men but angels making them a creature stronger than a man. But I am not here to change you but just to help you see things more openly.

What to do and say to others?

Chapter 7

Helping the person die well!

Here it is up to us to reach out to the living to help them die well. But what it is to die well for one is not the same for all people and what can you say that will help them over the fear of death. There are no magic words that you can use.

For some people it is by having their loves one’s waiting on them hands and foots but for other people it is doing for our self as long as we can. Some want to die in their own bed in peace while others want to fight until the last breath.

Fear holds some people in shock but there are some ways to help them over come this fear. One is bringing God into the picture and another is laying still playing dead trying to prepare you the person for what is to come.

For the family member watching their love one dying there are groups of people out there to help them deals with things because no words are right that you can speak? Cancer has the most help groups that I can see to deal with it but there are ones for other sicknesses too.

All people need help like doctors and other heath care people need help too and that is why these groups are out there to help. Most health care places can lead you to the help you need to help the person dying deal with death.

Helping the family deal with the family member’s death!

This part is really easy because it mostly showing the dead family that you care and your heart goes out to them by visiting them personally, if you can on that day of sadness. But please visit the one’s you love before that last day if possible.

But each family member will need different kind of help to deal with the lost and some will seem to take it harder than other family members. But the truth is, the death is hard on the whole family no matter who they are, because it reminds them, they will die one day too.

There are no words you can speak to ease the pain and no place you can take them to help them deal with lost of their love one. The best thing you can do is be there and talk about the goods times you had with the one who has past away.

This time can help family get closer together but it all so been known to pull them apart when money comes into the picture. But I say let us try to leave money out of the picture if we can, because fighting over money can destroy the common love the family has for the lost soul.

Even if you’re just there to comfort a friend to the dead person as friend to the family. Be at your best behavior at this time of saddest while respecting the family that you are there to help. It is about helping another person in their hour of need.

Once you have lost a love it will give you a better ideal of what the rest of the family and friends need so you may be able to help and there is no rule book to how they will need help. Each person will take the lost different and each person relationship is different with the one who is dead now. So try to understand with a caring heart.

Just be there to help!

The main thing that you can do is just be there to help in any way you are asked or anything you can see needs to be done. A lot of good people bring the family, food and drinks because a lot of family in pain does not have time to think about food at this time.

Love is the key to many things and it helps more than any thing I know when someone is in deep, deep pain. The thing that brings us the most pain and the deepest pain is the lost of a love one.

Do not worry nobody knows what to say when someone is dying or someone has just died when join the group of mourners. We all are just as lost for words as the people report the death and get the person ready to put in their grave.

I not just written this to blow my horn, but help us find a way together to deal with the things we will have to face on a day like this. I would love to find a way to help each person find a way to deal with people that are dying and the people who have died.

Now not saying you have to help or even go visit someone who is dying or a person who has died that you have known. But think about it do you want people to help you die and help your love one’s deal with you being dead.


How will you get comfort when you have last someone very dear to you like a mother, father, sister, brother, or whoever you are close too? I must say with love that we all need to be comforted now and then.

I hope you do not think death is just fun and games like some children seen to think because they are not old enough to understand. Birth and death are the two biggest days anyone can witness while one is a day of joy the other is a sad day.

Because this day is a sad day, you will need comfort and want to comfort the rest of the family and friends. The best thing you can do is be there for the rest of your family and friends on a day like this.

Many people hold tears in on a day like this will be while others cannot hold their love in, as they cry like a baby. Some people will not cry until they are all alone but we all seem to cry when a love as past away.

I am not trying to tell you what to do or how to handle a day like this will be when you close love one is gone. Because we will all die one day, just like we all were born many years ago. Let us comfort each other every day.

God can be used as a tool to help comfort the family and friends but God is not something you push in their face. If a person takes no comfort in God, please do not push the subject about God. Let each person take comfort in their own way.

There is no time but right now to visit your love one’s!

Why wait until someone is dead and gone to visit them and your family members. I love to visit love one’s once a week because I love to spend time with them. I do not want to wait until it is too late to spend time with them.

I am not telling you that you have to visit your family but that you should visit before it is too late and they are gone. Now because I said it does not mean you have to obey my words, because I am just trying to help.

Again and again I say loud and bold there no time but right now to spend time with your love one’s before it is too late. Because once they are dead and gone you may not be able to ever see your love one’s again.

While I do agree you will be able to talk at your dead love one’s while you visit their grave site. And if Christ did what many teach he came to do you may see your love one’s in your next life up in heaven.

There are some people who claim they can see the dead like ghost and talk with them. Even today’s shows make a claim that the dead can be talk to if you know how. Now I am not going to try to cover that right now, because I am talking about not waiting until they are dead, to talk to You’re love one’s.

Who should come to visit in the hospital!

Chapter 8

Next of Kin!

Yes the close next of kin to you should take the time to visit you while you are in the hospital overnight. But this is not a law and no one has to come to see you in the hospital. There times my close kin did not come to see me as most as I would have like at the time but they came.

Now who are the next of kin? I would say they are the family members you are the closest too, your parents, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, children, gram-parents, uncles, aunts, and any person that are like one of these to you.

I have a set of cousins that are more like uncle and aunt then cousins to me. I would think some people have gram-parents that are more like their father and mother. The next of kin to you are not set in stone.

The reason they should come because anytime you are in the hospital could be your last days on this earth. Because when you are sick enough to need a doctor’s care things could turn bad and you could die.

Even the smallest operation where you were not to have needed to stray overnight could turn bad, because of the big unknown. When doctors are working on your body to get you in better health there, are many things that can go wrong.

So I take this time to tell you if you feel you are a person next of kin go see them while they are in the hospital because things could go bad. Now if you’re not the next of kin legally, but you feel close to a person go see them while they are in the hospital.

Distance kin and friends!

You are a distance kin to the person who just call you to tell you he or she is in the hospital. What do you do, because you do not know the person very well but they took the time to call you?

It would be a good thing, if you took time in your busy life and went down to the hospital and saw the distance kin who call you. While you may be only distance kin, maybe they are feeling down and you could brighten up their day.

But if you’re distance kin and you only heard about it by the family grape line it may not matter one way or another. And if the person would not know who you are it might not matter if you do not go. But if you went anyway it would not hurt.

If you have a friend in the hospital and they take time to call you and let you know they are there. You should find time in your busy life and stop bye their room and visit them. They may be glad to see you and it might brighten their day.

But if you hear your friend from work or church was put in the hospital but while you talk your not close to them. Maybe you just think your not close to them because you only see them at work or church. So what would it hurt to go and visit?

Your church and your workplace!

You are very sick and may even die while you lay in a hospital bed, in walks your Pastor or Priest to check on you and let you know they are praying for you to recover. It does not matter if you go to church every week, or once in a blue noon church people seem to care about you.

With most churches visiting the sick is not just going through the motions of showing up and going out the visit the sick. It is a heart to share their love with you and their desire to see you well again soon.

At some work places the boss will care enough to visit his or her employees when they are in the hospital. The work place may even send. Flowers or a get well card to the person in the hospital bed.

Some coworkers are so close to the person in the hospital that if they do not get time to visit the sick person, their work shows the worry in their ability to get their work done. These people should go and visit the person in the hospital.

Visiting a person in the hospital can never hurt the person in the hospital or the person who is doing the visiting. Taking the time and visiting people whether in the hospital or not can brighten up everyone’s day if done with love.

Who should not visit?

If you do not like the person in the hospital, it may be better if you stay at home and did not visit the person in a hospital could not make it. If you like the person in the hospital, but if you and the person in the hospital cannot get together without fighting.

A Hospital room is not a place to go to sale something just to make money nor is it a place to talk about business deals. It is a place for the sick to try to recover with the help of their friends and love ones.

The hospital room is not a place to fight over who gets what, when the person in the hospital bed dies. Nor is a hospital room the place fight because something that happens between the two of you years ago.

If a person has a sickness that could hurt the hospital get even sicker, they should not go to visit but call only. And if the person in bed has a sickness that could make you sick because you cannot deal with some germs. Staying home might be best for both of you and a doctor can help you know what to do.

Doctors can always help you find the best thing for you do about visiting a love one or close friends that their sickness would hurt your health. And if you have a disease that could make them sicker a doctor can help there too.

It is better to visit than not!

Like I said in the sub title of this chapter “Who should come to visit in the hospital!” it is better to visit sick people in the hospital than not too. Again I am not telling anyone what to do but if the person in the hospital dies it will be too late.

A lot of people feel, guilty when they knew a friend or love one was in the hospital but they did not visit and the person dies before going home. After the person has dies, it is too late to stop bye and visit.

This is why I am time and time again saying we should visit our love ones and close friends when they are in the hospital. And even better visit them before they get sick to end up in the hospital. Please think about visiting.

How you want to be put to Rest?

Chapter 9

Burn to dust!

The crematorium of a body is one way some people get put to rest because of the low price and other reasons. Which is the act of burning the dead body to ashes to be put in an Urns? There are more kinds of Urns to choice then you may think.

But there is there a funeral ceremony held either at a funeral home or private in a set out special way. There are also some customs that some religions that teach to burn the body to make it pure and ready for the next life.

Some ancient sects of people would burn the body so the soul could be born again and the flame would ward off evil spirits while purifying the body. Some early legends talk about an angel coming down from heaven to put the soul in an urn only to have the soul moved to its final resting place.

Now being burned after death is not the way I want to be put to rest for all time but that does not mean you will agree with me. The way you are put to rest must be talk about with your family if there is a way you might not want to be put to rest by.

But if this is the way you want it done, than this is the way you should have it done. Then there is which kind of Urn would you want to sleep while you are dead. And there is who would you like to have the urn is to remember your life by.

To put things in simple words the urn is just a place to store the remains of your love while you remember them. I would think the Urn pick should say something about you as should be the person who receives the urn.

Put in a Grave below ground!

Ok you do want to be buried in the ground like I believe I would like to be put to rest and spend my days looking up. Many people’s choice this way for many reasons and I have choice this way because this is the way my family does it.

To be put under ground you will need to be put in a casket and there are many kinds to choice. This act of digging a hole six feet deep to put the dead body is believe to be begun during the Paleolithic period about 200,000 years ago.

Now I would like to add from a believer’s point of view the first burial was Adam in a cave with his family. I state this by a book I read about Adam death and my study of bible time line which puts Adam’s death at about 3073 BC.

