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Posts posted by sirguessalot

  1. cara seems like a gem of a handle.

    not sure about caritas...but i once studied with modern day Anam-Cara, or "soul friends"...named after and inspired by the ancient Celtic equivalent of nurse, psychologist and chaplain...midwives for all stages of life...many are also harpists.

  2. well...maybe its good that they work well should one find themselves camping at home in the backyard for the apocalypse. :biglaugh:

    basically an inexpensive all-season indoor/outdoor mostly smokeless stove/oven/heater fueled from trimmings off the hedge...cheap and easy to DIY for everything from campgrounds, resorts and retreats to refugee camps and non-electrical 3rd world life.

    i once ate at a school where the students had made rocket stoves as outdoor pizza ovens installed in the faces of animal-shaped mudstone benches...an oven in the mouth...a stove on the head...and a chimney that ran through the body of the bench and back...making for a comfy radiant heater whenever you cook.

  3. i sometimes wonder if the story of Adam is a story of "the missing link"...and not just an individual man...but a symbol for those original waves of humanity to pop up out of the pure wild earth...pre-egoic primal instinctual foraging/hunting culture...the "ape-man."

    and perhaps the story of Adam and Eve is a story about those original waves of matriarchal tribal shamanistic humanity...speaking to snakes on trees being a sign of early horticultural relationship with the earth and "motherhood of the ape-man." ...as if Eve fed Adam something he did not know he could eat.

    and then maybe the story of Cain and Abel is a story about an original clash of waves...how agricultural tyranny and patriarchy works with its younger hunter-gatherer siblings.

    whether UFOs, angels, giants or big egos...along came those original waves of giant military industrial monocultures...bringing about the desertification of Eden.

    then there is Noah...a story of those original waves of holistic emergency polycultural container-gardening life-boat experiments ...life in the wake of when giant monocultures fall apart.

    Abraham to Moses...stories of those original waves of homeless untribed vagabonds in the desert...landless nameless exiles, refugees and slaves..."dark night of the soul."

    Moses to Solomon...stories of those original waves of learning how to find a home and regenerate the desertified.

    Essenes and Jesus and beyond...stories of the original waves of sustaining and propagating the regeneration of the earth...final return to Eden and Revelation...where the first is last...and the leaves of the garden are used to heal the world.

    the end

  4. i hear ya, e...as if "the outhouse of heaven" is where all our hidden crap is revealed and processed...where we finally get to the bottom of things...the root of all matters...and return to earth again.

    as if, while one kind of elite is climbing upward...another kind can be seen moving in an opposite direction.

    holy sh!t

  5. how cool,JJ...a motion activated sprinkler...

    some possible long-term solutions to consider...

    - grow something very thorny around the base of the hummingbird feeder. Hawthorn, for example (an edible/medicinal).

    - or ditch the feeder and simply grow something that attracts hummingbirds instead. Clematis, for example..or something from this list...and an extra bonus if it is also edible/medicinal.

  6. ive written enough about this around here over the years...

    who holds us within them during our most radical moments of transformation?

    who supplies milk to newborn?

    who comforts the babes?


    i agree with jesus...mere scholarship can really lead to missing the obvious.

    the feminine aspect of God was not just a part of jewish wisdom...but a vital part, without which, the whole is lost.

    perhaps "blasphemy against holy spirit" has something to do with rejection/exploitation of the feminine aspect of God...in doctrine and practice.

    how can one experience rebirth if we have institutionalized the demonization of God's uterus?

    imho, the absence of feminine principles in doctrine and practice was/is perhaps one of the most fatal flaws of twi and pfal and the majority of modern christianity....resulting in all the very real dangers we are warned about in purely masculine-with-masculine doctrines and practices.

    rejecting over 3000 years of jewish and christian thought and experience on the matter did not help modern christianity either...and mere concordances and lexicons are not enough to repair the vast gap.

  7. Wondering if anyone else notices how frequently doctrinal (and other) options are reduced to "either_____ or ______."

    A web search on the matter turns up plenty to consider...

    either-or fallacy: logical fallacy in which the writer states that only two alternatives exist when in fact there are more than two.




    Also wondering what you think/feel about this...

    ...such as what the alternatives to "either-or" might look like (aka "and-also")...

