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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2012 in Posts

  1. Yes, I've heard this TWI line before. This is used to justify paying overqualified staff members minimum wage or just over "on a need basis". I just recently read a study that was trying to correlate money to happiness. The interesting results were that the correlation disappeared once the income rose a percentage above the poverty line. So the one thing left out in that analogy is that it's also possible to not have any money, and lack a lot of things. Actually, that is common sense. If your baseline needs are not being met or if meeting them consumes all of your energy, then you are going to lack a lot of things. Once you get into the middle class range, there's a lot more leeway. TWI causes the problem by their lack of care for their own people, then uses rote clichés to convince people the problem is with them, and all prosperity, satisfaction, happiness requires is to adjust their attitude and obey their cruel taskmasters. This is evil, this is using people, and this by any just means SHOULD cause TWI to lose followers. And it is. It just takes a little more time to manifest what with all the lies propounded in their public position. It's even more evil when they pay their leadership position people better - so the people tasked with fielding the complaints and keeping people happy themselves aren't experiencing the problem and have an unspoken threat hanging over them such that if they aren't 100% compliant that their positions and salaries will be busted back to the minimum wage range.
    1 point
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