There is a some new concept of a natural burial which has begin here in the United States in 1990 or so after the United Kingdom first begin it. These natural cemeteries are known as eco-cemeteries, memorial natural preserves, and I am sure the list is growing.

Now if you want a natural burial or the more common way where your body is embalm to preserve your body longer to be view by family and friends. Whatever way you want your body burial, it is up to you.

There is the place the hole will be made so the casket can be put below ground and the kind of marker you want if any. These are just a few things to think about long before you are put to rest to sleep until.

In a Grave above ground!

In places like New Orleans the people find out they cannot burial they’re dead undergrown because there not where to dig without hitting water. So they build vaults above the ground and have received the label City of the Dead.

In the early days the settlers tried putting rocks on the caskets but because the water table is so high. The caskets after heavy rain would pop out of the ground and float away making the person having to be burial over and over.

Now I am not saying above the ground is for you and I am sure this is not the only place that might burial they’re dead above ground. But if this way is for your look up the City of the Dead and read more about it.

But whatever way you are put to rest you must make up your mind of the way you want to be put to rest and where. Now again I am not telling you how to be put to rest. I am glad to share with you some different ways.

In a body of water!

From the first time man travel in a ship and lost a man by death, man began to burial they’re dead at sea because of the time it takes to get back to land. Today this is still done by our navy and other sailors of the open sea’s.

I do not know if you need to get a permission from a naval board or the coast guard but I have seen that it still can be done. Today from what I see it done in the form of ashes most of the time but that does not mean that is the only way.

We no longer have to deal with not being able to get the body of our dead back to land in a timely matter. Today we have better ways to store the body for burial and faster ways to get it back to land without affecting the travels of the ship.

I am not saying to be burial at sea or in any kind of body of water but this is just more to think about as to where you want to rest. But basically it is up to you as for the place you want to rest and the way you want it done.

In outer space!

From Aircraft accidents in 1964 to 1991, to 1967 to 1971 capsule re-entry deaths, to the 1986 Challenger disaster, and to the 2003 Columbia disaster men have died in space. This is our history of trying to put men-kind in space.

Now we can talk about how Star Trek does it on TV or how it is done in the movies about living in outer space. I do not know if there is a way to send our ashes to outer space yet but the day is coming when we may have more men be burial in space.

Now this may not be a way for you but your gram-children may see it has a common choice has to where to rest. But this just gives a bigger picture of how we might be able to rest has, we wait to see if anything comes next.

What ever way it is up to you!

Whether you are put to rest as ashes, underground, above ground, in a body of water, in outer space, or another way unknown to me, you must be put to rest. Now the key is not how or where but that your body is put to rest.

I believe being put to. Rest is not the end of you, nor the end of life for you, but the end of this kind of life. I believe flesh life is just a stage we move through until the next stage life without a fleshly body.

Life with a spiritual body is one of light and truths were before we were of flesh and bone but in the next realm we become spiritual beings. What does it mean to be a spiritual being? I am not sure because I am still a fleshly being with an egg of spirit in me.

But whatever way you are put to rest that is up to you, as is to whether you believe in the afterlife or not that too is up to you. But I believe in the afterlife and I always will but what you believe is up to you.

Planing ahead for your Burial

Chapter 10

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Edited by year2027
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God first

Beloved friends

God loves you my dear friends

I have added chapter 10

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Planing ahead for your Burial

Chapter 10

How to pay for your burial?

Some people plan ahead by purchasing Life Insurance when they are young, and other people wait until it is too late to get Life Insurance at a reasonable price. But there are other ways to plan on paying for the burial.

When a person cannot get Life Insurance because of their health all is not lost if they have a home or they can save money. A house can be sold to pay for the burial if the house has enough value and does not have to be done until death.

Most Funeral Homes will work with the family on paying for the burial if there is anything of value to sale. Some banks might even give the family a loan against the estate to pay for the burial.

At some Funeral Homes you can get on a payment plan where you begin paying for your funeral years before you die. Some times the family can get payment plans if the family has enough up front money.

There are many ways to plan ahead for the cost so it does not hit your family in a time they are mourning over you. So please think about it before it is too late because we all know death is coming.

The place to be put!

While we have talk about the different ways to be put to rest in the last chapter, now we are talking about the place to put your remains. From the home you want your ashes to be, to the places you want them to blow in the wind, to the cemetery you rest in, and lists is endless.

The place you want to be put to rest is in the open, in water, below ground, or however you want to rest for all times it is up to you. Some people like a hill side, while others want to be under a big oak tree.

At this place what kinds of a Marker do you want people to see, so they know this is your place if any at all. All these things and more are part of planing the place you want to rest.

If it is a cemetery you want to rest in then you can purchase the lot years before you die and not just the lot but the tomb stone too. So people have the tomb stone they’re years before they die with their name on it and the year they were born.

While all of this is up to you, if you plan ahead it will save the family, last minute planing when they are mourning over you. It is good to talk to your family about things long before you die to give them an idea to what you want or have plans.

Any special music you want played!

Now some ones like me, would like special music play, at their funeral service or a poem read by a special person. Some people even want to choice the person who talks about them. Some people even want special things in sight for all to see.

The kind of music you choice can comfort your love ones, or share a part of your life with them in a way you have not been able too in person. A poem can help them see your inner heart to love them during this time in their life.

By planing this you set the picture you want to paint in their hearts when they think about you. But there is no rule you have to plan ahead with music for the service. It is all up to you as to what parts you plan for, and what parts you do not if any.

There may be other things you want done that I could not cover basically in a book that no one could think of but you. Like a special dance, a special play, and the list is endless of things you can plan for your funeral service.

Some want the music to tell others they believe in life after death, and they will see you again in the next life. But some do not believe in God, which makes it up to each person. While I do believe in God, this book is not to Preach God but to help people deal with death.

Your orbit


Many people write their own orbit because they want it, to share about a special time in their life. This is your time to share the things that you feel were the best thing that others will need to hear or that you want them to hear.

Your orbit is that which will be place in the newspaper to tell your friends and family you have left this place and would like to say goodbye to them. Now no one has to do there own orbits but doing your own will make it easier for your family.

The part in the newspaper can be a shorter version of the one on the little cards where the guest sign in. Part of your orbit can even be on your tomb stone, because it all up to you as to the way it will be done.

Some people even write out the words for another person to read or the things they want talk about by the person who will be the speaker. Most people get a Priest or Pastor to talk about you and comfort the family but there is no law as to who speaks.

Now again I am not telling you what to do or how to do it because what I plan for myself will not way be normal. So the way you want it done, should be up to you even if it is to let another person plan as to what your orbit will be.

The kind of service!

The kind of service you have for the ones you leave here on earth is up to you, whether it is in the form of your religious beliefs or something without any form of God, it is up to you. But it you never plan ahead it up to the person left here to plan.

Whether by your way or by the way another person might choice is up to you to tell some about what you want before you die. I am not saying you have to do it yourself but if you want it your way you will have too.

I myself would like a service that is part “the book of the dead” style and another part church service but another part with magic and mystery forms. But this is I and the service I want right now but time could change things a lot.

The service you might want could make the one I want look like a cake walk but it is all about bringing your life out to memory by the service while comforting your love ones. Remember the service is more for the living than the dead.

Given your body to Science!

Some people after death want to give the body to science and this in some states can save you a lot of money. Some charge you to give your body to science while other take it willing plus they burn your body when done and give the ashes to your family.

You might ask why I did not cover this choice in “How you want to be put to Rest? Chapter 9" but I say the body is not at rest until it burnt. In being burnt to death was cover as a way to be put to rest in the sub chapter “Burn to dust!” which makes it covers.

The value of given your body to science is for one reason young doctors can learn how to work on bodies without having live people. This is a plus when you need an operation that the doctor has created the skill by operating on dead bodies first.

But no matter what this is your choice and a big one that you should talk to your family about before you die. But it does not stop them from having a service for you with pictures of you or another way.

Planing for the next life!

There no time but right now to plan for life after death, if this is something you might want to have. While no one has to plan for life after death there is many ways you might take actions so you will have life after death.

It is your choice one of the many forms of religious sects we have today from Christian to Muslin and the list is endless. There is even getting the body frozen with hopes to unfreeze it, when a cure for what took your life is here.

But no matter which way you plan there is actions you will have to take long before you are dead, because after death it may be too late. I believe in God so for me it was matter to getting baptized

In glory.

But there more do becoming a child of God than just being baptized, one must changed their life style from one of self to one of love. I have found the example Jesus Christ set for me a great help as to how to live God’s love.

Now again I am not telling you what to do, nor am I telling you how to do it because life after death is your choice. While the choice is yes or no, your family needs to know if they’re something you do not want done because how you have the answer.

The planing is all up to you!

The time you take to plan ahead will help your love ones deal with the fact that you will die and leave them all alone. By facing the fact we will die long before we do makes the dying more equip to deal with our death or the death of a love one.

I am not saying talking about will be easy but facing the fact will help you deal with the truth about you will die, so that you can be prepared some. A person can only be so prepare for the great unknown.

While planing is all up to you as whether you want to face the fact you will die as your family will die, it up to you. Now I am not saying you have to plan but the good planing might bring about an easier death for all.

Making things easier for the person dying is a big part of planing ahead, and the other big part is getting the family ready for their love one to die. So I call for you to think about planing for your death would be right for you and your family.

Life Insurance

Chapter 11

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Edited by year2027
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God first

Beloved friends

God loves you my dear friends

I have added some more

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Life Insurance!

Chapter 11

Reasons to buy it!

The reason most people buy “Life Insurance” is to make sure their family is took care of after their death and that their death does not but a burden on their family. Others buy Life Insurance for personal gain but buying on their love ones.

Whether you buy it to help in an hour of need the ones you love or as a business deal because you know a family member will die soon. No matter the reasons people buy Life Insurance they buy it and it comes helpful in an hour of need.

The reason people sale Life Insurance is to make money as are the reason a business would sale it is to make money. Money is the reason people buy Life Insurance in the first place to have the money for their funeral and pay off bills.

But no matter what the reason it all of to you as to whether to buy it or not, but do not worry people will find a way to put your body to rest. But if you want to have some control over where you are put to rest and how Life Insurance could help.

When should you but it!

The younger you buy Life Insurance the better price you will get for your money, because the older you get the higher price you will pay for the same amount of Life Insurance. If you wait too long to buy Life Insurance you’re, health might change making it harder to buy.

