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Teachmevp - some thoughts on your four treatises on heaven

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Teachme, I really enjoyed your articles and I thought I’d put my thoughts down in one place on them.

1. First, Lucifer was a Cherub – the one who covered, the guardian. He was part of the Cherubum type beings. I think that fits thenin better with dealing with the intense light.

2. When it says he walked among the stones of fire, many people think that is talking about planets, I do not. Note one of his functions was as a priest. He was the mediator between God and the angelic creation.

Like a Priest, he wore a breastplate that had 9 stones on it.

Note, Aaron, as Priest, wore a breastplate/ephod, with 12 stones on it.

I believe Aaron and the 12 tribes of Israel were a representation on earth of the Heavenly, angelic tribes. Just as Angels are the “host of heaven” so Israel was God’s “host” on earth.

3. Lucifer had sanctuaries – sacred places. He defiled those holy sanctuaries. He did violence to them and corrupted them. How does one defile and utterly corrupt holiness?

4. I like your picture of light in the 1st heaven. I call, or think of that light as “God’s Glory.” It is a place, where God, who only dwelleth in the light that no man can see.

a. I like the concept of the earth now being enclosed – enclosed in the 2nd heaven, or what we would now know today as our Universe. I believe in the universe, there is a veil that literally separates this universe and closes us off from the light of this Glory.

b. I believe in the “new heaven and earth” the reason there will be no sun, moon, stars, universe is because we will no longer be enclosed in this universe. The veil, or curtain will be removed, or pulled back, and, as it was in the 1st heaven, God’s light of this glory will again fill all of eternity – our present enclosure will no longer be needed.

5. Regarding Lucifer’s rebellion, I differ from you in that I believe he rebelled before Gen. 1:2. I think Gen 1:2 on is a restoration of the earth. God turns on the light, and restores the earth, encases it in our universe (thus, making sun, moon, stars, etc.) – then puts material creation, flora and fauna upon it, then eventually Adam and Eve upon it, in a sanctuary, an eden, again, a type of heavenly sanctuary/God’s Garden. Adam is now to rule and mediate between God and earthly creation, as Lucifer had done over the spiritual domain.

6. In Gen. 1:2, when the earth, via Lucifer’s cataclysmic rebellion became without form and void – waste and dark, it was then I believe God said – go ahead, you want to be the creator – restore it. Lucifer is not a creator and could not. He was humiliated in front of the heavenly host.

7. I believe Lucifer enticed the Angels into falling by offering them something that they did not have. Ask yourself – what could wonderful, powerful spiritual beings possibly want that God did not provide for them? What was God possibly “denying” them (according to Lucifer)? Answer: A body. A sentient, feeling body so they could literally “feel.” I will leave it to you to think about what those bodies could have been – I have some ideas.

8. But, the previous paragraph is also why I believe God requires his redeemed creation - you and me - to begin in the flesh first, then receive a spiritual body. Why? Because, in eternity, if God does create new material beings someday, His redeemed, spiritual, new creation will NOT be tempted to rebel and inhabit a body, as I believe the angels that fell did. We will have “been there, done that.”

9. I believe the Temple pattern God gave to Israel, His earthly Host, illustrates for them and us, the reality of the universe and place of Glory that now is.

a. The large outer court of the temple represents our universe, the court illustrates our enclosure on earth in the present universe – where the earth is now encased.

b. The innermost sanctum of the temple, the “holy of holies” is the place of Glory where God, who is light dwells, on the mercy seat – his throne, covered by the cherubim. I think there is a literal veil somewhere in the universe that divides our universe from this Light.

c. Christ rent the veil on earth in the Temple when he was resurrected symbolizing we now have access into the presences of God in glory, we are no longer cordoned off – someday we will all dwell in his light, but for now, the veil in the universe is still “stretched out as a curtain” until the new heaven and earth are revealed. Then, the veil will be removed, there will be no more universe and the Earth will dwell in the glory of the light that lights eternity.

Anyway, your posts were great food for thought. I basically disagreed on the time frame of Satan’s rebellion but other than that, I really enjoyed them. Thanks for sharing.

