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What The Hey

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Posts posted by What The Hey

  1. So it's their OPINIONS that there would have BEEN no 9/11 attacks if the US didn't support Israel.

    So, it's disapproval that the US has Israel as an ally and supports it that gives Holocaust denial its appeal?

    They're angry about Israel as an ally so they rewrite history in retaliation, or to vent?

    The Palestinians call Israel’s 1948 war of independence their nakba, or catastrophic ethnic cleansing, or forced exile. The Israelis, for their part, have steadfastly rejected any suggestion of ethnic cleansing as calumny in all its anti-Semitic horror.

    Historic revisionism is now under way. Without fanfare, just below the media radar screen, the Israeli Education Ministry has approved a textbook for Arab third-graders in Israel that concedes the war that gave birth to Israel was a “nakba” for the Palestinians. The textbook refers to the “expulsion” of some of the Palestinians and the “confiscation of many Arab-owned lands.”

    Textbooks for Jewish Israelis in the same grade make no such verbal concession. But Israel’s “new wave” historians have been combing through fresh material now available from the British mandate period and Israeli archives that document the history of Israel before and after it became a state.

    Long-lasting myths are being debunked.

  2. Here' an interesting article by Mark Weber with his comments on 9/11 and how that all ties in with Israel.

    Learning from the September 11 Attacks

    Paul Finleys comments are also very interesting to note:

    Liberating America from Israel

    Not only is there debate regarding the Holocaust, there is evidence that it was Stalin and not Hitler who was largely responsible for WWII. According to Mishca Shali, "Stalin dragged Hitler into war to force Europe into chaos and facilitate a communist revolution on the continent." ... The document, from October 1939, consists of three pages in English that purportedly reflect a dialogue in Moscow between a delegation from Czechoslovakia and a senior Soviet Foreign Ministry official. The Czechs tried to find out why the U.S.S.R. had signed the nonaggression treaty with Nazi Germany, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939. A few days later the Germans invaded Poland, and World War II began.

    (Sorry about the double post.)

  3. I think the U.S. is shelling out way way too much over the years. Rampant Big Government Spending is not good for the U.S. taxpayer.

    Here's an excerpt from the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:


    Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

    If the average Amercan citizen knew about this, I wonder how the average American citizen today would really feel about that - specifically, the US giving more aid to Israeli citizens than to their own. Maybe we wouldn't be so quick handing our taxpayers $ over to fund those "holocaust memorials and museums", ya think?

  4. ...

    How do you know Jesus didn’t take PFAL? I’ve heard that one before, but usually it’s Paul that people point out could not have taken PFAL.


    Paul and Jesus were taught the same things by God that God taught to Dr and then Dr taught us in PFAL.

    I guess I stand corrected. I always thought that your position was "Jesus is PFAL", and because of that he didn't need to take the class.

  5. ....

    Wierwille placed a great deal of focus on his contention that the Jews, as a people and a nation, are somehow fraudulent and that we, the "born-again believers", have taken their place in God's grand scheme of time.


    I would have to conclude that his teaching on this subject was anti-Semitic.

    VPW's position did not have anything to do with whether or not the Jews as a people or nation were fraudulent. Rather his position was that the the word "Jew" is a relatively modern term that is applied to those who practice or claim a religion called for by the Old Testament and the Talmud. (The Talmud is a collection of rabbinical law and tradition which was put in its present written form two or three centuries after Christ.)

    Because of this, it has been wrongly assumed that most modern Jews are direct lineal descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel. VPW's position was that scholars (i.e. Arthur Koestler as well as others) have thoroughly documented that the majority of modern Jews are not lineal descendants of Shem, Abraham or Jacob, but rather they are predominantly descendants of an Asiatic tribe known as the Khazars - Gentiles who traced their lineage to Japheth. The Khazars as a whole nation converted to a form of the Judean religion practiced in the seventh or eight century A.D. Apparently VPW got that understanding from reading Koestler - The Thirteenth Tribe. The sources for further study included in JCOPS also reference D.M. Dunlop, Encyclopedia Judaica, M. Fishberg, The Jews: A Study of Race and Environment, Herman Rosenthal, Jewish Encylopedia, Hugo Freugerr von Kutschera, Die Chasaren, and M. Mieses, Die Entstehungsuhrsache der judischen Dialekte as other sources for study in regard to the Khazar empire, as well as Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe.

