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Posts posted by Sushi

  1. I realize that this could be considered cheating, but I dump out about half the grease, and add a stick of butter to replace it before adding the flour. Makes a "high end" gravy. Taste it side by side with some made the other way. Healthier? Probably not!

    I guess that makes mine an even 'higher end' gravy. :biglaugh:

    I don't use any of the fat from the sausage. I make the base for the gravy in a separate pot, starting with a roux. I find this makes a smoother end product. I also prefer to use more exact measurements for more consistent results.

  2. <H1 align=justify> </H1><H1 align=center> </H1><H1 align=center>A Dog's Prayer</H1>Treat me kindly, my beloved master, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me.

    Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand between the blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.

    Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.

    When it is cold and wet, please take me inside... for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements... and I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth... though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land... for you are my god... and I am your devoted worshiper.

    Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food, that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life, should your life be in danger.

    And, beloved master, should the Great Master see fit to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest...and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands.

    --Beth Norman Harris

    This helped me when we had to put down our oldest dog. I hope it helps you too.

    There are more poems at petloss.com

  3. But, I have to tell you. I did everything BY THE BOOK of Doc Rawlins, and for me.........................................

    it never worked!

    Know what they call people who use the rhythm method of birth control?

    Parents. :biglaugh:

    But seriously, Shifra, I would think if the child is healthy, its gender assignment shouldn't be that much of an issue. You or your 'friend' (whoever this is for) might want to examine why you think it would be better to have a child of one sex over the other. You may find, the hand wringing over the sex of the child was for nought.

  4. Abigail: here they are:

    Joke of the Day: Q: What do you call 10 atheists dropped off in Iran; 9 who are stuck there 1 who got out? A: Nine(9) new Muslim converts and the one free atheist.. (That's my joke I made that one up)

    Another Joke: Q: How do you win an argument with an atheist? A: Only one way, you have to become one. (I made that one up too.)

    Don't quit your day job, sky. :biglaugh:

  5. This was originally posted in 2002, but seems apropos in light of recent events. :biglaugh::evildenk:

    I suspect I will never be invited to Miss Manners' home for high tea, but there seems to be a need for this. So, I'll post Miss Manners' polite 'fighting words'. This is from "Miss Manners' Guide For The Turn Of The Millenium" by Judith Martin.

    Swords and pistols being illegal now for settling differences of opinions or avenging insults, sharp words are generally the weapon of choice. Rude people use blunted ones. The few vulgarities with which the angry attack one another are so commonplace as to be ineffective. Meanwhile, the language of strict formality is so rarely used as to be more compelling than ever.

    The truth is, rude language is anything but direct. Obscenity, by using the language of what we shall euphemistically call romance, expresses the exact opposite of what is meant. Here, then, for those who have forgotten, are basic phrases that polite people use to insult one another.

    "I beg your pardon." This is the best all purpose warning that the other person has transgressed. Different degrees of anger can be expressed by it. "I beg your pardon?" asked with raised eyebrows means, "You'd better explain that you did not mean what you actually said." A loud "I beg your pardon!" means "Retreat this instant!"

    "Pardon me." Said as "Pardon me?" this means "You have just insulted me." (It should be noted that "pardon" is only challengingly these days. The expression of true regret is "Excuse me" or "I'm sorry")

    "I believe you are gravely mistaken" If the word mistaken is emphasized, this means "You don't know what you're talking about." With additional emphasis on "gravely" it means "You're lying."

    "Perhaps you are unaware of the fact that..." This raises the challenge. It means, "You're lying because you're trying to conceal a fraud."

    "Perhaps I did not make myself clear." Now we are really getting rough. This is positively the last warning to retreat before war is declared. By restating your position after this remark, you convey the meaning, "If you challenge me on this again now, we will fight it out."

    "How dare you?" This is it, the declaration of war. It means "I will not give up until you surrender by apologizing or otherwise undoing whatever it is you did." Even then, politeness must be maintained. When an opponent finally declares himself defeated by saying that his transgression "was not what I intended." the victor is obliged to confine himself to the polite expression of triumph: "Of course not, it was only a very unfortunate mistake." He may then add, but only in a gracious tone, "I'm sure it will never happen again." That means, "Watch yourself, because you may be sure that I'll be watching you."

