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It is refreshing during these times of cynicism (often rightly deserved)directed at "charitible" organizations to find one that is actually faithfully fulfilling it's mission and making a real difference in the lives of people. The International Justice Mission is one of those organizations and I offer it for your consideration of support whether spiritual or monetary. IJM is an international organization of attorneys, law enforcement professionals and social workers who are actively professing their Christian faith by pursuing one of God's passions-Justice.

Slavery it appears and is alive and well in the 21st century. Girls as young as single digit years are being trafficked into forced prostitution in many parts of the world especially in SE Asia. They often come from desparately poor rural areas. Traffickers are often relatives that approach parents with the promise of giving them a job and a better life in the city. The "job" is having to service 20-30 "patrons" a day and the "better life" is the lost innocence of childhood, suffering abuse by customers and pimps and thrown out on the street to die of a sexually transmitted disease. What will these girls say to you when you tell them of a God who cares for them?

Slavery also takes the form of people being forced into working in sweat shops, coal mines and farms. A little boy who worked in a sweat shop making tennis shoes. When the owner of the shop saw him not being as productive after several hours gruelling work he struck the little boy across the face with metal object which drew blood that spilled on the shoes. Instead of bandaging the wound, he cauterized it with a lit cigarette. What would this little boy say to you if you told him about God's love for him?

IJM works undercover rescuing victims from these grotesque situations and bringing the perpetrators to justice and assisting with their prosecution. The rescued victims receive counselling and love by dedicated social workers.

To learn more visit http://www.ijm.org.

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