    Some historians have considered the Khazar empire the most powerful empire of its day, even stronger than the empires of Rome and Islam. As the Khazar empire declined many Khazars migrated into eastern Europe to form the cradle of modern day Jewry. As Koestler points out in The Thirteenth Tribe, the Khazars were the Third World of their day, and they chose a surprising method of resisting both Western pressure to become Christian and Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaisn. I believe there has been previous debate if the evidence really proves whether or not the Khazar heritage dominates the genetic make-up of most modern day Jews as stated by Koestler. It would be interesting to note whether or not if the other sources (those I have listed above as sources for further study) corroborate what Koestler reported or not, rather than the "hearsay" of whatever comes down the Internet pipeline.

    European languages called the Khazar descendants by terms which gradually developed into the word "Jew." For example, Shakespeare used the spelling Iewe in his original writings. Assuming the Khazar Jews to be descendants of the Biblical tribes and, therefore, assuming the word "Jew" bo be the proper term for the Judeans of the Bible, translators put the word "Jew" and its related words into the English Bible. It was first included in and English Bible and its present form of "Jew" in the eighteenth century. (Excerpts taken from: Appendix 3, Jew and Judean - Jesus Christ our Passover, by: Victor P. Wierwille)

    If VPW shared the exact same views as Mr. Koestler, then your conclusion about VPW's teaching being anti-Semitic would be erroneous. The term anti-Semitism, as Mr. Koestler wrote, is void of meaning as it is based "on a misapprehension shared by both the killers an their victims, as the story of the Khazar Empire unfolds is perhaps the most cruel hoax history has ever perpetrated." VPW's teaching was that we, the born again believers make up the body of Christ and that there is no difference today between the Jew and the Gentile - spiritually speaking. VPW wasn't making that up. He was merely quoting scripture, specifically Romans 10:11,12 as well as other scriptural references in the New Testament regarding both Jews and Gentiles.

  6. ... EVERY major American city?

    Is this hundreds of memorials,

    or are you creatively redefining "major" so that there's only a few "major" cities?

    I'd expect the bulk of them in Europe, CLOSE TO WHERE IT HAPPENED.

    I'm doubtful there's fully 250, but there's probably many that represent specific people,

    memorializing THEM, and those are being added together to make a false impression....

    Wasn't in my education. How many American schools in this "many"?

    And ONE Holocaust museum for the entire country hardly suffices as emphasis.

    There's more than one museum in this country just for aeronautics,

    one in the same town as that Holocaust museum.

    And so on, for many other subjects (the American Indian, Natural History, Criminology...)

    I won't attempt to answer every comment you made, (it's too late in the evening for that now) but here is link to a list of just a few of the Holocaust memorials and museums:

    Holocaust memorials

  7. The "Holocaust" is nothing more than a propaganda campaign fostered by Hollywood and the media to sell American's on remembering the Holocaust. It is becoming a ruling symbol of our culture. Hardly a month passes without a new TV production, a new film, a number of new books, and the flood is increasing rather than abating. From a relatively slow start we have come to a point where Jewish culture in particular and western culture more generally are saturated with the holocaust. The holocaust has saturated western culture to such an extent that it not only appears center stage but also lurks in the background. This is readily seen in the number of contemporary movies which includes the holocaust as plot or sub-plot. How did the holocaust come to play such a major role in contempory culture, especially in the US? A good part of the answer is that the Jews play a very important part and influencial role in Hollywood, the Television industry, and the newspaper magazine and book publishing worlds. Anyone who denies that this is a major factor behind the massive attention to the holocaust is being either naive or disengenuous.

    In November 2005 a United Nations general assembly approved a resolution introduced by Isreal to designate January 27 as an International Holocaust Rememberance day. Every major American city has at least one Holocaust museum or memorial, and there are more than 250 memorials or museums worldwide, most in the US and Europe. The largest is in Washington, DC which is taxpayer funded run by a federal government agency and draws more than 2 million vistors a year. The public is continually reminded of Jewish suffering during WWII. Between 1989 and 2003 alone, more than 170 films with Holocaust themes were made. In many American and European schools and all Israeli classrooms a focus on the wartime suffering of Europes Jews is obligatory.

