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Judith Plaskow's: Lillith Eve and Adam in Eden

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Who was this Lillith


Judith Plaskow's: Lillith Eve and Adam in Eden

Adam, being a man, didn't like this situation, and he looked for ways to change it. He said, "I'll have my figs now, Lilith," ordering her to wait on him, and he tried to leave to her the daily tasks of life in the garden. But Lilith wasn't one to take any nonsense; she picked herself up, uttered God's holy name, and flew away. "Well now, Lord," complained Adam, "that uppity woman you sent me has gone and deserted me." The Lord, inclined to be sympathetic, sent his messengers after Lilith, telling her to shape up and return to Adam or face dire punishment. She, however, preferring anything to living with Adam, decided to stay where she was. And so God, after more careful consideration this time, caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and out of one of his ribs created for him a second companion, Eve. For a time, Eve and Adam had a good thing going. Adam was happy now, and Eve, though she occasionally sensed capacities within herself that re- mained undeveloped, was basically satisfied with the role of Adam's wife and helper. The only thing that really disturbed her was the excluding closeness of the relationship between Adam and God. Adam and God just seemed to have more in common, both being men, and Adam came to identify with God more and more. After a while, that made God a bit uncomfortable too, and he started going over in his mind whether he may not have made a mistake letting Adam talk him into banishing Lilith and creating Eve, seeing the power that gave Adam. Meanwhile Lilith, all alone, attempted from time to time to rejoin the human community in the garden. After her first fruitless attempt to breach its walls, Adam worked hard to build them stronger, even getting Eve to help him. He told her fearsome stories of the demon Lilith who threatens women in childbirth and steals children from their cradles in the middle of the night. The second time Lilith came, she stormed the garden's main gate, and a great battle ensued between her and Adam in which she was finally defeated. This time, however, before Lilith got away, Eve got a glimpse of her and saw she was a woman like herself. After this encounter, seeds of curiosity and doubt began to grow in Eve's mind. Was Lilith indeed just another woman? Adam had said she was a demon. Another woman! The very idea attracted Eve. She had never seen another creature like herself before. And how beautiful and strong Lilith looked! How bravely she had fought! Slowly, slowly, Eve began to think about the limits of her own life within the garden. One day, after many months of strange and disturbing thoughts, Eve, wandering around the edge of the garden, noticed a young apple tree she and Adam had planted, and saw that one of its branches stretched over the garden wall. Spontaneously, she tried to climb it, and struggling to the top, swung herself over the wall. She did not wander long on the other side before she met the one she had come to find, for Lilith was waiting. At first sight of her, Eve remembered the tales of Adam and was frightened, but Lilith understood and greeted her kindly. "Who are you?" they asked each other, "What is your story?" And they sat and spoke together, of the past and then of the future. They talked for many hours, not once, but many times. They taught each other many things, and told each other stories, and laughed together, and cried, over and over, till the bond of sisterhood grew between them. Meanwhile, back in the garden, Adam was puzzled by Eve's comings and goings, and disturbed by what he sensed to be her new attitude toward him. He talked to God about it, and God, having his own problems with Adam and a somewhat broader perspective, was able to help out a little-but he was confused, too. Something had failed to go according to plan. As in the days of Abraham, he needed counsel from his children. "I am who I am," thought God, "but I must become who l.will become." And God and Adam were expectant and afraid the day Eve and Lilith returned to the garden, bursting with possibilities, ready to rebuild it together.

you can find page after page about Lilith

but if you want the truth you must go to God

While we can go around and around debating this the only true answers must come from within your inner heart the Love of truth within us all

I bodly say Lilith was real in many ways she was and is the female side of Adam just like you and me are half our father and mother so was Adam

Adam father was dust as he was made from dust

Adam mother was water has he came out of the water like other animals

Genesis 1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

like today we come out of a body of water from within our mother so did Adam

Adam mother water

Adam felmale side water he is made of which he called Lilith for water is like a spiritual being hard to see

Adam father side dust

Women have male sides just like men have a felmale side

more on Lilith


The Dark Moon

Dark Moon, Black Moon or Lilith, this hypothetical point in astrology is known by several names. Some argue that the Dark Moon is one thing, Black Moon another and Lilith yet another. The reality is that there is an asteroid named Lilith, but it is not the same as the Dark or Black Moon. However, when used as a point in a birthchart, all three names appear valid as they all seem to describe the same thing.