Now not everybody will slow down in their busy life to purchase a policy that will cover their future needs. Some will wait too late in life to purchase it until no one will sale them a policy to cover their coming needs.

Now I am not telling anyone they must buy a Life Insurance police but helping you understand if it is for you the sooner purchase the better. But I am pointing out that Life Insurance is controlled by the time one buys it.

When can you die after you get it?

For most Life Insurance policies you will have to die two years after you purchase a policy for your family to receive anything from the policy. Now these rules may be different from one company from another.

While different companies will have different time limits you must live before your policy is of any value. While most will still pay off if you kill yourself by suicide some will not pay if you die by suicide.

So I tell you read the policy close for when it will begin to pay off and how it will pay your family at your death. And please do not kill yourself because this will put a hardship on your love ones and there are others reasons not to kill yourself.

But if it helps let it because your Life Insurance policy will not pay the cost of putting you to rest. But whatever reason you find, please do not kill yourself because you are a value to your love ones believe me.

Different kinds of Life Insurance!

There are basic two parts to what is known as Life Insurance here in the USA the act of provision to cover an event that might happen call insurance while assurance covers an event that is certain to happen.

This two can are both called Life Insurance but the ways they may be paid off in the event of your death are not the same. While some only pay if you die by an accident other pay off no matter how you die. Some policies you pay for a term of years and then it’s paid off but others you paid until you die.

Some of the different names used is Temporary, Permanent, Whole Life Universal, Limited-Pay, Endowments, Accidental death and the list are growing every day. Each kind as different rules to how you pay and how your family receives their money.

Now I cannot cover every kind of Life Insurance you can purchase but what I have hope to do is let. You see there are many to choice form. Which brings us to the fact you will have to asked questions to make sure you receive the one right for you.

Now no one has to ask questions but this will help you purchase the policy that will cover you personal needs. Because not everybody needs are the same, so the policy that works for you may not be best for your neighbor.

How much should you get!

The amount you want your family to receive from your Life Insurance depends on the amount they may need. Life Insurance begins with one thousand dollars and moves pass one million dollars policies.

It will cost around ten thousand dollars to bury you and it can go as high as one thousand dollars to cremate you. Then there’s the bill’s you will leave behind, like the house to pay off to the electric bill.

The amount of money depends needed will depend on how young you die and the everyday bills you have in your life. Most people with children who buy their Life Insurance while the children are young get enough to pay everything off if they die before their children were on their own.

Now no one can tell you how must you will need but you will need enough to at least give yourself the kind of funeral you want. But no matter what you come up with for the amount you want your family to have it is up to you.

Now let me say no one has to buy any special amount or even buy Life Insurance at all, because this is up to you and you alone. Think of it this way of you buy Life Insurance, you will be the person paying the payments every time they come due.

What if you can not get it!

Now not everybody that wants Life Insurance can get it but that does not mean you cannot plan to help take care of the bills. You can save money in a bank or even go to a funeral home and pay for things before you die.

A home can be sold after your death to pay for your funeral when you die and the list is endless of ways your funeral can be payed for. It will just take some planing on your part as to how you plan to pay for it all.

So it is not the end of the world if you cannot get Life Insurance, nor does it mean you cannot have the funeral service you want. It just makes it harder for you to plan to have the money for your family to use for your funeral.

Now you do not have to do anything because the state will put you to rest if no family members come to claim your body. But if the state does it you may not like the way you are put to rest, so please talk to your family and plan ahead.

Kind of Services for your Burial!

Chapter 12

Church Style Service!

This is the style most people seem to choice for their funeral service, because the rest of their family choices this way. A church style service is run by a Priest or Pastor who talks about your life and comforts your family as best he or she can.

A lot of people who run this kind of service seem to want to get your family to come to their church. But the service should be about you and not about getting members for a man-made church.

As there are many kinds of churches or religious sects and each one has their own customs for the way a funeral service is to be given. So it is not about having a church service but the church service that fits with your beliefs.

If you are going to be burial at a church, it might be a good idea to have the church play a part in your burial, but that part is up to you. Just like the service you may have, is up to you and your family if you did not plan ahead.

No matter what a church service from the kind of church you desire is up to you and no one else has the right to tell you the kind of service you want. So I call for you to talk to your love ones about the kind of service you want before you die, if you want to have some control over it.

Non Church Style Service


You have the right to plan a service where no Priest or Pastor will run the show but the service is run by the funeral home, a special friend, or a special family member. In this kind of service church is not something to think about.

While in this kind of service a man of God does not talk about your life but that does not mean your life is not talk about in a good way. Whether you love God or not, may not be a factor in the choice of service.

Now I am not telling you to have a non-church service for your funeral service but laying out some of the possible choices. But no matter what is all up to you as the kind of service you want when you die.

A Family Custom Style!

Some families have customs they practice at a family member’s death going back many years into the past. These customs are some times mix with church style services but no matter what it is up to you.

Customs range from special food served to the family, to a special dance, to a drinking party, and the list is endless. But no matter whether you have a custom to act on or not the service is up to you.

One can even begin a new custom to share with their family and friends on the day of their funeral service. But no matter what it is all up to you whether to build a custom or remember an old one in your funeral service.

A Natural Background Style!

Some people come from a country where they have a style for burying their death based on customs of the country they came from. So they may desire to practice the customs of their nation which have been past along from generation to generation.

Now U-Tube has many examples of these customs that go back to a person root’s of the country their family came from. But they do not have to go by their family’s country customs and they can begin new ones.

But no matter what the person wants to do with roots from another country their burial service should be up to them. I believe in respecting the wishes of the person who has dies, no matter how odd their service seems to me.

Science Basic Style!

A Science basic style would depend on the person who believing in making science a part of their burial service. It could make some different’s has to whether the person believes in God or not because some who push science believe in God while others do not.

Then some science basic services could be done more natural and base on given the body to science first and then back to the earth or just straight back to the earth. No matter what the kind of science like service is up to the person who dies or the family of the dead person.

The reasons for a science style service could be endless like to promote a belief in science or just to return the body to dust. The reason a person choices a style to the service they want done at their death is up to them.

A Drinking Service!

Yes believe it or not some people want their family to have a big old party when they die to help their family deal with everything. Which makes it a service that not all family members will go to but you should if that is what they wanted.

That does not mean you have to drink but just go and show your respect for the dead person’s wishes. Most of the time a drinking service is added to another service did at the funeral home and burial site.

But if you want this kind it is up to you, while this kind is done more than most people think it is done. I would say tried not to over do it and get falling down drunk at a service like this where you might say the wrong thing.

No Service at all!

Now there is no rule you even have to have a burial service at all, but if you have some ones they may plan some get together in behave of you. Now I am not saying many will want no service at all but some will.

If the dead person desires no funeral service please respect their wishes and just do a family getting together to help each other deal with the lost. No matter what it should be up to the person who dies, if they have made the plan ahead.

Mixture of Many Styles!

Now some people might want to mix many burial styles together making a new style for their personal funeral service. Now while you do not have to mix one service with another burial service.

No matter what you think of the way, a person might mix together many different funeral styles of services. It is up to the person planing the service. The first person desires of kind of service should be the dead person’s.

Burial Site Service!

A lot of people only want a grave site service, while others want it along with a funeral home service. This service can be short or long but it comes after the respect the line of cars that follow the body to the grave site.

Now this is up to each person as to whether they want a burial site service or not. But we must respect each person personal wishes, at a time like this. Nor am I telling you what to do, something I wish I did not have to say, but I feel it is needed.

Make up your Own Style!

Now one can make up their own personal style for the funeral service they want when they die. This is something I am planing for my personal death for many reasons but to show you a little how it can be done I will tell you about what I am planing.

I want the funeral room set up with mood lights and strobe lights place around the room. I want someone to pass out glow light sticks, salt, and soap bubble kits. Then I would like the lights to be switched off and the mood lights and strobe lights turn on, then the song “Give me that old time religion” to begin playing.

A voice out of the dark with flashing lights telling the people to take the salt and tear it, open and throw it over each person’s back, then the voice says this salt is for the parts of God’s holy words that were misunderstood by me during my life. Then the song “Frantics-Worship excerpt” begins playing to lighten things up and then at a lower tone the song “the lily of the valley” begins playing.

Then the person begins to talk about the ups and down of my life and this part is up to the speaker I will choice. Then the song “blue tonight” begins to play, after the song out comes to voice again telling the people to blow soap bubbles into the air.

Then the speaker will say up into the clouds we asked for his spirit to fly into the open space of Christ’s calling. Then the speaker is to explain about my personnel believes on the return of Christ for me personally.

Then a song begins that promotes, he has risen and death has no more power over him, which I have not found yet. Then we move toward the burial site and the Pastor of the church I will be bury at takes over.

Now this is just a basic outline of what I am planing for my personal funeral service as an example to creating your own service. But no matter which kind you choice it is all up to you to design it the way you want.

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Edited by year2027
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God first

Beloved friends

God loves you my dear friends

I have added some more

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Helping a person die well!

Chapter 13

Facing the Fact Death comes to all!

There are no magic words one can use to help a person face death comes to all men and no one’s able the outrun the curse of death. It not as must about having them facing the fact that they will die one day but about letting them know you are there for them.

The best thing you can do is just share time with them talking to them about past things you remember about their life. While you get them to share things, you may have heard a hundred times or never before.

Talking to the person will help them see their life has been a value to you and they will live on in your heart as you share their stories with others. Now watching a person you love dies is not an easy thing.

But dying is not easy either for the person dying and that is why you are there to comport them anyway you can. No one should have to die without love ones visiting them a lot before their death.

While there is no rule for helping the person face death, by asking them if they have any special plans for their funeral. It does not matter how you open up the subject but it must be deal with to get them ready and you prepared.

Being there at there side!

The more you are there visiting them the less time they will have to be afraid without the comfort of a love one. You visit not to make you feel better but because this person has been they’re in your life to help you along the way.

While it is not your job to be there for your love ones, you owe them that respect in life if nothing else. There are times in my life where I feel I was not there enough for a love one but that was then.

Today is a new day and if you were not there for love one’s who have past away you can be there for love one’s that have not died yet. Most of us in life meet many people while getting close to only a few we do get close to some.

These people we get close to are like family to us whether we see them once in a great moon or every day they are like family. These are the people along with blood family that would help us in an hour of need so we should help them.

