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Posts posted by outofdafog

  1. Hey MJ, I am just reporting what I read. I am not sure what the trip you are on regarding your cats. I have 4 cats myself and think you are just using this as an excuse for not at least reading what someone else has said about the issue. What do your cats have to do with it?? Don't use them as an excuse for not knowing how to answer the question. That is pretty silly.

    When you have a daughter that comes to you and tells you that they are gay, then talk to me. Until then, take your stupid cats and talk to someone else. If you compare cats to human, then you nyhave a real problem.


    Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

  2. Let me restate that: I believe their rulings had to do with "equal rights" versus "voting rights".

    I think that equal rights for gays would not be the proper interpretation, it would be a ruling toward any minority who felt their "equal rights" were being violated.


    Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

  3. Now I don't have the exact quote here but I do remember reading an article explaining the two judges' rulings in the San Francisio marriage issue.

    In a summary they both stated that the concern of equal rights for gays was more of a concern than the voting right. So they made decisions based upon which "right" was most imortant.

    Equal rights or voting rights?

    Just some food for thought.


    Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

  4. Trefor,

    Oh yes, divorce is definately now available over the internet. What isn't?

    Laura Bush also said recently that she is sure that many people are "shocked" about this situation in San Fransisco. But she also stated that she felt the whole issue should be debated in our society so that everyone had input. I think this is quite fair of a statement. It should be debated.

    But history will repeat itself and ultimately the gay society will gain the rights that they deserve. Just as the blacks and women had to fight for their rightful place in society.

    Unfortunately the smokers in our society have allowed the non smokers to fill them with the fear of God and be afraid to be a smoker or admit to that. This is a totally ridiculous issue to me. People have smoked forever. I have know people who never smoked who died of lung cancers, and please don't tell me that it was from second hand smoke. The guy that invented running for a health benefit, died of a heart attack while running. This was the jogger of all times. Running was good for the heart, but he had a heart attack one day while he was running.

    I think it is interesting that one person, Madeline O'hara was able to take prayer out of school when the religious part of society did not even stand up and fight. One women took prayer out of school, because those conservative christians did not have the "balls" to stand up and say, Hey this is a democracy or a republic. But all of a sudden, when it comes to homosexuality, the right wing conservatives are spouting the bible verses from Leviticus and Romans. Why didn't you speak up when Madeline was taking prayer out of school because she was an atheist? How does one person change an entire society? Unless the majority of the society remains quiet.


    Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

  5. This is statistacally true I believe:

    Quote from Mayor Daley:

    "Marriage has been undermined by divorce, so don't tell me about marriage," he said. "Don't blame the gay and lesbian, transgender and transsexual community."

    If we all get honest, I think this is true. Heterosexuals marry and divorce at the drop of a hat. If you will notice, alot of these marriages in California are between folks who have been in commited relationships for a long time. I bet they can really appreciate the "sanctity" of marriage alot more than some heterosexuals who marry and then divorce when the sexual passion wears off and the relationship faces any type of difficulty. They are out of there, because it is so easy to get divorced these days.

    You can get a divorce on the internet. Wow what sanctity of marriage. Just do it on line.


    Thats my story and I am sticking to it. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

  6. "Statistically, gay men are more likely to be promiscuous, depressed, drug addicted, alcoholic and carry an STD."

    I agree with Mr. Mosh, has our society somehow so abused the homosexual population that they must self medicate themselves with drugs, alcohol, or premiscuous sex??

    For many years I worked in HUD and tax credit properties (also known as low income housing). The incidences of drugs, alcohol, violence and sexual permissiveness reigns in these types of communities. And 99.9 percent of the population of these communities are heterosexual. So if we follow this line of logic, the poor population must also be included in the above statement. You haven't seen nothing until you have seen one of these locations on a hot summer night.

    Is it the poverty that causes them to abuse themselves and one another?


    Thats my story and I am sticking to it icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Good question Mr. M.

  7. Well names,

    First we will have to see if Martha is available. She's been a little tied up lately you know.

    But I had considered having Johnny Lingo over and he can cast the first stone....er, uh, uh, I mean cast the first match.

    "Queer sort of fellow" isn't he, what with all the hate that is in his heart for others. Makes a person go hmmmmm and wonder what he is so afraid of.


    Thats my story and I'm sticking to it icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  8. Man of a thousand names -

    yea but if we burn her at the stake we can have marshmallows and rejoice, that another debil spirit has bit the dust.

