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Posts posted by Nato

  1. Anyone ever hear this one over-used...

    "In the days ahead" or "In the days and weeks ahead"

    That's one my limb coordinator used over and over and over again. Used to drive me nuts. Then the girl living with his family started using it. Well, started emulating his speech patterns all the time.

    Man, I'm so glad I was "delivered" from all that brainless junk. I never realized how much jargon we used.

  2. I think I've figured out why there are three vice presidents...



    I would guess that it was done on advice of their lawyers for some reason. That seems to be the only real reason they've made any changes since 2000.

    With 3 monkeys in charge (because WTF does Rozilla really do anyway, besides atend depositions), each of whom are ignoring one major sense, that's a lot of plausible deniability.

    More than one VP reminds me of a corporation, where each major department is headed by a VP. More corporate seems to be the Way's Modus Operandi anyway.

  3. I took the new WAP intermediate class at his house in Kentucky back in 1996. It was two weekends before I had to leave for basic training. I drove down their from where I lived in Chicago, stayed the weekend with some believers while I took the class. Then drove up to Ohio to stay with my family for a week. The following weekend, I borrowed my parents' car and drove back down to Kentucky. I was to then drive up after the class, so my dad could take me back to chicago to get on a plane for basic truck. 30 minutes outside of Louisville, the car breaks down. I called Stepen, the LC, and he cam and picked me and my roommate up. He called the airport and got us on a plane going straight back to Chicago in time for leaving for basic. He paid for our tickets since we were broke (naturally), and said it was a gift.

    Six months later, when I was in Air Force tech school, my grandma calls me saying that Stephen said he loaned me money and then never heard back from me. He said it was a gift when he gave it. And I never contacted him because you don't have a whole lot of letter writing time when you're going through military training. I eventually sent him the money, and he said all was forgiven.

    What a long, confusing story to illustrate how top leadership don't keep their word, and that they lie. I'd be sure that he did the same thing on the stand in the Way's recent lawsuit with the Peelers (?).

    My abundant sharing at work I guess.

  4. I remember when all the leaders were required to move into more modest homes. It wasn't because it presented a double-standard. It all had to do with LCM draining the coffers to pay all the corps full-time. They simply couldn't afford those expensive houses any more.

  5. Yep, ROA 94. I had just graduated high school and was accepted to the School of Visual Arts in New York. That summer, I changed my mind about going, because I didn't want my parents to be in debt (a $15,000 parent loan just for the year). I decided to go WOW instead. I cried at that Rock. I walked the grounds with my friends that night, alternating between sobbing and cursing the homos. I went to Orlando, Florida on the suggestion of some friends (the Kishes) and spent a year there. I signed up for Way Disciple as soon as it was available. Somewhat reluctantly though. I had put off school for a year and had a great girlfriend. I was counseled on not going back on my commitment.


    I committed to the ministry and turned down some of the best art training a kid could recieve.

    Then DIDN'T get to go WOW.

    Then went unofficial WOW, where I lived with a couple zealous jack-foot Way Corps for a year.

    Won a great person to the Word and had a great relationship with her, that was f**ked up because I took the spiritual advice of two said jack-asses and a limb cooridinator who said to kick me out if I continued to see her (he started CFF later). I broke up with her but she came to fellowship in spite of me. We got back together because we couldn't stand to not be, were forced to break up, she kept going because she wanted the Word. Repaeat cycle several times until I went Way Disciple. Then she got smart at left.

    Holy &$*#, I guess I have an abuse story after all.

    The more I did, the more was expected of me. For years, until I took courses for a year and a half at a local community college (what a GREAT education... not), at which point I said enough is enough, time to commit to me and my wife and getting ourselves above the grind of just-barely-above-poverty. We stopped coordinating the fellowship we ran in downtown Chicago and just became regular twiggies. I wish we would have known the full extent of what we know now. We would have saved ourselves about 5 more years of BS.

    Word over the World. Whatever. I'm done.

  6. No, my grandmother was Cormae Peters. However, Dan and Kay Friedley were my first twig coordinators in Van Wert, Ohio (when I started going of my own volition as a teen)! I believe you're referring to Dan's parents, who are two of the sweetest folks I've ever met.

  7. Yeah! When I was in Way Disciple Group 1 in 1995, that was the theme for us as well. "Confront the illogic of the world!"

    Becasue differing opinions are BAD!

    Of course, when no one came to our fellowships, we were confronted by our leadership. Rise and Expansion and all that B.S. But why would anyone want to come to my fellowship after I just ripped their head off "with the Word."

    I wish I would have had the same reaction as the people we witnessed to when someone ripped my head off.

    My team coordinator called it "Nuking." As in...

    "Yeah, they said they believe in the Trinity, so i nuked 'em."

    "Great job! Did you get their phone number?"

  8. I definitely remember people asking "does this mean the Christ is coming back now" when they announced that the Word was over the world, but I'd never heard that doctrine official taught. Was this ever propounded at an official teaching, or is this another one of the many doctrines that were spread by word of mouth and never officially documented. How convenient those unwritten laws were. They could totally change them or backpeddle them at will.

  9. I took PFAL 16 years ago. But I was born 29 years ago, which began my involvement in the little cult that was.

    My grandmother was in the first PFAL class. Can't remember what year that was? It's in Born Again to Serve. I'll have to look it up. You can see a picture of that class.