    Just what is behind the "holocaust remembrance" campaign? Whose interests does it serve? Of course it is fitting and proper to remember victims of genocide, war and oppression. But Holocaust rememberance is NOT, as it supporters claim a nobel effort motivated by sincere concern for humanity. Instead, this relentless campaign is an expression of Jewish-Zionist power, and it is designed to further Jewish-Zionist interests. It is not a Jewish tragedy that is being remembered, it is Jewish power to which homage is paid. The holocaust rememberance campaign encourages sympathy and support for Jews and Israel. It helps to justify America's massive and ongoing support for Israel, and to excuse otherwise in-excuseable policies of the Zionist state. Among Jews it strengthens a feeling of group solidarity, and promotes a sense of community purpose. Norman Finklestein a Jewish scholar who teaches at DePaul University in Chicago writes in his best selling book, The Holocaust Industry: " Invoking the holocaust is a ploy to de-legitamize all criticism of Jews." He adds, "By conferring "total blamelessness" on Jews, the holocaust dogma immunizes Israel and American Jewry from legitamate censure. Organized American Jewry has exploited the Nazi holocaust to deflect criticism of Israel's and it's own morally indefensible policies."

    Another professor of modern Jewish history at Yale University has observed: "With regard to Israel, the holocaust may be used to forstall public criticism and suppress debate. It reinforces the sense of Jews as an "eternally beleaguered people", who can rely for their defense only upon themselves. The invocation of the suffering endured by the Jews under the Nazi's often takes the place of rational argument, and it is expected to convince doubters of the legitamacy of current Israeli government policy." This view is echoed by another Jewish scholar, Tony Judd, who is director of the Remark Institute at New York University. "The Showa (the Hebrew term for holocaust) is frequently exploited in America and Israel to deflect and forbid any criticism of Israel. Indeed the holocaust of Europe's Jews is nowadays exploited thrice over. It gives American Jews in particular, a unique retrospective victim identity. It allows Israel to trump any other nations sufferings and justify it's own excesses with the claim that the Jewish catastrophy was unique and incomperable, and in contradiction to the first two, it is adduced as an "all-purpose metaphor" for evil - ANYWHERE, EVERYWHERE, and ALWAYS, and taught to school children all over America and Europe without any reference to cause or context. This modern instrumentalization of the holocaust for political advantage is ethically disreputable and politically imprudent."

    In Israel, says Tom Segave, a prominent Israeli journalist and author, "The holocaust has become an object of worship." Moreover he writes, "The heritage of the holocaust as it is taught in Israel's schools and fostered in National memorial ceremonies, often encourages insular chauvinism, and a sense that the Nazi extermination of the Jews justifies any act that seems to contribute to Israel's security, including the oppression of the population and the territories occupied by Israel in the six day war. Another award winning Israeli journalist is even more blunt. Writing in a daily leading paper she says, "Israel has turned the liquidation of Euorpe's Jews into an asset. Our murdered relatives are being enlisted to enable Israel to continue 'not-giving-a-damn' about International decisions against the occupation. The suffering our parents endured in the ghettos and concentration camps that filled Europe, the physical and mental anquish and torment that our parents were subjected to every single day since the deliberation, are used as weapons to ford any International criticism of the society we are creating here. This is a society with built-in discrimination, on the basis of nationality, and the discrimination is spreading on either side of the green line. This is a society that is systematically continuing to bannish the Palestinian nation from it's land, and to usurp it's rights as a nation and its chances for a humane future."

    The great lesson of the holocaust said Israel prime minister Ariel Sharone, is the Jews must, "always remain vigilant and trust no one but ourselves. Jews can rely only on themselves." Young Jews, he adds, "have the duty to bequeath the lesson, memories, and stories, to underscore the importance of the existance of the Jewish state." Underscoring the importance of the holocaust rememberance campaign for Zionist interests, is the fervently pro-Jewish agenda of the major rememberance organizations.