    Thats my story and I am sticking to it icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Is it just me, or do other people have a problem with the term "homo"? It always made me uncomfortable in TWI when everyone referred to them as such. I always felt it was so demeaning and of course if you have ever heard LCM speak about it, they just made it ten times worse.

  9. "All homosexuals have an agenda" and which of those agendas do you think a 14 year old has?

    Since some of you conservatives have an equal agenda, why don't you just come in and say what your problem is instead of cloaking it with verses?

    I rtold you earlier that I am able to withstand anything you throw at me because of my unconditional love for my child. Should we burn her in the fire pit or have the neighborhood just all come over and stone her?

    If your beliefs are true, shy continue to justify them. Just come out and tell us your agenda?????


    That's my story and I am sticking to it icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  10. " Even if we don't like what they are doing, as long as they keep it to themselves it's their right to do so"

    I am sorry but I have to chuckle at this. That is so condecending to the homosexual population. I have sat back and listened to this kind of "crap" for a couple of days now. Why does everyone think that homosexuals have an agenda? Did not black people have an agenda, before they were liberated?

    No they just wanted their FREEDOM to be who they are. HOW will this affect you heterosexuals? WHAT ARE YOU REALLY AFRAID OF? Quit cloaking your fears in biblical scripture and just come right out and say what you are afraid of. You don't have to pussyfoot around.

    You make it sound like homosexuals are a sub-culture. Which one of you would come forward if your child told you they were gay, and defend them. Talk about self-righteosness.

    Hey there are alot of heterosexuals doing things that you guys don't seem to mind. And I know for a fact that men love to watch porn movies that have two females engaged in sex. So don't spout your self-righteousness to me.


    That's my story and I am sticking to it. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->



    That's my story and I am sticking to it icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  11. Trefor,

    I am sorry, I am not sure, but I was not trying to imply that my husband and I got married for financial reasons. It is that the state and government put all these prices on all these licenses etc. so that they can make money.

    Sorry if I wasn't clear with that.


    Thats my story and I am sticking to it icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    • Upvote 1
  12. "I'm not trying to be a thorn in anyone's side here with this, but could someone outline for me what the benefits of the piece of paper are? Is it just the financial benefits, and is this a reason to get married?

    It doesn't guarantee the relationship will last forever (none do, for whatever reason).

    Does it mean the union is blessed by God, and what does that mean?

    I believe it is just the financial benefit. When I went to apply, we were told by the clerk of courts that we were married once the license was issued. The actual wedding ceremony was more for the "celebration of the union" FOR family and friends.

    The minister did have to sign the certificate and send it back to the courts though. So we may have gotten some wrong information.


  13. Okay, here goes, I am going to jump into this thread.

    First of all I am so happy to see this subject discussed so maturely in this thread. It made me comfortable enough to be a part of it. Please do not let my post become a thread killer. By now I have heard it all and I can appreciate to some extent all of the different viewpoints. I am very good at seeing all sides of the situation as long as we don't get into namecalling and insults.

    I do appreciate the following comment that was made as what I feel was an appropriate resonse to this individual poster.


    Yeah! And while we're at it, since we're being so 'godly' and all ((GAG)) , why not round them up, tie them up to some fence post during the dead of winter and pistol whip them, just like Matthew Shepard. Or witch hunts, where you re-enact the Salem witch trials, except this time determining who is gay and who isn't; where one sure fire tactic was to throw them in the water with rocks tied to them, and if they float, they are innocent, and if they don't .... ((shrug))

    My 14 year old daughter is a "lesbian". I put it in quotes because I have a problem with labling her that in the first place. To me she is my child, loving, bright, compassionate (maybe more so than others because she does have to put up with discrimination). I am glad that she is compassionate (I find that a rather mature insight for a 14 year old). rather than full of hate as she continues to suffer insults and others' godly tirades against it. On the other hand she has not had alot of problems at school nor has she had others not want to socially interact with her. My god, the phone rings off the wall for her, just as it would for any other 14 year old child. My home is constantly filled with kids her age. As a matter of fact, she has more friends than I ever did at her age. We have to kick them out usually. They are a mixture of both "straight" and "gay" kids.

    Also we live in a very small town of about 200 people and she goes to a country school. When she first "came out" I had some real concerns about how she would be treated in a small community. You would be suprised at the number of gay people in this small area. I was. From my perspective it has been the parents of some of the kids that have made the nasty remarks, not the children themselves.

    If you have never lived discrimination, then it is difficult at best to make a "etched in stone" type of belief about this subject.