This point arises due to the Moon's path around the ecliptic forming an axis of the perigee when the moon's orbit is closest to the earth and the apogee when its orbit is furthest from the earth. It is an empty area, a void created, an empty focus. Moving at about 40 degrees a year, the perigee is from where the path of the Dark Moon is calculated. It takes a little under nine years for it to complete its course.

In astrology, the Dark Moon is representative of the darker side of our nature, the negative side. It is the hidden depths that we know exist yet we prefer not to acknowledge. It is subtle on the surface, yet profound beneath. It is the foundations of our personality and the shocking truth that we often deny and project onto others instead. The refusal to see what is really within ourselves. The subtle refusal to see what part we may have played in some unpleasant drama of our lives, how we ourselves have manifested our fears. It is the kind of thing that we intrinsically know we have to deal with, confront the darker side in order to progress unhindered, yet most often we try to ignore. It is the deeper truth that we are forever in search of within ourselves. Probably the best use we can make of the dark moon is to explore our hidden depths, realise that we all have that darker side and go within to resolve that which ultimately hinders us.

The Dark Moon is representative of the negative traits of guilt, shame, hatred, envy, and vengefulness, often brought about by personal wounds and hurts. The true dark side of things we try to hide.

There is another side of the Dark Moon astrologically. Carl G Jung, the famous psychoanalyst described something that he called the "anima". The anima is a man's image of the ideal woman and also the feminine side of his personality. For a woman it is the image of the ideal man and the masculine side of her personality. So the dark moon in a birthchart will represent these ideals too.

It is also representative of the enchantress or the seducer, one who lures another by use of sexuality or devious means. The kind who tempts another by implying that the grass is greener on the other side, that they can "rescue" someone, but it is in reality for their own selfish gain.

The Dark Moon, Lilith, also has associations with motherhood, like her counterpart the Moon. With Lilith however, the instinctive nurturing is replaced by a strong protection of her offspring to the point that she would kill if necessary any that threatened them or caused them harm. She is also reactive against the ties involved with motherhood and the emptiness that mothers sometimes feel by isolation and the perceived lack of individuality that accompanies it.

These things do not only apply to women, they apply to men as well, as the Black Moon is also their feminine side.

Keywords: danger, darkness, deceit, destruction, devious, devouring, dreams, emptiness, enchantress, envy, fears, guilt, hatred, imagination, isolation, jealousy, magic, marriage-wrecker, mystery, night, poison, secrets, seduction, shame, the "other woman" who thinks a man needs rescuing from the "chains" of his partner, vengefulness

The manner in which the Dark Moon plays out will be of the character of the sign in which it is posited and with over tones of the ruling planet of that sign. For example, if your Dark Moon is in Aries, it will act in the manner of Aries with over tones of Mars.

If you don't know where your Dark Moon/Lilith is, there is an online ephemeris where you can input your birth date and time, and it will give you a list of all your planetary placements. It includes both the mean and true Dark Moon as well as many of the asteroids, including Chiron.



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The Zohar (Hebrew: זהר‎, lit Splendor or Radiance) is widely considered the most important work of Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism. It is a mystical commentary on the Torah (the five books of Moses), written in medieval Aramaic. It contains a mystical discussion of the nature of God, the origin and structure of the universe, the nature of souls, sin, redemption, good and evil, and related topics.

Lilith (Demon) (Pandemonium Event)

Lilith is believed to be Queen of the Succubi and matriarch of demons. After her legions of Succubi and strongest daughter Andariel were killed by mortals who successfully defended the Worldstone, Lilith swore to personally intervene. She masterminded the revival of Diablo by manifesting herself in the mortal realm and performing a ritual of Dark Summoning. This ritual, long thought to be impossible by the most powerful mortal wizards, allowed Lilith to link with Diablo across realms, strengthening him until he was finally able to once again reincarnate himself in the mortal plane. Rage and a deep yearning for revenge boiled within the eyes of the Lord of Terror, and together he and Lilith resurrected the two remaining Prime Evils as well as Duriel and Izual, two of their strongest agents.

you see we can go over and over on talking about Lilith so lets have you two pennies

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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