    In the United States and Western Europe, non-Jewish victims of genocide, oppression and war do not merit the same consideration as do Jewish victims of the holocaust. There are no comfortable "museums", "memorials", or "solemn ceremonies" to commemorate for example, the vastly greater number of victims of Soviet and Chinese Communism. Americans and Europeans are trained and encouraged to know that: "Six Million Jews were murdered by the Nazi's in WWII!" But few people, even well educated ones, have any idea of how many Russians, Japanese, Poles, Germans, or Chinese lost their lives in that global conflict. Estimates of the number of Chinese for example, who lost their lives as direct and indirect victims of Japanese aggression and occupation during the 1930's and 40's range from about 10 millions to more than twice that number. Supporting and bolstering the holocaust campaign are "so-called" holocaust denial laws in France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, and several other European countries, as well as in Israel, that make it a crime to publically dispute the "official version" of holocaust history. Many individuals have been forced into prison, fined or into exile for their denail statements and daring to contest holocaust claims. These courageous individuals are the most prominent "prisoners of conscience" in Europe today.

    Holocaust denial statutes uphold a blatant double-standard, that criminalizes writings and statements that Jews regard as offensive, while permitting publications that offend Christians, Muslims, and others. These laws sanction a privelaged status for Jews and Jewish-Zionist concerns. They make a mockery of European pretentions of tolerance and support, for "freedom of speech and opinion". These denial laws stiffle free and objective discussion of the holocaust issue. On the basis of these statutes many dozens of book titles have been banned, and thousands of books and other writings have been removed from libraries, confiscated from publishers, and destroyed. Europe's holocaust denial laws did not appear spontaneously. They are the result of a well organized campaign by powerful Jewish-Zionist groups, including the world Jewish congress, a campaign that has been supported by compliant non-Jewish politicians.

    In March 1982, the London based Institute of Jewish Affairs together with the World Jewish Congress issued a report entitled: "Making the Denial of the Holocaust a Crime in Law." It layed out a detailed plan for holocaust denial legislation in countries around the world. The report concluded: "It is therefore essential to introduce special legal provisions against denial of the holocaust." In June 1998, the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists declared that denial statues already on the books in some nations were too lenient, and resolved for new and more severe denial laws in more countries. In the United States and Western Europe, the holocaust story is portrayed reverantially and as a central event of world history. For many Jews, says Rabbi Michael Goldberg a Jewish author and religious leader, "The veneration of the holocaust has become a new religion." He goes on to write, "As it is with any organized church, this holocaust cult has its own tenants of faith, rites, and shrines."

    The Holocaust Rememberance Campaign reflects an arrogant view of Jews as a special and superior people. Abraham Foxman, head of the anti-defamation league. one of the most influential Zionist groups has declared, "The holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide, but a near successful attempt on the life of God's choosen children and thus on God himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of creation as recorded in the Bible, and like it's direct opposite, which is relived weekly with the sabbath and yearly with the Torah, it must be remembered from generation to generation."

    Jewish death and suffering DO NOT deserve to be memorialized and venerated more than the death and suffering of non-Jews. The holocaust rememberance campaign deserves not support, but scorn, because it is an insincere and one-sided effort that serves narrow Zionist interests and bolsters Jewish Zionist power. In spite of its impressive scope and influence, this campaign and its well organized backers are not invincible. Exposing and countering the holocaust rememberance campaign is a vital and urgent task for men and women of good will everywhere. Not only in the interest of basic justice and equity, but for the sake of world peace and humanity.

  8. Perhaps we also know of people who apparently have a lot of problems and trouble with speaking to you directly face-to-face, but they seem to have no difficulty whatsoever talking to others about you behind your back. How does one begin to reconcile a broken relationship with them - or is that even possible?

  9. If there were 'no law of believing' then there would likewise be 'no law of love' for one can not exist without the other. They are inextricably bound like the sides from the same coin. One might do better arguing away the law of love before they do the law of believing. But some people's arguments are so intellectual I have no doubt they could argue away that law too. The saddest part of it is, I honestly believe there are enough fools out there eager and willing to listen to them.