    Back to my comment though, I consider her my child and I look at all her good qualities and her faults. Her sexual orientation has nothing to do with her personality, her humor, he love and dislikes for things in this world. I only want what is best for her as any mother would her child.

    My daughter knew this very early on. She just a year or so ago came to us and told us. From that point on, our relationship improved dramatically as far as communicating, because she no longer felt she had to keep this big "secret" from her dad and I. It was a tremendous burden for her not to feel that she could be who she was. It was her decision to make it known to friends and family etc. I do not intend to take her to a phyciatrist or anything to help "change" her or convince her she is not who she is. She's a cool kid all the way around.

    I guess with all this talk of laws etc, etc. I just wanted to put an element of the "human face" in here, and to let others see who may be against this lifestyle, that it is only one part of her as a whole person. There are those of us who are families of people who are different from what society deems appropriate. She has great goals for the future as to what she hopes to contribute to society. Call my post, the human face of a raging debate in our country.

    A side thought - did you ever wonder why there is "no male nor female" in heaven as the bible so eloquently puts that. It seems that there, we will all be one. Just something to ponder for those who with all my respect, still use the bible as their basis for things here on earth. Also, I am not trying to exploit my child in anyway. It does not bother her for others to know, she only hopes that it helps others to understand.


    • Upvote 1
  14. "Usually it is because they are propossing to continue their cult-like activities here and are asking for my blessing."

    Hey give everybody a little time. We all needed that when we left or were thrown out of TWI. It takes awhile to get rid of the way-brain. Its been 3-4 years for me and I still struggle with things.

  15. Okay, there was a really bad car accident in North Carolina when I was with the Way bookstore headed by J**ry Ja**s, After this accident, there was a "believer" in our group that supposedly needed to be delivered from debil spirits. He had been acting like a strange bird all year long. If my memory serves me correctly, he was used as an excuse for the reason that the car accident happened. We had been infiltrated by the devil.

    I was actually a part of the exorcism that took place one night after the accident. I cannot remember who was all there but it really freaked me out. Does anyone at all remember this?

    During the exorcism he made all types of gutteral nosies and sounded like he was talking like the devil. I cannot remember whether he was delivered or not, but he was a strange bird.

    Is there anybody here on Greasepot that remembers this. There were only a few of us and I believe J**ry Jac*ks performed the exorcism. Few of us meaning maybe 4 or 5 of us.

  16. I have four cats. One of them is about to give birth - her name is Scrapper. In the morning as soon as she hears the alarm go off she jumps up on my stomach and nibbles at my nose. It is her way of waking me for her breakfast.

    Snowbelle is a pure white American long haired cat. She is very prissy and doesn't even let you hold her.

    Then there's Ralph Renfro, he's my beautiful tiger cat.

    The bad seed is Boo-Boo Kitty - he is always in trouble. We have a den in the basement and when they start running through the house and playing, it sounds like a small herd of horses.

    Any day now the kitties will be born, can't wait. Ralph is the daddy.

  17. Erick, you need to "get over" the fact that Greasespot is not an off shoot of TWI. I am not interested in your "holier than thou" attitude, nor do I need you to intercede for me where the spiritual things in life are concerned.

    Recovery from any addiction or belief or disappointment can take time and a tremendous amount of emotional energy to get over. God and I are working it out together and to my knowledge he has never told me "to just get over it". When God, not you tells me it is time to move on, then I will.

    In the meantime, examining my belief system has actually been a healthy and healing time. Greasespot is a great place because it allows you to think thoughts that you were not allowed to in TWI. It allows you to "feel your emotions" which was very much downplayed in TWI. It offers different points of view and does not say that you have to all have one big "way brain belief" like the borge.

    From your posts, I conclude that you are the one who has not gotten over "TWI syndrome". You are still out there telling everyone that your way is right and their's is wrong".

    Personally addressing your posts seems a waste of breath to me because you already have your mind set that you are going to be the saviour of Greasespot Cafe. You are the one who is perpetuating the TWI belief.

    If you want to know what I am struggling with, please go to the Doctrinal thread and read........My child is a homosexual......

    Yep it took a lot of courage to post that knowing how some reactions on Greasespot could be, but I got some wonderful healing advice from the folks on that thread. Also, when I posted that I made it a point in my mind to not take personal anyone who might condemn the situation. I will defend my child of course.

    I wish I could describe in words how wrong your "holier than thou" attitude is toward people who are recovering from a tremendous amount of wrong teaching and years of being enslaved by TWI doctrine. But I might be just wasting my breath..........

    outofdafog (you should come out of it too, the view is so very clear)

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