  10. I did get one brief reprieve out of the experiance. I remember seeing and drawing a picture of a small tender tree growing out of the middle of a burnt out tree trunk. We were to keep a journal and that drawing was the only signifacant moment my whole time there.That pictue I have held in my mind for years because it was the only sane moment of my experiance. It has been a metaphor for me in many ways.

    That's one of the most beautiful images I've ever heard of. I wish I could see it.

  11. It came as quite a shock to me too, dawna. Apparently Satan is 28 years old, wears glasses, eats Cheetos and Pepsi for breakfast, has a degree in Communications but still has to use Spell Check, loves Halo, thinks Angelie Jolie would marry him if she would just answer his emails and fully intends to pay off his college loans as soon as his parents decide to do the remodel to his room and he has to move out and start figuring out how to charge money for his mod's to Firefox.

    BEST... POST... EVER...

  12. I think that most still left at this point don't even believe there's a problem to fix. Most that I've presented any info two refuse to believe and are content to stay.

    And as the numbers grow smaller, there's even LESS youth around. You certainly don't see too many young, excited people coming around like in the 60s and 70s (or really, ANY other time in TWI). I'm in California, and it seems like the limb weekend's grow smaller each year that I've been here. I hadn't seen a new young person in a long time at any of the fellowships in our branch (the Limb branch).

    I wish any of the zealous youth that you speak of would wise up and put their enthusiasm and talents to work for them in schools, careers, or another church. Almost ANYthing else would be more beneficial to them.

  13. Jbarrax, now that you share that, that's pretty much what I remember LCM saying. Thanks for refreshing my memory.

    So, what I really want to know now is where he said this. Was it at a STS? I used to go to HQ every week for them. I also used to stay there during the summer with my grandma, so it's also likely that I heard it at lunch.

    I can't imagine him talking about it in such a public forum as a STS, but then again, look at his behavior during the evening teachings at the last few ROAs. It just seems inappropriate to expound your personal opinions and conspiracies during a public teaching on the Word. Although, I'm sure he thought everything he said was revelation. At least that's how most of us took it.

    So another question, and possible direction for this thread... what other theory's and opinions of this nature do you remember being advocated during public teachings. Or even Corps Nights. I know that's a closed audience, but all that crap had a way of rippling through the whole ministry.

  14. Does anyone remember what LCM said about the Oklahoma City bombing, and when and where he said it. He went on about something like it was our own government blowing up the building for some reason. I can't remember why or what agency he said was responsible, or how he "knew" this. Was pretty far out, but I believed it. Of course, I was only 15 or so I think, so you could get me to believe anything then. :)

  15. With the likes of Rupp, and Hxrney, and Spaghetti, and others.....the lcm dogma is not going to be leaving the cornfield cult anytime soon. These guys would quote lcm more than scripture.......they have been programmed to think, act, confront, micromanage, and intimidate just like lcm.

    The wife of one of the men listed above was one of LCM's many sex partners. Willingly too (as willing as one brainwashed into doing ANYTHING for the MOG could be), as in would fight with other women over who would get to be with him on a given night.

    So, there were women who WANTED to do it for the glory or whatever, and those who were coerced into it.

  16. Excie, are we talking about the same Daryl then?

    Nevermind Ex, I figured out who you were asking about. Sorry if I seemed nosey. I just know a Daryl from Chicago-area from when I lived there that I would be overjoyed to hear that he and his family got out. Just hoping I guess.

  17. This thread is awesome.

    But I am kind of suprised that a certain TWI apologist hasn't posted the opposite of this poll.

    5 points if you were born again in the Way.

    5 points if you can S.I.T.

    5 points if you still worship VPW.

  18. Hey Nato! You were in Orlando just as I was getting involved. In fact, I believe I took PFAL at the house where you were staying. You're an incredible artist, right? ;)

    Wow! I was in Orlando in 1994-1995. I was all signed up to go WOW that year, when the cancelled the program and began the homo inquisition. They suggested that we could contact limb coordinators and still go move the Word somewhere, just not on a program. Since I'd cancelled my plans and ignored my acceptance into an art school in New York, I took that advice. Some friends (the Kish family), suggested Florida and put me in touch with John Shroyer. He hooked me up with some believers in Orlando, namely a Corp guy named Jon Touchstone and an apprentice Corp. We were soon set up on a non-program program of sorts and I had a fun, but very hard and confusing year. I had at the beginning planned on going WOW at the next ROA, assuming of course there was a program. I was kind of changing my mind near the end of the year, but I remember a lot of pressure to "keep my commitment" and go on the program (Way Disciple we later learned). I did indeed go Way Disciple, and had one of the most unpleasant six months of my life.

    And to tie it back into the topic of this thread, not one person that we "won to the Word" is still with TWI. And few of my peers from either Orlando or the Way Dicsiple program are either. In fact, from 1995-2001, I saw so many people that I was friends with leave, that I no longer let it bother me. It used to really hurt when a close firend left, but it started happening so frequently that I stopped worrying about it. I was "determined to stand." Whatever.

    So yeah, we should PM a little bit and catch up! As in, who the heck are you? :) Very cool!

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