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Posts posted by justwannabeme

  1. My list of scariest movies:

    1) Night of the Living Dead (that slow chill that

    wouldn't go away

    2) The Birds - saw that as a 12 year old, I think. Couldn't sleep for weeks! Kept wondering what would we do living in an apartment building with them crashing through the window. Where would I hide? The only place in the apartment without access to windows: the hall closet (the others had poles for curtains to cover the closet areas.

    3) The Exorcist...made me wear a cross for years. Scared me for years!

    4) Aliens (my all time favorite of the lot of Alien movies.)

    5) Silence of the Lambs - So gritty and real...made the horror more so that people like that actually live and prey on humans. The kind of thing you can't turn off in your head because it's NOT a story that goes away.

    6) Copycat...for the same reason.

  2. Hope brought up the point about ridiculing people who don't know as much. I saw this big time, and even participated. It wasn't until later that I began to see Christians in other religions who manifested a lot more love and believing than anyone in TWI.

    I saw signs, miracles and wonders following those who believe, not those affiliated with TWI.

    While still in TWI, I became friends and a prayer partner with a co-worker. We prayed for a couple of things that came through like 3-D fireworks! Right there in the office we were hugging and crying and laughing as we both saw a prayer answered right there and then.

    If I had told anyone in the fellowship about this wonderful situation, they would have frowned and questioned it's authenticity as being from the true God. Better to remain a cripple praying to God with the sanction of TWI than to pray with someone outside of TWI and get healed. No way could it have been genuine. And if it was, why wasn't I bringing this person to fellowship? (I would have thought, "And ruin them?")

    There is no way you can ridicule someone and actually think you are loving them by speaking the Word. Did Jesus ridicule anyone? Did he have that superiority air about him?

  3. I was saddened to read this news. Hope, thank you for listing all those things about her. Rarely are the stories of people like this told. It gave her such dimension. Before reading this, I saw her as a diminuitive and super quiet person, and primarily Harry Wierwille's wife. She must have been gutsy to run her own business, etc.

    God bless her. I bet there weren't a lot of people she would have opened up to about her son. May she rest in peace.

    See you at the gathering, dear sweet Naomi, sister in Christ.

  4. The inresident Corps were also treated to his ultra-X homemade sex movie. But there was another movie shown; one with group sex.

    Two men and two women come into the room, strip and have at it on a mattress on the floor. VPW made comment that one male participants endowment was not usual...something to that effect.

    I remember walking away thinking his point in showing that one was that possessed men became ESPECIALLY endowed (haha...bet some guys ran over to the Church of Satan right after leaving TWI).

    As for the doggie film, he made some comment that it was to prepare the Corps because these kinds of things went on in the world. He asked, either before or after this comment, how many people had covered their eyes, how many people got sick to their stomachs, etc.

    He also said the lesbians orgasm was not real, etc., etc. He definitely spiritualized that.

    I can frankly think of more horrifying things the devil causes people to do than bestiality. I think Necromancy would have been more disgusting than the doggie, if shocking the Corps was his purpose.

    Nah...I think these types of things turned him on.

    [This message was edited by justwannabeme on October 18, 2002 at 20:09.]

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