But again and again it is up to you as to whether you act or sat on you’re behind, but it no one is there for you at your hour, do not be surprised. They say what goes around comes around, so if you are not there for your love ones, no one may be there for you.

Understanding somewhat!

You cannot understand what it is like to be close to death, but you have an idea of it somewhat because you will die someday too. Having patience with your love one is a big part of understanding their pain.

You may have to let them cry out in self pity to help them deal with it while understanding these is just part of dying for some people. Whatever you have to do you should be as understanding as you can.

While there are limits to what you can do because of duties to take care of things like young children, going to work, and other things. There is still a lot you can do with the time you have after work because children can visit too.

It is not about saying you understand what they are going through but talking action to show them you understand and care about them. Some times because of distance and the cost of travel a phone is all you can do and that is ok.

It is not about who does the most, with understanding but that you do what you can to show them you’re there with them along the way. While yes it might be hard seeing your love one dying but it might be harder on you if you did not do anything.

Knowing whether to share about afterlife or not!

This is about knowing the person and respecting their right to believe as they see best for their life. While talking about life after death is comfort for some, with others it just begins an old fight all over again.

When you are at a person’s death bed, or when a person’s death is known to be coming soon, it is better not to get the person upset in any form. I know this is hard because I have had family members that some good fights seem to raise their spirits because they enjoy it.

Why a person would enjoy fighting, I do not know, but please try to avoid it when possible around a person who is dying. While we all are moving closer to our death there re signs, the end is near.

After life is a great comfort for many and it has helped me deal with the knowledge I will die some day, added with the knowledge death will not be the end. But this is my belief and not all family and friends around me share this faith.

Being their friend and facing it together!

One thing we will talk over and over about is how you can be more than a love one to your dying love one’s but a friend too. Be the one who is there to help them with the small things of life that a healthy person might for granted.

This can be the act of sitting by their bed side while they’re in their death bed, to going to the store to get them things they need. The list of things we do for our love one’s is endless and the reason we do them is out of love and respect.

I cannot tell you what your family member might need in the days right before their die. But I can tell you old age brings some health’s problems like not being able to walk or drive a car. It seems to me the closer death comes the more body parts seem to shut down.

Nor can I tell you how to be a friend to your love one’s at a time like is ahead of you and them. But I do know they will need a friend as you will because while they will lose their life, you will lose a love one.

Now I am not here to tell you that you have to be a friend to your love one’s who are dying, nor is this book been wrote, to tell you what to do. I wrote this book to help you find your way to deal with death.

Comforting the person and the family!

Chapter 14

Visiting and more visiting!

You cannot visit your love’s one’s enough when you know their death is near and the end could be any time now, because once they’re gone there is no more time. I say why wait’s until you hear they are dying take time every month to visit your love one’s.

The best way to comfort a family member that’s dying is to visit them as much as you can spend time talking about the good old days. There may not be any magic words that will help but a loving smile will go a long way.

I am sure you can find the time to visit your love one’s and I would bet you would want them to visit you if you were the one dying. I know visiting the sick and dying wears on a person mind and takes time but there are rewards too.

One of the greatest rewards is knowing you did the best you could to help your love one in their hour of need for comforting. There are other rewards too, it shows a great example for the young who may be there for you.

Before I sound like a broken record, think about spending time visiting your love one’s before it too late and they are gone for good. Now no one has to visit their love one while no one’s has too, visit you either.

Helping around their house!

When people get old and sick close to their day of death the everyday chores get harder to get done, but most will not ask for help. Washing the dishes, and clothes can comfort some people more than you could ever dream.

Now I am not saying you become their salve but that you help when you can has you see needs, while still taking care of your needs. Some people near their death need more help than you can give.

Nursing homes can help as long as you do not just dump, your love one they’re and forget about them, but visit as must as you can. Because a new place may frighten your love one until they begin to feel at home there.

If they do go to a nursing home, they will still need help doing things to make their stray more enjoyable but a nursing home must be a last thing you try. A lot of people moved in with their love ones to help or move their love ones into their house.

But wherever you love one life they may need your help with things around the house and the longer they can live in their house the happier they may be. Is not that the key anyway to made them happy and full of joy?

Going to the store for them!

Little things like calling when you go to the store to see if your love one needs anything like milk, eggs, soap, and the list is endless. These things seem to comfort their love one more than just words and there the plus you can visit for a minute.

Now it not just the grocery store they may need you need going to, they may need help going to the bank, post office, gas station, and the list is endless. But whatever the need is, are you so busy that you cannot help.

Now no one has to do little deeds for their love one’s but it sure does brighten up their day, when you help. I also would bet that you may need help you your time comes.

Going with them to see the doctor!

Taking the time to come along with your love one’s when they go to the doctor to help them deal with any bad news, the doctor might give. The knowledge a person has a disease like cancer can wear a joyful day down, but if you can be there you can make that day not as dark.

Now not every time they go to the doctor they will get bad news and some times it could be good news. But whatever they receive you will be there to comfort as they go to the doctor to find out about their health.

Now no one has to go with their family to the doctor, but think it will be a good time to have a meal out together that day. No one has to do anything, but somebody will have to help your love one’s.

Helping the family deal with the coming death!

When someone you know has a family member dying and the best you can do is listen to them when they talk about it. To put things’ simple just be their friend a very understandable friend who cares about the person who has a family member dying.

It is not your job to comfort a person whose family member is dying, but if you love them you will be there to help. Nor am I telling you to do anything but would it hurt to let them talk and you just listen at this time in their life.

Give it some deep thought as to whether you care about your friend or not and if you care you will be there for them. It is basically more about being they’re when you are needed more than any other thing I know.

Helping the family after death has come!

When death comes too, someone you known love’s one, it may be up to you to help your friend deal with the lost. You may need to go with them to the funeral home and spend a little extra time visiting them.

It not just able going with them to the funeral home, it may be helping them make the arrangements. You may need to help your friend deal with the personal things the family member left unknown, like giving away personal things if the home is rented.

If the home is own that the person lived your friend will have more time but you still may need to help if asked, but do not push yourself on them. It may be enough letting your friend aware that you’re there to help in any way needed.

Again the biggest key is listening to them, and letting them talk about their love one, that has died. And do not forget you are the friend, so be there in any way they need, show up at the funeral home to show respect.

Whatever it takes doing it!

It is basically in a nut shell doing whatever it takes to help the dying person and the family in any way you can. Listing and being there for the people who must face this together as you face it with them.

Yes, yes let us do whatever it takes to comfort one another and death is coming to a love one or the love one of some friends. Now I am not saying you have to deal with anything but the loving thing to do is help.

There is no magic to the way you can help, but just telling them you are willing can mean the world to them. Until you have a love one who is dying you might not understand the pain of death and how to deal with it, so you can help others.

Helping the dead person travel to the next life if they believe in one!

Chapter 15

Yes or no, do you want life after death?

You are the one who must make up your mind whether you want to believe in the afterlife or not. Then there is the kind of afterlife that you want a Christian base one or a non Christian or God base afterlife.

If it is a non Christian base or God base afterlives’ you desire reading this chapter will not help you get it, and you will have to search in other places. But if you want a Christian or God base afterlife, I can point you as to how to begin.

But no matter which kind you might want it is a yes or no answer and you will have to make some kind of commitment to a belief. I only believe in an afterlife by the blood of Christ, and that I am written this book and this is the only kind you will find in these pages.

Now if you do not want any kind of afterlife, there may be no need to read this chapter other than to help you understand what other people you love might believe. Christian faith in God with is sealed by the death of his son Jesus the Christ.

While I am not one to push God’s love on anyone, I control what you will find within the pages of this book, but I am willing to listen to anyone. But just because I may listen to you, it does not mean I have to agree with you or you with me.

Planting the seed of an idea of Jesus Christ!

Once you have made up your mind to give God a change, you will have to fill your mind with a basic of what God’s love is and who Jesus the Christ was. There are books on the subject like the bible, and there is a church everywhere you look.

The first thing you must have, is an idea of what God wants you to do, and who Jesus Christ was and what he did for us. In the book of Romans we find a verse that gives us an idea of where we can begin.

Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

A Confession is an outward action to show the world you have made Jesus the Christ Lord in your life. This confession is more than a one time set of words spoken, but it is a way of life that you take action to live by.

To believe that Jesus the Christ dies and rose up from the grave, one must make a fact in their heart that the stories they have read about Jesus Christ dying and risen back up after three days and nights are true. This must become a fact in your heart where no one controls, but you.

Once these two things have happened to the point above the seed of Christ has been planted and you have received the gift of holy spirit. This action can be called the baptized of the holy spirit and the making up your mind could be called baptized with water.

Now some think you will have to be dip in water, but I say the same water that is in a body of water is in the air. So as long as something was done to get you ready to make up your mind to receive Christ into your life.

Now having a church service to show the world of your wishes can be done anytime, but there no law on how to show the world Christ is your Lord and you know he got up. The point is water is needed to cleanse you from sin to get the flesh ready too received the image of Christ, who is in the image of God.

The way water is used in the picture doesn’t matter to, whether it is a body of water, the water in the air, or your tears as you commit your life to God. The how is not as important as the decision to commit to it.

The key here is that the person reads enough to build faith, which equals the seed of Christ being fertilized by believing. The egg or seed planted is the gift of holy spirit and the egg is fertilized by the believing.

I am not saying you have to believe as I have, or put things together the way I have, but you will have to make Jesus Christ Lord in your life and believe he rose from the dead. Nor am I saying you have to go to a church for help.

Watering the seed of Christ or Building Faith!

After the seed of Christ been planted it must be watered by the living Word of God, which any thing that came by holy men of God being moved by the holy spirit to share with the world. Like the book of Romans reads, faith comes by hearing the Word of God.

Romans 10:17 “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

I am not here to tell you where to go to hear the Word of God but that you will need to read it even if you read it to yourself. The only advice I can give is discovering a place that you feel at home that does not cost you any money, because God’s Word is to be free.

Sharing the Faith!

After you have received Christ in your heart, it time to share what you have with people you might meet along life’s ups and downs. Sharing your faith does not mean you push it on people, but you share with all willing to listen to you.

The act of sharing it will build your faith, by the law of receiving, share, and retain the truth you have put on in your life. If you do not share that you have received, there no respect for what you have, and you might just be putting on a front.

The heart of having to share what you have received is the prof, which you are not just saying Christ is your Lord. But the sharing about Christ, proves to the world who is Lord in your heart, and what you believe in your heart.