  6. For the purpose of discussion, it will be assumed you have one of THESE! :biglaugh: (This is more or less the one I have)

    The first thing I would recommend is a chimney stack coal starter. HERE. This will eliminate the need for lighter fluid (less chance of burning down the house), also the taste of lighter fluid in my food just isn't all that appealing. The coals will be ready to cook in about fifteen minutes.

    The next time I smoke something, I'm going to try THIS method of lighting the coals. It presumably allows for longer cooking times, something rather important in smoking.

    As far as wood choice, I tend toward hickory or mesquite. Soak the wood for at least a half hour before use. This will allow the wood to last longer AND produce more smoke. :biglaugh:

    One last thing. You will probably also have a pan you can put water in for smoking. My experience has been, it tends to make poultry mushy, but is highly recommended for beef or pork.

  7. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="<A href='

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  9. ***ABIGAIL here posting on Sushi's puter**********

    It is a traditional Ashkenazi Jewish Holiday dish. But I say, supper, lunch, breakfast - it has all the basics serve it when you want. :)

    Oh yeah, another childhood dish that I just loved - kid friendly

    Mix sour cream and sugar until you have it nice and sweet. Add a bunch of sliced bannana. Oh man, makes a yummy lunch or desert. :)

  10. He says Teflon is nasty stuff. I have refused to us non-stick for twenty years.

    I agree, the snooty pans i have are hard anodized, not Teflon. Actually, they're not non stick, they're more low stick. You can still make a decent gravy with them as you get the crunchies needed for good gravy.

  11. The 10-year-old princess prepared today's supper - oh man, those were awesome Reuben sandwiches!!!

    I even sprung for the Gulden's brown mustard - decided I'd better not use the storebrand stuff that I don't know HOW old it is...

    Delightful recipe - thanks, Sushi!!!

    No problem, Box. That yellow carp they call mustard isn't worthy to be fed to your worst enemy.

  12. Broccoli Cauliflower Salad

    Also, the original recipe used five strips of bacon, fried crisp and crumbled. But, it seems that no matter how crisp I fry bacon, it always tends to get soft once it is combined with the dressing.

    Couldn't you just add them AFTER cooking? :biglaugh:

  13. Regarding stuff sticking to pans. While I do have snooty non-stick pans, most sticking occurs because the pan isn't HOT enough. A pan should be heated to the point where sprinkled water will dance on the surface. This indicates the pan is ready to be used.

    You can also 'season' non-stick pans using the method described HERE! A lot of other good info there.

  14. Here's a classic Reuben:

    Two slices of rye bread (HAS to have caraway seeds in it)

    Corned beef or pastrami, shaved

    Swiss Cheese


    Thousand Island dressing (optional)

    Brown mustard (Gulden's preferred, NOT optional :biglaugh: )

    Assemble, making sure there is meat on bottom, cheese on top.

    Heat up frying pan to point where water will dance when sprinkled on surface

    Add one or two pats of butter

    Add sandwich and cook like a grilled cheese sammmich (putting a lid on the frying pan will facilitate this, just be careful when taking lid off)

    It is to be hoped your taste buds won't totally freak out over this VERY northern taste treat (think Noo Yawk).

    While it is very good (note, I did NOT say healthy :biglaugh: ) should probably be enjoyed only once in a while.

  15. It is interesting, Garth, that the thoughts of those who have no interest in the devine (sic), that they seem to cite historical things to reference there (sic) view. (For example, the Christian Crusades are commonly cited by athiests) I talked to a Vietnamese guy just this week, and he cited the same, not because he is an atheist, but to reference the fact he is not very interested in God.

    Then how would you suggest we reference our views, sky? Scientific material doesn't seem to fly to the religious side of the river either.

    I talked to a Vietnamese guy just this week, and he cited the same, not because he is an atheist, but to reference the fact he is not very interested in God.

    There's another possiblity here. Could it be, he wasn't interested in your particular version of God?

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