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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames

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Posts posted by TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames

  1. The real purpose (or Flipper, if you will) is to drag the remaining remant of the 'prevailing household' kicking and screaming back to this planet. icon_razz.gif:P-->

    We're not full yet, so climb aboard.

    (For those not familiar with the concept, the above was blatant sarcasm. One quality a fundamental believer in anything tends to lack is of sense of humor, therefore the clarification)

  2. I know I'm an outsider looking in, buuuuuuuut.

    Why all the mathematics, etc., in finding out about God? Granted, I'm no Einstein but would probably be able to figure this stuff out. However, if all God wants is for us to know and love Him/Her/It, then why make it so damn complicated? Is it just to keep us busy until it's time to shuffle off this mortal coil?

    Could it be, it's not the deity, but his supposed spokespeople? This way, they remain in control of the doctrine, and by extension, the money.

    Just a few random thoughts.

  3. (Posted by Abi....one of these days I will remember to log out and log back in)


    I pray no woman or female child in your life ever goes through what some of the women here have been through. Not just because it is hell in and of itself but because it would be double hell for them after you got done pointing out to them how it was their own fault!

  4. ***(Posted by Abigail)****


    "No, it's not OK to do adultery or the other. But everybody has the sin nature which doesn't take much to fire up.

    Without Christ, the OT law could not eliminate sin or the sin nature, but it probably prevented a lot of it from happening, by basically guilting the sinner into making an effort to curb his flesh appetites by obeying the commandments.

    With Christ, as it says, we have the law "written in our hearts" but we also still have the sin nature....So, for an unbeliever to commit adultery, they just have to adopt a 'if it feels good, do it' kind of approach and watch their back. By comparison, if a believer with Christ in does it, they have to deliberately ignore the Christ in them. More pressure, more responsibility."

    Actually, I see little difference in the O.T. ways and the N.T. ways, but that is a topic for a doctrinal thread.

    However, do you not see how someone in a "leadership" capacity, someone who allegedly has more spiritual knowledge and wisdom, who is looked upon with admiration and as an example, would or at least should take FAR more responsibility for "adulterous" situations than the underling?

    Perhaps the problem here is in part to due with simple communication and a problem with the word "victim" which seems to many to imply a lack of responsibility. However, having been a "victim" of both spousal abuse and sexual abuse I can assure you the "victim" does have resonsibility and usually thinks they carry far more of the blame than they actually should or do.

    Yes, it takes two to dance, so to speak. Those of us who have been "victims" also played our role and share responsibility. I've seen a number of people here own up to it too. What I have yet to see is those who played the abuser/predator role own up to THEIR responsibility as well!

  5. Speaking of speculation........

    Let's go back to that fateful day.

    Jesus says, "Let he (speculating he meant any person) who is without sin, cast the first stone."

    Just then, a HUGE boulder comes flying through the air and crushes the woman.

    Then Jesus says, "You know Ma, you're really starting to p*ss me off."


  6. quote:
    And frankly, I don't think there *is* a 'standard' and well reasoned usage of the 'cult' term.

    I went to a couple of sessions of a group run by a psychologist specializing in helping people who have been in a 'cult'. His term for this was "high-demand organization". Seems to me, that place in Ohio would qualify.

  7. ***oops, this is really Abigail, not 1000 Names***


    I'm reading it right now. I FINALLY got to his hypothesis. While I have no idea if he is correct or not, he does make some good arguments. He is very correct about how unusual it would have been for a man living during Jesus' time to not marry and have children. I also find the holy grail stuff very interesting, being an avid reader of all things King Arthur. icon_smile.gif:)-->

    But it is a difficult read and I will probably have to read it again to get a better understanding of everything he is trying to say.

  8. quote:
    I am from Trenton!! well Hamilton Township. - Don't know the exit

    While I'm not from Trenton, I did live in Hamilton Township for 5 years and in Trenton proper for 2 years. For future reference, it's Exit 7a off the Turnpike. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    What about the best Pizza - Brothers Pizzaria on Hamilton Avenue out in suburbia - there is one in the Mall too.

    While this may be the best pizza in Hamilton Twp., the absolute best pizza is to be found in North Jersey, at a place called Sun-Ray Pizza in Paterson (if it's still there)

    I left Jersey in 2002, to move to Michigan. Given my druthers, I'd move back in a frigging heartbeat (bet you'd never hear someone say THAT icon_biggrin.gif:D-->)

  9. I just want to clarify something I said. When I suggested people 'follow the money', I meant in terms of business and politics (and yes, I consider Waycorp © to be a business. Nothing more, nothing less). This does not necessarily apply in interpersonal relationships.

  10. A couple of quick shots here (I know, I know, from one of the chief agnostics here). icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    To put it succintly, actions speak louder than words. If everything you say is true, I don't see what the problem is. Just because someone says they have a particular belief system, doesn't necessarily mean they practice it.

    A woman in love will do just about anything for a man EXCEPT give up the desire to change him. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Nathaniel Branden

  11. Seems to me, the 'present truth' is whatever makes the "bottom line" of WayCorp go up.

    For example, if you rent, you have more money available to send to HQ at the end of the month than if you buy a house. The same with buying a car.

    Generally, if you want to find someone's motivation, follow the money flow.

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