Finding spiritual tools to help to stand tall!

When we talk about tools to help us deal that which come our way, because we have put Christ on in our heart. Like’s you have the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation, which makes us more than conquerors through God that loved us.

Ephesians 6:16- 18 “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;”

Romans 8:37-39 “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Which gives us strength to stand faithful, no matter what the wold throws against you like the early Christians who were put to death for their faith? They were able to die without fear, because they had faith Christ would bring, them back alive from the grave.

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Now we find some more tools in 1 Corinthians when it talks about manifestation of the Spirit that can profit you and your walk. While we did list the place where to find them below, we are not going to talk about one by one in this book, because it would take too long.

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.”

But before we leave we would like you to note these manifestations are divided as every man wills to receive them or as the man wills. But not all people want to believe in these tools today and there is no law you have too.

Fruit from having Christ’s spirit within you!

The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. There are different levers of fruit you can grow within your heart to share with others along life’s ups and downs.

Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”

Matthew 13:8 “But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixty-fold, some thirty-fold.”

You can know a believer by the fruit in their lives which is basically are they sharing love with you or are they out to use you. The world is a man first kind of place but God is you first then his needs, as a believer friend’s needs come before the believer.

Dying knowing it is not the end!

Once you faith is to the point you know that you know Christ is coming back to lead you up and away into a new body. The second’s this believes because a fact in your heart that nothing can change your mind you are ready.

Then you will be able to die without fear because you know as a fact that death is not going to be your end. Now it may be a battle to destroy all doubt but in time it can be done if you keep the faith by standing fast.

Then when death comes you will be able to say I fought the good fight by winning over my fleshly desires to let my spirit of Christ lead me. So stand tall my friends as you hold strong to walk in God’s love.

A Service to point the dead life to the light of Christ!

I bet you are asking what the heck, is a funeral service’s to point the dead body’s consciences to the light and glory of Christ. In a service like this, your family is making a statement that they believe you where saved and they will see you again some day.

The Egyptian “Book of the dead” is one of the most wells known written to teach how to help the dead love one’s move on from death to life again. The Catholic Church of Rome used to have the family buy them out of hades a place of waiting before traveling to heaven.

While it was wrong to take money to get your love ones’ to the next stage, it was based on old customs of making a statement you believe they have lived a righteous life. And let me say prays never hurts’ anything nor does a service to make a statement of well done.

I am not telling you that you have to make a statement but it is a good way to teach the rest of your family about how strongly you believed in God. Now again I not telling anyone to do this but I am planing it for my funeral statement.

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves you my dear friends

I have added some more

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Visiting the grave site!

Chapter 16

When should you visit!

There no law as too how’s many times one visit a grave site or when a person can visit a grave site unless it closes after a set hour. This is something that depends on the need of the person who is visiting.

It is totally up to you as to when but to remember if older family members want you to help them visit it would no hurt to help them. Like I said there is no rule when to visit unless the grace yard closing after dark.

When not to visit and why!

There are only a few times you should not visit someone grave if you have evil plans in your heart because you did not like the person who is resting there. If you plan to make a jack-foot’s of yourself while another person is being burial to show you’re hateful for the dead person or someone at the funeral.

They’re some fake churches’ without God’s love, which visit the grave site during burial of our military forces, to show their dislike of the current war. Now I not saying people cannot speak up against what they do not like, but this is not the place or time.

During a burial the first thing to think about is respecting the families who just lose a love one and reason should not matter. Now there may be other times not to visit but I am sure you can discover them on your own.

How to act when you visit or not act!

When you visit a grave site whether at a family member grave or not respect for the dead should come first. If you hold all the graves in great respect as if they were your personal grave you will act just fine.

Any way a person acts that is not respectful is wrong and in some places you can be put in jail for not being respectful in a grave yard or site. I wish that no ones go to jail but if I saw someone being disrespectful to the dead or family of the dead, I would call the law.

How to take care of the grave site!

Now there are no rules in how to take care of the grave site for the family but there is some for city and state grave yards. But we are not going to get into the basic rules for keeping the grass cut and the paths clear, but we are going to talk about what the family can do.

Now there is no law that reads the family must do anything but many do and that what this is about. Knowing of ways, you can show your love to the person in the grave you are visiting.

Flowers set or planted on a grave show love along with small things like signs and whatever makes you think of the dead person. My uncle was into clocks so putting a small clock on his grave might mean a lot to his family.

Whatever you do to make the grave stand out on special days like birthdays it is up to you. The grave care takers will respect whatever you do, but they may remove flowers after they have dies.

It is all about finding a way to show respect and love for the person who has past away. Again I am not telling you to do anything but just giving you some basic ideas.

What if you find someone crying on a grave site!

There is not a lot you can do other than asked if you can do anything to help than praying for the person. Some people take death of a love one harder than others because of details in the life of them in the dead person.

Whatever made the person cry understanding and respect is needed at a time like this so do not push help. Asked one time if they are ok and if you can do anything to help and we willing to help because if you’re not, then say nothing.

What if you find someone destroying graves!

This does not happen a lot but it does happen, the reason does not matter say something and call the police right away alone with the funeral yard care takers. If they drive away before help comes try to get their tag number.

Take the time even if they get away to make a police report so the law can watch out for future crimes in the grave yard. Given respect in a grave yard is not a game but it a very lawful order that the police will enforce.

I am sorry we had to talk about the evil some people some people seem to do but it must be cover in this book. But thanks to God not all people are the same, and most people show respect for the dead.

You can not visit too must!

Back to the subject of out of love visiting the grave site there no way you, can spend to must time visiting the grave site of a love one. It up to each person to make up their own mind of the amount of time they spend visiting.

I am not saying you have to visit the grave site but many find peace in visiting the graves of their love ones. So all I can do is say please think about it and do not be afraid to visit.

Talking at the dead person after death!

Chapter 17

At the burial!

During the funeral service and burial many people seem to need to talk at the person who has just die. This is not wrong and it nothing for some to mock or laugh at, but everyone should understand with respect.

Now while it is not for everybody, there is not anything wrong with doing it, nor not doing it, because it is up to each person. People have been doing this has far back as people have been dying and there is nothing wrong with it, by God’s Word or morally.

When you see a person doing it, which does not mean the person doing it, is going crazily or in a need to see a doctor. It just means the person needs to talk to the dead to be able to deal with the death of their love one.

I am not saying you should talk to the dead during the funeral service or at the burial but that you can and there is nothing wrong with doing it. Everybody must make up their own mind on this.

At the grave site!

A lot of people go to the grave site to talk at their love one’s grave to tell the dead person about things in their life, like they did when the person was alive. I personally believe this is a healthily way to deal with the lost of their love one.

I am not going to try to tell you the dead person can hear, you talk at them but what if they can. But no matter what talking at the grave site of a dead family member does not hurt anyone.

Now while this is not for everybody, nor is anyone things we can do in life for all people to try, because we are all different with different beliefs. So I say boldly with love if it helps you to talk at your love one’s at their grave site do it.

Into thin air!

Some find it that they can talk at their love one’s no matter where they are, as if they are talking into thin air. Because after death they belief or have been taught their dead family members go straight to heaven after death.

While I am not here to fight as to whether we go straight to heaven after death or we wait in the grave until a special time. I do not believe it when we go but that we go that should be what matters.

Others believe in one return of Christ at a special day in time, while others believe in many returns of Christ one for each person making God’s Word more personally. No matter what talking into thin air to a love one that, has dies, does not hurt anyone.

So I say with love without fear of what others might say talking at our dead love’s one’s who have, moved on it not wrong. I believe it can even help the heart heal and begin the deal with living without their love one.

Mediums and other ways to talk to the dead!

In the world mediums we all have heard of a Crystal Balls, a body of water, or a mirror to reach a dead family member who has died. Psychology Mediums have been known to talk to the dead by channeling the dead person by Seances and tarot cards.

Today we have TV shows like “Medium” and “Ghost Whisperer” who show us the value of talking to the dead or what they would like us to think the value is. But this does not mean talking at a person who is dead is wrong or right it is just some fact.

Now the bible has a few verses where it talks about the use of familiar spirits, wizards, enchanters, witches, necromancer, charmer, and witchcraft for being spirits we do not want to use. I am sure that is why in “1 John 4:1" it tells us to try or test every spirit to see if they are of God or not.

1 John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

Leviticus 19:31 “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.”

Leviticus 20:27 “A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.”

Deuteronomy 18:10-13 “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God.”

1 Chronicles 10:13-14 “So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the LORD, even against the word of the LORD, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it; And inquired not of the LORD: therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse.”

2 Chronicles 33:6 “And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.”

Now these does no mean all spirits that talks to us are bad or that we cannot talk to the dead but that we must be careful when dealing in this field. Like the comforter being a good spirit who will guide and teach us all we need.

John 14:26 “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

John 15:26 “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:”

John 16:13 “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.”

Now this would not mean a medium is bad it would just depend on the spirit who is guiding them to what they need to know. If that spirit is the Comforter which is the gift of holy spirit which Christ in us the hope of glory then it is ok but if it is another it is not ok.

Places in the Bible where dead people where talk to!

In a bible there are places that the dead are talk to and rose up from the grave, while we might be one or two places where I missed this happens. Our goal is the cover a few times the dead have been talked too and seem alive.

Matthew 9:24-25 “He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose.”

Mark 5:39-42 “And when he was come in, he saith unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying. And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise. And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.”

Luke 8:52-55 “And all wept, and bewailed her: but he said, Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn, knowing that she was dead. And he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise. And her spirit came again, and she arose straightway: and he commanded to give her meat.”

John 11:12-44 “These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well. Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep. Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead. And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless let us go unto him.

Then said Thomas, which is called Didymus, unto his fellowdisciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him. Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already. Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs off: And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary, to comfort them concerning their brother. Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him: but Mary sat still in the house.

Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.

Believest thou this? She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world. And when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee.

As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly, and came unto him. Now Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him. The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out, followed her, saying, She goeth unto the grave to weep there. Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.

When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled, And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see. Jesus wept. Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him! And some of them said, Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died?

Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it. Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.

And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.”

We see in these verses that Jesus Christ talks at the dead and the dead bodies listened and rose up from their dead bodies alive again as a fleshly body. So here we see a value in talking to the dead because we recall Jesus Christ saying we will be able to do greater things than he did because he went to God the father.

