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Tom Strange

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Posts posted by Tom Strange

  1. Mike... when you read the Piffle books do the letters capitalize themselves for you?... is that your secret to being able to see the hidden mystery?...

    and what's with this TVT being redefined as TCT (a few posts above)? Dude, you need to keep consistent within your own posts on what all of your acronyms mean... c'mon... no cheating!

    ...big hitter the lama...

  2. ya know... if this forum does not allow you to delete messages, then why do they put that option there?...

    ...big hitter the lama...

  3. You 11th guys just need to give up and bow down to the superior posting ability of your senior brethren and sistern in der vierd... THE NINTH!

    we can easily assimilate you into our BORG... and MissyVickles... you'll NEVER be last there! (well... at least that's what the voices say)

    and NotTooGrayYet: just because you're too lazy to finish your word studies and post your results don't go taking a dump in the latrine without covering it up... it takes a lot of discipline (the act of BEING a disciple) for those folks to not only type out their findings (citing chapter and verse) but also to aim their pee with the free hand! so... cut them a little slack and post whatever is on your heart as long as it has been approved beforehand...

    the rest of you 11th non posting corps... feel free to visit us over at the ninth corps thread, we have many ordinations that reside there (along with their accompanying spirit guides) and we will be more than happy to ALLOW you to come and go as you please (as long as you make the required donation)

    oh, MsVik, if you do post at that hour of the day over on our thread, it's OK... but you'll probably get reproved by Reverend2Ts (but his bark is worse than his spelling) although he does it because he loves you and wants you to grow...

    we now return you to your regularly scheduled program...

    ...big hitter the lama...

  4. ya know... that feelowsheeper fellow has been gone since before I got here hasn't he?

    did he go to Africa with that guy who wrote that book

    (I don't really think he went to Africa, he's just watching this stuff on the discovery channel and animal planet and wants us to think he did... kinda like the moon landings)...?

    anyway niKa... you're AC sounds so friendly (the voices say "that's cool")


    ...big hitter the lama...

  5. I just wanted to bring everyone up to speed on where I've gone with Zixar's advice to go from right to left when playing the "down" cards... (I've reset the statistics so I can have an accurate reading of whether it's good or bad)... it's still a little too early to tell MrZixar because I find myself (sometimes) checking from left to right first and playing BEFORE I catch myself... but I promise I will continue to use your method and let you all of you know the results... it's just that OLD HABITS DIE HARD (get it?)...

    Mike: I'd still really love to hear your theories on this... (the voices say they know you have theories on this)... so please share them with me... I'm sure you've given it way more thought than I ever would have, heck, the old way I used to play was the way I was taught by my mama way back when I was a young whippersnapper AND I NEVER QUESTIONED IT... hmmm... also, if anyone else has any alternative theories I'd be interested in those as well...

    Just so you know, I'm not one of those people who asks for your help and then ignores it if it's "not what I wanted to hear"... I promise I'll give each of your theories a try... till we meet again at the mothership...

    Mike, I'll patiently await your theory...

    ...big hitter the lama...

  6. That's cool... you know, they say that if you're blind, your other senses are hightened...

    Many of them are very well educated and have gerat senses of humor

    I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad

  7. I knew Sue when she lived in Ft Worth in the time before... she might be in Holland... have you checked the pages there?

    Now... on my day as President... I'm taking the money and buying a Golf Course (with Grill and Bar) and a big boat... then, after I'm not Prez anymore, everyone can come by and we'll just "work" at the bar and grill or golf course and alternate shifts "working" on the boat... and we'd still have all of the season tickets left... wait a minute...

    Simeontheloaded: what about if (instead of season tickets) you buy a minor leage team on your day, then we could go to minor leage games all the time (I think they're more fun, and there's no shortage of brew)...

    anyone interested?

    I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad

  8. thank you all for the most excellent posts!

    Mike: I would like to hear your theory on the following:

    I'm trying to "master" Solitaire"... and the theory I was taught and always follow (unless I miss a card) is that you try to play all of the "down" cards as first option (before the deck), and play them from left to right (in order of secondary option).

    I'm thinking the believing is that this will get more cards into play and also more quickly give you open spots to move your kings to.

    It works pretty well most of the time... but sometimes I wonder if there's a better way... I would really like to "master" this and would appreciate hearing any thoughts or theories you might have on the subject...

    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    Your bud, Tom.

    I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad

  9. thank you my dear sweet seester... I love you... and I really would buy you one if they had it here...

    I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad

  10. if they had it here I would... you know I would... (the voices say: we love her dearly but we don't like the new face she put on, it's scary)..

    My dear sweet Exclamator, don't take this wrong, but your pic is scaring me...

    I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad

  11. Here's a neat quote (that I was told was from Satchel Page):

    "Work like you don't need the money,

    Love like you've never been hurt,

    Dance like nobody's watching."

    That quote makes a lot more sense to me than the ramblings of Mike, I think I'll try to master it's ubiquitously hidden meaning...

    I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad

  12. Me too! do we have to hitch?

    I cannot believe that the reverend2Ts didn't reprove our brothers in the dry heat for posting so long into the night...

    If we go to Zona can we stop by niKa's house and dance while we color the eggs? can we go to "the BOB" and see real baseball??? Can we rent dirt bikes and race around in the "washes"?

    Can we stop at the cave place on the way out there? Can we go to that Indian trading post? Are we out of Texas yet?

    I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad

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