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Ezekiel 28:12b; That Lucifer is a finished pattern so to speak, no one created like Lucifer, after that pattern; I don't think Lucifer was of the Cherubim's type beings that walked in with Yahweh? A Priest, that is a good one there, Ez. 28:14; Lucifer was upon the holy mountain in the middle of the north, help me understand this Israel like, beginning worship like thing, could this lead to the tent, where Yeshua entered in once? Why would Lucifer be on that holy mountain? That light is a trip, but it seems that Yahweh had a plan when he walked in with those Cherubim's? That tent was carried in too, Hebrews said that, that tent was not of these created things? That rebellion is a trip, but what were the other two arch angles doing during all this, sometimes it seemed that Lucifer did not like being stuck on the earth in that garden, walking around and waiting for Yahweh in those stones of fire, maybe he wanted to be in the north, the Five I Wills? Trippe stuff, what was Lucifer protecting, as he was the anointed cherubim in that garden, that light or glory could have something to do with it?

But you are so right in that second heaven being gone, that is great how you told the story; what is cool, is how Yahweh will light everything from that New Jerusalem, the tree of life will be there, but was it on the earth in first heaven? I do not think it would have been, that is a trip, why was that tree not on the earth in the first heaven? But it could have been, but why was that tent their, maybe that kinda ties into that number 7, maybe Lucifer thought he would become second rate, once those earthlings got that life Yahweh has within themselves, that kinda ties into that Israel thing in away, maybe?

The spirit body thing, in Luke, Yeshua said, has a spirit flesh and bone as you see me have? Flesh and bone body Yeshua has?

I think that glory is that light generated by that life, our Father has within himself, but you got a point, maybe Yahweh can control that light with his body, Mose saw Yahweh's back parts? Yahweh sits on his throne, and lights the earth with his glory?

What about those angles that are in those chains; I think that Lucifer could have established a back up plan in that first heaven with those angle that left their stations, while the earth was in the second heaven? Maybe Lucifer understood how that DNA and RNA machine like thing worked?

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2027, or Roy once said something about angle food, but I can't remember where it is, could that be manna? Maybe in that tent in the first heaven, that angle food could be on that table, like the bread was in the tent on the earth in Israel's time?

I wonder if that rock vest thing that Lucifer wore in the garden, is in that ark in heaven; we know what is in the ark on the earth?

Could those 24 elder have something to do with that tent, after all, they carried that tent along way, from wherever they came from?

Those 24 wear a gold crown, Yeshua also wears a gold crown, Yeshua is our high priest? Lucifer could have been the priest on the earth though, between Yahweh and the earthlings is Lucifer, without Lucifer, Yahweh could not have a relationship with the earthlings in the garden?

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That glory, you got it, Yahweh sat on his throne and was lighting that earth in the first heaven with his glory, wow, what a sight that must have been?

We will get to see our Father's glory lighting that New Jerusalem on the new earth; new earth, what if you were to add more dry land or dirt, now, the second heaven is gone, add more dirt to the earth, so much dirt that the earth is flat, the earth is in there somewhere, but you would have a new earth, just a thought?

The New Jerusalem, it talks about stones in the foundation and upwards I guess, could that somehow be involved in helping our Father light the third heaven with his glory?

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I think I see that glory, I rewrote that first heaven, without the earth and angles;