John 14:12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

Now is there a record of someone seeing a spiritual body that was dead but now alive in a bible verse. That is not in the form of flesh any more but in a greater form, within the spiritual realm. Let us look to see what we find but again I may not cover everyone known to mankind.

Matthew 27:52-53 “And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.”

John 5:28 “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,”

Mark 8:31 “And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.”

1 Corinthians 15:4-8 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.”

I know here we have read scripture after scripture about talking to dead bodies and seeing them alive but before we leave this place I want to show some more. I want to show you the verses about seeing Moses and Elias talking with Jesus the Christ.

Matthew 17:3-5 “And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him. Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.”

Mark 9:4-5 “And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus. And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.”

Luke 9:30 “And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias:”

There are many teaching in many books about talking to the dead for many reason more than this book can contain. But the most common reason is to bring peace to the living and believe that is why Jesus Christ taught so must about this field.

Now I am not here to tell you to begin talking to the dead or teach you how to do it but I am here to share the possibility with you. Whether the dead move into another where you can reach is all up to you to discover on your own.

This book was writing to help you deal with death and for you to do that I must give you the basic of all knowledge I can on the subject. But because I am I and you are you, I cannot and will not tell you what to do.

There is no rule to talking to the dead!

Like I said there no rules talking to the dead, but there are rules to risen the dead up to walk again. First things you must have if the faith than God can do it and the knowledge of how to take action without fear.

But this book is not a how to raise the dead, but how to deal with dying or the lost of a love one, due to death. Talking at the dead person rather they hear or not, God hears and he will find a way to comfort you.

So if you feel like talking at a dead body do it, no matter how long they were dead because this can help you learn to deal with death. The better you can learn to handle of death of love one’s the more prepare you will be for your own death.

Believing in seeing the person again!

Chapter 18

Without fear!

There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and you have seemed the verses where Jesus the Christ led the way to life after death. You have read story and story again that Jesus the Christ came back from the grave, and you believe them.

Romans 8:15 “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.”

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

These verses establish in the bible that fear is nothing to fear and that it is not about being fearful but being wise. It is all about learning how to handle things in life, like the snake knowing how to deal with a snake so he will not bite you.

Just because you know God will take care of you it does not mean you temp faith and drink any deadly poison that could hurt you. Just because God will heal you does not mean you should temp God.

Mark 16:18 “They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

I am not saying there, are not times to be cautious about or you should never be afraid, but to deal with things so there nothing to cause you to fear. The best prepare we are for things that could cause fear like going to war, going to jail, going to court, going on a date, or dying just to name a few.

You known that you known!

When you known that you known Christ is coming back and that you are saved by his blessed blood fear has no more power over you. The day you can say this will be the beginning of a journey of love.

When you have read enough and read enough within your heart you make the passivity of life after death a fact. Once you make it a fact no one can tell you otherwise about what is true to you.

Now I am not saying all people will come to the point in their life that they know that they know Christ is coming back. Nor am I saying that all people will believe that they are saved or even know for sure.

For some people knowing may not even matter, but what might matter is that they have done their best to live right. Some people may not care, one way or another about the afterlife.

But it is a fact, which when a person knows death is near many begin to pray and asked for a Priest or Pastor of a Church too, blessed them. But not all will asked for help at the last minute or need to.

You know Jesus Christ got up!

The day you have read or heard enough to believe Jesus the Christ was real and the stories about him are true, will be the greatest day of your earthly life. This day is a big step forward in the path to getting saved.

Not all people will believe or even take the time to listen and read enough to believe which is what make this day come for you. It came because you put believing action into understanding and discovering the truth.

It is no great secret that I believe with all my heart that Jesus got up from the grave making afterlife a reality for us all. But no one is telling anyone what to believe but what they can if they just desire too.

Because you hear the voice of God and Christ!

Some people believe in God and Christ because they hear voices the voices they hear are good with justified answers. They believe these voices are God and Christ answering they’re pray because what they have read in the bible.

Jonah 2:2 “And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice.”

Psalms 119:26 “I have declared my ways, and thou heardest me: teach me thy statutes.”

John 14:13- 14 “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.”

So we see that God hears us no matter where we are and no matter what we asked in Christ Name he will give us. That can be to hear his voice to being healed by the need to get well from the scoop of range things which are endless.

Now I am not telling you that you have to receive anything in the name of Christ but that you can if you desire too. Now Like I have said before no one is making you do anything it is all up to you.

You have prof that the dead rise!

Where do you find the prof, that the dead does rise and that Jesus Christ was the first one to come back from the death as a witness to life after death? It is in your heart that this things are proven to be true because they come beyond our fleshly minds.

For the heart can see that which the mind can only dream about but it is the mind that helps the heart reason out what it wants to believe. The life of the mind is its inner heart that which gives it life the image of love.

You have talk to the dead!

So you say that you have talk to the dead, but no one wants to believe you and they call you crazy. But it is not what other people think or say but that which you believe in your heart to be true.

In bible times many dead where seem alive after they had been dead for many years but wasn’t Jesus Christ not once dead but now he lives. So why not the dead changing from death to life to follow the example set by Jesus Christ.

Matthew 27:52-53 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.”

Saints which slept because of their death got up after Jesus Christ had resurrected from his grave first. A hard verse to believe this is not it is back up by an Old Testament verse if you just take the time to look.

Ezekiel 37:12 “Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.”

So there you have it, the dead graves opening where an old prophecy that came true because they were waiting for the first coming of Christ. But we look for the second coming the day, Christ enters our hearts,

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves you my dear friends

I have added some more

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

The Bible and Death for those who read it!

Chapter 19

Thou shall surely die!

We read in “Genesis 2:17" the very day Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he would die. We also know from “Titus 1:2" that God cannot lie, so either Adam died that day, or it in our understanding of what death is?

Genesis 2:17 “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”

Titus 1:2 “In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;”

From the bible we note two things first that Adam lived on but they way he fellowship with God has changed. What if Adam had more than one kind of life he was living in the beginning.

Let us say Adam had plant life which is growth life, and animal life with is the life of breathing life, and spirit life which in God’s image. Let us say too that we know Adam grew after that day so his growth life live on and Adam breath so his animal life live on but God no longer talked to Adam face to face so maybe just maybe his spirit life die that very day.

The second thing we want you to notice is that a day for God is one thousand years to mankind. There is a fact, which is that Adam only live nine hundred and thirty years of mankind years not even a whole day for God.

2 Peter 3:8 “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

Genesis 5:5 “And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.”

Now I am not telling you what to believe just giving you two sets of facts back up by the recorded word of God. It is up to you, you can believe it as the word of truth or not, because it is totally up to you as to what you believe.

Back to dust you go!

You have heard the saying “from dust you came and unto dust you go” or something along that basic line thought. It comes from the bible “Genesis 3:19” which teaches you that your body will return to dust of the ground.

Genesis 3:19 “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

Genesis 3:14 “And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:”

Genesis 2:7 “ And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

We see in these verses that man was formed from the dust of the ground and that he will return to that same dust. We also see that the devil will eat dust of the ground all his life but we know that all food grows from dust which seems like our animal life is the devil.

Now I am not saying our animal life is the devil but I am making a point for you to give to deep thought about. Because I would never tell you what to believe or how to make up your mind as to what to put in your heart but let me leave with one verse.

Matthew 16:23 “But he (Jesus) turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.”

The Second Death!

A lot of people want to use this truth to put people in fear so they join their church but the second death should not be used to trick people into going to church. The second death is a life’s or death’s matter, and not something, to hold over others heads.

Revelation 20:6 “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.”

Revelation 20:14-15 “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

Revelation 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

If you have part in the first resurrection from the dead, the second death has no power over you. But How can that be if you live long after Jesus Christ live and die and was resurrected from the grave.

Otherwise if you have let Christ enter your life as the first coming of Jesus Christ to your heart and believe to the point the seed of Christ was planted. Then you will resurrect, at the first resurrection from the dead.

But if you die without making Jesus Christ Lord in your life, you will have to wait until the second resurrection the day of your judgment. If you are judged good then you are saved but if not you are put into the lake of fire the second death.

Now just because some one you know has not believe in God or Jesus the Christ it does not mean they are doom to the second death. Because without seed you are judged by the good works you did while alive.

Dead bodies!

The Old Testament bible talks about what to do if you touch a dead body you must wash with water your body on the outside. Then the Priest will cleanse you so you can rejoin your everyday life.

Leviticus 11:30-31 “And the ferret, and the chameleon, and the lizard, and the snail, and the mole. These are unclean to you among all that creep: whosoever doth touch them, when they be dead, shall be unclean until the even.”

Deuteronomy 14:8 “And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.”

Haggai 2:13 “Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean.”

Numbers 19:11-14 “He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days. He shall purify himself with it on the third day, and on the seventh day he shall be clean: but if he purify not himself the third day, then the seventh day he shall not be clean. Whosoever toucheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and purifieth not himself, defileth the tabernacle of the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from Israel: because the water of separation was not sprinkled upon him, he shall be unclean; his uncleanness is yet upon him. This is the law, when a man dieth in a tent: all that come into the tent, and all that is in the tent, shall be unclean seven days.”

Leviticus 17:15 “And every soul that eateth that which died of itself, or that which was torn with beasts, whether it be one of your own country, or a stranger, he shall both wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even: then shall he be clean.”

This is enough to show there was work to getting clean after you touch anything dead. When you did, you would have to wash you body and clothes in preparation to having the Priest cleanse you.

This was the reason John baptizes with to prepare you for the greater baptize with holy spirit by holy fire. John prepares you to be cleansed by the last Priest Jesus the Christ after the order of Melchisedec.

Dead buying the dead!

These verses have always hit me as odd, but Jesus was not saying, don’t take care of the dead, but moving the love of God comes first. What better place is there to share about God and Christ than at a funeral?

Matthew 8:22 “But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.”

Luke 9:60 “Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.”

Now I am not saying I completely understand these verses but I do know what is more important in life. Which is saving the spirit from second death would come before burying the dust of a body, because then it too late to save the person.

The Bible and Life after Death for those who read it!

Chapter 20

By Promise!

If a person reads about Adam and Eve in the bible and other books about Adam and Eve, one can see how they looked for a Savior to come from their blood line. While Jesus Christ did come from the blood line of Adam through Seth - Abraham - King David and so on until the day Jesus was born.

Genesis 4:1 “And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.”

From Adam to Abraham to King David the promise resurrection was part of their everyday teaching of God truths. Moses brought the law to help God’s children learn how to live to retain the reward of life after death by the resurrection.

