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Everything posted by twinot

  1. God does Wordwolf always go on and on and on..... I knew both Mrs. VP and Mrs. Loy during my time in the Corp. I thank you for your comments on this thread but don't agree with your conclusions. Mrs. VP was sweet and kind but a lot of people could have been spared a lot of pain if she would have called Vic on his exploits. Do you think God would have backed her up just a little? Abraham Lincoln "To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men." Forgiveness is not a question here, I certainly forgive her and others that knew about what was going on. I have asked myself what would I have done if I discovered all this was going on? It would not have been easy to speak up but Mrs. was in a very good position to do something about it compared to most others. But I still find it interesting that most here are so willing to make excuses for her silience. I understand your arguements about the time period in which she was raised but I guarntee there were ways to confront old Vic so that he would have cooled his jets. Ways that would not have required leaving him or going public. Just the threat of revealing his exploits would have been enough to get him to control his mind. She could have easily gathered evidence that could have been used to get him to simmer down now. Thank God Paul Allen stood up and confronted the whole thing!
  2. I find it interesting that Mrs. VPW got little or no grief from you greasespot folk about why she didn't speak up reagarding her husband's sexual exploits. Donna M. certainly knew and didn't do anything either and she received many tongue lashings here at greasespot. Is it because Mrs. VPW was so well liked? Does she get a free pass for being sweet? Why the double standard?
  3. I watched a new documentary on the history channel tonight. I've watched many of these over the years on different subjects from the bible. I was actually amazed and astonished by what I watched tonight. As they laid out the facts on the Exodus I kept waiting for them to go off the deep end and get off the right track. As the 1.5 hour program progressed I was pleasantly surpirsed to see them keep going back to the bible for facts which they then actually used in a logical manner to deduce different locations and details of the Exodus. I'm interested if others saw this show and if so what your thoughts are.
  4. I am interested because all I got was LCM's side of the story having gotten into the Corpse in the early 90's. He was totally demonized and I have never known anyone who knew the guy. I have also run into some folks that fellowship with his bunch.
  5. I got involved after he was gone in the last 80's. I've read some stuff about him here and from what I've seen it's all bad. He seems to have been a behind the scenes guy for the most part. Anybody got anything good to say about him?
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