    But have they truly disproven the law of believing? No, they have only proven that they have no need for it. What they have proven is that they have no need for God. Intellectuals don't need God. All they need is their deceptive reasoning because faith and believing are requirements for those who trust in something bigger than themselves and in what they can't see.

  10. atheist = I believe there is no god or gods.

    agnostic = I don't know whether or not there's a god or gods.

    theist = I believe there is a god or gods.

    Jew = I believe there is a specific God who played a direct role in our history.

    Christian = I believe in the Jewish God, but I believe he's done more than Jewish people think.

    Muslim = I believe in the Jewish God, but I believe Christians and Jews have misrepresented Him.

    Unification Church = I believe in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim God, and he owns the Washington Times.

    Jehovah's Witness = I believe in the Christian and Jewish God, and He's no fun.

    The Way = I believe in the Christian God, and He doesn't mind if you sleep around as long as you nitpick over the placement of commas.

    Post Way = I believe in the Christian God, but He's a little taller and smarter than I gave Him credit for.

    Other Post Way = Can I go back to agnostic?

    Agnostic? I think some have gone back to atheist.

  11. I heard a fetus referred to as "a little parasite."

    First off, I don't care about the hearsay. TWI never taught the fetus was "a little parasite." I'm also sorry if somebody here took some idiot TWI leaders advice and had an abortion just so they could go into or remain in the Way Corps. If you were already in that situation then you honestly didn't belong in the Corps to begin with, and if some TWI leader told you that you had to have an abortion to go in or to stay in the Corps, then they really had no business handing out personal advice to anybody as a leader - ever - on any subject matter (whether that person was a Corp person or not) that does not implicate them in any way shape or form.

    Were there some pretty screwed up leaders in TWI handing out bad advice to others? Definately. I don't doubt there were some pretty screwed up leaders in TWI because I ran into a few myself. I am not talking just about abortions but about finances and other life issues, etc. For the most part, I ignored them and their lousy advice. Apparently some people didn't do that and ended up paying a hefty price for the lousy advice they took from them.

    I think it took too long for TWI to get rid of the worst of them, but unfortunately some of them are still in TWI today - IMO. Some of them are still in TWI because they still like to hand out advice to others but they don't want to assume the responsibility of someone taking their lousy advice. That is why nobody should take advice from someone who does not also want to also assume the responsibilities of making that decision for themselves. But there sure are a lot of people in this world (not just in TWI) who want to hand out advice to others - just so long as it does not implicate and involve "me" in any way.

    If you're someone who has to take advice from somebody else because you're not "bright enough" to make a particular decision for yourself and on your own, then don't go around blaming the "advice giver" just because your own bulb is "burned out". I don't care who they say they are - a MOG, a therapist, a Dr. or a "whatever". All we have today is a lot of "advice takers" who love to go around yanking other people's chains - believing they are "turning on the light" for other people because things didn't turn out exactly the way they wanted in the end. I run into these types all the time as well as you do. Their stories are anything but "enlightening" but rather depressing, dull and dark. Who do they think they are kidding? They are not looking for enlightenment themselves. They are just looking to "yank someone's chain." You can pull on the chain all you want, but the light won't come on when the bulb is burned out.

  12. .... I disagree with twi stance on the unborn. If it is alive, ie it is growing, it has a heartbeat, it is just plain nuts to say it isn't alive. ...

    I find it remarkable people are still discussing a topic that was started back in April of 2004 and yet they still don't have their facts straight - even in 2007. I guess not having your facts straight gives someone the privelage to end up calling other people liars, question somebody else's integrity, etc. First of all, TWI never claimed the unborn fetus to not be alive, but that the unborn fetus has growth life. TWI simply made a distinction between breath-life and growth-life - that is all. TWI never claimed that the unborn fetus was never alive to begin with. They never claimed or taught that - not at all. But there is a poster here who likes to get people all emotionally riled up. It helps them muddy the facts and the truth regarding what TWI taught, and then they attack another poster over it.