This promise became more than just a hope when Jesus Christ was resurrect from his grave after three days and nights. It became a promise that was proven by the witness of the people who saw him alive after his death.

Now I am not saying all people will believe the promise of the resurrection, but I am given you just enough facts to make some too. Each man must make up their own mind as to let Christ into their heart as the hope of glory, which is life after death.

Just and Unjust alike get up!

You might ask yourself who are the just? Then I would tell you they are the ones who were justified by the blood of Jesus Christ. They are the ones who got saved by having Jesus the Christ inner their heart, the ones of the first resurrection.

Then you might ask who are the unjust? Then I would speak up and say the ones who where not saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. They are the ones who will be judged in the second resurrection from the grave.

Now I am not saying it is ok to not get saved because you will rise anyway, but the ones of the second resurrection will be judged. Some will be found righteous, by good works other will not and they will die the second death.

Now I am not trying to put you in fear, but just giving you the facts about the matter because it is still up to you. God gave you free will so you could make up your own mind, which makes the love greater.


The word rapture is not in the bible but the idea is there. Which is meting Christ in the air for a Gathering Together of saved believers? Which happens in a twinkling of an eye at a last trump.

1 Thessalonians 4:17 “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

This happens at a time when there is no more hope to save another person on this earth, so the last few living who are saved are pulled away from this earth. Then a fleshly end to all things must come and after that the second resurrection then judgment day.

Cloud of witnesses!

The book of Hebrews tells us about the Old Testament men of God who watch over us as witnesses but are dead. They have all died, having the faith’s that Jesus Christ would come and rise up their being’s from the grave, which is the first resurrection.

Hebrews 12:1,2 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:3-5 “For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:”

Hebrews 12:6 “For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.”

These witnesses have already received their reward, which is pasted tense, because they look unto Jesus Christ as the finisher of what they begin by having faith that we would light the way unto the first resurrection. Which they were part of as we can be part of today if we look forward to Jesus Christ entering our heart and lighting our path to the first resurrection.

Hebrews 12:7-9 “If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?”

For God to be the father of spirits there has to be more spirits than just, him and his son. These men we are about to read about are sons of God that have fallen asleep but now are alive. But to see who these men are we must back up, too “chapter 11".

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:4 “By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.”

Hebrews 11:5 “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.”

Hebrews 11:7 “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.”

Hebrews 11:8 “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.”

Hebrews 11:11 “Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.”

Hebrews 11:13 “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”

All these men and many more not listed within these pages die having faith, so they became part of the first resurrection. And these men are part of the cloud of witnesses that there is life after death.


Just about everybody has heard about the day of Judgment by the Lord God Almighty. The bible says on this day they’re, will be weeping and gnashing of teeth on this day.

Matthew 8:12 “But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Do I have to say more, if you are judged un-savable you will receive the second death because it is that simple? Now I am not telling you what to do and how to do it, but I am just given you some of the facts.

Last enemy Destroy!

1 Corinthians 15:26 “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”

The reason this is the last enemy to be destroyed is once the judgment is over no other being will have to die. And all being alive will be changed to be like the most high God but less than, and more like a child looking up to a great Adult.

Now this does not mean you have to believe me or have to want the same thing I do. But that I have given you some of the facts and our subject is death.

Last Trump!

When we think of the last trump of “1 Corinthians 15:52" we think about the dead in Christ risen and putting on new bodies. But last cannot come until all other trumps have been sounded.

1 Corinthians 15:52 “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

The last trump is a mark in time that the first resurrection has come for you and you will get up from the grave to be changed. Because you have escaped the wrath of God, which is known as the judgment of God.

1 Thessalonians 5:9 “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,”

Something to think about the word of God is a personal prophecy to save each person as many children of God one by one. If you believe in God and have made Jesus Christ Lord in your life to guide you, and you trust that God rose Jesus the Christ from the grave.

Otherwise, there are many last trumps one for each person as there are many first resurrection one for each person. Then one-final last trumps for the first resurrection for them that are alive before all is left the second resurrection day of judgment.

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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  • 2 weeks later...

God first

Beloved friends

God loves you my dear friends

I have added some more

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Science Understanding of Death!

Chapter 21

The value of our body!

The average value of the human body today is about $9.35 depending on the weight of the body when broke down to basic chemicals. The body is made up of Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphor, Potassium, Sulfur, Sodium, Chlorine, Magnesium, Iron, and Iodine.

Not that you want to mine your own body or that you can do without any one of these valuable chemicals and still live. But this is, just value science seems to think if they mined from your body.

Now I am not saying your body chemicals are not more valuable to you and that anybody would want to sale chemicals from their body. I am just trying to give you the basic facts but do not worry has time moves forward the value may change.

Now I could not understand why anyone would want to mine a living body but I would bet the tools you need will cost way more than you could receive from the chemicals. But this chapter is about the value science has given to your body.

The reason science even wanted too published the value of the human body is beyond my little brain. But as of a fact they have and I remember in school when the value was only $3.35 but that was a long time ago.

The value of our body parts!

Medial science would love you to give your body parts away at your death because number one it can save lives and number two they make money by removing the parts. While it is against the law to sale, your body parts, the doctors make money by removing them and replacing them in another person’s body.

Now there is talk about their being a black market for body parts but even if there is, it would be against the law of the land. I would hope no one would want another person to die early just so they could live.

While it is a great thing to donate body parts and it does save lives, it might not be for everybody. While some parts you can live without and donate while alive most parts can only be donated after you are brain dead.

Most people wait for years for a needed transplant of a body organ like the heart, a kidney or a lung. But other body parts like blood and skin drafts are more commonly done by doctors today.

Again this is up to each person but it does save lives and who knows the life the gift saves might be your life. I am sure if you have more detail question, your family doctor will be willing to point you in the right direction.

Giving our body to science for!

You can donate your dead body to science or just some basic organs for transplants to save lives but it is all up to you. But there are some basic things you need to know before you make up your mind.

You might like to know the person or place who will get your body and what they will do with it. I am sure you can put limits on who gets your body and how it can be used but a lawyer will have to help you with limiting the way your body is used and who can get it.

But if you are one who does not care what is done with it, note your body can be used by Medial Schools to teach, by Research teams to make newly discovers, by Criminal Forensics Schools to teach, by the Military to test bombs and by cash dummies to test car crashes better. In addition in some states there are some processing fees you must pay just to donate your body.

Now there are some up sides young doctors will learn how to cut open a dead body before they cut open a live one. The law might learn better ways to look for crimes and young forensics officers will learn what to look for.

Some states even cremate the left over parts free and give your ashes to your family to do as you desire. Now no matter what’s you decision is, this is totally up to you as to whether you want to do this or not.

Legal value for wrongful death!

Look at the newspaper today and you will find out that many people seem to enjoy suing when they think they have a lawsuit for wrongful death. But there is a long list of rules to what a person can sue another person for.

But that does not to stop people from trying to find a lawyer when they believe the lost of a family member was due someone causing their death. The money one might receive, from a wrongful death lawsuit settlement cannot bring a love one back.

The amount of money one can get from a wrongful death lawsuit settlement can run in millions of dollars. But that will not bring your love one back from the grave and the thing that can bring life back is God.

What Science believes Dying is?

Chapter 22

Brain dead!

The Legal definition of Brain Death comes when the brain has been without oxygen for set amount of time. It is believe that the brain can not be brought back when it goes without oxygen too long.

While believe that is not so but that science doctors just do not have the needed knowledge of skill to restart the brain. But what science thinks does not matter, whether they are right and that life cannot go back to a person after Legal Brain Death as come.

I am not telling you what to believe, but what most of the world believes is the meaning of death and when it comes. Now no one has to agree with me, nor do they have to agree with medial doctors to when death comes.

No life to lose until X amounts of weeks old!

Sciences say the baby is a fetal and a baby until six to ten weeks depending on the study you might read and different states might go on different reports. While I believe life begins at Conception, science and the legal courts do not.

By science a baby cannot be killed or die until it has changed from a fetal, to a baby, the day they believe it can live outside the womb. Whether you or I believe differently, does not matter because the courts have given science the power.

I hope you do not let men of science or men of law to tell you when to believe life begins. What you believe should only be only under your personal control and other people like me and the world just only give you facts.

Reason the courts and medial science to set a time limit!

Abortion is the reason science and the courts had to set a time limits, of when fetus change to a baby. If the courts and science had not done this many women, doctors, and medial staff could have been put in jail for murder.

When abortion was made legal, the courts saw a need to know when the fetus becomes a live baby but I do not know who begin the show. But does it matters because today it is legal to kill a child until a set amount of weeks.

Now as for abortion I am sure you have your own idea as to whether it should be done or outlawed. But I am not here to tell you what to believe but just to give you some of the facts around the subject.

Who do you want to rule as when life begins!

Yes do you want science to make all the decisions to what you believe to be true or do you want the courts to make this decision? I am sure hope you do not want me to make it, because I got enough making my own decisions.

The one who should make all of your decisions in life is you and no one other than you. But I am sure if you do not want to make your own decisions there are people willing to do it for you.

While the government has the right to tell us what is legal to do, no one has the right to tell us what to believe in our heart. So I hope you take time thinking about it why you make up your own mind.

Science tells us the hair and nails grow longer after death but the body is dead!

They say after you die your hair and finger nails still grow after life, which could be a sign that the body is not completely dead. But our knowledge just is not there as to the how to get life started again.

But Jesus Christ must have had, a good idea has to where and how to bring life back to a body that is brain dead. While I believe Jesus Christ done it with the power of love, no one has to agree with me.

Now I am not having Jesus Christ did not use magic to make it seem as if he got Lazarus up from to grave. I just believe it was done with the power of love and had nothing to do with the tricks of magic.

Now I am not here to tell you what to believe, or what not to believe in your everyday life but it is all up to you. So take your time as you make up your mind to what to believe but I believe it was God’s love that got Lazarus up.

The Value of life to the World!

Chapter 23

It may depend on where in the world you live!

The region of the world you live may have more people than they can feed a making life of little value to some in that region of the world. Places like China have enough people that it is said they have traded people lives for land in their past history.

Some countries trap bombs are people making them a living weapon to kill their moral enemies. People have been used has a pack mule to save money when traveling around the world.

People have been slaves and the animals got better care from their maters than the human slaves. It is a sad thing to think about but for some life has very little value other than their own.

