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Everything posted by Sabine

  1. Wow. This thread has just completely floored me. At my first PFAL class, when everyone else stood up to SIT for the first time, I was frozen. I believed that my inability to manifest meant that I wasn't good enough, that God didn't love me. I eventually managed to convince myself that I could SIT in my head, but was too afraid to try it out loud. The one time I was called on to manifest in twig, I simply stayed silent until someone else was called on. That most of you here in this thread freely admit to faking it is like a huge weight lifted off me. I never stopped believing that I wasn't good enough. And it was mostly my inability to manifest that made me leave the way. I've been registered here at Greasespot for at least a year or so and I believe I've only made one post. But I couldn't not respond to this one. Thanks for this.
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