    The bible distinguishes between these different types of life (between breath-life and growth-life) in Genesis, but man's religion insists upon there only being one-type and only one form of life. That is what TWI taught us - that there are differences between and in these different forms of life recorded in the book of Genesis - not that the fetus is not or never was alive to begin with. That was never a TWI doctrine, so get your facts straight first about what TWI taught and then perhaps one can have an intelligent discussion that won't deteriorate into name-calling and bullying (i.e. I'm specifically referring to previous posts between Rascal and you-know-who). But that "only one form of life doctrine" is essentially the basis behind and the reasoning for Pres. Bush enacting that stupid "fetus protection" law back in 2004, which is what this thread was initially about. One should get their facts straight before they go bullying someone and end up attacking each other and calling each other names. But pushing someone else's hot button is apparently more important to some people here than getting their facts straight and having an intelligent discussion with somebody.

  13. I've got a question concerning TWISTING scripture......

    Question: Why didn't wierwille HEED and TEACH and PROMOTE the Old Testament account in Exodus 20:14......Thou shalt not commit adultery.


    That's an easy one. We're no longer under the Old Testament law. The New Testament says you're to love your neighbor and we all keep hearing about how VPW went to far on that.

  14. I didn't go WOW.

    However, I thought I'd add a little something I picked up.

    If you look through the book "the way:living in love", you'll see a book that was written not long before the institution

    of the WOW program, and it includes some photos, which are labelled. One photo shows a WOW holding up the

    hand-sign for it, which, apparently, never caught on.

    I vaguely remember that picture. The pinky, ring and middle fingers on both hands are spread apart to look like a "W" and the index and thumb of both hands are overlapped to form an "O" so it looks like: W O W. I think the reason it didn't catch on is because it wasn't an easy hand sign to do, and it couldn't be done using just one hand. Spock's "Live Long and Prosper" hand sign is also hard to do at first, but only Trekies, that is, the Startrek "Spock" fans probably still do it.

  15. I don't know why you-all are pretending to be scared of wolves because I'm definately not convinced that you are. In fact, there is one right here on GSC - Mr. WordWolf. I don't know why I keep coming back - well, other than the fact it really amazes me to see people feigning to be sheep who love to wear wolves clothing.

  16. I got one of those Intellitouch type tuners. It uses a couple watch type batteries. I think the lighted display in the tuner can drain those batteries pretty rapidly. You got to have a fresh set of batteries in that tuner to get accurate results with it.

    Has anybody here ever tried the Digitech RP350 modeling guitar processor?

  17. (I've been looking forward to saying this...)

    I agree with WTH.

    Not sure if you still agree with me as I was makng a comment on TWI's recent lawsuit against "The Way Ministry's" group for reasons to protect their own interests. God forbid someone would ever get those two ministries confused.

  18. ... Somebody has to figuratively club the wolves.

    The problem is, most tend to leave that up to someone else. The reason people love inspecting the "fruit" in someone else's life is because it keeps the focus off of them having to inspect the fruit in their own - otherwise somebody would take a club to them. I prefer to club my own wolves, thank you.

  19. .... Why are all of the vpw-defenders here.......

    Sorry. I don't see any VPW-defenders here. His campaign has been over for at least a couple of decades. What I believe you are referring to are not VPW-defenders but all the doubting "Thomas'es" who still don't and they won't believe - in fact, they refuse to believe every: I was raped by VPW story coming down the Internet sewer pipe told by a nameless face hiding behind a screenname.

    I'm sure some see those reports by faceless "victims" hiding behind a screenname as an act of bravery, but we are not sure what they are trying to prove by their cowards attack on VPW - someone whose been dead for more than 20 years now. Well - I do know of a couple who went after LCM, but I am pretty sure they had more than just another rape story to back up their claim. But that's basically all we have with VPW - just people's stories.

    Sure, many people believe those stories wholeheatedly without question - people who apparently still have a personal axe to grind with VPW. Now we don't doubt he rubbed some people the wrong way when he was alive - even enough to make some people out there his enemy for life. But I figure us doubting "Thomas'es" won't put our wholehearted belief in any of those stories until we see that "stained blue dress" with VPW's DNA on it first. Produce and show us that stained blue dress with his DNA on it, then perhaps we'll believe.

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