It may depend what side you are on!

When war breaks out the side that you are not on has no or little value has your value is to them. In the heat of war true hate shows its dirty face and the value of life is low to most who deal with life and death.

Life of the Law officers means little to some of the criminals, that break the laws of the lang. Then when these criminals get in prison some of them seem to lose all respect for the lives of others.

Now I am not saying you will become part of a war, or you will go to jail or prison but somebody you know may. I am just helping you see how life can lose its value if you find yourself or a close family member in one of these places.

It may depend on your Religion!

In some regions of the world life has no value, but what does have value is trying to make other Religion believe and think as they do. They seem to hate other religions that are not the very own a disgrace to God.

It is a sad thing to say but Religion has become a tool for power and the gain of worldly riches. Men that have no idea of what the Love of God is claim to be men of God but they do not know God at all.

Now I am not saying all men that claim to be men of God are bad and see you as only a way to get power or become rich. There are many good men and women who run a Religion sect with God’s love.

Nor am I pushing Religion on you’re or trying to turn you against your church and believe but I am just giving you the facts. So please take your time as you think about Religion for your life.

It may depend on your race!

Some people hate one race and see people of that race of no value at all, and no matter what their government does to remove the hate it does not help. This hate of one race can be for may reason, like fear, looks, and the list is endless.

The value of life should never depend on the race of the person, but it does for so many people around the world. Even whole nations hate others because of their race, because of what the government promotes.

Even the schools of some nations teach their children to hate one race over another but thanks to some good nations not all do. I believe a person race should never be a reason too judged another person as a person of little value.

It may depend on your color of your skin!

Years ago the black man was judged by the color of his skin in American as if his value was one of nothing but an animal to be worked like a dog. This was a very sad thing that happens but over time every color of the shin has been care for in the same way somewhere.

Today we find white people who judge the black man by his skin color and we find black people that judge the white-man by his skin color. But I want you to know everyman skin has been judged by their skin color.

We should not forget the red-men or yellow-men who have found their self as a person of no value to others making their life of little value. But I believe color should never come into the picture and we should love all people no matter their skin color.

As you see your value to the world depends on many factors!

As you have been reading, the world’s value of you depends on many things like where you live to your race and the color of your skin. It all basically depends on how other people judge you next to their selves.

While I believe in not judging other people but just loving them the way they are as a brother or sister in Christ or not in Christ. The bible tells us to even love our enemies and if more people would do that we have peace over the world.

I am not saying that you have to love people like I do but is not peace better than war and hate. It is all up to you as to if you judge other people by things they cannot change or just take them as they are.

Taking another Person’s Life!

Chapter 24


We have all watch TV where some was murder and fight for the law to catch the murderer to place him or her in jail for a long time. Murder is the unlawful premeditated taking of another person’s life.

Murder can be a painful thing for the person getting killed unless the person being killed does not see it coming and it is over in seconds. But most murders are not fact because most people are not totally committed to kill until it is too late.

Murder is hard on the loving family of the person who was killed and lost their life early for no-good reason. But all you can do to help is being there while the law officers work to catch the murderer.

Some times even the murderer feels the guilt which makes his or her life almost unliveable but others seem to take murder as a spot. While you may feel sorry for the guilt, the murderer feels he or she is still alive.

I believe there never a reason to murder another person and I wish we could lock up people planing to murder another person before they do, until they see the error of what they are planing. Now again I am not telling you what to do but please take time to think hard before you take another person’s life.

In the Line of duty!

When a law officer kills someone in the line of duty it can be hard on the law officer mental state because he wishes there had been another way to stop the crime. But this is a fact of life the law officer must face with the help of his friends and family.

Then there is the case when a law officer is killed in the line of duty after leaving the house to uphold law only to be killed doing his or her job. When this happens, it is hard on his or her family and friends and co-workers.

But the law officer is not the only person who can be killed just trying to do their job because theirs the factory worker, the electric worker, the coal mine worker, truck driver, the officer worker, the medial worker, the taxi driver, the bus driver, and the list are endless of people who can lose their life in the line of duty. Death in the line of duty is hard on the family and friends and co-workers.

Now about all you can do, is being a friend by giving support to the family and friends and co-workers that take it the hardest. The no magic words that will help you know what to say it is more about just being there.

Now again I am not saying you have to go and be a friend but that you should if you know the family, the person friends or the person co-worker that taking it hard. But no one has to listen to me.

Part of War!

War becomes a life or death game to the players who wish they were anywhere other than where they are. The men who are killed during a war see death every day as if it is just part of everyday life.

When a soldier has seen his friend or her friend die on the battlefield it something, they remember for the rest of their life. For most soldiers it is like losing a brother or sister because they have, become close and take the death of a friend hard.

The family members at home take it very hard too, because they sat at home hoping for their son, brother, sister, father, mother, aunt, uncle, cousin, or a friend would make it home safe and sound. But the bad news comes and it is like a bad dream becoming real.

It is a sad thing for a family to lose a love one in a war but it is even harder on them when people do not try to understand their pain. It almost a crime but some false churches seem to make a jackass of their self because they do not agree with war.

When a family loses a love one due to war, true churches respect what the family is going through. They give support to the family that is in pain even if they do not agree with the war, they only want to help the family now.


There are rules to what the law calls self defense and if the killing does not fit within the guide lines you could be facing murder. Self Defense comes into focus when a person must kill a person to stop another person from killing their self.

Very few killings turn out to be a matter of self defense but some are and for those people the killing was justified by the courts of the law. But in no way is that the end of it for the person who took another person’s life.

Most people feel guilt over what happens and needs the help of doctors to sleep nights and to find a way to deal with what happens. Even that they didn’t have any choice in the matter it can still tear their life apart.

While not all people take things, the same ways anybody dealing with taking another person may be understanding and patience. Some just need to talk about it but others need to tell someone they are sorry.

By Accident!

A car crash can take a person life along with a work-related accident, weather-related accident and many other kinds of an accident. When a person finds their self in an accident that takes a life it can tear lives apart.

Even that no one aimed it to happen a lot of people feel guilt and great sadness when they find their self part of an accident that takes a life. Some people need to talk about it but others need to tell someone they are sorry.

The person who was part of an accident that took a life may need understanding and patience while they deal with what happen. I am not saying this will be easy and that a doctor may not be needed.

Now if we are part of an accident that takes a person life that there may be a lot to deal within the lives of the living who lived through a fatal accident. It is a well-known fact that life is not always easy to deal with the things that we see.

Ways to Die Faster!

Chapter 25

Living dangerously!

Many people live life without worry of what could happen because of the decisions a person makes in life. Like the person who drives fast without a single thought of what could happen if they run across something in the road.

Some jobs put people in unneeded danger where the odds of doing the job and always going home alive are low. As there some sports like sky diving where the more you do it the greater the odds of everything working out lower.

The way we live our life can put our life in danger where it would not be if we would change our life style. While some of the jobs that lower the odds of living long they may be a need for someone to do them.

Now today we are learning ways to make these jobs safer and make some sports safer than they were years ago. Our life style can be a matter of dying from old age or an accident from work or play.

Now I am not saying everybody has to look for ways to live their life in a safer matter as they live on this old earth. But what I am telling what to look for if your desire to take some of the risk out of your life.

Food you eat!

Eating the wrong kind of food can cause sicknesses that can shorten your life and lower the quality of life you live. Foods high in sugar can add fat which can cause sugar diet diabetes in some people, while foods high in salt can cause high blood pressure.

Being over weight can cause heart disease which can lead to a heart attack or a stroke which can end in death. Then there’ are many illnesses not eating enough or the right foods can cause a person.

There are people who work in the diet field who can help point you to the right balance of foods for you height and body kind. There are also books and many web pages that are out there to help if you want help.

I am not telling anyone how to eat because I am guilty of not following a good diet because of years of bad habits myself. Changing eating habits after many years can be the hardest thing some people ever do or try to do.

I do not want anyone to feel upset because they are overweight but to know the facts about what it is doing to their body. What I want to give are the facts so we can make our own decision as whether to do anything about it or not.

Things we drink!

Just like eating the wrong of foods drinking the wrong kind of fluid can shorten your life here on this planet. Liquids high in sugar can cause sicknesses like sugar diet diabetes and drinks high in salt can cause high blood pressure just like some foods.

Then there are drinks with added coloring that was made in a lab which can cause cancer and other illnesses. Then there are drinks that take away your hand and eye balance by the alcohol in the drink.

If you drink to mush alcohol, your liver can go bad alone with other life and death sicknesses. Drinking to must can also cause you to get hurt at work or home and even on the way between the two by a car accident.

Even the water you may drink can have some poisoned enter it if you get your water from a well that not tested enough or if the city pipes break leaking in poisons from above. But when the city find out a pipe has broke they send out a warning to boil all drinking water for so many hours.

Now I am not telling you, not to drink things that have alcohol but just given you the facts but some alcohol may help you to must can hurt you. Now I am not here to tell you what to do but just laying out the facts.


Taking drugs without doctors orders and directions can cause motor control lost and even death if the dose is too high. Drugs can be very dangerously to your body if not needed to help deal with an illness of the body.

Some people use drugs for fun which only takes away their ability to think clear as you were made to think. People who take drugs seem to never get enough of the drug that makes them only think they feel good.

Even some drugs order by a doctor can cause death if not used the way the doctor order them to be used. The doctor needs to watch you have he puts you on a drug because some times they have deadly side effects.

I am not telling you, not to do drugs but giving you the facts if you are going to take them or a doctor order’s the drugs for you. Basically there are, two kinds of drugs, legal ones which are order by a doctor the other is not order by a doctor.

Drugs if order by a doctor can be a good thing if used right but if not they can shorten you life. Drugs not order by a doctor are always a bad thing and they usually cause death sooner or later.

It is better not to shorten your life!

Life is too valuable to shorten by the way we live or the things we do, on this planet earth. But we are only human and the bad habits we have built may be hard for us to overcome in a day.

Think about it the longer you been doing something wrong the harder it will be the change that bad habit to a good one. Some people tried but never have any luck because they have got used to life that way.

Now it does not mean the person who cannot break an old habit is any weaker than you but that they are human like you are. We all do things that we wish we did not do because we are all human.

I am sorry that I had to talk about ways people shorten their lives but if we plan to understand how to die wells’ we must deal with this part too. Now I am not telling you that you have to deal with your bad habits but this are facts you need to know to die wells’.

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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