    ...and even if/when "either-or" may be appropriate (aka "one is either pregnant or not").

  8. mere talk...mere translations...mere mental concepts...mere exclusiveness and elitism...mere ethnic linguistic legalities

    as if

    no living practice...no tangible disciplines...no practical wisdom...no embodied examples...no demonstrable proof that even comes close to supporting such bold claims of such global interpretive supremacy

    like clouds without rain...welcome to the desert..again

  9. is "truth" a spirit being?

    is "truth" a supernatural power?

    is "truth" the secret of membership?

    is "truth" objective reality?

    is "truth" an environmental system?

    is "truth" just a word?

    is "truth" a word?

    is "truth" beyond words?

    is "truth" being experienced regardless of words?

    are "truths" and "truthfulness" and "truthfulnesses" other words?

  10. if faith is our capacity to conceptualize...and our conceptual capacity develops in stages due to forces like age, luck and practice...some of the the signposts along the journey may look something like this...

    ...no concepts...where life is an unconscious reaction to reality.

    ...pre-conceptual...where concepts are spirit beings.

    ...supernatural concepts...where concepts are supernatural hero powers given by a parental concept.

    ...cultural concepts...where concepts are the stories and myths and rules and laws that makes one a member of the eternal family concept.

    ...rational concepts...where concepts are biological thoughts and theories that explain this and that and the other thing in the physical universe.

    ...social concepts...where concepts are shaped by the systems and environments that shape us.

    ...deconstructive concepts...where concepts are viewed and dismantled from the inside via things like contemplation, meditation, psychology, etc...

    ...transformational concepts...where concepts are realized to be ever-changing.

    ...holistic concepts...where concepts are seen as vital part of a whole.

    ...living word concepts...where all parts of reality is language ...and language is concept

  11. "do not anger the quantum spirits"

    "now i can use this quantum power to get my way."

    "this proves that my religious group is the only way."

    "we can make a lot of money this way."

    "so it all comes down to this."

    "there is no way to know."

    "that's one way to interpret experience."


  12. would this be Healthy Christian Skepticism

    not sure what "healthy" means...seems there are depths and degrees of "healthiness."

    but overall...the context of the paragraph may involve being skeptical about conventional interpretations of scripture...but based on the contents of the paragraph (both writer and context being unknown)...seems there is only a grain of skepticism in a blend of mostly absolute statements.

    A lot of "is" ...very little "maybe" and/or "maybe not."

    Not much skepticism about the writer's own methods or conclusions...not much curiosity...not much actively touching, holding, handling something that is being doubted/wondered about.

  13. i agree, JeffSjo...King Neb was onto something, and i think it has a lot to do with the vital role of skepticism in all matters, but especially in profoundly important matters such as dream interpretation.

    And by vital, i mean necessary for the rest of the parts of the whole system to function. Without skepticism, our interpretation system fails. With only skepticism, our interpretation system fails.

    In the Revelation, the voice of the 3rd angel seems like skepticism, and is a vital voice for helping who is telling the truth about their claims...who is able to demonstrate living wisdom in action. As if rational thinking is the 3rd of 7 basic "notes" to learn as we grow in Christ. Of course, like the merely skeptical Chaldeans, not everyone agrees there is a such a knowable musicality to Christ or the universe. I can no longer help my self.

    Also, in some fields of developmental psychology, there is a general agreement that things like skepticism, reason, objectivity, provability and such becomes the dominant view for a time at about a 3rd stage of life, and the introduction of a 3rd person perspective. I often wonder if this perhaps even has something to do with the original purpose of the Jewish bar-mitzvah and other pubic rites of passage in world history...like saying "teach your youth how to be reasonable to get them ready to become a reasonable adults...or else they may not...and yet still grow old...maybe only becoming skeptical the hard way." im guessing the pain of late-blooming skepticism is alive and well here. God knows i felt it.

    ...back to what seems like the theme of this thread...King Neb's skepticism may have been the only way he noticed the general absence of wisdom in his kingdom...and the only way he noticed why Daniel was different...like Neb woke up one day to the runaway non-skeptical (and merely skeptical) thinking in his kingdom's stock market/military advisors/medical advisors.

    Without skepticism, our interpretation system fails.

    By skepticism alone, our interpretation system fails.

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