Now, start walking towards the North; as you are walking towards the North, walking behind you is an individual who has a body, that is composed of a substance, of something called spirit. This individual has some kind of life, that is within this individual’s body, a body which is composed of that substance called spirit. Whatever that kind of life is, that kind of life generates light, and yet, what appears as light, is that individual’s glory. That glory just shines right through that individual’s body, composed of that substance of spirit, that individual has control of that body, that individual can fully show that glory or just show a little. If you were to turn around right now, just a little of that glory would be way to much for any human to look at, face to face, so keep walking towards the North. Now, walking behind that individual, whose name is Yahweh, are 24 more individuals, each of them are wearing a crown of gold; these individuals are carrying a tent, and an ark, and whatever else that is needed, for whatever the service of that tent is. These 24 individuals are called Elders, they have that same kind of life within themselves as Yahweh has, but the glory of that life they have within themselves, does not shine through these 24 Elders bodies, like Yahweh’s body does. These 24 Elders have some kind of flesh and bone body, that can contain this glory of that life, or not, if Yahweh was not walking behind you, you could turn around and look at them, and talk to those 24 Elders, or they could show their full glory, maybe you should keep walking forward. Now, as you are walking towards the North, there are 4 more individuals, called Cherubim’s, they are flying around and above the 25 individuals walking behind you. These 4 Cherubim’s have that same life within themselves that Yahweh has, but the glory of that life they have within themselves, does not shine through these 4 Cherubim’s bodies, like Yahweh’s body does if he wants it to. These 4 Cherubim’s have some kind of flesh and bone body, that can contain this glory; but these 4 Cherubim’s can do something that is too cool. Now, just stop and keep looking towards the North, here come those Cherubim’s carrying Yahweh in front of you, you are now looking at Yahweh, not face to face, but you are being protected from the glory of that life, by those Cherubim’s, those Cherubim’s just carried Yahweh back behind you, so you can now keep walking towards the North.

Now, you are walking on some kind of surface, a nothing like surface, like nothing is there kind of surface, as you are walking towards the North. As you are walking towards the North, you are coming upon some kind of mountain in this nothingness that you are walking on, stop walking and turn around. Now, you are looking at the North wall of a structure that Yahweh has just created, you are standing outside of this structure, and there is no way into it, this structure separates whatever is outside of it, from whatever Yahweh decides to do in this structure. Now, on the other side of the North wall you are looking at, Yahweh is coming towards that wall, now Yahweh has just laid the North wall of that structure over the empty place. You are now standing on the South edge of the new north room like structure Yahweh just made, looking into that other room that Yahweh created behind you. Now turn around, you are now looking at that north room like structure, with that mountain in the middle of this north room like structure. As you look at the north of the north of this room like structure, that is where Yahweh’s thrown is, where Yahweh pitched his tent, and where the 24 Elders are setting on 24 thrown’s, and where the 4 Cherubim’s are. Now, as you look at the east recessed side of the north of this room like structure, there are a lot of seats in that east recessed side. Now, as you look at the west recessed side of the north of this room like structure, there are a lot of seats in that west recessed side. Now, there is no earth or angels, only these 29 individuals there, that is the first heaven without the earth or the angels.

The first heaven with the angles;

In the north of the north, is were Yahweh’s throne is; but one big problem, Yahweh’s glory of that life he has within himself. Now, the four Cherubim’s can conceal Yahweh’s glory, they can carry Yahweh around and act as a shield, shielding Yahweh’s glory from whatever Yahweh’s glory would be harmful too. The problem Yahweh face’s is, who is going to maintain the lighting of that abode like room structure, and the north room like structure, if Yahweh get’s up to go into his tent? This is were the angles come into the story, except for three different individual’s, Yahweh made enough angles to fill all those seats in the east and west recesses sides of the north, that is a lot of angles. An angel is an individual that has a body made out of spirit, what kind of life this individual has is unknown, but that life within that individual does put out light, but this individual can control that light. All these angles combined, setting in their seats in the east and west recesses sides of the north, can give off enough light, to light that abode like room structure, and the north room like structure, if Yahweh get’s up to go into his tent. That is a special thing going on between Yahweh and these angles, the Cherubim’s can carry Yahweh anywhere he wants to go within these two room like structure’s, and Yahweh’s glory would not hurt anything that would be harmed by Yahweh’s glory, if Yahweh passed by it. Now, Yahweh made out of spirit, three arch angles, two of them I do not know too much about, but one of them name Lucifer, that arch angle was brought into existents for one special reason; Lucifer was the anointed cherubim that covers. I am sure this all this took time, Yahweh getting to know all these individual’s, sharing his heart with them.

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