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Posts posted by Sunny1

  1. Okay, then. . .

    So, why did I leave?

    Gosh, my perception of the deception ran so deep. It was like a cut. That must be why it hurt so much.

    But then. . . there is the forgiveness factor.

    Forgiveness is a huge thing. Not something I learned much about while there but am working on it; to learn to accomplish it. It can be done.

    Jesus did it. Look what happend to him!

  2. Gee. . .

    I've been through a lot since I left June 27, 2000. Same day I got in -- June 27, 1986 (not intentional) I still have a piece of the film class I took. Glad to have it.

    I'm very glad for the Word I learned. I don't doubt one word of it -- I never did believe that Jesus was God and then I learned that he never said he was! Gee, what a relief that was to me. Didn't even know I needed a relief. But it was kind of like -- "I knew it!" "I knew he wasn't God!"

    I am not bitter about my experience and thank God for that. I believe I was right where I needed to be to learn exactly what it was I needed to learn.

    I was hurt by stuff -- deeply -- but God guarantees in His Word that people will always disappoint. I have chosen to heal; take with me the good, and move on!

    Everybody sing. . .

  3. Dear Dot Matrix and Ex.

    I'm with you guys.

    I went to see it today and had to leave 30 minutes into it.

    I could see the Mary worship and in my opinion it looked like the devil was the star not Jesus. I was shocked at first, but realize that if the whole Christian community is behind it, there has to be something rotten going on.

    But then, I remember that in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached. So, be it. I guess.

    How sad tho. It made me cry and still does.

  4. Dearest Papa John (I just love that pizza):

    It's not like that. . . they think they are right. . . that is why it goes on. . . and on. . . and on. . .

    it's the heart thing. . .

    except there has been so much hurt and destruction to people's lives and hearts that it's gone totally beyond that!!

    but i don't think they see it that way

    as far as I can see, no more excuses -- using people is using people. period! and anyone who does this horrible act will for sure be accountable before God!

    just think how God must see it -- i don't know for sure, but i see it as. . .

    people using another person's love for God to take advantage of them. . .

    how incredibly desceitful can that possibly be? sorry, i know i mispelled some werds. . . but don't see where spell check is!

    For me. . . that is the biggest offence there is -- taking advantage of a person's love for God.

    My goodness! how evil can you get???????? ??????????? ???????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ??????????????

    [This message was edited by pawtucket on February 26, 2004 at 7:50.]

  5. Hello, Wordwoof.

    hope you don't mind my calling you that. . . i like that name. !!

    since i have not researched you at all, i don't know what you have posted. but what i've read you seem to have been around for some time.

    and, you have a really good vibe.

    hee hee.

    not thinking anything other than getting to know someone who knows a lot!

    nothing underlying. . .

    just friends.


  6. Dear Ex and Dot. . .


    No, I don't know about the private thing, but my e-mail is bigbloo7@yahoo.com. if you would, please make it plain in the subject line because I delete most of what is there because I don't use this account much!

    Look forward to hearing from both of you. 30 years is a along time! it's like me and my best friend from high school. . . we've just been in touch the last year or so . . . it's been so great . . .

    ex -- loved your response to something i wrote recently - the emoticon was a kiss on the cheek. how sweet. that REALLY meant a lot to me.

    look forward to getting to know you guys!!

    icon_smile.gif:)--> can't find the kiss on the cheek one.

  7. that is why i left, i mean cleft!!!

    it just never changes. . .

    and the "joe blow believer" in the little town loving God with the little fellowship would never know. . .

    it never changes.

    IT IS SUCH A LIE. . .

    it is the biggest lie. . . i was surprised that LP left!!!!!

    he was one of the biggest offenders!!

    his "better half" must half found out -- she always wore the pants in the family. she was meeeeeen.

  8. OH, i remember what i wanted to way. . . i mean, say,

    the ONLY thing that never changed was having sex. did i seplll that right?? everything else could change, be rearranged, peeple come and go, but that was the one thing that never changed. . .

    never. . .

    never. . .

    and really, i don't care, except that it was and probably still is (i'm sure) such a lie. . .

    just because the big guy is "OUT" and not at HQ doesn't mean a darn thang!!

    i'm very confident that all is just as it was. . . that NEVER changes. . .

  9. Dear all, and especially Excathedra. . .

    hope i spelled all okay.. . i'm on my 2nd bottle of chardonney and really i think i mispelled that!

    anyhoo. . . i loved what you said, Ex, "your dorkness" i think is what you said referring to darkness, which i TOTALLY agree with -- that the way is run by DARKNESS -- sad as it is. . . . i see it as your dorkiness!! hahahahah..

    i will continue in a moment -- as soon as i remember what it was yuuuuuu said!!

    hee hee

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